Scenario Saving: Select between CreateObject/CreateObjectAbove and fix some unnecessery property saving issues.

* CreateObject for goals/rules/environment, rotated, contained and earth objects
* Allow properties to overwrite default behavior of CreateObject vs CreateObjectAbove
* Random initialization of seaweed phase instead of saving it
* Do not save color of ColorByOwner objects that have their owner color
* Fix block spacing between objects of same type if objects of different type occur inbetween but are not saved
Sven Eberhardt 2015-01-17 17:00:12 +01:00
parent 7e7bbf17fa
commit d33dfd6c55
3 changed files with 25 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ func Place(int amount, proplist rectangle, proplist settings)
private func Initialize()
SetPhase(this.Action.Length); // ensure that not all seaweed are synced on scenario load
return true;
private func Check()
@ -33,7 +35,6 @@ private func Check()
func SaveScenarioObject(props)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
if (GetPhase()) props->AddCall("Phase", this, "SetPhase", GetPhase()); // ensure that not all seaweed are synced on scenario load
return true;

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ global func GetDefValue() { return GetDefCoreVal("Value", "DefCore"); }
global func GetDefMass() { return GetDefCoreVal("Mass", "DefCore"); }
global func GetDefComponents(nr) { return GetDefCoreVal("Components", "DefCore", nr); }
global func GetDefCollection(nr) { return GetDefCoreVal("Collection", "DefCore", nr); }
global func GetDefColorByOwner(){ return GetDefCoreVal("ColorByOwner", "DefCore"); }
global func GetDefFireTop() { return GetDefCoreVal("FireTop", "DefCore"); }
global func GetDefLine() { return GetDefCoreVal("Line", "DefCore"); }
global func GetDefCrewMember() { return GetDefCoreVal("CrewMember", "DefCore"); }

View File

@ -68,24 +68,25 @@ global func SaveScenarioObjects(f)
any_written = false;
for (obj in obj_data)
var spacing = " ";
if (obj_type != obj.o->GetID())
if (any_written) FileWrite(f, "\n"); // Extra spacing between different object types
if (any_written) spacing = "\n "; // Extra spacing between different object types
obj_type = obj.o->GetID();
any_written = false;
if (obj.o.StaticSaveVar)
if (obj.props->HasCreation()) FileWrite(f, Format(" %s = ", obj.o.StaticSaveVar));
if (obj.props->HasCreation()) FileWrite(f, Format("%s%s = ", spacing, obj.o.StaticSaveVar));
else if (obj.write_label)
FileWrite(f, Format(" var %s", obj.o->MakeScenarioSaveName()));
FileWrite(f, Format("%svar %s", spacing, obj.o->MakeScenarioSaveName()));
if (obj.props->HasCreation()) FileWrite(f, " = "); else FileWrite(f, ";\n");
else if (obj.props->HasCreation())
FileWrite(f, " ");
FileWrite(f, spacing);
if (obj.props->~Buffer2File(f)) do_write_file = any_written = true;
@ -293,7 +294,19 @@ global func SaveScenarioObject(props)
// Overwrite and call inherited for objects that add/remove/alter default creation/properties
var owner_string = "", i;
if (GetOwner() != NO_OWNER) owner_string = Format(", %d", GetOwner());
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "CreateObjectAbove(%i, %d, %d%s)", GetID(), GetX(), GetDefBottom(), owner_string);
// Object creation: Default is to create above bottom center point
// This usually works well with stuff like buildings that may change size in updated versions
// The center point is usually what's of interest for rotated objects, contained objects and InEarth material as well as some objects that explicitely state different creation
var is_centered_creation = (!this.SaveScenarioCreateFromBottom) && (GetR() || Contained() || GBackSolid() || (GetCategory() & (C4D_Rule | C4D_Goal | C4D_Environment)) || this.SaveScenarioCreateCentered);
if (is_centered_creation)
if (!GetX() && !GetY() && (owner_string == ""))
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "CreateObject(%i)", GetID()); // super-short version for e.g. goals/rules at position 0/0
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "CreateObject(%i, %d, %d%s)", GetID(), GetX(), GetY(), owner_string);
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "CreateObjectAbove(%i, %d, %d%s)", GetID(), GetX(), GetDefBottom(), owner_string);
// Contained creation is added alongside regular creation because it is not yet known if CreateObjectAbove+Enter or CreateContents can be used due to dependencies.
// func SaveScen_SetContainers will take care of removing one of the two creation strings after dependencies have been resolved.
if (Contained()) props->Add(SAVEOBJ_ContentsCreation, "%s->CreateContents(%i)", Contained()->MakeScenarioSaveName(), GetID());
@ -304,12 +317,14 @@ global func SaveScenarioObject(props)
v = GetComDir(); if (v) props->AddCall("ComDir", this, "SetComDir", GetConstantNameByValueSafe(v,"COMD_"));
v = GetCon(); if (v != 100) props->AddCall("Con", this, "SetCon", Max(v,1));
v = GetCategory(); if (v != def->GetCategory()) props->AddCall("Category", this, "SetCategory", GetBitmaskNameByValue(v, "C4D_"));
v = GetR(); if (v) props->AddCall("R", this, "SetR", v);
v = GetR(); if (v && !Contained()) props->AddCall("R", this, "SetR", v);
v = GetXDir(); if (v && !is_static) props->AddCall("XDir", this, "SetXDir", v);
v = GetYDir(); if (v && !is_static) if (!Inside(v, 1,12) || !GetContact(-1, CNAT_Bottom))
props->AddCall("YDir", this, "SetYDir", v); // consolidate small YDir for standing objects
v = GetRDir(); if (v && !is_static) props->AddCall("RDir", this, "SetRDir", v);
v = GetColor(); if (v && v != 0xffffffff) props->AddCall("Color", this, "SetColor", Format("0x%x", v));
var default_color = 0xffffffff;
if (GetDefColorByOwner()) if (GetOwner() == NO_OWNER) default_color = 0xff; else default_color = GetPlayerColor(GetOwner());
v = GetColor(); if (v && v != default_color) props->AddCall("Color", this, "SetColor", Format("0x%x", v));
v = GetClrModulation(); if (v && v != 0xffffffff) props->AddCall("ClrModulation", this, "SetClrModulation", Format("0x%08x", v));
v = GetObjectBlitMode();if (v) props->AddCall("BlitMode", this, "SetObjectBlitMode", GetBitmaskNameByValue(v & ~GFX_BLIT_Custom, "GFX_BLIT_"));
for (i=0; v=def->GetMeshMaterial(i); ++i)
@ -322,8 +337,6 @@ global func SaveScenarioObject(props)
v = GetObjectLayer(); var def_layer=nil; if (Contained()) def_layer = Contained()->GetObjectLayer();
if (v != def_layer) props->AddCall("Layer", this, "SetObjectLayer", v);
v = this.StaticSaveVar; if (v) props->AddSet ("StaticSaveVar", this, "StaticSaveVar", Format("%v", v));
// update position on objects that had a shape change through rotation because creation at def bottom would incur a vertical offset
if (GetR() && !Contained()) props->AddCall("SetPosition", this, "SetPosition", GetX(), GetY());
// Commands: Could store the whole command stack using AppendCommand.
// However, usually there is one base command and the rest is derived
// (e.g.: A Get command may lead to multiple MoveTo commands to the