
1111 lines
36 KiB

Kill Tracing
Unit tests for kill tracing. Invokes tests by calling the
global function Test*_OnStart(int plr) and iterate through all
tests. The test is completed once Test*_Completed() returns
true. Then Test*_OnFinished() is called, to be able to reset
the scenario for the next test.
With LaunchTest(int nr) a specific test can be launched when
called during runtime. A test can be skipped by calling the
function SkipTest().
@author Maikel
static plr_victim;
static plr_killer;
static plr_killer_fake;
static const TEST_START_NR = 1;
protected func Initialize()
// Create script players for these tests.
CreateScriptPlayer("Victim", RGB(0, 0, 255), nil, CSPF_NoEliminationCheck);
CreateScriptPlayer("Killer", RGB(0, 255, 0), nil, CSPF_NoEliminationCheck);
CreateScriptPlayer("KillerFake", RGB(255, 0, 0), nil, CSPF_NoEliminationCheck);
// No power required in these tests.
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Initialize script player.
if (GetPlayerType(plr) == C4PT_Script)
// Store the player numbers.
if (GetPlayerName(plr) == "Victim")
plr_victim = plr;
else if (GetPlayerName(plr) == "Killer")
plr_killer = plr;
else if (GetPlayerName(plr) == "KillerFake")
plr_killer_fake = plr;
// Make crew of killers invincible and set position.
if (plr == plr_killer)
GetCrew(plr)->SetPosition(50, 150);
else if (plr == plr_killer_fake)
GetCrew(plr)->SetPosition(20, 150);
// Set zoom to full map size.
SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, LandscapeWidth(), nil, PLRZOOM_Direct);
// No FoW to see everything happening.
SetFoW(false, plr);
// Move normal players into a relaunch container.
var relaunch = CreateObject(RelaunchContainer, LandscapeWidth() / 2, LandscapeHeight() / 2);
// Add test control effect.
var effect = AddEffect("IntTestControl", nil, 100, 2);
effect.testnr = TEST_START_NR;
effect.launched = false;
/*-- Test Control --*/
// Aborts the current test and launches the specified test instead.
global func LaunchTest(int nr)
// Get the control effect.
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (!effect)
// Create a new control effect and launch the test.
effect = AddEffect("IntTestControl", nil, 100, 2);
effect.testnr = nr;
effect.launched = false;
// Start the requested test by just setting the test number and setting
// effect.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
effect.testnr = nr;
effect.launched = false;
// Calling this function skips the current test, does not work if last test has been ran already.
global func SkipTest()
// Get the control effect.
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (!effect)
// Start the next test by just increasing the test number and setting
// effect.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
effect.launched = false;
/*-- Test Effect --*/
global func FxIntTestControlStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary)
if (temporary)
return FX_OK;
// Set default interval.
effect.Interval = 2;
effect.results = [];
Log("Running kill tests: in each test K is");
Log("supposed to be the killer, V is the ");
Log("the victim, and F is a fake killer ");
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntTestControlTimer(object target, proplist effect)
// Launch new test if needed.
if (!effect.launched)
// Start the test if available, otherwise finish test sequence.
// Call Test*_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer).
if (!Call(Format("~Test%d_OnStart", effect.testnr), GetCrew(plr_victim), GetCrew(plr_killer), GetCrew(plr_killer_fake)))
Log("All tests have been completed!");
return FX_Execute_Kill;
effect.launched = true;
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntTestControlStop(object target, proplist effect, int reason, bool temporary)
if (temporary)
return FX_OK;
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntTestControlOnDeath(object target, proplist effect, int killer, object clonk)
// Log the result.
Log("Test %d [%s]: %v, killer = %s", effect.testnr, Call(Format("~Test%d_Log", effect.testnr)), plr_killer == killer, GetPlayerName(killer));
// Store the result.
effect.results[effect.testnr - 1] = (plr_killer == killer);
effect.launched = false;
return FX_OK;
global func InitTest()
// Remove all objects except the player crew members and relaunch container they are in.
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_Not(Find_Or(Find_ID(RelaunchContainer), Find_Category(C4D_Rule)))))
if (!((obj->GetOCF() & OCF_CrewMember) && (GetPlayerType(obj->GetOwner()) == C4PT_User || obj->GetOwner() == plr_victim)))
// Remove all landscape changes.
