
99 lines
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/* Escape the volcano - by Sven2 */
overlay VaryTex { mat=Earth; turbulence=10; algo=rndchecker; zoomX=-100; zoomY=-100; };
overlay AshBorder { algo=border; mat=Ashes; tex=ashes; a=1; b=1; };
overlay MixedBorder { algo=border; mat=Ashes; tex=ashes; a=1; b=1;
VaryTex { mat=Earth; tex=earth; };
VaryTex { mat=Rock; tex=rock; };
overlay RockyBorder { algo=border; mat=Rock; tex=rock; a=3; b=3; turbulence=10;
VaryTex { mat=Granite; tex=granite; a=1; };
VaryTex { mat=Earth; tex=earth; a=1; };
VaryTex { mat=Ashes; tex=ashes; a=1; };
map LavaParkour {
// Basic background is earth
mat=Earth; tex=earth;
VaryTex { tex=earth_root; a=0; };
VaryTex { tex=earth_spongy; a=2; };
// Tip of volcano
point {x=-100%; y=25%; };
point {x=0%; y=25%; };
point {x=30%; y=10%; };
point {x=70%; y=10%; };
point {x=100%; y=25%; };
point {x=200%; y=25%; };
point {x=200%; y=200%; };
point {x=-100%; y=200%; };
// Rock
overlay Rock { algo=rndchecker; zoomX=10; zoomY=-100; a=1; turbulence=10; mask=1;
overlay { algo=border; a=0; b=2; invert=1; mat=rock; tex=rock; };
// Granite
overlay Granite { algo=rndchecker; zoomX=10; zoomY=-100; a=1; turbulence=10; mask=1;
overlay { algo=border; a=0; b=2; invert=1; mat=Granite; tex=granite; };
// lava; lots of it
overlay LavaVeins { algo=rndchecker; zoomX=-50; zoomY=-50; a=6; turbulence=100; mat=DuroLava; tex=lava_red;
// some ashes to the bottom of lava veins
AshBorder { a=0; b=1; oy=-1px; turbulence=10; };
// no ashes on top of lava vein
overlay { algo=border; a=0; b=2; oy=2px; mat=DuroLava; tex=lava_red; };
}; LavaVeins;
// Extra caves
overlay Caves { algo=rndchecker; zoomX=-100; zoomY=-50; a=3; turbulence=100; mat=Tunnel; tex=tunnel;
// some ashes to the bottom of lava veins
AshBorder { a=0; b=1; oy=-1px; turbulence=10; };
// no ashes on top of lava vein
// Some water
overlay Water { algo=rndchecker; zoomX=-100; zoomY=10; a=15; turbulence=100; mask=1;
overlay { algo=border; a=0; b=2; invert=1; mat=Water; MixedBorder; };
// Bottom end
overlay BottomWall { y=99; mat=Granite; tex=granite; };
// Starting cave
overlay {
algo=poly; mat=Tunnel;
point { x=10%; y=200%; };
point { x=10%; y=100%; };
point { x=20%; y=85%; };
point { x=40%; y=85%; };
point { x=80%; y=100%; };
point { x=80%; y=200%; };
// Cave background
overlay { algo=sin; ox=20%; oy=93%; zoomY=-100; zoomX=-100; turbulence=10; mat=Tunnel; tex=brickback; };
// Cave floor
overlay { y=99%; mat=Brick; };
overlay { x=55%; wdt=1px; y=99%; mat=Tunnel; tex=brickback; };
// Cave bounds
RockyBorder {a=1; b=1; turbulence=0; };
RockyBorder {a=1; b=1; turbulence=0; };
// Left and right border is all granite
overlay SideWall { x=-45; y=25; wdt=50; turbulence=10; loosebounds=1; mat=Granite; tex=granite;
overlay { algo=border; mat=Rock; tex=rock; a=1; b=1; turbulence=0; }; };
SideWall { x=94; };