Simplified logic for substitutes

The production cost method returns an array of material cost arrays, but
their format has changed. Instead of
  [<default resource>, <cost>, <substitute(s)>]
it now returns an array of proplists
  [{Resource = optionA, Amount = costA}, {Resource = optionB, Amount =
so that there are fewer cases to keep in mind: No "are there
substitutes?", but you can simply check all variants and pick the best.
This also allows different substitutions, for example "2 earth or 3
sand" is now possible.
Mark 2018-12-21 16:54:43 +01:00
parent 36dbbd27e1
commit cf7469043d
2 changed files with 137 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -180,44 +180,35 @@ public func OnProductHover(symbol, extra_data, desc_menu_target, menu_id)
var product_id = symbol;
var costs = ProductionCosts(product_id);
var cost_msg = "";
for (var comp in costs)
var cost_message = "";
for (var cost_options in costs)
if (GetLength(cost_msg))
if (GetLength(cost_options) == 0) // Must be an array with entries
cost_msg = Format("%s +", cost_msg);
if (!comp[2])
if (GetLength(cost_message))
cost_msg = Format("%s %s {{%i}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(comp[1], CheckComponent(comp[0], comp[1])), comp[0]);
cost_message = Format("%s +", cost_message);
// Append the original resource cost
cost_message = Format("%s %s {{%i}}", cost_message, GetCostString(cost_options[0].Amount, CheckComponent(cost_options[0])), cost_options[0].Resource);
// Append all of its substitutes
for (var i = 1; i < GetLength(cost_options); ++i)
if (GetType(comp[2]) == C4V_Array)
cost_msg = Format("%s (%s {{%i}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(comp[1], CheckComponent(comp[0], comp[1])), comp[0]);
for (var subs in comp[2])
cost_msg = Format("%s / %s {{%i}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(comp[1], CheckComponent(subs, comp[1])), subs);
cost_msg = Format("%s)", cost_msg);
cost_msg = Format("%s (%s {{%i}} / %s {{%i}})", cost_msg, GetCostString(comp[1], CheckComponent(comp[0], comp[1])), comp[0], GetCostString(comp[1], CheckComponent(comp[2], comp[1])), comp[2]);
//cost_msg = Format("%s %s ({{%i}} / {{%i}})", cost_msg, GetCostString(comp[1], CheckComponent(comp[0], comp[1])), comp[0], comp[2]);
cost_message = Format("%s / %s {{%i}}", cost_message, GetCostString(cost_options[i].Amount, CheckComponent(cost_options[i])), cost_options[i].Resource);
if (this->~FuelNeed(product_id))
cost_msg = Format("%s %s {{Icon_Producer_Fuel}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(1, CheckFuel(product_id)));
cost_message = Format("%s %s {{Icon_Producer_Fuel}}", cost_message, GetCostString(1, CheckFuel(product_id)));
if (this->~PowerNeed(product_id))
cost_msg = Format("%s + {{Library_PowerConsumer}}", cost_msg);
cost_message = Format("%s + {{Library_PowerConsumer}}", cost_message);
new_box.requirements.Text = cost_msg;
new_box.requirements.Text = cost_message;
GuiUpdate(new_box, menu_id, 1, desc_menu_target);
@ -336,22 +327,80 @@ public func GetProducts(object for_clonk)
Determines the production costs for an item.
For each component of the item the function returns an array
of the original component definition and its possible substitutes.
Substitutes can be defined in the product, by the callback:
Callback to product ID:
- GetSubstituteComponent(id component_id, int amount)
- the function may return one of the following:
* an ID; in this case it is assumed, that the component
can be substituted with this ID and the original amount
* a proplist {Resource = substitude_id, Amount = amount};
in this case that proplist defines the new amount.
* an array of either ID or proplist as above (can be mixed, but this is not recommended)
for multiple substitute options.
@param item_id id of the item under consideration.
@return a list of objects and their respective amounts.
The list is an array of arrays. Each entry in the list
is an array of proplists {Resource = id, Amount = int}
for the options, e.g. [{Resource = Ore, Amount = 2}, {Resource = Metal, Amount = 1}].