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", 0, 160, LandscapeWidth(), 160, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 0, LandscapeHeight());
ClearFreeRect(0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), 160);
// Give script players new crew.
var victim_crew = GetCrew(plr_victim);
if (victim_crew)
victim_crew.no_kill_tracing = true;
for (var plr in [plr_victim, plr_killer, plr_killer_fake])
if (!GetCrew(plr))
var clonk = CreateObjectAbove(Clonk, 100, 150, plr);
SetCursor(plr, clonk);
clonk->DoEnergy(clonk.MaxEnergy / 1000);
GetCrew(plr_victim)->SetPosition(100, 150);
GetCrew(plr_killer)->SetPosition(50, 150);
GetCrew(plr_killer_fake)->SetPosition(20, 150);
global func GetPlayerName(int plr)
if (plr == NO_OWNER)
return "NO_OWNER";
return _inherited(plr, ...);
public func OnClonkDeath(object clonk, int killer)
if (clonk->GetOwner() != plr_victim || clonk.no_kill_tracing)
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl");
EffectCall(nil, effect, "OnDeath", killer, clonk);
/*-- Kill Tracing Tests --*/
global func Test1_Log() { return "K throws object on V"; }
global func Test1_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(90, 150);
var throwing_obj = killer->CreateContents(Rock);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", throwing_obj, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test2_Log() { return "K throws lantern to V (V dies of lantern fire)"; }
global func Test2_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(130, 150);
var lantern = fake_killer->CreateContents(Lantern);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", lantern, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test3_Log() { return "K shoots object with cannon at V"; }
global func Test3_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(140, 150);
var cannon = killer->CreateObject(Cannon);
cannon->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, 0);
cannon->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, 0);
return true;
global func Test4_Log() { return "K placed wallkit on V (V dies of asphyxiation)"; }
global func Test4_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(55, 150);
victim->DoBreath(- 95 * victim.MaxBreath / 100);
var wallkit = killer->CreateContents(WallKit);
wallkit->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, 0);
wallkit->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, 0);
return true;
global func Test5_Log() { return "K strikes V with a sword"; }
global func Test5_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(55, 150);
var sword = killer->CreateContents(Sword);
sword->ControlUse(killer, 20, 0);
return true;
global func Test6_Log() { return "K strikes V with a club"; }
global func Test6_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(55, 150);
var club = killer->CreateContents(Club);
club->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, 0);
club->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, 0);
return true;
global func Test7_Log() { return "K strikes V with an axe"; }
global func Test7_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(55, 150);
var axe = killer->CreateContents(Axe);
axe->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, 0);
axe->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, 0);
return true;
global func Test8_Log() { return "K throws firestone at V (V dies of explosion)"; }
global func Test8_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(110, 150);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", firestone, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test9_Log() { return "K shoots object with club at V"; }
global func Test9_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(260, 150);
var club = killer->CreateContents(Club);
CreateObject(Rock, killer->GetX() + 4, killer->GetY() - 4);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseStart", 2, 0, killer, 20, -10);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseHolding", 3, 0, killer, 20, -10);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseStop", 4, 0, killer, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test10_Log() { return "K throw firestone at object, object moves to V"; }
global func Test10_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(276, 150);
CreateObject(Rock, 124, 158);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
killer->ControlThrow(firestone, 20, -20);
return true;
global func Test11_Log() { return "K explodes firestone material, one of the cascading firestones kills V"; }
global func Test11_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Firestone", 110, 160, 170, 160, 170, 220, 110, 220);
DrawMaterialQuad("Tunnel", 110, 220, 170, 220, 170, 260, 110, 260);
