Avoid built-in GL matrices for mesh rendering

Instead, compute the projection, modelview and normal matrices explictly
and upload them as shader uniforms.
Armin Burgmeier 2015-12-24 22:47:51 -08:00
parent a487457563
commit de3ed60aa8
10 changed files with 330 additions and 200 deletions

View File

@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
varying vec3 normalDir;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelviewMatrix;
uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
uniform mat4x3 bones[MAX_BONE_COUNT];
@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ vec4 merge_bone(vec4 vertex, vec4 original, mat3x4 bone, float weight)
#if BONE_COUNT == 0
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelviewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
vec4 vertex = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
vertex = merge_bone(vertex, gl_Vertex, bones[int(oc_BoneIndices0.x)], oc_BoneWeights0.x);
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ slice(position)
vertex = merge_bone(vertex, gl_Vertex, bones[int(oc_BoneIndices1.z)], oc_BoneWeights1.z);
vertex = merge_bone(vertex, gl_Vertex, bones[int(oc_BoneIndices1.w)], oc_BoneWeights1.w);
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vertex;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelviewMatrix * vertex;
@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ slice(texcoord)
#if BONE_COUNT == 0
normalDir = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
normalDir = normalize(normalMatrix * gl_Normal);
vec4 base_normal = vec4(gl_Normal, 0.0);
vec4 normal = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
@ -111,6 +115,6 @@ slice(normal)
normal = merge_bone(normal, base_normal, bones[int(oc_BoneIndices1.z)], oc_BoneWeights1.z);
normal = merge_bone(normal, base_normal, bones[int(oc_BoneIndices1.w)], oc_BoneWeights1.w);
normalDir = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * normal.xyz);
normalDir = normalize(normalMatrix * normal.xyz);

View File

@ -70,13 +70,7 @@ slice(normal)
vec4 normalPx = texture2D(normalTex, texcoord.xy);
vec3 normalPxDir = 2.0 * (normalPx.xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
#ifdef OC_MESH
// TODO: Change to normalMatrix once we changed mesh rendering
// to use custom matrices
vec3 normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * normalPxDir);
vec3 normal = normalize(normalMatrix * normalPxDir);
#ifdef OC_MESH
vec3 normal = normalDir; // Normal matrix is already applied in vertex shader

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
uniform sampler2D basemap;
uniform sampler2D normalTex;
uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
#define slice(x)
@ -12,9 +13,6 @@ void main()
// This picks up the normal map lookup in ObjectLightShader.c:
color = color * texture2D(basemap, texcoord);
@ -23,6 +21,17 @@ slice(texture+1)
// TODO: This overrides what is set in slice(normal)
// from ObjectShader.glsl. It's probably optimized out,
// but a more elegant solution would be nice. Also maybe
// a function in UtilShader.glsl to reduce code duplication.
vec4 normalPx = texture2D(normalTex, texcoord.xy);
vec3 normalPxDir = 2.0 * (normalPx.xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
normal = normalize(normalMatrix * normalPxDir);

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelviewMatrix;
varying vec3 normalDir;
#define slice(x)
varying vec2 texcoord;
@ -11,9 +16,16 @@ slice(texcoord)
texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
// Dummy variable, it's not used in the fragment shader.
// TODO: Improve construction of shaders so this is not needed.
normalDir = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelviewMatrix * gl_Vertex;

