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Author: Clonkonaut
Perfectly shaped to fit the scenario.
map raiders {
// Top surface
overlay earth_sin { mat=Earth; x=0; y=23; wdt=80; hgt=30; algo=sin; oy=23; ox=20; zoomX=60; zoomY=-20; turbulence=50;
} |
// Underground with material
overlay earth { mat=Earth; x=0; y=38; wdt=100; hgt=70;
overlay dark_earth_spots { mat=Earth; tex=earth_topSoil; algo=bozo; turbulence=5000; loosebounds=1; a=-5; };
overlay dark_earth { mat=Earth; tex=earth_topSoil; y=50; turbulence=2000; loosebounds=1; };
overlay gold { mat=Gold; x=10; y=80; wdt=50; hgt=10; algo=rndchecker; zoomX=-40; zoomY=-40; turbulence=3000; loosebounds=1; };
overlay ore { mat=Ore; x=65; y=60; wdt=35; hgt=30; algo=bozo; turbulence=3000; loosebounds=1; lambda=1; };
overlay coal { mat=Coal; x=0; y=25; wdt=70; hgt=35; algo=rndchecker; turbulence=2000; loosebounds=1; zoomX=70; lambda=1; };
overlay rock { mat=Rock; x=0; y=5; wdt=50; hgt=35; algo=bozo; turbulence=3000; loosebounds=1; zoomX=60; zoomY=60; };
overlay rock2 { mat=Rock; x=50; y=5; wdt=50; hgt=35; algo=bozo; turbulence=100; loosebounds=1; zoomX=40; zoomY=40; };
// Chasms reaching the surface
overlay chasms { mat=Tunnel; x=15; y=-25; wdt=61; hgt=35; algo=lines; a=7; b=20; turbulence=1000; loosebounds=1; };
// Two caves in the ground, one with a granite border
overlay cave1 { mat=Tunnel; x=5; y=53; wdt=20; hgt=10; turbulence=10; loosebounds=1; };
overlay cave2 { mat=Tunnel; x=65; y=66; wdt=20; hgt=15; turbulence=500; loosebounds=1;
overlay border { mat=Granite; algo=border; x=-50; y=-50; wdt=200; hgt=200; a=3; b=2; loosebounds=1; };
// Underground lake
overlay u_lake { mat=Tunnel; x=15; y=75; wdt=25; hgt=15; turbulence=1000; loosebounds=1;
overlay water { mat=Water; x=-50; y=75; wdt=200; };
// Ensuring there is always a spot for moss near the lake
overlay tunnel { mat=Tunnel; x=10; y=75; wdt=10; hgt=5; turbulence=10; loosebounds=1; };
// The castle shall have a flat plateau
overlay castle_plateau { mat=Earth; x=74; y=27; wdt=26; hgt=12;
// An ancient elevator shaft
overlay shaft { mat=Tunnel; x=75; y=0; wdt=10; hgt=90; };
// The crystal chamber
overlay chamber { mat=Tunnel; tex=brickback; x=90; y=85; wdt=8; hgt=8;
overlay wall { mat=Brick; algo=border; a=1; b=1; };