victim->SetPosition(140, 250);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
killer->ControlThrow(firestone, 20, -20);
return true;
global func Test12_Log() { return "K shoots a normal arrow at V"; }
global func Test12_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(240, 150);
var bow = killer->CreateContents(Bow);
bow->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -4);
bow->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -4);
return true;
global func Test13_Log() { return "K shoots a fire arrow at V"; }
global func Test13_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(240, 150);
var bow = killer->CreateContents(Bow);
bow->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -4);
bow->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -4);
return true;
global func Test14_Log() { return "K shoots a bomb arrow at V"; }
global func Test14_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(240, 150);
var bow = killer->CreateContents(Bow);
bow->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -4);
bow->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -4);
return true;
global func Test15_Log() { return "K shoots with the blunderbuss at V"; }
global func Test15_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(240, 150);
var blunderbuss = killer->CreateContents(Blunderbuss);
blunderbuss.loaded = true;
blunderbuss->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -8);
blunderbuss->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -8);
return true;
global func Test16_Log() { return "K throws a javelin at V"; }
global func Test16_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(200, 150);
var javelin = killer->CreateContents(Javelin);
javelin->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -8);
javelin->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -8);
return true;
global func Test17_Log() { return "K shoots a grenade (with launcher) at V"; }
global func Test17_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(200, 150);
var launcher = killer->CreateContents(GrenadeLauncher);
launcher.loaded = true;
launcher->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -10);
launcher->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test18_Log() { return "K throws an activated iron bomb at V (no collection by V)"; }
global func Test18_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(170, 150);
var bomb = killer->CreateContents(IronBomb);
killer->ControlThrow(bomb, 20, -20);
return true;
global func Test19_Log() { return "K ignites powder keg (blunderbuss shot) near V"; }
global func Test19_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(250, 150);
CreateObject(PowderKeg, 240, 140);
var blunderbuss = killer->CreateContents(Blunderbuss);
blunderbuss.loaded = true;
blunderbuss->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -8);
blunderbuss->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -8);
return true;
global func Test20_Log() { return "K throws a fusing dynamite at V (no collection by V)"; }
global func Test20_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(140, 150);
var dynamite = killer->CreateContents(Dynamite);
killer->ControlThrow(dynamite, 20, -20);
return true;
global func Test21_Log() { return "F puts himself on fire, K is incinerated by F and then incinerates V"; }
global func Test21_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(120, 150);
fake_killer->Incinerate(100, plr_killer_fake);
killer->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, fake_killer->GetX(), fake_killer->GetY());
killer->AppendCommand("Wait", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 150);
killer->AppendCommand("MoveTo", nil, victim->GetX(), victim->GetY());
killer->AppendCommand("Wait", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 150);
killer->AppendCommand("MoveTo", nil, killer->GetX(), killer->GetY());
return true;
global func Test22_Log() { return "K dumps object from a lorry onto V"; }
global func Test22_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Tunnel", 110, 160, 170, 160, 170, 260, 110, 260);
victim->SetPosition(144, 250);
killer->SetPosition(100, 150);
var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, 110, 160);
lorry->CreateContents(Rock, 20);
killer->SetCommand("Grab", lorry);
lorry->ControlUseStart(killer, 1, 0);
ScheduleCall(lorry, "ControlUseHolding", 1, 40, killer, 1, 0);
return true;
global func Test23_Log() { return "K destroys a lorry with objects next to V"; }
global func Test23_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Tunnel", 110, 160, 170, 160, 170, 260, 110, 260);
victim->SetPosition(124, 250);
killer->SetPosition(100, 150);
var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, 150, 260);
