Clonk: Constants for SetMeshTransformation layers

Mark 2017-11-23 20:38:11 +01:00
parent e228d84670
commit f8f9a38ee3
8 changed files with 235 additions and 228 deletions

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@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
#include AI
public func SetEnemyData(object clonk, proplist data)
var fx = clonk->~GetAI();
if (fx)
if (data.Siege)
fx.is_siege = true;
return true;
return false;
public func FindTarget(effect fx)
// Attack doors and statue unless an enemy clonk is closer than these objectives
var objective;
if (g_doorleft && fx.Target->GetX() <= g_doorleft->GetX() + 5)
objective = g_doorleft.dummy_target;
else if (g_doorright && fx.Target->GetX() >= g_doorright->GetX()-5)
objective = g_doorright.dummy_target;
objective = g_statue;
var target = inherited(fx, ...);
if (objective)
if (fx.is_siege || !target || fx.Target->ObjectDistance(target) > fx.Target->ObjectDistance(objective))
target = objective;
return target;
private func CheckVehicleAmmo(effect fx, object catapult)
// Ammo is auto-refilled
return true;
private func ExecuteBomber(effect fx)
// Still carrying the bomb?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != fx.Target)
return false;
// Are we in range?
if (fx.Target->ObjectDistance( < 20)
// Suicide!
// Not in range. Walk there.
if (!fx.Target->GetCommand() || !Random(10))
return true;
func Execute(effect fx, int time)
// Execution: No defensive AI. All enemies move towards target
var target = ?? g_statue;
if (!Random(10) && target)
var tx = target->GetX();
if (Abs(tx-fx.Target->GetX())>30)
fx.Target->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, BoundBy(fx.Target->GetX(), tx - 30, tx + 30), target->GetY());
return true;
return inherited(fx, time, ...);
func ExecuteIdle(effect fx)
// Idle execution overridden by Execute
return true;
/* Enemy creation */
func Departure_WeaponRespawn(object container)
// Weapon used? Schedule to respawn a new one!
if (container->GetAlive() || container->GetID()==Catapult) container->ScheduleCall(container, CustomAI.DoWeaponRespawn, 5, 1, GetID());
this.Departure = nil;
func DoWeaponRespawn(id_weapon)
if (GetAlive() || GetID()==Catapult)
var re_weapon = CreateContents(id_weapon);
if (re_weapon) re_weapon.Departure = CustomAI.Departure_WeaponRespawn;
return re_weapon;
func Inventory_GetCarryTransform()
if (GetID().GetCarryTransform)
return Trans_Mul(Call(GetID().GetCarryTransform, ...), this.ExtraTransform);
return this.ExtraTransform;
func LaunchEnemy(proplist enemy, int xmin, int xrange, int y)
// Create enemy (usually a Clonk)
var x = xmin+Random(xrange);
var obj = CreateObjectAbove(enemy.Type ?? Clonk, x,y, ENEMY), clonk;
if (!obj) return nil;
// Enemy visuals
if (enemy.Skin)
if (GetType(enemy.Skin) == C4V_Array)
if (GetType(enemy.Backpack)) obj->~RemoveBackpack();
if (enemy.Scale) obj->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(enemy.Scale[0], enemy.Scale[1], enemy.Scale[2]), 6);
if (enemy.Name) obj->SetName(enemy.Name);
// Physical properties
obj.MaxEnergy = (enemy.Energy ?? 50) * 1000;
if (enemy.Speed)
// Speed: Modify Speed in all ActMap entries
if (obj.ActMap == obj.Prototype.ActMap) obj.ActMap = new obj.ActMap {};
for (var action in /*obj.ActMap->GetProperties()*/ ["Walk", "Scale", "Dig", "Swim", "Hangle", "Jump", "WallJump", "Dive", "Push"]) // obj.ActMap->GetProperties() doesn't work :(
if (action == "Prototype") continue;
if (obj.ActMap[action] == obj.Prototype.ActMap[action]) obj.ActMap[action] = new obj.ActMap[action] {};
