Enlarge rotated shape only by the minimum necessary

Previously, a rotated object had a quadratic shape that could hold all
possible rotations.
Günther Brammer 2013-05-25 13:10:54 +02:00
parent bc45d417a9
commit ecae81d985
3 changed files with 50 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ void C4Object::UpdateShape(bool bUpdateVertices)
// Rotation
if (Def->Rotateable)
if (r!=0)
Shape.Rotate(r, bUpdateVertices);
Shape.Rotate(fix_r, bUpdateVertices);
// covered area changed? to be on the save side, update pos

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void C4Shape::Clear()
ZeroMem(this, sizeof (C4Shape));
void C4Shape::Rotate(int32_t iAngle, bool bUpdateVertices)
void C4Shape::Rotate(C4Real Angle, bool bUpdateVertices)
C4RCRotVtx rc;
@ -65,52 +65,64 @@ void C4Shape::Rotate(int32_t iAngle, bool bUpdateVertices)
{ rc.VtxX[i]=VtxX[i]; rc.VtxY[i]=VtxY[i]; }
AddDbgRec(RCT_RotVtx1, &rc, sizeof(rc));
int32_t cnt,nvtx,nvty,rdia;
int32_t cnt,nvtx,nvty,nwdt,nhgt;
//int32_t *vtx=VtxX;
//int32_t *vty=VtxY;
C4Real mtx[4];
C4Real fAngle = itofix(iAngle);
// Calculate rotation matrix
mtx[0] = Cos(Angle); mtx[1] = -Sin(Angle);
mtx[2] = -mtx[1]; mtx[3] = mtx[0];
if (bUpdateVertices)
// Calculate rotation matrix
mtx[0]=Cos(fAngle); mtx[1]=-Sin(fAngle);
mtx[2]=-mtx[1]; mtx[3]= mtx[0];
// Rotate vertices
for (cnt=0; cnt<VtxNum; cnt++)
for (cnt = 0; cnt < VtxNum; cnt++)
//nvtx= (int32_t) ( mtx[0]*vtx[cnt] + mtx[1]*vty[cnt] );
//nvty= (int32_t) ( mtx[2]*vtx[cnt] + mtx[3]*vty[cnt] );
nvtx = fixtoi(mtx[0]*VtxX[cnt] + mtx[1]*VtxY[cnt]);
nvty = fixtoi(mtx[2]*VtxX[cnt] + mtx[3]*VtxY[cnt]);
VtxX[cnt]=nvtx; VtxY[cnt]=nvty;
nvtx = fixtoi(mtx[0] * VtxX[cnt] + mtx[1] * VtxY[cnt]);
nvty = fixtoi(mtx[2] * VtxX[cnt] + mtx[3] * VtxY[cnt]);
VtxX[cnt] = nvtx; VtxY[cnt] = nvty;
/* This is freaking nuts. I used the int32_t* to shortcut the
two int32_t arrays Shape.Vtx_[]. Without modifications to
this code, after rotation the x-values of vertex 2 and 4
are screwed to that of vertex 0. Direct use of the array
variables instead of the pointers helped. Later in
development, again without modification to this code, the
same error occured again. I moved back to pointer array
shortcut and it worked again. ?!
The error occurs after the C4DefCore structure has
changed. It must have something to do with struct
member alignment. But why does pointer usage vs. array
index make a difference?
// Enlarge Rect
rdia= (int32_t) sqrt(double(x*x+y*y)) + 2;
nvtx = fixtoi(mtx[0] * x + mtx[1] * y);
nvty = fixtoi(mtx[2] * x + mtx[3] * y);
if (mtx[0] > 0)
if (mtx[1] > 0)
nwdt = fixtoi(mtx[0] * Wdt + mtx[1] * Hgt);
nhgt = fixtoi(mtx[1] * Wdt + mtx[0] * Hgt);
x = nvtx;
y = nvty - fixtoi(mtx[1] * Wdt);
nwdt = fixtoi(mtx[0] * Wdt - mtx[1] * Hgt);
nhgt = fixtoi(- mtx[1] * Wdt + mtx[0] * Hgt);
x = nvtx + fixtoi(mtx[1] * Hgt);
y = nvty;
if (mtx[1] > 0)
nwdt = fixtoi(- mtx[0] * Wdt + mtx[1] * Hgt);
nhgt = fixtoi(mtx[1] * Wdt - mtx[0] * Hgt);
x = nvtx + fixtoi(mtx[0] * Wdt);
y = nvty - nhgt;
nwdt = fixtoi(- mtx[0] * Wdt - mtx[1] * Hgt);
nhgt = fixtoi(- mtx[1] * Wdt - mtx[0] * Hgt);
x = nvtx - nwdt;
y = nvty + fixtoi(mtx[0] * Hgt);
Wdt = nwdt;
Hgt = nhgt;
rc.x=x; rc.y=y; rc.wdt=Wdt; rc.hgt=Hgt;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i)

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
void Default();
void Clear();
void Rotate(int32_t iAngle, bool bUpdateVertices);
void Rotate(C4Real Angle, bool bUpdateVertices);
void Stretch(int32_t iCon, bool bUpdateVertices);
void Jolt(int32_t iCon, bool bUpdateVertices);
void GetVertexOutline(C4Rect &rRect);