lorry->CreateContents(Rock, 20);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
ScheduleCall(killer, "ControlThrow", 4, 0, firestone, 14, -50);
return true;
global func Test24_Log() { return "K shoots an object with the catapult at V"; }
global func Test24_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(240, 150);
var catapult = killer->CreateObject(Catapult);
catapult->ControlUseStart(killer, 240 - catapult->GetX(), 0);
catapult->ControlUseStop(killer, 240 - catapult->GetX(), 0);
return true;
global func Test25_Log() { return "K lets lava move onto V (trigger: explosion)"; }
global func Test25_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Tunnel", 60, 160, 90, 160, 90, 260, 60, 260);
DrawMaterialQuad("Earth", 90, 90, 130, 90, 130, 160, 90, 160);
DrawMaterialQuad("DuroLava", 94, 90, 126, 90, 126, 160, 94, 160);
victim->SetPosition(75, 250);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
ScheduleCall(killer, "ControlThrow", 4, 0, firestone, 14, -6);
return true;
global func Test26_Log() { return "K lets acid move onto V (trigger: explosion)"; }
global func Test26_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Tunnel", 60, 160, 90, 160, 90, 260, 60, 260);
DrawMaterialQuad("Earth", 90, 90, 130, 90, 130, 160, 90, 160);
DrawMaterialQuad("Acid", 94, 90, 126, 90, 126, 160, 94, 160);
victim->SetPosition(75, 250);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
ScheduleCall(killer, "ControlThrow", 4, 0, firestone, 14, -6);
return true;
global func Test27_Log() { return "K uses windbag to shoot object at V"; }
global func Test27_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(250, 150);
var windbag = killer->CreateContents(WindBag);
ScheduleCall(nil, "CreateObject", 7, 0, Rock, killer->GetX() + 10, killer->GetY() - 8);
ScheduleCall(windbag, "ControlUse", 8, 0, killer, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test28_Log() { return "K shoots at V hanging on a balloon (V tumbles out of map)"; }
global func Test28_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Sky:Sky", 100, 0, LandscapeWidth(), 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 100, LandscapeHeight());
ClearFreeRect(100, 0, LandscapeWidth() - 100, LandscapeHeight());
victim->SetPosition(260, 120);
var balloon = victim->CreateContents(Balloon);
var blunderbuss = killer->CreateContents(Blunderbuss);
blunderbuss.loaded = true;
blunderbuss->ControlUseStart(killer, victim->GetX() - killer->GetX(), victim->GetY() - killer->GetY());
blunderbuss->ControlUseStop(killer, victim->GetX() - killer->GetX(), victim->GetY() - killer->GetY());
return true;
global func Test29_Log() { return "K shoots at balloon on which V hangs (V tumbles out of map)"; }
global func Test29_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Sky:Sky", 100, 0, LandscapeWidth(), 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 100, LandscapeHeight());
ClearFreeRect(100, 0, LandscapeWidth() - 100, LandscapeHeight());
victim->SetPosition(260, 120);
var balloon = victim->CreateContents(Balloon);
var blunderbuss = killer->CreateContents(Blunderbuss);
blunderbuss.loaded = true;
blunderbuss->ControlUseStart(killer, victim->GetActionTarget()->GetX() - killer->GetX(), victim->GetActionTarget()->GetY() - killer->GetY());
blunderbuss->ControlUseStop(killer, victim->GetActionTarget()->GetX() - killer->GetX(), victim->GetActionTarget()->GetY() - killer->GetY());
return true;
global func Test30_Log() { return "K uses windbag to shoot V out of map"; }
global func Test30_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Sky:Sky", 100, 0, LandscapeWidth(), 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 100, LandscapeHeight());
ClearFreeRect(100, 0, LandscapeWidth() - 100, LandscapeHeight());
victim->SetPosition(60, 150);
ScheduleCall(victim, "ControlJump", 4, 0);
var windbag = killer->CreateContents(WindBag);
ScheduleCall(windbag, "ControlUse", 12, 0, killer, 20, -30);
return true;
global func Test31_Log() { return "K launches a boompack at V"; }
global func Test31_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(90, 150);
var boompack = killer->CreateContents(Boompack);
ScheduleCall(boompack, "ControlUse", 52, 0, killer, 20, -2);
ScheduleCall(boompack, "ControlJump", 56, 0, killer);
return true;
global func Test32_Log() { return "F places a dynamite box, K takes igniter and blasts V"; }
global func Test32_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(140, 150);
fake_killer->SetPosition(140, 150);
var dynamite_box = fake_killer->CreateContents(DynamiteBox);
ScheduleCall(dynamite_box, "ControlUse", 1, 5, fake_killer, 0, 10);
ScheduleCall(fake_killer, "ControlThrow", 5, 0, dynamite_box, -14, -6);
ScheduleCall(killer, "SetCommand", 40, 0, "MoveTo", dynamite_box);