obj.ActMap[action].Speed = obj.ActMap[action].Speed * enemy.Speed / 100;
obj.JumpSpeed = obj.JumpSpeed * enemy.Speed / 100;
obj.FlySpeed = obj.FlySpeed * enemy.Speed / 100;
obj.MaxContentsCount = 1;
// Reward for killing enemy
obj.Bounty = enemy.Bounty;
// Vehicles
var vehicle;
if (enemy.Vehicle)
vehicle = CreateObjectAbove(enemy.Vehicle, x,y);
obj->SetAction("Push", vehicle);
// Enemy inventory
if (enemy.Inventory) for (var inv in ForceVal2Array(enemy.Inventory))
var inv_type = inv.InvType;
if (!inv_type) inv_type = inv;
var inv_obj = obj->CreateContents(inv_type);
if (inv_obj)
// Marker for custom weapon behaviour
inv_obj.IsAIWeapon = true;
// Infinite ammo
if (GetIndexOf(g_respawning_weapons, inv_type) >= 0) inv_obj.Departure = CustomAI.Departure_WeaponRespawn;
// Extra settings?
if (inv.InvType)
// Visuals
if (inv.Scale) { inv_obj.GetCarryTransform = CustomAI.Inventory_GetCarryTransform; inv_obj.ExtraTransform = Trans_Scale(inv.Scale, inv.Scale, inv.Scale); }
if (inv.Material) inv_obj->SetMeshMaterial(inv.Material);
// Strength
if (inv.Strength) inv_obj->SetStrength(inv.Strength);
// Flying AI
if (obj->~HasNoNeedForAI())
// Flying enemies all init themselves to fly at the statue at the moment
// Init AI: Run towards statue
CustomAI->SetMaxAggroDistance(obj, LandscapeWidth());
var fx =;
if (fx) fx.vehicle = vehicle;
if (g_statue)
CustomAI->SetHome(obj, g_statue->GetX(), g_statue->GetY(), Random(2));
CustomAI->SetGuardRange(obj, 0,0,LandscapeWidth(),LandscapeHeight()); // nowhere to run!
CustomAI->SetEnemyData(obj, enemy);
// CustomAI->SetGuardRange(obj, g_statue->GetX()-200, g_statue->GetY()-50, 400, 100);
// Remember this clonk to end wave when all enemies have been killed
g_spawned_enemies[GetLength(g_spawned_enemies)] = obj;
return obj;
// helper: put single elements into array
global func ForceVal2Array(v) { if (GetType(v) != C4V_Array) return [v]; else return v; }
#include AI
public func SetEnemyData(object clonk, proplist data)
var fx = clonk->~GetAI();
if (fx)
if (data.Siege)
fx.is_siege = true;
return true;
return false;
public func FindTarget(effect fx)
// Attack doors and statue unless an enemy clonk is closer than these objectives
var objective;
if (g_doorleft && fx.Target->GetX() <= g_doorleft->GetX() + 5)
objective = g_doorleft.dummy_target;
else if (g_doorright && fx.Target->GetX() >= g_doorright->GetX()-5)
objective = g_doorright.dummy_target;
objective = g_statue;
var target = inherited(fx, ...);
if (objective)
if (fx.is_siege || !target || fx.Target->ObjectDistance(target) > fx.Target->ObjectDistance(objective))
target = objective;
return target;
private func CheckVehicleAmmo(effect fx, object catapult)
// Ammo is auto-refilled
return true;
private func ExecuteBomber(effect fx)
// Still carrying the bomb?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != fx.Target)
return false;
// Are we in range?
if (fx.Target->ObjectDistance( < 20)
// Suicide!
// Not in range. Walk there.
if (!fx.Target->GetCommand() || !Random(10))
return true;
func Execute(effect fx, int time)
// Execution: No defensive AI. All enemies move towards target
var target = ?? g_statue;
if (!Random(10) && target)
var tx = target->GetX();
if (Abs(tx-fx.Target->GetX())>30)
fx.Target->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, BoundBy(fx.Target->GetX(), tx - 30, tx + 30), target->GetY());
return true;
return inherited(fx, time, ...);
func ExecuteIdle(effect fx)
// Idle execution overridden by Execute
return true;
/* Enemy creation */
func Departure_WeaponRespawn(object container)