View File

@ -35,12 +35,18 @@ namespace
// to an equivalent fragment shader. The generated code can certainly
// be optimized more.
StdStrBuf TextureUnitSourceToCode(int index, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpSourceType source, const float manualColor[3], float manualAlpha)
StdStrBuf Texture2DToCode(int index, bool hasTextureAnimation)
if (hasTextureAnimation) return FormatString("texture2D(oc_Texture%d, (oc_TextureMatrix%d * vec4(texcoord, 0.0, 1.0)).xy)", index, index);
return FormatString("texture2D(oc_Texture%d, texcoord)", index);
StdStrBuf TextureUnitSourceToCode(int index, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpSourceType source, const float manualColor[3], float manualAlpha, bool hasTextureAnimation)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Current: return StdStrBuf("currentColor");
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Texture: return FormatString("texture2D(oc_Texture%d, texcoord)", index);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Texture: return Texture2DToCode(index, hasTextureAnimation);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Diffuse: return StdStrBuf("diffuse");
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Specular: return StdStrBuf("diffuse"); // TODO: Should be specular
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_PlayerColor: return StdStrBuf("vec4(oc_PlayerColor, 1.0)");
@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ namespace
StdStrBuf TextureUnitBlendToCode(int index, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpExType blend_type, const char* source1, const char* source2, float manualFactor)
StdStrBuf TextureUnitBlendToCode(int index, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpExType blend_type, const char* source1, const char* source2, float manualFactor, bool hasTextureAnimation)
@ -63,10 +69,10 @@ namespace
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_AddSmooth: return FormatString("%s + %s - %s*%s", source1, source2, source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Subtract: return FormatString("%s - %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendDiffuseAlpha: return FormatString("diffuse.a * %s + (1.0 - diffuse.a) * %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendTextureAlpha: return FormatString("texture2D(oc_Texture%d, texcoord).a * %s + (1.0 - texture2D(oc_Texture%d, texcoord).a) * %s", index, source1, index, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendTextureAlpha: return FormatString("%s.a * %s + (1.0 - %s.a) * %s", Texture2DToCode(index, hasTextureAnimation).getData(), source1, Texture2DToCode(index, hasTextureAnimation).getData(), source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendCurrentAlpha: return FormatString("currentColor.a * %s + (1.0 - currentColor.a) * %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendManual: return FormatString("%f * %s + (1.0 - %f) * %s", manualFactor, source1, manualFactor, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Dotproduct: return FormatString("vec3(4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5), 4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5), 4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5));", source1, source2, source1, source2, source1, source2); // TODO: Needs special handling for the case of alpha
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Dotproduct: return FormatString("vec3(4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5), 4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5), 4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5))", source1, source2, source1, source2, source1, source2); // TODO: Needs special handling for the case of alpha
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendDiffuseColor: return FormatString("diffuse.rgb * %s + (1.0 - diffuse.rgb) * %s", source1, source2);
default: assert(false); return StdStrBuf(source1);
@ -74,12 +80,14 @@ namespace
StdStrBuf TextureUnitToCode(int index, const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit& texunit)
StdStrBuf color_source1 = FormatString("%s.rgb", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpSources[0], texunit.ColorOpManualColor1, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha1).getData());
StdStrBuf color_source2 = FormatString("%s.rgb", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpSources[1], texunit.ColorOpManualColor2, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha2).getData());
StdStrBuf alpha_source1 = FormatString("%s.a", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpSources[0], texunit.ColorOpManualColor1, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha1).getData());
StdStrBuf alpha_source2 = FormatString("%s.a", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpSources[1], texunit.ColorOpManualColor2, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha2).getData());
const bool hasTextureAnimation = texunit.HasTexCoordAnimation();
return FormatString("currentColor = vec4(%s, %s);\n", TextureUnitBlendToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpEx, color_source1.getData(), color_source2.getData(), texunit.ColorOpManualFactor).getData(), TextureUnitBlendToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpEx, alpha_source1.getData(), alpha_source2.getData(), texunit.AlphaOpManualFactor).getData());
StdStrBuf color_source1 = FormatString("%s.rgb", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpSources[0], texunit.ColorOpManualColor1, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha1, hasTextureAnimation).getData());
