Replace C4AulDefFuncHelper with template functions

This avoids duplication of code in C4AulObjectFunc and C4AulEngineFunc
at the cost of boilerplate code working around the lack of partial
function template spezializations.

Instead of ThisImpl and ExecImpl, we could have multiple C4AulEngineFunc
spezializations deriving from a common template, but that would require
even longer and duplicated boilerplate.
Günther Brammer 2015-12-17 23:43:48 +01:00
parent 22113fd6fc
commit f78d7712a5
1 changed files with 70 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -100,6 +100,39 @@ public:
// return type of functions returning nil
typedef Nillable<void> C4Void;
// For functions taking a C4Object as this, check that they got one
template <typename ThisType> struct ThisImpl;
template <> struct ThisImpl<C4Object>
static C4Object* Conv(C4PropList* _this, C4AulFunc* func)
C4Object* Obj = _this ? _this->GetObject() : nullptr;
if (Obj)
return Obj;
throw NeedObjectContext(func->GetName());
template <> struct ThisImpl<C4PropList>
static C4PropList* Conv(C4PropList* _this, C4AulFunc* func)
return _this;
// Extracts the parameters from C4Values and wraps the return value in a C4Value
template <typename RType, typename ThisType, typename ...ParTypes>
struct ExecImpl
template <std::size_t... Is>
static C4Value Exec(RType (*pFunc)(ThisType *, ParTypes...), ThisType * _this, C4Value pPars[], std::index_sequence<Is...>)
return C4Value(pFunc(_this, C4ValueConv<ParTypes>::_FromC4V(pPars[Is])...));
(void) pPars;
// converter templates
template <typename T>
struct C4ValueConv<Nillable<T> >
@ -173,116 +206,56 @@ template <> struct C4ValueConv<C4Value>
inline static C4Value _FromC4V(C4Value &v) { return v; }
// defined function class
class C4AulDefFuncHelper: public C4AulFunc
// Wrapper around an ordinary C++ function callable from C4Script
template <typename RType, typename ThisType, typename ...ParTypes>
class C4AulEngineFunc: public C4AulFunc
C4AulDefFuncHelper(C4PropListStatic * Parent, const char *pName, bool Public,
C4V_Type pt0 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt1 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt2 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt3 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt4 = C4V_Any,
C4V_Type pt5 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt6 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt7 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt8 = C4V_Any, C4V_Type pt9 = C4V_Any):
C4AulFunc(Parent, pName),
/* A pointer to the function which this class wraps */
typedef RType (*Func)(ThisType *, ParTypes...);
C4AulEngineFunc(C4PropListStatic * Parent, const char *pName, Func pFunc, bool Public):
C4AulFunc(Parent, pName),
pFunc(pFunc), ParType {C4ValueConv<ParTypes>::Type()...}, Public(Public)
ParType[0] = pt0;
ParType[1] = pt1;
ParType[2] = pt2;
ParType[3] = pt3;
ParType[4] = pt4;
ParType[5] = pt5;
ParType[6] = pt6;
ParType[7] = pt7;
ParType[8] = pt8;
ParType[9] = pt9;
Parent->SetPropertyByS(Name, C4VFunction(this));
virtual int GetParCount() const
return sizeof...(ParTypes);
virtual const C4V_Type* GetParType() const
return ParType;
virtual C4V_Type GetRetType() const
return C4ValueConv<RType>::Type();
virtual bool GetPublic() const
return Public;
virtual C4Value Exec(C4PropList * _this, C4Value pPars[], bool fPassErrors)
return ExecImpl<RType, ThisType, ParTypes...>::Exec(pFunc, ThisImpl<ThisType>::Conv(_this, this),
pPars, std::index_sequence_for<ParTypes...>{});
virtual const C4V_Type* GetParType() const { return ParType; }
virtual bool GetPublic() const { return Public; }
Func pFunc;
C4V_Type ParType[10];// type of the parameters
bool Public;
template <typename RType, typename ...ParTypes>
class C4AulEngineFunc: public C4AulDefFuncHelper {
/* A pointer to the function which this class wraps */
typedef RType (*Func)(C4PropList *, ParTypes...);
virtual int GetParCount() const
return sizeof...(ParTypes);
virtual C4V_Type GetRetType() const
return C4ValueConv<RType>::Type();
/* Constructor, using the base class to create the ParType array */
C4AulEngineFunc(C4PropListStatic * Parent, const char *pName, Func pFunc, bool Public):
C4AulDefFuncHelper(Parent, pName, Public, C4ValueConv<ParTypes>::Type()...), pFunc(pFunc)
{ }
/* Extracts the parameters from C4Values and wraps the return value in a C4Value */
virtual C4Value Exec(C4PropList * _this, C4Value pPars[], bool fPassErrors)
return ExecImpl(_this, pPars, std::index_sequence_for<ParTypes...>{});
template<std::size_t... Is> C4Value ExecImpl(C4PropList * _this, C4Value pPars[], std::index_sequence<Is...>)
return C4Value(pFunc(_this, C4ValueConv<ParTypes>::_FromC4V(pPars[Is])...));
(void) pPars;
Func pFunc;
template <typename RType, typename ...ParTypes>
class C4AulObjectFunc: public C4AulDefFuncHelper {
/* A pointer to the function which this class wraps */
typedef RType (*Func)(C4Object *, ParTypes...);
virtual int GetParCount() const
return sizeof...(ParTypes);
virtual C4V_Type GetRetType() const
return C4ValueConv<RType>::Type();
/* Constructor, using the base class to create the ParType array */
C4AulObjectFunc(C4PropListStatic * Parent, const char *pName, Func pFunc, bool Public):
C4AulDefFuncHelper(Parent, pName, Public, C4ValueConv<ParTypes>::Type()...), pFunc(pFunc)
{ }
/* Extracts the parameters from C4Values and wraps the return value in a C4Value */
virtual C4Value Exec(C4PropList * _this, C4Value pPars[], bool fPassErrors)
C4Object * Obj; if (!_this || !(Obj = _this->GetObject())) throw NeedObjectContext(GetName());
return ExecImpl(Obj, pPars, std::index_sequence_for<ParTypes...>{});
template<std::size_t... Is> C4Value ExecImpl(C4Object * Obj, C4Value pPars[], std::index_sequence<Is...>)
return C4Value(pFunc(Obj, C4ValueConv<ParTypes>::_FromC4V(pPars[Is])...));
(void) pPars;
Func pFunc;
template <typename RType, typename ...ParTypes>
inline void AddFunc(C4AulScript * pOwner, const char * Name, RType (*pFunc)(C4PropList *, ParTypes...), bool Public=true)
template <typename RType, typename ThisType, typename ...ParTypes>
inline void AddFunc(C4AulScript * pOwner, const char * Name, RType (*pFunc)(ThisType *, ParTypes...), bool Public=true)
new C4AulEngineFunc<RType, ParTypes...>(pOwner->GetPropList(), Name, pFunc, Public);
template <typename RType, typename ...ParTypes>
inline void AddFunc(C4AulScript * pOwner, const char * Name, RType (*pFunc)(C4Object *, ParTypes...), bool Public=true)
new C4AulObjectFunc<RType, ParTypes...>(pOwner->GetPropList(), Name, pFunc, Public);
new C4AulEngineFunc<RType, ThisType, ParTypes...>(pOwner->GetPropList(), Name, pFunc, Public);
// a definition of a script constant