Stackable: Better logging in unit test

Also corrected some minor details in the test logic, related to InitialStackCount() and MaxStackCount().
Mark 2016-03-06 06:49:57 +01:00
parent 258f3d3b3b
commit e92f5b6bf9
1 changed files with 73 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -133,22 +133,32 @@ global func Test1_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of SetStackCount() and GetStackCount()");
Log("****** Initial stack count");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("The stackable object should start with the amount set by InitialStackCount(). Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("IsFullStack works correctly: Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsFullStack(), true);
Log("****** Setting a value greater than MaxStackCount() with SetStackCount()");
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() + 1);
passed &= doTest("SetStackCount() can set a value greater than MaxStackCount(). Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() + 1);
Log("****** Setting a value less than MaxStackCount() with SetStackCount()");
stackable->SetStackCount(stackable->MaxStackCount() - 1);
passed &= doTest("SetStackCount() can set a value. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() - 1);
passed &= doTest("IsFullStack works correctly: Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsFullStack(), false);
Log("****** Setting the stack count to 0 with SetStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("Setting SetStackCount() to 0 should not remove the object. Got %d, expected %d", !!stackable, true);
passed &= doTest("An object with stack count 0 returns a value nonetheless. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
Log("****** Setting negative values with SetStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("SetStackCount() cannot set negative values. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
@ -164,6 +174,8 @@ global func Test2_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of DoStackCount()");
Log("****** Increasing the stack count beyond MaxStackCount()");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
@ -171,19 +183,27 @@ global func Test2_Execute()
var passed = doTest("The stackable object can exceed its maximum amount with DoStackCount(). Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() + 1);
passed &= doTest("IsFullStack works correctly: Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->IsFullStack(), true);
Log("****** Decreasing the stack count below MaxStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("DoStackCount() can reduce the stack. Got %d, expected %d", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount() - 1);
Log("****** Decreasing the stack count to 0 with DoStackCount()");
passed &= doTest("DoStackCount() removes the object if the stack is reduced to 0 items. Got %v, expected %v", !stackable, true);
Log("****** Decreasing the stack count below 0 with DoStackCount()");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("DoStackCount() removes the object if the stack is reduced to less than 0 items. Got %v, expected %v", !stackable, true);
Log("****** Consistency of SetStackCount() and GetStackCount()");
stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
@ -221,6 +241,8 @@ global func Test4_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of TakeObject");
Log("****** Taking an object from a stack inside a container");
var container = CreateObject(Dummy);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
@ -236,6 +258,8 @@ global func Test4_Execute()
passed &= doTest("The taken object should not contained. Got %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("The taken object should be a single object. Got %v, expected %v.", item->GetStackCount(), 1);
Log("****** Taking the last object from a stack inside a container");
var item = stackable->TakeObject();
@ -247,6 +271,8 @@ global func Test4_Execute()
passed &= doTest("The taken object should not have an internal stack count of 0. It increases the stack count correctly. Got %d, expected %d.", item->GetStackCount(), 2);
Log("****** Taking an object from a stack with 0 objects");
item = stackable->TakeObject();
@ -269,43 +295,61 @@ global func Test5_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of Stack()");
Log("****** Stack() a full stack onto a full stack");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("Stacking two full objects has no effect. Stack() returns %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 0);
passed &= doTest("Stack count of original object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stack count of other object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), other->InitialStackCount());
Log("****** Stack() a full stack onto a stack with 0 items");
passed &= doTest("Stacking an full stack onto a stack with stack count 0 should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** Stack() a stack with 0 items onto a stack with 1 items");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking an empty object onto a full stack should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 0);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The original object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** Stack() a stack with negative items onto a full stack");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking an negative amount object onto a full stack should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 0);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** Stack() a full stack onto a partial stack");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking a full object fills the stack. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 7);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stacking a full object fills the partial stack. Got %d remaining in the (previously) full stack, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(other), 7);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stacked object should still exist and be partially filled. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 8);
Log("****** Stack() a partial stack onto itself");
passed &= doTest("Stacking an object on itself does nothing. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->Stack(stackable), 0);
passed &= doTest("Stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 2);
return passed;
@ -315,36 +359,54 @@ global func Test6_Execute()
Log("Test the behaviour of TryAddToStack()");
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a full stack onto a full stack");
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var other = CreateObject(Arrow);
var passed = doTest("Stacking two full objects has no effect. TryAddToStack() returns %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), false);
passed &= doTest("Stack count of original object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stack count of other object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), other->InitialStackCount());
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a full stack onto a stack with 0 items");
passed &= doTest("Stacking an full stack onto a stack with stack count 0 should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a stack with 0 items onto a stack with 1 items");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking an empty object onto a full stack should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The original object should not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 1);
passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a stack with negative items onto a full stack");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking an negative amount object onto a full stack should transfer everything. Got %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The other object should be removed. Got %v, expected %v.", other, nil);
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a full stack onto a partial stack");
other = CreateObject(Arrow);
passed &= doTest("Stacking a full object fills the stack. Got %d, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stacking a full object fills the partial stack. Got %d remaining in the (previously) full stack, expected %d.", other->TryAddToStack(stackable), true);
passed &= doTest("The original object should be full. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), stackable->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The stacked object should still exist and be partially filled. Got %d, expected %d.", other->GetStackCount(), 8);
Log("****** TryAddToStack() a partial stack onto itself");
passed &= doTest("Stacking an object on itself does nothing. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->TryAddToStack(stackable), false);
passed &= doTest("Stack count does not change. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), 2);