StdStrBuf color_source2 = FormatString("%s.rgb", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpSources[1], texunit.ColorOpManualColor2, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha2, hasTextureAnimation).getData());
StdStrBuf alpha_source1 = FormatString("%s.a", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpSources[0], texunit.ColorOpManualColor1, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha1, hasTextureAnimation).getData());
StdStrBuf alpha_source2 = FormatString("%s.a", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpSources[1], texunit.ColorOpManualColor2, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha2, hasTextureAnimation).getData());
return FormatString("currentColor = vec4(%s, %s);\n", TextureUnitBlendToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpEx, color_source1.getData(), color_source2.getData(), texunit.ColorOpManualFactor, hasTextureAnimation).getData(), TextureUnitBlendToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpEx, alpha_source1.getData(), alpha_source2.getData(), texunit.AlphaOpManualFactor, hasTextureAnimation).getData());
StdStrBuf AlphaTestToCode(const StdMeshMaterialPass& pass)
@ -136,10 +144,13 @@ namespace
// Fall back just in case
"varying vec3 normalDir;\n"
"uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\n"
"uniform mat4 modelviewMatrix;\n"
"uniform mat3 normalMatrix;\n"
" gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;\n"
" gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelviewMatrix * gl_Vertex;\n"
@ -149,7 +160,7 @@ namespace
" normalDir = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);\n"
" normalDir = normalize(normalMatrix * gl_Normal);\n"
@ -180,6 +191,15 @@ namespace
textureUnitDeclCode.Append(FormatString("uniform sampler2D oc_Texture%u;\n", texIndex).getData());
params.AddParameter(FormatString("oc_Texture%u", texIndex).getData(), StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::INT).GetInt() = texIndex;
// If the texture unit has texture coordinate transformations,
// add a corresponding texture matrix uniform.
textureUnitDeclCode.Append(FormatString("uniform mat4 oc_TextureMatrix%u;\n", texIndex).getData());
params.AddParameter(FormatString("oc_TextureMatrix%u", texIndex).getData(), StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::AUTO_TEXTURE_MATRIX).GetInt() = texIndex;
@ -331,21 +351,6 @@ bool CStdGL::PrepareMaterial(StdMeshMatManager& mat_manager, StdMeshMaterialLoad
technique.Available = false;
for (unsigned int m = 0; m < texunit.Transformations.size(); ++m)
StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation& trans = texunit.Transformations[m];
if (trans.TransformType == StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_TRANSFORM)
// transpose so we can directly pass it to glMultMatrixf
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 1], trans.Transform.M[ 4]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 2], trans.Transform.M[ 8]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 3], trans.Transform.M[12]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 6], trans.Transform.M[ 9]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 7], trans.Transform.M[13]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[11], trans.Transform.M[14]);
} // loop over textures
} // loop over texture units
@ -418,27 +423,44 @@ namespace
// Apply Zoom and Transformation to the current matrix stack. Return
// parity of the transformation.
bool ApplyZoomAndTransform(float ZoomX, float ZoomY, float Zoom, C4BltTransform* pTransform)
bool ApplyZoomAndTransform(float ZoomX, float ZoomY, float Zoom, C4BltTransform* pTransform, StdProjectionMatrix& projection)
// Apply zoom
glTranslatef(ZoomX, ZoomY, 0.0f);
glScalef(Zoom, Zoom, 1.0f);
glTranslatef(-ZoomX, -ZoomY, 0.0f);
Translate(projection, ZoomX, ZoomY, 0.0f);
Scale(projection, Zoom, Zoom, 1.0f);
Translate(projection, -ZoomX, -ZoomY, 0.0f);
// Apply transformation
if (pTransform)
const GLfloat transform[16] = { pTransform->mat[0], pTransform->mat[3], 0, pTransform->mat[6], pTransform->mat[1], pTransform->mat[4], 0, pTransform->mat[7], 0, 0, 1, 0, pTransform->mat[2], pTransform->mat[5], 0, pTransform->mat[8] };
StdProjectionMatrix transform;
transform(0, 0) = pTransform->mat[0];
transform(0, 1) = pTransform->mat[1];
transform(0, 2) = 0.0f;
transform(0, 3) = pTransform->mat[2];
transform(1, 0) = pTransform->mat[3];
transform(1, 1) = pTransform->mat[4];
transform(1, 2) = 0.0f;
transform(1, 3) = pTransform->mat[5];
transform(2, 0) = 0.0f;
transform(2, 1) = 0.0f;
transform(2, 2) = 1.0f;
transform(2, 3) = 0.0f;
transform(3, 0) = pTransform->mat[6];
transform(3, 1) = pTransform->mat[7];
transform(3, 2) = 0.0f;
transform(3, 3) = pTransform->mat[8];
projection *= transform;
// Compute parity of the transformation matrix - if parity is swapped then
// we need to cull front faces instead of back faces.
const float det = transform[0]*transform[5]*transform[15]
+ transform[4]*transform[13]*transform[3]
+ transform[12]*transform[1]*transform[7]
- transform[0]*transform[13]*transform[7]
- transform[4]*transform[1]*transform[15]
- transform[12]*transform[5]*transform[3];
const float det = transform(0,0)*transform(1,1)*transform(3,3)
+ transform(1,0)*transform(3,1)*transform(0,3)
+ transform(3,0)*transform(0,1)*transform(1,3)
- transform(0,0)*transform(3,1)*transform(1,3)
- transform(1,0)*transform(0,1)*transform(3,3)
- transform(3,0)*transform(1,1)*transform(0,3);
return det > 0;
@ -493,7 +515,70 @@ namespace
return false;
void RenderSubMeshImpl(const StdMeshInstance& mesh_instance, const StdSubMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity)
