
1568 lines
66 KiB

Stackable objects
Unit tests for the stackable library.
Invokes tests by calling the global function Test*_OnStart(int plr)
and iterate through all tests.
The test is completed once Test*_Completed() returns true.
Then Test*_OnFinished() is called, to be able to reset the scenario
for the next test.
@author Maikel (test logic), Marky (test)
protected func Initialize()
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Set zoom and move player to the middle of the scenario.
SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, LandscapeWidth(), nil, PLRZOOM_Direct);
SetFoW(false, plr);
GetCrew(plr)->SetPosition(120, 190);
// Add test control effect.
var effect = AddEffect("IntTestControl", nil, 100, 2);
effect.testnr = 1;
effect.launched = false;
effect.plr = plr;
return true;
/*-- Test Control --*/
// Aborts the current test and launches the specified test instead.
global func LaunchTest(int nr)
// Get the control effect.
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (!effect)
// Create a new control effect and launch the test.
effect = AddEffect("IntTestControl", nil, 100, 2);
effect.testnr = nr;
effect.launched = false;
effect.plr = GetPlayerByIndex(0, C4PT_User);
// Finish the currently running test.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", effect.testnr));
// Start the requested test by just setting the test number and setting
// effect.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
effect.testnr = nr;
effect.launched = false;
// Calling this function skips the current test, does not work if last test has been ran already.
global func SkipTest()
// Get the control effect.
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (!effect)
// Finish the previous test.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", effect.testnr));
// Start the next test by just increasing the test number and setting
// effect.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
effect.launched = false;
/*-- Tests --*/
global func FxIntTestControlStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary)
if (temporary)
return FX_OK;
// Set default interval.
effect.Interval = 2;
effect.result = true;
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntTestControlTimer(object target, proplist effect)
// Launch new test if needed.
if (!effect.launched)
// Log test start.
Log("Test %d started:", effect.testnr);
// Start the test if available, otherwise finish test sequence.
if (!Call(Format("~Test%d_OnStart", effect.testnr), effect.plr))
Log("Test %d not available, this was the last test.", effect.testnr);
if (effect.result)
Log("All tests have passed!");
Log("At least one test has failed!");
return -1;
effect.launched = true;
effect.launched = false;
var result = Call(Format("Test%d_Execute", effect.testnr));
effect.result &= result;
// Call the test on finished function.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", effect.testnr));
// Log result and increase test number.
if (result)
Log(">> Test %d passed.", effect.testnr);
Log (">> Test %d failed.", effect.testnr);
return FX_OK;
global func Test1_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test1_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test1_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of SetStackCount() and GetStackCount()");
Log("****** Initial stack count");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("The stackable object should start with the amount set by InitialStackCount(). Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("IsFullStack works correctly: Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsFullStack(), true);
Log("****** Setting a value greater than MaxStackCount() with SetStackCount()");
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() + 1);
passed &= doTest("SetStackCount() can set a value greater than MaxStackCount(). Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() + 1);
Log("****** Setting a value less than MaxStackCount() with SetStackCount()");
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() - 1);
passed &= doTest("SetStackCount() can set a value. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() - 1);
passed &= doTest("IsFullStack works correctly: Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsFullStack(), false);
Log("****** Setting the stack count to 0 with SetStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("SetStackCount() can set the minimum value. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
Log("****** Setting the stack count to 0 with SetStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("Setting SetStackCount() to 0 should remove the object. Got %v, expected %v", stackable, nil);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Setting negative values with SetStackCount()");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("SetStackCount() cannot to negative values removes the object. Got %v, expected %v", stackable, nil);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test2_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test2_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test2_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of DoStackCount()");
Log("****** Increasing the stack count beyond MaxStackCount()");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("The stackable object can exceed its maximum amount with DoStackCount(). Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() + 1);
passed &= doTest("IsFullStack works correctly: Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsFullStack(), true);