ScheduleCall(killer, "Collect", 70, 0, dynamite_box);
ScheduleCall(dynamite_box, "ControlUse", 72, 0, killer, 0, 10);
return true;
global func Test33_Log() { return "K uses teleglove to drop object onto V"; }
global func Test33_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(120, 150);
var teleglove = killer->CreateContents(TeleGlove);
var rock = CreateObject(Rock, 120, 100);
ScheduleCall(teleglove, "ControlUseStart", 1, 0, killer, rock->GetX() - killer->GetX(), rock->GetY() - killer->GetY());
ScheduleCall(teleglove, "ControlUseHolding", 1, 20, killer, rock->GetX() - killer->GetX(), rock->GetY() - killer->GetY());
ScheduleCall(teleglove, "ControlUseStop", 21, 0, killer, rock->GetX() - killer->GetX(), rock->GetY() - killer->GetY());
fake_killer->SetPosition(180, 150);
var teleglove_fake = fake_killer->CreateContents(TeleGlove);
ScheduleCall(teleglove_fake, "ControlUseStart", 1, 0, fake_killer, rock->GetX() - fake_killer->GetX(), rock->GetY() - fake_killer->GetY());
ScheduleCall(teleglove_fake, "ControlUseHolding", 1, 15, fake_killer, rock->GetX() - fake_killer->GetX(), rock->GetY() - fake_killer->GetY());
ScheduleCall(teleglove_fake, "ControlUseStop", 16, 0, fake_killer, rock->GetX() - fake_killer->GetX(), rock->GetY() - fake_killer->GetY());
return true;
global func Test34_Log() { return "K blasts object from material which drops on V"; }
global func Test34_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Rock", 80, 0, 160, 0, 160, 120, 80, 120);
DrawMaterialQuad("Tunnel", 100, 160, 120, 160, 140, 160, 120, 200);
victim->SetPosition(120, 185);
var cannon = killer->CreateObject(Cannon);
cannon->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -10);
cannon->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test35_Log() { return "K throws an activated iron bomb at V (then collected by V)"; }
global func Test35_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(170, 150);
var bomb = killer->CreateContents(IronBomb);
killer->ControlThrow(bomb, 20, -20);
ScheduleCall(victim, "BeginPickingUp", 70, 0);
ScheduleCall(victim, "EndPickingUp", 71, 0);
return true;
global func Test36_Log() { return "K throws a fusing dynamite at V (V tries to collect but can't)"; }
global func Test36_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(140, 150);
var dynamite = killer->CreateContents(Dynamite);
killer->ControlThrow(dynamite, 20, -20);
ScheduleCall(victim, "BeginPickingUp", 70, 0);
ScheduleCall(victim, "EndPickingUp", 71, 0);
return true;
global func Test37_Log() { return "K ignites boompack (blunderbuss shot) which shoots at V"; }
global func Test37_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(280, 150);
CreateObject(Boompack, 240, 146)->SetR(90);
var blunderbuss = killer->CreateContents(Blunderbuss);
blunderbuss.loaded = true;
blunderbuss->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -7);
blunderbuss->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -7);
return true;
global func Test38_Log() { return "K ignites a battery of boompacks which shoot down V flying an airplane"; }
global func Test38_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
var airplane = CreateObject(Airplane, 80, 50);
airplane->StartInstantFlight(90, 15);
killer->SetPosition(180, 150);
for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++)
CreateObjectAbove(Boompack, 240, 160);
var lantern = killer->CreateContents(Lantern);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", lantern, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test39_Log() { return "K shoots at airship which carries V (V tumbles out of map)"; }
global func Test39_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
ClearFreeRect(100, 0, LandscapeWidth() - 100, LandscapeHeight());
var airship = CreateObjectAbove(Airship, 330, 165);
victim->SetPosition(330, 150);
var blunderbuss = killer->CreateContents(Blunderbuss);
blunderbuss.loaded = true;
blunderbuss->ControlUseStart(killer, airship->GetX() - killer->GetX(), airship->GetY() - killer->GetY() - 12);
blunderbuss->ControlUseStop(killer, airship->GetX() - killer->GetX(), airship->GetY() - killer->GetY() - 12);
return true;
global func Test40_Log() { return "K creates a fire which fuses a dynamite box, the explosion kills V"; }
global func Test40_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(166, 150);
CreateObjectAbove(DynamiteBox, 146, 150);
var lantern = killer->CreateContents(Lantern);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", lantern, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test41_Log() { return "K digs out a piece of coal which kills V"; }
global func Test41_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Coal", 120, 80, 180, 80, 180, 100, 120, 100);