StdProjectionMatrix ResolveAutoTextureMatrix(const StdSubMeshInstance& instance, const StdMeshMaterialTechnique& technique, unsigned int passIndex, unsigned int texUnitIndex)
assert(passIndex < technique.Passes.size());
const StdMeshMaterialPass& pass = technique.Passes[passIndex];
assert(texUnitIndex < pass.TextureUnits.size());
const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit& texunit = pass.TextureUnits[texUnitIndex];
StdProjectionMatrix matrix = StdProjectionMatrix::Identity();
const double Position = instance.GetTexturePosition(passIndex, texUnitIndex);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < texunit.Transformations.size(); ++k)
const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation& trans = texunit.Transformations[k];
StdProjectionMatrix temp_matrix;
switch (trans.TransformType)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCROLL:
Translate(matrix, trans.Scroll.X, trans.Scroll.Y, 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCROLL_ANIM:
Translate(matrix, trans.GetScrollX(Position), trans.GetScrollY(Position), 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_ROTATE:
Rotate(matrix, trans.Rotate.Angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_ROTATE_ANIM:
Rotate(matrix, trans.GetRotate(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCALE:
Scale(matrix, trans.Scale.X, trans.Scale.Y, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_TRANSFORM:
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
temp_matrix(i / 4, i % 4) = trans.Transform.M[i];
matrix *= temp_matrix;
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_WAVE_XFORM:
switch (trans.WaveXForm.XForm)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_X:
Translate(matrix, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_Y:
Translate(matrix, 0.0f, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_ROTATE:
Rotate(matrix, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_X:
Scale(matrix, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 1.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_Y:
Scale(matrix, 1.0f, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 1.0f);
return matrix;
void RenderSubMeshImpl(const StdProjectionMatrix& projectionMatrix, const StdMeshMatrix& modelviewMatrix, const StdMeshInstance& mesh_instance, const StdSubMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity)
const StdMeshMaterial& material = instance.GetMaterial();
assert(material.BestTechniqueIndex != -1);
@ -535,6 +620,9 @@ namespace
// Modelview matrix does not change between passes, so cache it here
const StdMeshMatrix normalMatrixTranspose = StdMeshMatrix::Inverse(modelviewMatrix);
// Render each pass
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < technique.Passes.size(); ++i)
@ -602,11 +690,9 @@ namespace
glBlendFunc(OgreBlendTypeToGL(pass.SceneBlendFactors[0]), GL_ONE);
assert(pass.Program.get() != NULL);
// Upload all parameters to the shader (keep GL_TEXTURE matrix mode for this)
// Upload all parameters to the shader
int ssc = 0;
if(dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_MOD2) ssc |= C4SSC_MOD2;
if(pFoW != NULL) ssc |= C4SSC_LIGHT;
@ -615,6 +701,11 @@ namespace
C4ShaderCall call(shader);
// Upload projection, modelview and normal matrices
call.SetUniformMatrix4x4(C4SSU_ProjectionMatrix, projectionMatrix);
call.SetUniformMatrix4x4(C4SSU_ModelViewMatrix, modelviewMatrix);
call.SetUniformMatrix3x3Transpose(C4SSU_NormalMatrix, normalMatrixTranspose);
// Upload the current bone transformation matrixes (if there are any)
if (!bones.empty())
@ -641,6 +732,7 @@ namespace
// Bind textures
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pass.TextureUnits.size(); ++j)
const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit& texunit = pass.TextureUnits[j];
@ -649,66 +741,17 @@ namespace
const unsigned int Phase = instance.GetTexturePhase(i, j);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texunit.GetTexture(Phase).texName);
// Setup texture coordinate transform
const double Position = instance.GetTexturePosition(i, j);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < texunit.Transformations.size(); ++k)
const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation& trans = texunit.Transformations[k];
switch (trans.TransformType)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCROLL:
glTranslatef(trans.Scroll.X, trans.Scroll.Y, 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCROLL_ANIM:
glTranslatef(trans.GetScrollX(Position), trans.GetScrollY(Position), 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_ROTATE:
glRotatef(trans.Rotate.Angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_ROTATE_ANIM:
glRotatef(trans.GetRotate(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCALE:
glScalef(trans.Scale.X, trans.Scale.Y, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_TRANSFORM:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_WAVE_XFORM:
switch (trans.WaveXForm.XForm)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_X:
glTranslatef(trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_Y:
glTranslatef(0.0f, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_ROTATE:
glRotatef(trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_X:
glScalef(trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 1.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_Y:
glScalef(1.0f, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 1.0f);
// Set uniforms and instance parameters
SetStandardUniforms(call, dwModClr, dwPlayerColor, dwBlitMode, pass.CullHardware != StdMeshMaterialPass::CH_None, pFoW, clipRect, outRect);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pass.Program->Parameters.size(); ++i)