Log("****** Decreasing the stack count below MaxStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("DoStackCount() can reduce the stack. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() - 1);
Log("****** Decreasing the stack count to 0 with DoStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("DoStackCount() removes the object if the stack is reduced to 0 items. Got %v, expected %v", !stackable, true);
Log("****** Decreasing the stack count below 0 with DoStackCount()");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("DoStackCount() removes the object if the stack is reduced to less than 0 items. Got %v, expected %v", !stackable, true);
//Log("****** Consistency of SetStackCount() and GetStackCount()");
//stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
//passed &= doTest("SetStackCount(1) should actually set the stack count to 0. After adding to the stack with DoStackCount(+1) we get %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test3_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test3_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test3_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of CalcValue() and UpdateMass()");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = true;
for (var i = 1; i < 11; ++i)
var comparison = "Got %d, expected %d.";
var description = Format("A stack with %d object(s) should have value proportional to the value of the definition. %s", i, comparison);
passed &= doTest(description, stackable->CalcValue(), (Arrow->GetValue() * i) / Arrow->InitialStackCount());
description = Format("A stack with %d object(s) should have mass proportional to that of the definition. %s", i, comparison);
passed &= doTest(description, stackable->GetMass(), Max(1, (Arrow->GetMass() * i) / Arrow->InitialStackCount()));
return passed;
global func Test4_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test4_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test4_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of TakeObject");
Log("****** Taking an object from a stack inside a container");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var item = stackable->TakeObject();
var passed = doTest("The stackable object is contained. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Taking an object from a stack should return an object. Got %v, expected %v.", !!item, true);
passed &= doTest("Taking an object from a stack should return a new object. Got %v, expected %v.", item != stackable, true);
passed &= doTest("Taking an object should reduce the stack count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 2);
passed &= doTest("The taken object should not contained. Got %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The taken object should be a single object. Got %v, expected %v.", item->GetStackCount(), 1);
Log("****** Taking the last object from a stack inside a container");
var item = stackable->TakeObject();
passed &= doTest("Taking an object from a one-object stack should return the stack itself. Got %v, expected %v.", item, stackable);
passed &= doTest("The taken object should not be contained. Got %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The taken object should be a single object. Got %v, expected %v.", item->GetStackCount(), 1);
passed &= doTest("The taken object should not have an internal stack count of 0. It increases the stack count correctly. Got %d, expected %d.", item->GetStackCount(), 2);
//Log("****** Taking an object from a stack with 0 objects");
//item = stackable->TakeObject();
//passed &= doTest("The stackable object should be in a container when moving it there. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), container);
//passed &= doTest("Taking an object from a stack with 0 objects should not return an object. Got %v, expected %v.", item, nil);
//passed &= doTest("Taking an object from a stack with 0 objects should preserve the stack. Got %v, expected %v.", !!stackable, true);
//passed &= doTest("Taking an object from a stack with 0 objects should not eject the stack from the container. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), container);
return passed;
global func Test5_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test5_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test5_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of Stack()");
Log("****** Stack() a full stack onto a full stack");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("Stacking two full objects has no effect. Stack() returns %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 0);
passed &= doTest("Stack count of original object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stack count of other object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), other->InitialStackCount());
//Log("****** Stack() a full stack onto a stack with 0 items");
//passed &= doTest("Stacking an full stack onto a stack with stack count 1 should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), stackable->InitialStackCount());
//passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
//passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** Stack() a stack with 1 items onto a stack with 1 items");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking an single object onto a single stack should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 1);
passed &= doTest("The original object should increase its stack count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 2);
passed &= doTest("The other object should still exist. Got %v, expected %v.", !!other, true); // TODO: The expected behavior was, that the other object gets removed. Try this out again later.
