Stackable: Unit tests for the use cases from the stackable documentation.

Mark 2016-03-07 06:40:27 +01:00
parent 8573ed9745
commit c7fc982d3e
1 changed files with 106 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -915,6 +915,112 @@ global func Test10_Execute()
global func Test11_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test11_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test11_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #1: Clonk collects stack while having an incomplete stack in the inventory.");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var diff = 5;
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
var passed = doTest("Arrow object is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->InitialStackCount());
passed &= doTest("Stackable object is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable, nil);
return passed;
global func Test12_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test12_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test12_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #2: Clonk collects stack and it fills his incomplete stacks.");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var bow = crew->CreateContents(Bow);
var ammo = bow->CreateContents(Arrow);
var to_ammo = 5;
var to_arrows = 2;
var remaining = arrows->InitialStackCount() - to_ammo - to_arrows;
ammo->SetStackCount(ammo->MaxStackCount() - to_ammo);
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->MaxStackCount() - to_arrows);
Log("****** Prerequisites");
var passed = doTest("Ammo is in the bow. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("Arrows are in the crew member. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), crew);
Log("****** Collect stackable");
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected has the correct count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), remaining);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack is in the crew member inventory. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), crew);
global func Test13_OnStart(int plr){ return true;}
global func Test13_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test13_Execute()
Log("Test the use case #2: Clonk collects stack and it fills his incomplete stacks, but does not enter the inventory.");
var crew = CreateObject(Clonk);
var stackable = CreateObject(Arrow);
var arrows = crew->CreateContents(Arrow);
var bow = crew->CreateContents(Bow);
var ammo = bow->CreateContents(Arrow);
var to_ammo = 5;
var to_arrows = 2;
var remaining = arrows->InitialStackCount() - to_ammo - to_arrows;
ammo->SetStackCount(ammo->MaxStackCount() - to_ammo);
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->MaxStackCount() - to_arrows);
crew->CreateContents(Rock, 3);
Log("****** Prerequisites");
var passed = doTest("Ammo is in the bow. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("Arrows are in the crew member. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), crew);
Log("****** Collect stackable");
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected has the correct count. Got %d, expected %d.", stackable->GetStackCount(), remaining);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack is not in the crew member inventory. Got %v, expected %v.", stackable->Contained(), nil);
global func doTest(description, returned, expected)
var test = (returned == expected);