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < pass.Program->Parameters.size(); ++j)
const int uniform = pass.Program->Parameters[i].UniformIndex;
const int uniform = pass.Program->Parameters[j].UniformIndex;
if(!shader->HaveUniform(uniform)) continue; // optimized out
const StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter* parameter = pass.Program->Parameters[i].Parameter;
const StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter* parameter = pass.Program->Parameters[j].Parameter;
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter auto_resolved;
if(parameter->GetType() == StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::AUTO)
@ -720,6 +763,9 @@ namespace
case StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::AUTO_TEXTURE_MATRIX:
call.SetUniformMatrix4x4(uniform, ResolveAutoTextureMatrix(instance, technique, i, parameter->GetInt()));
case StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::INT:
call.SetUniform1i(uniform, parameter->GetInt());
@ -744,7 +790,6 @@ namespace
size_t vertex_count = 3 * instance.GetNumFaces();
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, vertex_count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, instance.GetFaces());
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
@ -760,21 +805,12 @@ namespace
void RenderMeshImpl(StdMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity); // Needed by RenderAttachedMesh
void RenderMeshImpl(const StdProjectionMatrix& projectionMatrix, const StdMeshMatrix& modelviewMatrix, StdMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity); // Needed by RenderAttachedMesh
void RenderAttachedMesh(StdMeshInstance::AttachedMesh* attach, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity)
void RenderAttachedMesh(const StdProjectionMatrix& projectionMatrix, const StdMeshMatrix& modelviewMatrix, StdMeshInstance::AttachedMesh* attach, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity)
const StdMeshMatrix& FinalTrans = attach->GetFinalTransformation();
// Convert matrix to column-major order, add fourth row
const float attach_trans_gl[16] =
FinalTrans(0,0), FinalTrans(1,0), FinalTrans(2,0), 0,
FinalTrans(0,1), FinalTrans(1,1), FinalTrans(2,1), 0,
FinalTrans(0,2), FinalTrans(1,2), FinalTrans(2,2), 0,
FinalTrans(0,3), FinalTrans(1,3), FinalTrans(2,3), 1
// Take the player color from the C4Object, if the attached object is not a definition
// This is a bit unfortunate because it requires access to C4Object which is otherwise
// avoided in this code. It could be replaced by virtual function calls to StdMeshDenumerator
@ -787,13 +823,11 @@ namespace
// TODO: Take attach transform's parity into account
RenderMeshImpl(*attach->Child, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
StdMeshMatrix newModelviewMatrix = modelviewMatrix * FinalTrans;
RenderMeshImpl(projectionMatrix, newModelviewMatrix, *attach->Child, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
void RenderMeshImpl(StdMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity)
void RenderMeshImpl(const StdProjectionMatrix& projectionMatrix, const StdMeshMatrix& modelviewMatrix, StdMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, const C4FoWRegion* pFoW, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, bool parity)
const StdMesh& mesh = instance.GetMesh();
@ -801,7 +835,7 @@ namespace
StdMeshInstance::AttachedMeshIter attach_iter = instance.AttachedMeshesBegin();
for (; attach_iter != instance.AttachedMeshesEnd() && ((*attach_iter)->GetFlags() & StdMeshInstance::AM_DrawBefore); ++attach_iter)
RenderAttachedMesh(*attach_iter, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
RenderAttachedMesh(projectionMatrix, modelviewMatrix, *attach_iter, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
GLint modes[2];
// Check if we should draw in wireframe or normal mode
@ -814,7 +848,7 @@ namespace
// Render each submesh
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
RenderSubMeshImpl(instance, instance.GetSubMeshOrdered(i), dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
RenderSubMeshImpl(projectionMatrix, modelviewMatrix, instance, instance.GetSubMeshOrdered(i), dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
// reset old mode to prevent rendering errors
@ -825,7 +859,7 @@ namespace
// Render non-AM_DrawBefore attached meshes
for (; attach_iter != instance.AttachedMeshesEnd(); ++attach_iter)
RenderAttachedMesh(*attach_iter, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
RenderAttachedMesh(projectionMatrix, modelviewMatrix, *attach_iter, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
@ -867,23 +901,21 @@ void CStdGL::PerformMesh(StdMeshInstance &instance, float tx, float ty, float tw
//int iAdditive = dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_ADDITIVE;
//glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, iAdditive ? GL_ONE : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
// Set up projection matrix first. We do transform and Zoom with the
// projection matrix, so that lighting is applied to the untransformed/unzoomed
// mesh.
// Mesh extents
const float b = fabs(v2.x - v1.x)/2.0f;
const float h = fabs(v2.y - v1.y)/2.0f;
const float l = fabs(v2.z - v1.z)/2.0f;
// Set up projection matrix first. We do transform and Zoom with the
// projection matrix, so that lighting is applied to the untransformed/unzoomed
// mesh.
StdProjectionMatrix projectionMatrix;
if (!fUsePerspective)
// Orthographic projection. The orthographic projection matrix
// is already loaded in the GL matrix stack.
// Load the orthographic projection
projectionMatrix = ProjectionMatrix;
if (!ApplyZoomAndTransform(ZoomX, ZoomY, Zoom, pTransform))