//Log("****** Stack() a stack with negative items onto a full stack");
//other = CreateObject(Arrow);
//passed &= doTest("Stacking an negative amount object onto a full stack should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 0);
//passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
//passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** Stack() a full stack onto a partial stack");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking a full object fills the partial stack. Got %d remaining in the (previously) full stack, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 7);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stacked object should still exist and be full. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), other->InitialStackCount()); // TODO: the expected behavior was, that the other object contains 8 items. Try this out again later.
Log("****** Stack() a partial stack onto itself");
passed &= doTest("Stacking an object on itself does nothing. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(stackable), 0);
passed &= doTest("Stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 2);
return passed;
global func Test6_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test6_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test6_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of TryAddToStack()");
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a full stack onto a full stack");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("Stacking two full objects has no effect. TryAddToStack() returns %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), false);
passed &= doTest("Stack count of original object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stack count of other object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), other->InitialStackCount());
//Log("****** TryAddToStack() a full stack onto a stack with 0 items");
//passed &= doTest("Stacking an full stack onto a stack with stack count 0 should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
//passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
//passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a stack with 1 items onto a stack with 1 items");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking an single stack onto a single stack should transfer everything. Got %v, expected %v.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
passed &= doTest("The original object should change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 2);
passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
//Log("****** TryAddToStack() a stack with negative items onto a full stack");
//if (other) other->RemoveObject();
//other = CreateObject(Arrow);
//passed &= doTest("Stacking an negative amount object onto a full stack should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
//passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
//passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a full stack onto a partial stack");
if (other) other->RemoveObject();
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking a full object fills the partial stack. Got %d remaining in the (previously) full stack, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stacked object should still exist and be partially filled. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 8);
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a partial stack onto itself");
passed &= doTest("Stacking an object on itself does nothing. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->TryAddToStack(stackable), false);
passed &= doTest("Stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 2);
return passed;
global func Test7_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test7_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test7_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of MergeWithStacksIn() with empty objects");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a single object stack into an object");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a single object stack into an object. The collection should not be handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The function should not actually make an object enter the container. The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a full stack into an object");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() an empty stack into an object. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object that contains a full stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object with a full stack. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %d, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the added stack does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the original stack does not change. Got %d, expected %d", other->GetStackCount(), other->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a full stack into an object that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() counts the operation as not handled. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false); // TODO: was true, but this prevents recursive stacking
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the added stack does change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the original stack does change. Got %d, expected %d", other->GetStackCount(), other->MaxStackCount());
return passed;
global func Test8_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test8_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test8_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of MergeWithStacksIn() with objects that contain an object with a useable extra slot");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
var bow = container->CreateContents(Bow);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a single object stack into an object");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a single object stack into an object. The collection should not be handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The function should not actually make an object enter the container. The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a full stack into an object");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() an empty stack into an object. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object that contains a full stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object with a full stack. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %d, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the added stack does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the original stack does not change. Got %d, expected %d", other->GetStackCount(), other->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a full stack into an object that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() does not handled the operation. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false); //TODO