victim->SetPosition(150, 150);
killer->SetPosition(150, 70);
var shovel = killer->CreateContents(Shovel);
shovel->ControlUseStart(killer, 0, 10);
ScheduleCall(shovel, "ControlUseHolding", 1, 50, killer, 0, 10);
ScheduleCall(shovel, "ControlUseStop", 51, 0, killer, 0, 10);
return true;
global func Test42_Log() { return "K hacks out (with the pickaxe) a piece of ore which kills V"; }
global func Test42_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Ore", 130, 72, 130, 50, 160, 50, 160, 72);
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", 135, 80, 142, 80, 148, 160, 135, 160);
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", 158, 80, 165, 80, 165, 160, 152, 160);
victim->SetPosition(150, 150);
killer->SetPosition(140, 70);
var pickaxe = killer->CreateContents(Pickaxe);
pickaxe->ControlUseStart(killer, RandomX(8, 12), RandomX(-12, 2));
ScheduleCall(pickaxe, "ControlUseHolding", 1, 280, killer, RandomX(8, 12), RandomX(-12, 2));
ScheduleCall(pickaxe, "ControlUseStop", 281, 0, killer, RandomX(8, 12), RandomX(-12, 2));
return true;
global func Test43_Log() { return "K digs and moves a piece of rock (controlled by F) which kills V"; }
global func Test43_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Earth", 120, 80, 180, 80, 180, 100, 120, 100);
victim->SetPosition(150, 150);
killer->SetPosition(150, 70);
CreateObject(Rock, 150, 80)->SetController(plr_killer_fake);
var shovel = killer->CreateContents(Shovel);
shovel->ControlUseStart(killer, 0, 10);
ScheduleCall(shovel, "ControlUseHolding", 1, 50, killer, 0, 10);
ScheduleCall(shovel, "ControlUseStop", 51, 0, killer, 0, 10);
return true;
global func Test44_Log() { return "K pushes a tree into the sawmill, the sawn wood kills V"; }
global func Test44_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", 40, 80, 120, 80, 120, 100, 40, 100);
victim->SetPosition(172, 150);
killer->SetPosition(80, 70);
CreateObjectAbove(Sawmill, 100, 80);
var tree = CreateObjectAbove(Tree_Deciduous, 60, 80);
killer->SetCommand("Grab", tree);
killer->SetCommand("PushTo", tree, killer->GetX() + 30, killer->GetY());
return true;
global func Test45_Log() { return "K produces metal in the foundry which falls down and kills V"; }
global func Test45_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", 40, 80, 120, 80, 120, 100, 40, 100);
victim->SetPosition(126, 150);
killer->SetPosition(80, 70);
var foundry = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, 108, 80);
foundry->AddToQueue(Metal, 1);
return true;
global func Test46_Log() { return "K throws snow on V (V dies of asphyxiation)"; }
global func Test46_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
ClearFreeRect(120, 160, 10, 15);
victim->SetPosition(125, 170);
victim.MaxBreath = 5 * victim.MaxBreath / 100;
victim->DoBreath(- 95 * victim.MaxBreath / 100);
var throwing_obj = killer->CreateContents(Snow);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", throwing_obj, 20, -14);
return true;
global func Test47_Log() { return "K pushed the container (lorry) holding V out of landscape"; }
global func Test47_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
ClearFreeRect(120, 0, LandscapeWidth() - 120, LandscapeHeight());
var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, 100, 160);
killer->SetPosition(100, 150);
killer->SetCommand("PushTo", lorry, killer->GetX() + 40, killer->GetY());
return true;
global func Test48_Log() { return "K blasts the container (wooden cabin) holding V"; }
global func Test48_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
var cabin = CreateObjectAbove(WoodenCabin, 100, 160);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", firestone, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test49_Log() { return "K blasts V into lava where V dies"; }
global func Test49_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Lava", 110, 160, 450, 160, 450, 200, 110, 200);
victim->SetPosition(100, 150);
killer->SetPosition(95, 150);
var dynamite = killer->CreateContents(Dynamite);
dynamite->ControlUse(killer, 0, 12);
killer->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, killer->GetX() - 40, killer->GetX());
return true;
global func Test50_Log() { return "K blasts V into acid where V dies"; }
global func Test50_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Acid", 110, 160, 450, 160, 450, 200, 110, 200);
victim->SetPosition(100, 150);
killer->SetPosition(95, 150);
var dynamite = killer->CreateContents(Dynamite);
dynamite->ControlUse(killer, 0, 12);
killer->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, killer->GetX() - 40, killer->GetX());
return true;
global func Test51_Log() { return "K uses windbag to shoot V into lava where V dies"; }