if (!ApplyZoomAndTransform(ZoomX, ZoomY, Zoom, pTransform, projectionMatrix))
parity = !parity;
// Scale so that the mesh fits in (tx,ty,twdt,thgt)
@ -913,24 +945,22 @@ void CStdGL::PerformMesh(StdMeshInstance &instance, float tx, float ty, float tw
// there are attached meshes.
const float scz = 1.0/(mesh.GetBoundingRadius());
glTranslatef(dx, dy, 0.0f);
glScalef(1.0f, 1.0f, scz);
Translate(projectionMatrix, dx, dy, 0.0f);
Scale(projectionMatrix, 1.0f, 1.0f, scz);
// Perspective projection. We need current viewport size.
const int iWdt=std::min(iClipX2, RenderTarget->Wdt-1)-iClipX1+1;
const int iHgt=std::min(iClipY2, RenderTarget->Hgt-1)-iClipY1+1;
// Get away with orthographic projection matrix currently loaded
// Perspective projection. This code transforms the projected
// 3D model into the target area.
const C4Rect clipRect = GetClipRect();
projectionMatrix = StdProjectionMatrix::Identity();
// Back to GL device coordinates
glTranslatef(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glScalef(2.0f/iWdt, -2.0f/iHgt, 1.0f);
Translate(projectionMatrix, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Scale(projectionMatrix, 2.0f/clipRect.Wdt, -2.0f/clipRect.Hgt, 1.0f);
glTranslatef(-iClipX1, -iClipY1, 0.0f);
if (!ApplyZoomAndTransform(ZoomX, ZoomY, Zoom, pTransform))
Translate(projectionMatrix, -clipRect.x, -clipRect.y, 0.0f);
if (!ApplyZoomAndTransform(ZoomX, ZoomY, Zoom, pTransform, projectionMatrix))
parity = !parity;
// Move to target location and compensate for 1.0f aspect
@ -946,87 +976,66 @@ void CStdGL::PerformMesh(StdMeshInstance &instance, float tx, float ty, float tw
ttwdt = thgt;
glTranslatef(ttx, tty, 0.0f);
glScalef(((float)ttwdt)/iWdt, ((float)tthgt)/iHgt, 1.0f);
Translate(projectionMatrix, ttx, tty, 0.0f);
Scale(projectionMatrix, ((float)ttwdt)/clipRect.Wdt, ((float)tthgt)/clipRect.Hgt, 1.0f);
// Return to Clonk coordinate frame
glScalef(iWdt/2.0, -iHgt/2.0, 1.0f);
glTranslatef(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
Scale(projectionMatrix, clipRect.Wdt/2.0, -clipRect.Hgt/2.0, 1.0f);
Translate(projectionMatrix, 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
// Fix for the case when we have a non-square target
// Fix for the case when we have different aspect ratios
const float ta = twdt / thgt;
const float ma = b / h;
if(ta <= 1 && ta/ma <= 1)
glScalef(std::max(ta, ta/ma), std::max(ta, ta/ma), 1.0f);
Scale(projectionMatrix, std::max(ta, ta/ma), std::max(ta, ta/ma), 1.0f);
else if(ta >= 1 && ta/ma >= 1)
glScalef(std::max(1.0f/ta, ma/ta), std::max(1.0f/ta, ma/ta), 1.0f);
Scale(projectionMatrix, std::max(1.0f/ta, ma/ta), std::max(1.0f/ta, ma/ta), 1.0f);
// Apply perspective projection. After this, x and y range from
// -1 to 1, and this is mapped into tx/ty/twdt/thgt by the above code.
// Aspect is 1.0f which is accounted for above.
gluPerspective(FOV, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
// Aspect is 1.0f which is changed above as well.
Perspective(projectionMatrix, 1.0f/TAN_FOV, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
// Now set up modelview matrix
// Now set up the modelview matrix
StdMeshMatrix modelviewMatrix;
if (fUsePerspective)
// Setup camera position so that the mesh with uniform transformation
// fits well into a square target (without distortion).
const float EyeR = l + std::max(b/TAN_FOV, h/TAN_FOV);
const float EyeX = MeshCenter.x;
const float EyeY = MeshCenter.y;
const float EyeZ = MeshCenter.z + EyeR;
const StdMeshVector Eye = StdMeshVector::Translate(MeshCenter.x, MeshCenter.y, MeshCenter.z + EyeR);
// Up vector is unit vector in theta direction
const float UpX = 0;//-sinEyePhi * sinEyeTheta;
const float UpY = -1;//-cosEyeTheta;
const float UpZ = 0;//-cosEyePhi * sinEyeTheta;
const StdMeshVector Up = StdMeshVector::Translate(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
// Fix X axis (???)
glScalef(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
modelviewMatrix = StdMeshMatrix::Scale(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// center on mesh's bounding box, so that the mesh is really in the center of the viewport
gluLookAt(EyeX, EyeY, EyeZ, MeshCenter.x, MeshCenter.y, MeshCenter.z, UpX, UpY, UpZ);
modelviewMatrix *= StdMeshMatrix::LookAt(Eye, MeshCenter, Up);
modelviewMatrix = StdMeshMatrix::Identity();
// Apply mesh transformation matrix
if (MeshTransform)
// Convert to column-major order
const float Matrix[16] =
(*MeshTransform)(0,0), (*MeshTransform)(1,0), (*MeshTransform)(2,0), 0,
(*MeshTransform)(0,1), (*MeshTransform)(1,1), (*MeshTransform)(2,1), 0,
(*MeshTransform)(0,2), (*MeshTransform)(1,2), (*MeshTransform)(2,2), 0,
(*MeshTransform)(0,3), (*MeshTransform)(1,3), (*MeshTransform)(2,3), 1
const float det = MeshTransform->Determinant();
if (det < 0) parity = !parity;
// Renormalize if transformation resizes the mesh
// for lighting to be correct.
// TODO: Also needs to check for orthonormality to be correct
if (det != 1 && det != -1)
// Apply MeshTransformation (in the Mesh's coordinate system)
modelviewMatrix *= *MeshTransform;
DWORD dwModClr = BlitModulated ? BlitModulateClr : 0xffffffff;
const C4Rect clipRect = GetClipRect();
const C4Rect outRect = GetOutRect();
RenderMeshImpl(instance, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
RenderMeshImpl(projectionMatrix, modelviewMatrix, instance, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, pFoW, clipRect, outRect, parity);
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // switch back to default
glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // switch back to default
@ -1036,7 +1045,6 @@ void CStdGL::PerformMesh(StdMeshInstance &instance, float tx, float ty, float tw