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the added stack does change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the original stack does change. Got %d, expected %d", other->GetStackCount(), other->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is served first. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 10);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object inside a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(bow), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 10);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an overfull stack into a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() + 5);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The object is not removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is served first. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not served second. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 15);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an overfull stack into an object inisde a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() + 5);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
// passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(bow), true); // TODO: this prevents recursive stacking
passed &= doTest("The entrance is not handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(bow), false);
passed &= doTest("The object did not get removed and is not contained. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack changes amount correctly. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 10);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test9_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test9_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test9_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of MergeWithStacksIn() with objects that contain an object without extra slot");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
var lorry = container->CreateContents(Lorry);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a single object stack into an object");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a single object stack into an object. The collection should not be handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The function should not actually make an object enter the container. The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a full stack into an object");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() an empty stack into an object. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object that contains a full stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object with a full stack. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %d, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the added stack does not change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the original stack does not change. Got %d, expected %d", other->GetStackCount(), other->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a full stack into an object that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
//passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a full stack into an object with a partial stack. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() counts the operation as not handled. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the added stack does change. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the original stack does change. Got %d, expected %d", other->GetStackCount(), other->MaxStackCount());
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), lorry);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 10);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack into an object inside a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), lorry);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(lorry), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 10);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an overfull stack into a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() + 5);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), lorry);
//passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The entrance is not handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), other->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stack changed correctly. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 10);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an overfull stack into an object inisde a container that contains a partial stack");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() + 5);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), lorry);
//passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(lorry), true);
passed &= doTest("The entrance is not handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(lorry), false);
passed &= doTest("The object did not get removed and is not contained. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The stack changes amount correctly. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 10);
return passed;
global func Test10_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test10_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test10_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of MergeWithStacksIn() with deeply nested extra-slot objects");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
var cannon = container->CreateContents(Cannon);
var bow = cannon->CreateContents(Bow);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack -> container");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), cannon);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Arrows object is in %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The bow stack is served. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), 10);
passed &= doTest("The cannon stack is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The container stack is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack -> cannon");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
arrows = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), cannon);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Arrows object is in %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(cannon), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The bow stack is served. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), 10);
passed &= doTest("The cannon stack is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The container stack is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a partial stack -> bow");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
arrows = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), cannon);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Arrows object is in %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->MergeWithStacksIn(bow), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
passed &= doTest("The bow stack is served. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), 10);
passed &= doTest("The cannon stack is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), 5);
passed &= doTest("The container stack is not served. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 5);