global func Test51_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Lava", 110, 160, 450, 160, 450, 200, 110, 200);
victim->SetPosition(100, 150);
killer->SetPosition(90, 150);
ScheduleCall(victim, "ControlJump", 4, 1);
var windbag = killer->CreateContents(WindBag);
ScheduleCall(windbag, "ControlUse", 12, 0, killer, 20, -30);
return true;
global func Test52_Log() { return "K uses windbag to shoot V into acid where V dies"; }
global func Test52_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Acid", 110, 160, 450, 160, 450, 200, 110, 200);
victim->SetPosition(100, 150);
killer->SetPosition(90, 150);
ScheduleCall(victim, "ControlJump", 4, 1);
var windbag = killer->CreateContents(WindBag);
ScheduleCall(windbag, "ControlUse", 12, 0, killer, 20, -30);
return true;
global func Test53_Log() { return "K uses club to fling V into lava where V dies"; }
global func Test53_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Lava", 110, 160, 450, 160, 450, 200, 110, 200);
victim->SetPosition(100, 150);
killer->SetPosition(94, 150);
ScheduleCall(victim, "ControlJump", 4, 1);
var club = killer->CreateContents(Club);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseStart", 2, 0, killer, 20, -10);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseHolding", 3, 0, killer, 20, -10);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseStop", 4, 0, killer, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test54_Log() { return "K uses club to fling V into acid where V dies"; }
global func Test54_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Acid", 110, 160, 450, 160, 450, 200, 110, 200);
victim->SetPosition(100, 150);
killer->SetPosition(94, 150);
ScheduleCall(victim, "ControlJump", 4, 1);
var club = killer->CreateContents(Club);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseStart", 2, 0, killer, 20, -10);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseHolding", 3, 0, killer, 20, -10);
ScheduleCall(club, "ControlUseStop", 4, 0, killer, 20, -10);
return true;
global func Test55_Log() { return "K blasts a compensator and its explosion kills V"; }
global func Test55_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
victim->SetPosition(150, 150);
var compensator = CreateObjectAbove(Compensator, 130, 160);
var throwing_obj = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", throwing_obj, 20, -14);
return true;
global func Test56_Log() { return "K blasts a bridge and a rock drops which kills V"; }
global func Test56_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
ClearFreeRect(120, 160, 60, 80);
victim->SetPosition(170, 230);
CreateObjectAbove(Rock, 170, 160);
var bridge = CreateObject(WoodenBridge, 150, 164);
var throwing_obj = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
killer->ObjectCommand("Throw", throwing_obj, 20, -20);
return true;
global func Test57_Log() { return "K blasts free a stuck piece of rock (controlled by F) which kills V"; }
global func Test57_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Earth", 120, 90, 180, 90, 180, 100, 120, 100);
victim->SetPosition(150, 150);
killer->SetPosition(150, 80);
var rock = CreateObject(Rock, 150, 95);
var firestone = killer->CreateContents(Firestone);
ScheduleCall(killer, "ControlJump", 4, 0);
ScheduleCall(killer, "AddCommand", 8, 0, "Drop", firestone);
return true;
global func Test58_Log() { return "K uses bomb arrow to shoot V out of map"; }
global func Test58_OnStart(object victim, object killer, object fake_killer)
DrawMaterialQuad("Sky:Sky", 100, 0, LandscapeWidth(), 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight(), 100, LandscapeHeight());
ClearFreeRect(100, 0, LandscapeWidth() - 100, LandscapeHeight());
victim->SetPosition(96, 150);
ScheduleCall(victim, "ControlJump", 8, 0);
var bow = killer->CreateContents(Bow);
bow->ControlUseStart(killer, 20, -20);
bow->ControlUseStop(killer, 20, -20);
return true;
/*-- Wiki Overview Table --*/
// This function creates a string in the log which can be copied onto the OC wiki page for these tests and gives
// an overview of all tests. Upload this anew after a test has been added (
global func CreateWikiOverviewTable(array results)
var table = "{| border=\"1\" class=\"wikitable\" style=\"margin: 1em auto 1em auto;\"\n|-\n! #\n! Kill Description\n! Traced?\n";
for (var index = 1; index <= GetLength(results); index++)
var result = results[index - 1];
if (result == nil)
var success = "<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">no</span>";
if (result)
success = "<span style=\"color:#00CC00\">yes</span>";
var entry = Format("|-\n| %d\n| %s\n| %s\n", index, Call(Format("~Test%d_Log", index)), success);
table = Format("%s%s", table, entry);
var table_closing = "|-\n|}";
table = Format("%s%s", table, table_closing);