View File

@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ public:
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
const float mat[16] = { matrix(0, 0), matrix(1, 0), matrix(2, 0), 0.0f, matrix(0, 1), matrix(1, 1), matrix(1, 2), 0.0f, matrix(2, 0), matrix(2, 1), matrix(2, 2), 0.0f, matrix(0, 3), matrix(1, 3), matrix(2, 3), 1.0f };
const float mat[16] = { matrix(0, 0), matrix(1, 0), matrix(2, 0), 0.0f, matrix(0, 1), matrix(1, 1), matrix(2, 1), 0.0f, matrix(0, 2), matrix(1, 2), matrix(2, 2), 0.0f, matrix(0, 3), matrix(1, 3), matrix(2, 3), 1.0f };
glUniformMatrix4fvARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), 1, GL_FALSE, mat);

View File

@ -693,6 +693,7 @@ void StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::CopyShallow(const StdMeshMaterialShaderPara
case AUTO:
a = other.a;
case INT:
i = other.i;
@ -864,9 +865,9 @@ bool StdMeshMaterialProgram::CompileShader(StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader, C4Shad
std::vector<const char*> uniformNames;
uniformNames.resize(C4SSU_Count + ParameterNames.size() + 1);
uniformNames[C4SSU_ProjectionMatrix] = "projectionMatrix"; // unused YET
uniformNames[C4SSU_ModelViewMatrix] = "modelviewMatrix"; // unused YET
uniformNames[C4SSU_NormalMatrix] = "normalMatrix"; // unused YET
uniformNames[C4SSU_ProjectionMatrix] = "projectionMatrix";
uniformNames[C4SSU_ModelViewMatrix] = "modelviewMatrix";
uniformNames[C4SSU_NormalMatrix] = "normalMatrix";
uniformNames[C4SSU_ClrMod] = "clrMod";
uniformNames[C4SSU_Gamma] = "gamma";
uniformNames[C4SSU_BaseTex] = "baseTex"; // unused

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter
enum Type {
AUTO_TEXTURE_MATRIX, // Texture matrix for the i-th texture
@ -74,14 +75,14 @@ public:
// Getters
Auto GetAuto() const { assert(type == AUTO); return a; }
int GetInt() const { assert(type == INT); return i; }
int GetInt() const { assert(type == INT || type == AUTO_TEXTURE_MATRIX); return i; }
float GetFloat() const { assert(type == FLOAT); return f[0]; }
const float* GetFloatv() const { assert(type == FLOAT2 || type == FLOAT3 || type == FLOAT4); return f; }
const float* GetMatrix() const { assert(type == MATRIX_4X4); return matrix; }
// Setters
Auto& GetAuto() { assert(type == AUTO); return a; }
int& GetInt() { assert(type == INT); return i; }
int& GetInt() { assert(type == INT || type == AUTO_TEXTURE_MATRIX); return i; }
float& GetFloat() { assert(type == FLOAT); return f[0]; }
float* GetFloatv() { assert(type == FLOAT2 || type == FLOAT3 || type == FLOAT4); return f; }
float* GetMatrix() { assert(type == MATRIX_4X4); return matrix; }