return passed;
global func Test11_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test11_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test11_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #1: Clonk collects stack while having an incomplete stack in the inventory.");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var diff = 5;
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
var passed = doTest("Arrow object is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stackable object is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
return passed;
global func Test12_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test12_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test12_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #2: Clonk collects stack and it fills his incomplete stacks.");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var bow = crew->CreateContents(Bow);
var ammo = bow->CreateContents(Arrow);
var to_ammo = 5;
var to_arrows = 2;
var remaining = arrows->InitialStackCount() - to_ammo - to_arrows;
ammo->SetStackCount(ammo->MaxStackCount() - to_ammo);
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->MaxStackCount() - to_arrows);
Log("****** Prerequisites");
var passed = doTest("Ammo is in the bow. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("Arrows are in the crew member. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), crew);
Log("****** Collect stackable");
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected has the correct count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), remaining);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack is in the crew member inventory. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), crew);
return passed;
global func Test13_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test13_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test13_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #2: Clonk collects stack and it fills his incomplete stacks, but does not enter the inventory.");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var bow = crew->CreateContents(Bow);
var ammo = bow->CreateContents(Arrow);
var to_ammo = 5;
var to_arrows = 2;
var remaining = arrows->InitialStackCount() - to_ammo - to_arrows;
ammo->SetStackCount(ammo->MaxStackCount() - to_ammo);
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->MaxStackCount() - to_arrows);
crew->CreateContents(Rock, 3);
Log("****** Prerequisites");
var passed = doTest("Ammo is in the bow. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("Arrows are in the crew member. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), crew);
Log("****** Collect stackable");
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected has the correct count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), remaining);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack is not in the crew member inventory. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
return passed;
global func Test14_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test14_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test14_Execute()
Log("Test infinite stack count: Basics");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var expected_infinite_count = 50;
var passed = doTest("Object starts with finite stack count. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsInfiniteStackCount(), false);
Log("****** Set infinite stack count");
var expected_value = (stackable->GetID()->GetValue() * expected_infinite_count) / (stackable->InitialStackCount());
var expected_mass = (stackable->GetID()->GetMass() * expected_infinite_count) / (stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Object should have infinite stack count. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Get the stack count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), expected_infinite_count);
passed &= doTest("Get the object mass. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetMass(), expected_mass);
passed &= doTest("Get the value of the object. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->CalcValue(), expected_value);
passed &= doTest("The infinite stack counts as full. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsFullStack(), true);
Log("****** Take objects");
var limit = 5000;
for (var i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
var taken = stackable->TakeObject();
if (!taken || taken == stackable)
passed &= doTest("It should be possible to take %d objects from an infinite stack, got %d", limit, i);
if (taken) taken->RemoveObject();
Log("****** SetStackCount() sets the stack count to finite.");
var max = 2147483647;
passed &= doTest("Object should not have an infinite stack count. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsInfiniteStackCount(), false);
passed &= doTest("Object should return the correct stack count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), max);
Log("****** DoStackCount() does not set the stack count to finite.");
passed &= doTest("Object should have an infinite stack count. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Object should still have an infinite stack count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Get the stack count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), expected_infinite_count);
Log("****** DoStackCount(-GetStackCount()) does not remove the object.");
passed &= doTest("Object should still exist. Got %v, expected %v.", !!stackable, true);
if (stackable) passed &= doTest("Get the stack count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), expected_infinite_count);
if (stackable) stackable->RemoveObject();
// Get interaction menu amount
return passed;
global func Test15_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test15_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test15_Execute()
Log("Test infinite stack count: Stacking");
Log("****** Stack finite object onto an infinite object");
var infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var finite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("Get everything from the finite object. Got %d, expected %d.", infinite->Stack(finite), Arrow->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The finite stack is not removed. Got %v, expected %v.", !!finite, true);
passed &= doTest("The infinite object is still infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
if (finite) finite->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Stack infinite object onto a finite object");
infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
finite = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Get everything from the infinite object. Got %d, expected %d.", finite->Stack(infinite), 50);
passed &= doTest("The infinite stack is not removed. Got %v, expected %v.", !!infinite, true);
passed &= doTest("The finite object is now infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", finite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
