
135 lines
3.6 KiB

#appendto Dialogue
/* Sophie1=Teeheehe. Look how it levitates!
Sophie2=Are you a magician?
Sophie3=Nope, it's tele gloves. I've found them in the chest beside me.
Sophie4=There's more of them! Just try them out. Press and hold near a lose item to move it.
SophieSad=Why did you have to take away my playing items? Sophie sad :(
/* Sophie dialogue */
func Dlg_Sophie_1(object clonk)
if (!GetEffect("SophieTeleCheck", dlg_target) || !Sophie_FindBone())
MessageBox("$SophieSad$", clonk, dlg_target); // sophie sad
MessageBox("$Sophie1$", clonk, dlg_target); // look tele!
return true;
func Dlg_Sophie_2(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Sophie2$", clonk, clonk); // magic?
return true;
func Dlg_Sophie_3(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Sophie3$", clonk, dlg_target); // nope tele
return true;
func Dlg_Sophie_4(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Sophie4$", clonk, dlg_target); // get 1 from the box!
return true;
// Generic call on every dlg message of Sophie
func Dlg_Sophie(object clonk)
// Yield pickup of new items; stop item movement
this.anim_continue_frame = FrameCounter() + 50;
return false; // do call specific functions
/* NPC animations */
func Dlg_Sophie_Init(object clonk)
// Check timer to see if we can use tele glove
var fx = AddEffect("SophieTeleCheck", clonk, 1, 60, this);
fx.glove = clonk->FindContents(TeleGlove);
fx.wait_time = 100;
return true;
func Sophie_FindBone()
// find bone to fling around with tele glove
return FindObject(Find_ID(Bone), Find_InRect(-80,-80,160,160), Find_OCF(OCF_InFree), Find_NoContainer(), Sort_Distance());
func FxSophieTeleCheckTimer(object c, proplist fx, int time)
if (!FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_InRect(-150,-50,240,150), Find_Exclude(c))) return FX_OK; // only if people are watching
var fc = FrameCounter();
if (fc < this.anim_continue_frame) return FX_OK;
if (GetEffect("SophieTeleUse", c)) return FX_OK;
var bone = Sophie_FindBone();
if (!bone) return FX_OK;
if (!fx.glove) return FX_Execute_Kill;
if (Random(3) >= fx.wait_time++) return FX_OK; // just after using it, take a short break
AddEffect("SophieTeleUse", c, 1, 3, this, nil, fx.glove, bone);
fx.wait_time = 0;
return FX_OK;
func FxSophieTeleUseStart(object c, proplist fx, int temp, object glove, object bone)
if (temp) return FX_OK;
fx.glove = glove;
fx.bone = bone;
fx.x = fx.bone->GetX()-GetX();
fx.y = fx.bone->GetY()-GetY() - 5;
fx.tx = fx.x;
fx.ty = fx.y;
fx.glove->ControlUseStart(c, fx.x, fx.y);
return FX_OK;
func FxSophieTeleUseTimer(object c, proplist fx, int time)
if (!fx.glove || !fx.bone) return FX_Execute_Kill;
if (Distance(GetX()+fx.x, GetY()+fx.y, fx.bone->GetX(), fx.bone->GetY()) > 30) return FX_Execute_Kill; // oops - bone dropped
if (fx.x>0) c->SetDir(DIR_Right); else c->SetDir(DIR_Left);
var fc = FrameCounter();
if (fx.bored)
// Got bored of it? Wait for a while to stabilize. Then drop item.
if (fc > fx.bored) return FX_Execute_Kill;
else if (time > 20 && fc >= this.anim_continue_frame) // Wait a bit in the beginning. Wait while talking.
if (!Random(30) && Abs(fx.x)>15) fx.bored = fc + 30;
// Move to random locations
if (fx.tx == fx.x && fx.ty == fx.y)
fx.tx = Random(91)-45;
fx.ty = Random(50)-50;
fx.x += BoundBy(fx.tx-fx.x, -3, 3);
fx.y += BoundBy(fx.ty-fx.y, -3, 3);
// Keep holding that bone
fx.glove->ControlUseHolding(c, fx.x, fx.y);
return FX_OK;
func FxSophieTeleUseStop(object c, proplist fx, int reason, bool temp)
if (c && fx.glove) fx.glove->ControlUseStop(c, fx.x,fx.y);
return FX_OK;