View File

@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::Cross(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector
return v;
void StdMeshVector::Normalize()
const float len = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
x /= len; y /= len; z /= len;
StdMeshQuaternion StdMeshQuaternion::Zero()
StdMeshQuaternion q;
@ -337,6 +343,24 @@ StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::TransformInverse(const StdMeshTransformation& trans
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::LookAt(const StdMeshVector& eye, const StdMeshVector& center, const StdMeshVector& up)
// See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/349050/calculating-a-lookat-matrix
StdMeshVector z = eye - center;
StdMeshVector x = StdMeshVector::Cross(up, z);
StdMeshVector y = StdMeshVector::Cross(z, x);
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = x.x; m.a[0][1] = x.y; m.a[0][2] = x.z; m.a[0][3] = -x.x*eye.x - x.y*eye.y - x.z*eye.z;
m.a[1][0] = y.x; m.a[1][1] = y.y; m.a[1][2] = y.z; m.a[1][3] = -y.x*eye.x - y.y*eye.y - y.z*eye.z;
m.a[2][0] = z.x; m.a[2][1] = z.y; m.a[2][2] = z.z; m.a[2][3] = -z.x*eye.x - z.y*eye.y - z.z*eye.z;
return m;
float StdMeshMatrix::Determinant() const
return a[0][0]*a[1][1]*a[2][2] + a[0][1]*a[1][2]*a[2][0] + a[0][2]*a[1][0]*a[2][1]
@ -363,6 +387,33 @@ StdProjectionMatrix StdProjectionMatrix::Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz)
return m;
StdProjectionMatrix StdProjectionMatrix::Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
StdProjectionMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = sx; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = sy; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = sz; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[3][0] = 0.0f; m.a[3][1] = 0.0f; m.a[3][2] = 0.0f; m.a[3][3] = 1.0f;
return m;
StdProjectionMatrix StdProjectionMatrix::Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz)
StdProjectionMatrix m;
// We do normalize the rx,ry,rz vector here: This is only required for
// precalculations anyway, thus not time-critical.
float abs = sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz);
rx/=abs; ry/=abs; rz/=abs;
float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
m.a[0][0] = rx*rx*(1-c)+c; m.a[0][1] = rx*ry*(1-c)-rz*s; m.a[0][2] = rx*rz*(1-c)+ry*s; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = ry*rx*(1-c)+rz*s; m.a[1][1] = ry*ry*(1-c)+c; m.a[1][2] = ry*rz*(1-c)-rx*s; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = rz*rx*(1-c)-ry*s; m.a[2][1] = ry*rz*(1-c)+rx*s; m.a[2][2] = rz*rz*(1-c)+c; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[3][0] = 0.0f; m.a[3][1] = 0.0f; m.a[3][2] = 0.0f; m.a[3][3] = 1.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdProjectionMatrix::Upper3x4(const StdProjectionMatrix& matrix)
StdMeshMatrix m;
@ -611,6 +662,21 @@ StdMeshVector operator+(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
return v;
StdMeshVector& operator-=(StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
lhs.x -= rhs.x;
lhs.y -= rhs.y;
lhs.z -= rhs.z;
return lhs;
StdMeshVector operator-(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v(lhs);
v -= rhs;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;

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@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ struct StdMeshVector
static StdMeshVector UnitScale();
static StdMeshVector Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdMeshVector Cross(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
void Normalize();
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ public:
static StdMeshMatrix Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz);
static StdMeshMatrix Transform(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
static StdMeshMatrix TransformInverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
static StdMeshMatrix LookAt(const StdMeshVector& eye, const StdMeshVector& center, const StdMeshVector& up);
float& operator()(int i, int j) { return a[i][j]; }
float operator()(int i, int j) const { return a[i][j]; }
@ -121,6 +124,8 @@ public:
static StdProjectionMatrix Identity();
static StdProjectionMatrix Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdProjectionMatrix Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
static StdProjectionMatrix Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz);
static StdMeshMatrix Upper3x4(const StdProjectionMatrix& matrix);
float& operator()(int i, int j) { return a[i][j]; }
@ -153,6 +158,8 @@ StdMeshTransformation operator*(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshT
StdMeshVector operator-(const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector& operator+=(StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator+(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector& operator-=(StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator-(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector& operator*=(StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
@ -194,4 +201,32 @@ void Scale(MatrixType& mat, float sx, float sy, float sz)
// Multiply in-place the given matrix with a rotation matrix to the right
template<typename MatrixType>
void Rotate(MatrixType& mat, float angle, float x, float y, float z)
mat *= MatrixType::Rotate(angle, x, y, z);
// Multiply in-place the given matrix with a perspective projection matrix to the right
template<typename MatrixType>
void Perspective(MatrixType& mat, float cot_fovy2, float aspect, float nearVal, float farVal)
static_assert(MatrixType::NColumns >= 4, "Matrix must have at least 4 columns");
const float fa = cot_fovy2 / aspect;
const float fb = cot_fovy2;
const float z1 = (nearVal + farVal) / (nearVal - farVal);
const float z2 = 2 * nearVal * farVal / (nearVal - farVal);
for (int i = 0; i < MatrixType::NRows; ++i)
const float mat2 = mat(i, 2);
mat(i, 0) *= fa;
mat(i, 1) *= fb;
mat(i, 2) = mat2 * z1 - mat(i, 3);
mat(i, 3) = mat2 * z2;