if (finite) finite->RemoveObject();
Log("****** CanBeStackedWith() ?");
var infinite_one = CreateObject(Arrow);
var infinite_two = CreateObject(Arrow);
var finite_one = CreateObject(Arrow);
var finite_two = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Can stack infinite stack with itself? Got %v, expected %v.", infinite_one->CanBeStackedWith(infinite_one), true);
passed &= doTest("Can stack infinite stack with infinite stack? Got %v, expected %v.", infinite_one->CanBeStackedWith(infinite_two), true);
passed &= doTest("Can stack infinite stack with finite stack? Got %v, expected %v.", infinite_one->CanBeStackedWith(finite_one), false);
passed &= doTest("Can stack finite stack with itself? Got %v, expected %v.", finite_one->CanBeStackedWith(finite_one), true);
passed &= doTest("Can stack finite stack with infinite stack? Got %v, expected %v.", finite_one->CanBeStackedWith(infinite_one), false);
passed &= doTest("Can stack finite stack with finite stack? Got %v, expected %v.", finite_one->CanBeStackedWith(finite_two), true);
if (infinite_one) infinite_one->RemoveObject();
if (infinite_two) infinite_two->RemoveObject();
if (finite_one) finite_one->RemoveObject();
if (finite_two) finite_two->RemoveObject();
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test16_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test16_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test16_Execute()
Log("Test infinite stack count: MergeWithStacksIn() with objects that contain an object with a useable extra slot");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
var bow = container->CreateContents(Bow);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object");
var infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object. The collection should not be handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->MergeWithStacksIn(container), false);
passed &= doTest("The function should not actually make an object enter the container. The container of the stack is %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count does not change. Got %v, expected %v", infinite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object that contains an infinite stack");
infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object with an infinite stack. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The added stack is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack count of the original stack does not change. Got %v, expected %v", other->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object that contains a container that contains an infinite stack");
infinite= CreateObject(Arrow);
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Other object is in %v, expected %v.", other->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is served. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not served. Got %v, expected %v.", other->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test17_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test17_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test17_Execute()
Log("Test infinite stack count: MergeWithStacksIn() with objects that contain an object with a useable extra slot");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
var bow = container->CreateContents(Bow);
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object that contains a finite stack");
var infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var finite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object with a finite stack. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The added stack is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);
passed &= doTest("The original stack becomes infinite. Got %v, expected %v", finite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() an infinite stack into an object inside a container that contains a finite stack");
infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
finite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Finite object is in %v, expected %v.", finite->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->MergeWithStacksIn(bow), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is not infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", finite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), false);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a finite stack into an object that contains an infinite stack");
infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
finite = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("MergeWithStacksIn() a finite stack into an object with an infinite stack. Got %v, expected %v.", finite->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The added stack is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", finite, nil);
passed &= doTest("The original stack stays infinite. Got %v, expected %v", infinite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
if (finite) finite->RemoveObject();
Log("****** MergeWithStacksIn() a finite stack into an object inside a container that contains an infinite stack");
infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
finite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var ammo = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Infinite object is in %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisite: Ammo object is in %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("The entrance gets handled by MergeWithStacksIn(). Got %v, expected %v.", finite->MergeWithStacksIn(container), true);
passed &= doTest("The object got removed. Got %v, expected %v.", finite, nil);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the weapon inside the container is infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("The stack inside the container is not infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->IsInfiniteStackCount(), false);
if (finite) finite->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test18_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test18_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test18_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #1 with infinite objects");
Log("****** Clonk collects an infinite stack while having a incomplete finite stack in the inventory.");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var diff = 5;
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
// TODO: This was an old idea
//var passed = doTest("Arrow object is not filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
//passed &= doTest("Infinite object is not removed. Got %v, expected %v.", !!infinite, true);
//if (infinite) passed &= doTest("Infinite object is in the clonk. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), crew);
var passed = doTest("Arrow object is infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Infinite object is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Clonk collects a finite stack while having an infinite stack in the inventory.");
crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