// Weapon used? Schedule to respawn a new one!
if (container->GetAlive() || container->GetID()==Catapult) container->ScheduleCall(container, CustomAI.DoWeaponRespawn, 5, 1, GetID());
this.Departure = nil;
func DoWeaponRespawn(id_weapon)
if (GetAlive() || GetID()==Catapult)
var re_weapon = CreateContents(id_weapon);
if (re_weapon) re_weapon.Departure = CustomAI.Departure_WeaponRespawn;
return re_weapon;
func Inventory_GetCarryTransform()
if (GetID().GetCarryTransform)
return Trans_Mul(Call(GetID().GetCarryTransform, ...), this.ExtraTransform);
return this.ExtraTransform;
func LaunchEnemy(proplist enemy, int xmin, int xrange, int y)
// Create enemy (usually a Clonk)
var x = xmin+Random(xrange);
var obj = CreateObjectAbove(enemy.Type ?? Clonk, x,y, ENEMY), clonk;
if (!obj) return nil;
// Enemy visuals
if (enemy.Skin)
if (GetType(enemy.Skin) == C4V_Array)
if (GetType(enemy.Backpack)) obj->~RemoveBackpack();
if (enemy.Scale) obj->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(enemy.Scale[0], enemy.Scale[1], enemy.Scale[2]), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Scale);
if (enemy.Name) obj->SetName(enemy.Name);
// Physical properties
obj.MaxEnergy = (enemy.Energy ?? 50) * 1000;
if (enemy.Speed)
// Speed: Modify Speed in all ActMap entries
if (obj.ActMap == obj.Prototype.ActMap) obj.ActMap = new obj.ActMap {};
for (var action in /*obj.ActMap->GetProperties()*/ ["Walk", "Scale", "Dig", "Swim", "Hangle", "Jump", "WallJump", "Dive", "Push"]) // obj.ActMap->GetProperties() doesn't work :(
if (action == "Prototype") continue;
if (obj.ActMap[action] == obj.Prototype.ActMap[action]) obj.ActMap[action] = new obj.ActMap[action] {};
obj.ActMap[action].Speed = obj.ActMap[action].Speed * enemy.Speed / 100;
obj.JumpSpeed = obj.JumpSpeed * enemy.Speed / 100;
obj.FlySpeed = obj.FlySpeed * enemy.Speed / 100;
obj.MaxContentsCount = 1;
// Reward for killing enemy
obj.Bounty = enemy.Bounty;
// Vehicles
var vehicle;
if (enemy.Vehicle)
vehicle = CreateObjectAbove(enemy.Vehicle, x,y);
obj->SetAction("Push", vehicle);
// Enemy inventory
if (enemy.Inventory) for (var inv in ForceVal2Array(enemy.Inventory))
var inv_type = inv.InvType;
if (!inv_type) inv_type = inv;
var inv_obj = obj->CreateContents(inv_type);
if (inv_obj)
// Marker for custom weapon behaviour
inv_obj.IsAIWeapon = true;
// Infinite ammo
if (GetIndexOf(g_respawning_weapons, inv_type) >= 0) inv_obj.Departure = CustomAI.Departure_WeaponRespawn;
// Extra settings?
if (inv.InvType)
// Visuals
if (inv.Scale) { inv_obj.GetCarryTransform = CustomAI.Inventory_GetCarryTransform; inv_obj.ExtraTransform = Trans_Scale(inv.Scale, inv.Scale, inv.Scale); }
if (inv.Material) inv_obj->SetMeshMaterial(inv.Material);
// Strength
if (inv.Strength) inv_obj->SetStrength(inv.Strength);
// Flying AI
if (obj->~HasNoNeedForAI())
// Flying enemies all init themselves to fly at the statue at the moment
// Init AI: Run towards statue
CustomAI->SetMaxAggroDistance(obj, LandscapeWidth());
var fx =;
if (fx) fx.vehicle = vehicle;
if (g_statue)
CustomAI->SetHome(obj, g_statue->GetX(), g_statue->GetY(), Random(2));
CustomAI->SetGuardRange(obj, 0,0,LandscapeWidth(),LandscapeHeight()); // nowhere to run!
CustomAI->SetEnemyData(obj, enemy);
// CustomAI->SetGuardRange(obj, g_statue->GetX()-200, g_statue->GetY()-50, 400, 100);
// Remember this clonk to end wave when all enemies have been killed
g_spawned_enemies[GetLength(g_spawned_enemies)] = obj;
return obj;
// helper: put single elements into array
global func ForceVal2Array(v) { if (GetType(v) != C4V_Array) return [v]; else return v; }

