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# Dialogue: Lumberjack
DlgLumberjackForest=Where are all the trees?
DlgLumberjackCutDown=I have processed them all into logs for the reconstruction of our village.
DlgLumberjackNoWood=So you ran out of wood completely?
DlgLumberjackSupply=No we have a small supply in the mines, hidden from the evil faction.
# Dialogue: Fireman
DlgFiremanWhereBarrel=Hi, where did you leave that big barrel you used to extinguish fires?
DlgFiremanFoundry=I put it back into the foundry below, where we use it to produce loam, which requires water.
DlgFiremanWhereWater=Where do you get the water from then?
DlgFiremanDive=Oh, I just dive into any small lake I see with the barrel. There are some underground in the mines we have.
# Dialogue: Builder
DlgBuilderThanks=Thank you for constructing that flagpole.
DlgBuilderNoProblem=No problem.
DlgBuilderPowerConnection=With that flagpole the elevator is now connected to the power sources of our village, as you can see.
# Dialogue: Farmer
DlgFarmerWipf=Hi, how is my wipf doing?
DlgFarmerDoingWell=It is getting along with our wipfs very well.
DlgFarmerPleasure=That is a pleasure to hear!
# Dialogue: Lookout
DlgLookoutNewAttack=Hello, any signs for a new attack?
DlgLookoutNo=No, not at the moment.
# Dialogue: Village head
DlgVillageHeadThank=Thank you for your help with repairing our buildings. Are you willing to help more?
DlgVillageHeadHelp=Yes, of course, as long as my wipf can stay with the other wipfs. How can I help?
DlgVillageHeadTools=Well, we are lacking tools and I was about to take this lorry with materials to the workshop to produce them, but you see there is a problem.
DlgVillageHeadProblem=What problem?
DlgVillageHeadGap=There is this gap which we need to cross with the lorry to make it to the elevator shaft.
DlgVillageHeadFix=Ah I see, I'll fix that for you!
DlgVillageHeadPickaxe=Cool, maybe you can then produce a pickaxe and mine some iron ore for us? We are a bit low on explosives.
DlgVillageHeadYes=Yes, no problem.
DlgVillageHeadPutOre=Please put three pieces of iron ore in the foundry.
DlgVillageHeadThanks=Thanks a lot for helping out again.
# Sequence: Outro dialogue
MsgVillageHeadNoise=What is that noise?
MsgFarmerAirplanes=Oh no that must be the airplanes of the evil faction again.
MsgEvilLeaderItsUs=Yes, it's us again! Resistance is futile, so tell your guard to stand down!
MsgVillageHeadWhy=Why are you here again? You just destroyed our village...
MsgEvilLeaderWipfs=I started a new hobby, I collect wipfs now.
MsgVillageHeadManiac=You are a maniac, can't you leave us alone?
MsgEvilLeader=I'll leave you be after I kidnapped all your wipfs.
MsgPlayerDontTakeWipf=Please, don't take Roger...
MsgEvilLeaderBegging=Oh little kid, begging is useless, my men are not prone to crying. Your wipf will be mine and it is best to forget about him, cause you won't see him again.
MsgEvilLeaderBye=Okay, we are done here. Time to say goodbye to your pet friends... muhaha
# Sequence: Outro messages
MsgHenchman3DropBlunderbuss=You better drop that blunderbuss!
MsgLookoutSurrender=Yes, I surrender.
MsgHenchman1RunGirl=Run girl, or we shoot!
MsgHenchman2Wipfs=Your wipfs are ours now, muhaha.
MsgFarmerComment=You are evil.
MsgKidnapperGotThem=We have got them!
MsgHenchman1SeeYa=I am off now!
MsgHenchman3SeeYa=See Ya!
MsgHenchmanGotWipf1=I got one!
MsgHenchmanGotWipf2=Wipf ahoy!
MsgHenchmanGotWipf3=It'll be a nice ride.