infinite = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
arrows = CreateObject(Arrow);
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
passed &= doTest("Infinite stack stays infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Arrow object is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows, nil);
if (arrows) arrows->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test19_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test19_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test19_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #2 with infinite objects");
Log("****** Infinite stack collected by Clonk");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var infinite = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var bow = crew->CreateContents(Bow);
var ammo = bow->CreateContents(Arrow);
var to_ammo = 5;
var to_arrows = 2;
var remaining = arrows->InitialStackCount() - to_ammo - to_arrows;
ammo->SetStackCount(ammo->MaxStackCount() - to_ammo);
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->MaxStackCount() - to_arrows);
var passed = doTest("Prerequisites: Ammo is in the bow. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisites: Arrows are in the crew member. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), crew);
// TODO: this was the old idea - infinite object fills the contents, but stays where it is. Sort of like an infinite ammo dispenser
// crew->Collect(infinite);
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->MaxStackCount());
// if (infinite)
// {
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected has the correct count. Got %d, expected %d.", infinite->GetStackCount(), remaining);
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack is in the crew member inventory. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), crew);
// }
// else
// {
// passed = false; Log("[Fail] The infinite stack was removed, but should not be removed");
// }
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is not filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), 13);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is finite. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->IsInfiniteStackCount(), false);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test20_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test20_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test20_Execute()
Log("Test the initialization of all stackable objects");
var passed = true;
var def;
for (var i = 0; def = GetDefinition(i); ++i)
if (def->~IsStackable())
var instance = CreateObject(def);
passed &= doTest(Format("Definition %i has the correct stack count after initialization? %s", def, "Got %d, expected %d."), instance->GetStackCount(), def->InitialStackCount());
if (instance) instance->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test21_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test21_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test21_Execute()
Log("Test use case: Clonk gets liquid from a producer, the liquid the liquid should fill empty barrels in the Clonk, but not enter the Clonk.");
var passed = true;
var producer = CreateObject(Kitchen);
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
Log("****** Clonk tries to collect liquid without having a barrel");
var liquid = producer->CreateContents(Water);
crew->Collect(liquid, true);
passed &= doTest("Liquid is in the producer. Got %v, expected %v.", liquid->Contained(), producer);
passed &= doTest("Liquid is not in the Clonk. Got %v, expected %v.", !!crew->FindContents(Water), false);
if (liquid) liquid->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Clonk tries to collect liquid with a barrel");
var barrel = crew->CreateContents(Barrel);
liquid = producer->CreateContents(Water);
crew->Collect(liquid, true);
passed &= doTest("Liquid is in the producer. Got %v, expected %v.", liquid->Contained(), producer);
passed &= doTest("Liquid is in the barrel. Got %v, expected %v.", !!barrel->FindContents(Water), true);
passed &= doTest("Liquid is not in the Clonk. Got %v, expected %v.", !!crew->FindContents(Water), false);
if (barrel) barrel->RemoveObject();
if (liquid) liquid->RemoveObject();
if (crew) crew->RemoveObject();
if (producer) producer->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test22_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test22_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test22_Execute()
Log("Test stacking of objects with extra slots");
var passed = true;
Log("****** Muskets with various contents");
var musket_a = CreateObject(Musket);
var musket_b = CreateObject(Musket);
var musket_c = CreateObject(Musket);
var musket_d = CreateObject(Musket);
var musket_e = CreateObject(Musket);
passed &= doTest("Musket with 8 shots can be stacked with musket with 8 shots. Got %v, expected %v.", musket_a->CanBeStackedWith(musket_b), true);
passed &= doTest("Musket with 8 shots cannot be stacked with musket with 7 shots. Got %v, expected %v.", musket_a->CanBeStackedWith(musket_c), false);
passed &= doTest("Musket with 8 shots cannot be stacked with musket with infinite shots. Got %v, expected %v.", musket_a->CanBeStackedWith(musket_d), false);
passed &= doTest("Musket with 8 shots cannot be stacked with empty musket. Got %v, expected %v.", musket_a->CanBeStackedWith(musket_e), false);
passed &= doTest("Musket with 7 shots cannot be stacked with musket with 8 shots. Got %v, expected %v.", musket_e->CanBeStackedWith(musket_a), false);
passed &= doTest("Musket with infinite shots cannot be stacked with musket with 8 shots. Got %v, expected %v.", musket_d->CanBeStackedWith(musket_a), false);
passed &= doTest("Empty musket cannot be stacked with musket with 8 shots. Got %v, expected %v.", musket_e->CanBeStackedWith(musket_a), false);
if (musket_a) musket_a->RemoveObject();
if (musket_b) musket_b->RemoveObject();
if (musket_c) musket_c->RemoveObject();
if (musket_d) musket_d->RemoveObject();
if (musket_e) musket_e->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Grenade launcher with various contents");
var grenade_launcher_a = CreateObject(GrenadeLauncher);
var grenade_launcher_b = CreateObject(GrenadeLauncher);
var grenade_launcher_c = CreateObject(GrenadeLauncher);
passed &= doTest("Grenade launcher with dynamite can be stacked with the grenade launcher with dynamite. Got %v, expected %v.", grenade_launcher_a->CanBeStackedWith(grenade_launcher_b), true);
passed &= doTest("Grenade launcher with dynamite cannot be stacked with grenade launcher with iron bomb. Got %v, expected %v.", grenade_launcher_a->CanBeStackedWith(grenade_launcher_c), false);
if (grenade_launcher_a) grenade_launcher_a->RemoveObject();
if (grenade_launcher_b) grenade_launcher_b->RemoveObject();
if (grenade_launcher_c) grenade_launcher_c->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func doTest(description, returned, expected)
var test = (returned == expected);
var predicate = "[Fail]";
if (test) predicate = "[Pass]";
Log(Format("%s %s", predicate, description), returned, expected);
return test;