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# Dialogue options
MsgNextTutorial=&Next tutorial
MsgNextTutorialDesc=Start the next tutorial scenario.
MsgRepeatRound=&Repeat this round
MsgRepeatRoundDesc=Restart this scenario.
# Tutorial messages
MsgTutIntro0=Welcome to the settlement tutorial of OpenClonk!
MsgTutIntro1=I've thrown you into this idyllic landscape to teach you the basic steps of creating a settlement.
MsgTutIntro2=All you need are the three basic tools you were given.
MsgTutIntro3=If at any time you need help, click on my icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Once you're done reading, click again on the icon to hide the message.
MsgTutFoundrySite=The first thing we are going to do is creating a construction site for a foundry. To do that, use the hammer and position the building somewhere to your liking.
MsgTutFoundryChopTree=As you can see, the the foundry requires 2 wood logs and 4 stones to be constructed. Take your axe and start by chopping down a tree with your axe to obtain wood.
MsgTutFoundryHackTree=Now that you chopped down the tree, you will have to chop it to pieces, just continue swinging your axe.
MsgTutFoundryStoneBlast=Now you will have to get some stones. Try using a firestone to mine some from the stone vein on the left side.
MsgTutFoundryMaterialUse=Good! Now, collect the materials and carry them to the foundry's site.||Finish the construction either by just inserting the stones via contents menu [E] or selecting construction via [Space]+[Number].
MsgTutFlagpoleSite=The next step is building a flagpole. Again, use the hammer to create a construction site, but make sure to select the flagpole from the menu.
MsgTutFlagpoleIronComponents=As you can see, the flag pole requires 4 wood and one metal. Start by digging out some coal and blasting free some chucks of ore from the vein on the right.
MsgTutFlagpoleIronSmelt=Now, place the coal and the iron in the foundry (contents menu with [E]) and select the iron bar in the production menu, which can be opened by pressing [Space] when standing in front of the foundry.
MsgTutFlagpoleIronPraise=Very good, you've produced the first good. All other goods production works the exact same way!||Now, process two trees for the remaining 4 wood you need and build the flagpole.
MsgTutEnergy=As you can see, the flagpole spans a certain area. Within this area, buildings power each other and enemies can't build. My last assignment for you is building a windmill, which will power further buildings like a tools workshop or a sawmill.