View File

@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ func LaunchEnemy(proplist enemy, int xmin, int xrange, int ymin, yrange)
if (GetType(enemy.Backpack)) obj->~RemoveBackpack();
if (enemy.Scale) obj->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(enemy.Scale[0], enemy.Scale[1], enemy.Scale[2]), 6);
if (enemy.Scale) obj->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(enemy.Scale[0], enemy.Scale[1], enemy.Scale[2]), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Scale);
if (enemy.Name) obj->SetName(enemy.Name);
// Physical properties

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@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ func FxIntTurnTimer(pTarget, effect, iTime)
if(iRot != effect.curr_rot)
effect.curr_rot += BoundBy(iRot-effect.curr_rot, -18, 18);
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Rotate(effect.curr_rot, 0, 1, 0), 0);
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Rotate(effect.curr_rot, 0, 1, 0), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Turn);
effect.rot = iRot;
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ func FxIntScaleRotTimer(target, eff, time)
eff.oldY += BoundBy(eff.yoff-eff.oldY, -500, 500);
var turnx = -1000;
var turny = 10000;
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(eff.oldX-turnx, eff.oldY-turny), Trans_Rotate(eff.oldR,0,0,1), Trans_Translate(turnx, turny)), 1);
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(eff.oldX-turnx, eff.oldY-turny), Trans_Rotate(eff.oldR,0,0,1), Trans_Translate(turnx, turny)), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Scaling);
func SetScaleRotation (int r, int xoff, int yoff, int rotZ, int turny, bool instant) {
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ func SetScaleRotation (int r, int xoff, int yoff, int rotZ, int turny, bool inst
RemoveEffect("IntScaleRot", this);
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(xoff-turnx, yoff-turny), Trans_Rotate(r,0,0,1), Trans_Translate(turnx, turny), Trans_Rotate(rotZ, 0, 1, 0)), 1);
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(xoff-turnx, yoff-turny), Trans_Rotate(r,0,0,1), Trans_Translate(turnx, turny), Trans_Rotate(rotZ, 0, 1, 0)), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Scaling);

View File

@ -16,6 +16,13 @@
#include Clonk_Animations
static const CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Turn = 0; // for turning the clonk
static const CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Scaling = 1; // for adjusting the rotation while scaling
static const CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Translation_Hook = 2; // for adjusting the rotation while scaling
static const CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Hook = 3; // for adjusting the rotation while scaling
static const CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Ladder = 5; // for adjusting the rotation while climbing a rope ladder
static const CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Scale = 6; // for scaling the size of the clonk
// ladder climbing
#include Library_CanClimbLadder

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@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ private func UpdateEnemyVisuals(object enemy, proplist prop_enemy)
if (GetType(prop_enemy.Backpack)) enemy->~RemoveBackpack();
if (prop_enemy.Scale) enemy->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(prop_enemy.Scale[0], prop_enemy.Scale[1], prop_enemy.Scale[2]), 6);
if (prop_enemy.Scale) enemy->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(prop_enemy.Scale[0], prop_enemy.Scale[1], prop_enemy.Scale[2]), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Scale);
if (prop_enemy.Name) enemy->SetName(prop_enemy.Name);

View File

@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ public func SpawnClonk(array pos, proplist clonk_data, proplist enemy_def, array
if (clonk_data.ScaleX != 100 || clonk_data.ScaleY != 100)
var scale_z = (clonk_data.ScaleX + clonk_data.ScaleY) / 2;
clonk->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(clonk_data.ScaleX, clonk_data.ScaleY, scale_z), 6);
clonk->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Scale(clonk_data.ScaleX, clonk_data.ScaleY, scale_z), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Scale);
if (clonk_data.Name && GetLength(clonk_data.Name))

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@ -322,13 +322,13 @@ public func FxIntGrappleControlTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
var angle = rope->GetClonkAngle();
var off = rope->GetClonkOff();
target->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Translate(-off[0] * 10 + 3000 * (1 - 2 * target->GetDir()), -off[1] * 10), 2);
target->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_RotX(angle, 500, 11000), 3);
target->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Translate(-off[0] * 10 + 3000 * (1 - 2 * target->GetDir()), -off[1] * 10), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Translation_Hook);
target->SetMeshTransformation(Trans_RotX(angle, 500, 11000), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Hook);
else if (effect.ani_mode)
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, 2);
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, 3);
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Translation_Hook);
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Hook);
if (!target->GetHandAction())
@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ public func FxIntGrappleControlStop(object target, proplist effect, int reason,
if (tmp)
return FX_OK;
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, 2);
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, 3);
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Translation_Hook);
target->SetMeshTransformation(0, CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Hook);
if (!target->GetHandAction())

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@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ public func FxIntClimbControlControl(object target, effect fx, int ctrl, int x,
public func SetLadderRotation(int r, int xoff, int yoff)
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(0, -10000), Trans_Rotate(-r, 0, 0, 1), Trans_Translate(xoff, 10000 + yoff)), 5);
SetMeshTransformation(Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(0, -10000), Trans_Rotate(-r, 0, 0, 1), Trans_Translate(xoff, 10000 + yoff)), CLONK_MESH_TRANSFORM_SLOT_Rotation_Ladder);