public func ProductionCosts(id item_id)
/* NOTE: This may be overloaded by the producer */
var comp_list = [];
var comp_id, index = 0;
while (comp_id = item_id->GetComponent(nil, index))
var component_list = [];
var component_id, index = 0;
while (component_id = item_id->GetComponent(nil, index))
var amount = item_id->GetComponent(comp_id);
var substitute = item_id->~GetSubstituteComponent(comp_id);
comp_list[index] = [comp_id, amount, substitute];
var amount = item_id->GetComponent(component_id);
var options = [ProductionCostData(component_id, amount)];
var substitute = item_id->~GetSubstituteComponent(component_id, amount);
if (GetType(substitute) == C4V_Array)
for (var option in substitute)
var data = ProductionCostData(option, amount);
if (data)
PushBack(options, data);
var data = ProductionCostData(substitute, amount);
if (data)
PushBack(options, data);
component_list[index] = options;
return comp_list;
return component_list;
func ProductionCostData(component, int amount)
// Assume that it already has the correct format
if (GetType(component) == C4V_PropList)
return component;
// The actual format
else if (GetType(component) == C4V_Def)
return {Resource = component, Amount = amount};
// Invalid value
return nil;
@ -609,48 +658,30 @@ func CheckComponents(id product, bool remove)
for (var item in ProductionCosts(product))
var mat_id = item[0];
var mat_cost = item[1];
var mat_substitute = item[2];
if (!CheckComponent(mat_id, mat_cost))
// No cost specified?
if (GetLength(item) == 0)
if (mat_substitute)
return false;
var mat_id;
var mat_cost;
var found = false;
// Check all possible resource options
for (var option in item)
if (CheckComponent(option))
if (GetType(mat_substitute) == C4V_Array)
var found = false;
for (var substitute in mat_substitute) // Check all possible substitutes
if (CheckComponent(substitute, mat_cost))
mat_id = substitute;
found = true;
if (!found)
return false; // Substitutes missing.
// Check substitute components
if (CheckComponent(mat_substitute, mat_cost))
mat_id = mat_substitute;
return false; // Substitute missing.
return false; // Components missing.
mat_id = option.Resource;
mat_cost = option.Amount;
found = true;
if (!found)
return false; // Resources are missing.
if (remove)
for (var i = 0; i < mat_cost; i++)
@ -693,9 +724,21 @@ public func GetAvailableComponentAmount(id material)
public func CheckComponent(id component, int amount)
public func CheckComponent(component, int amount)
return GetAvailableComponentAmount(component) >= amount;
if (GetType(component) == C4V_Def)
return GetAvailableComponentAmount(component) >= amount;
else if (GetType(component) == C4V_PropList)
return CheckComponent(component.Resource, component.Amount);
FatalError(Format("Unsupported parameter format: %v", component));
return false;
@ -935,8 +978,14 @@ public func RequestAllMissingComponents(proplist product)
// Request all currently unavailable components.
for (var item in ProductionCosts(item_id))
var mat_id = item[0];
var mat_cost = item[1];
// Must actually define items
if (GetLength(item) == 0)
// TODO: Smartly request resources? Currently it will only request the first of the possible options (the default components)
var mat_id = item[0].Resource;
var mat_cost = item[0].Amount;
// No way to request liquids currently, player must use pumps instead.
if (mat_id->~IsLiquid())

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@ -427,11 +427,11 @@ global func Test5_OnStart(int plr)
Log("Testing the behaviour of ProductionCosts()");
passed &= doTest("Costs for single component object (Metal). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Metal), [[Ore, 1, nil]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for multi component object (Pickaxe). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Pickaxe), [[Metal, 1, nil], [Wood, 1, nil]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for object with liquid and fuel need (Bread). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Bread), [[Flour, 1, nil], [Water, 50, nil]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for object with a single substitute component (Loam). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Loam), [[Earth, 2, Sand], [Water, 60, nil]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for object with multiple substitute components (TeleGlove). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(TeleGlove), [[Diamond, 1, [Ruby, Amethyst]], [Metal, 2, nil]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for single component object (Metal). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Metal), [[{Resource = Ore, Amount = 1}]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for multi component object (Pickaxe). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Pickaxe), [[{Resource = Metal, Amount = 1}], [{Resource = Wood, Amount = 1}]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for object with liquid and fuel need (Bread). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Bread), [[{Resource = Flour, Amount = 1}], [{Resource = Water, Amount = 50}]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for object with a single substitute component (Loam). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Loam), [[{Resource = Earth, Amount = 2}, {Resource = Sand, Amount = 2}], [{Resource = Water, Amount = 60}]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for object with multiple substitute components (TeleGlove). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(TeleGlove), [[{Resource = Diamond, Amount = 1}, {Resource = Ruby, Amount = 1}, {Resource = Amethyst, Amount = 1}], [{Resource = Metal, Amount = 2}]]);
return passed;
@ -974,7 +974,16 @@ global func doTest(description, returned, expected)
return passed;
var test = (returned == expected);
var test;
if (GetType(returned) == C4V_PropList
|| GetType(expected) == C4V_PropList)
test = DeepEqual(returned, expected);
test = (returned == expected);
var predicate = "[Fail]";
if (test) predicate = "[Pass]";