Much of Cannon script redone in a saner manner. More precision (1000x), no animation jumping while turning.

Charles Spurrill 2012-08-07 11:51:04 -07:00
parent ae3f8156ea
commit b8afe21a89
1 changed files with 74 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -8,21 +8,21 @@
#include Library_HasExtraSlot
local aim_anim;
local turn_anim;
local olddir;
local animAim;
local animTurn;
local turnDir;
static const Fire_Velocity = 175;
local Fire_Velocity = 175;
public func IsArmoryProduct() { return true; }
public func IsVehicle() { return true; }
protected func Initialize()
turnDir = 1;
olddir = GetDir();
aim_anim = PlayAnimation("Aim", 1, Anim_Const(0),Anim_Const(1000));
AddTimer("Timer", 1);
animAim = PlayAnimation("Aim", 1, Anim_Const(0),Anim_Const(1000));
animTurn = PlayAnimation("TurnRight", 5, Anim_Const(0), Anim_Const(1000));
//some left-overs from Lorry script. Not sure of it's purpose...
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ private func UseAnyStart(object clonk, int ix, int iy, int item)
var r = ConvertAngle(Angle(0,0,ix,iy));
SetAnimationPosition(aim_anim, Anim_Const(AnimAngle(r)*3954444/100000)); //conversion. Apparently 90 blender frames is 3559 ogre frames.
SetAnimationPosition(animAim, Anim_Const(AnimAngle(r)*3954444/100000)); //conversion. Apparently 90 blender frames is 3559 ogre frames.
return true;
@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ public func ControlUseAltHolding(object clonk, int ix, int iy)
return ControlUseHolding(clonk, ix, iy);
local angPrec = 1000;
public func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, int ix, int iy)
if (!clonk)
@ -111,14 +113,14 @@ public func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, int ix, int iy)
return true;
var r = ConvertAngle(Angle(0,0,ix,iy));
var r = ConvertAngle(Angle(0,0,ix,iy,angPrec));
var iColor = RGB(255,255,255);
if (!Contents(0) || GetEffect("IntCooldown",this))
iColor = RGB(255,0,0);
AddTrajectory(this, GetX() + 5, GetY() + 2, Cos(r-90, Fire_Velocity), Sin(r-90, Fire_Velocity), iColor, 20);
AddTrajectory(this, GetX() + 5, GetY() + 2, Cos(r - 90 * angPrec, Fire_Velocity,angPrec), Sin(r - 90 * angPrec, Fire_Velocity,angPrec), iColor, 20);
SetAnimationPosition(aim_anim, Anim_Const(AnimAngle(r)*3954444/100000));
SetAnimationPosition(animAim, Anim_Const(AnimAngle(r/angPrec)*3954444/100000));
return true;
@ -135,15 +137,17 @@ private func AnimAngle(int angle)
private func ConvertAngle(int angle)
//More confusing conversion ;)
var r = angle;
if(r > 90 + GetR() && GetDir() == 1) r = 90 + GetR();
if(r < 270 + GetR() && r != 0 && GetDir() == 0) r = 270 + GetR();
if(r == 360 + GetR() && GetDir() == 0) r = 0 + GetR();
//second half. Makes it relative to current direction.
if(r - GetR() < 0 && GetDir() == 1) SetDir();
if(r - GetR() > 359 && GetDir() == 0) SetDir(1);
return r;
var nR = BoundBy(Normalize(angle,-180 * angPrec,angPrec), (-90 * angPrec) + (GetR() * angPrec), (90 * angPrec) + (GetR() * angPrec));
var r2 = nR - GetR() * angPrec;
//debug messages
Message(Format("nR = %d|rL = %d",nR,r2));
//Turn the cannon into the pointed direction
if(nR - (GetR() * angPrec) < 0 && turnDir == 1) TurnCannon(0);
if(nR - (GetR() * angPrec) > 0 && turnDir == 0) TurnCannon(1);
//renormalize the angle to 0/360 from -180/180
return Normalize(nR,0,angPrec);
public func ControlUseStop(object clonk, int ix, int iy)
@ -177,14 +181,17 @@ private func UseAnyStop(object clonk, int ix, int iy, int item)
if (projectile)
DoFire(projectile, clonk, Angle(0,0,ix,iy));
DoFire(projectile, clonk, Angle(0,0,ix,iy,angPrec));
var powder = Contents(0)->PowderCount();
if(powder >= 1)
if(powder >= 1 || projectile->~IsSelfPropellent())
var powderkeg = Contents(0);
//If there is a powder keg, take powder from it
powderkeg->SetPowderCount(powderkeg->PowderCount() -1);
DoFire(projectile, clonk, Angle(0,0,ix,iy));
if(projectile->~IsSelfPropellent() != true){
//If there is a powder keg, take powder from it
powderkeg->SetPowderCount(powderkeg->PowderCount() -1);
DoFire(projectile, clonk, Angle(0,0,ix,iy, angPrec));
if(powderkeg->PowderCount() == 0)
@ -207,48 +214,74 @@ public func ControlUseAltCancel()
return ControlUseCancel();
//Stops the player from shooting for the defined amount of frames
public func FxIntCooldownTimer(object target, effect, int timer)
if(timer > 72) return -1;
//Activate turn animations
func ControlLeft(object clonk)
if(turnDir == 1){
func ControlRight(object clonk)
if(turnDir == 0){
func TurnCannon(int dir)
turnDir = dir;
//Remove any old effect
if(GetEffect("IntTurnCannon", this)) RemoveEffect("IntTurnCannon", this);
//Add a new one
return AddEffect("IntTurnCannon", this, 1, 1, this);
func FxIntTurnCannonTimer(object cannon, proplist effect, int timer)
var current = GetAnimationPosition(animTurn);
var target = GetAnimationLength("TurnRight");
if(turnDir == 1) target = 0;
var tickAmount = 50; //by how much the animation will move forward each frame
//advance turn animation
if((current != GetAnimationLength("TurnRight") && turnDir == 0) || (current != 0 && turnDir == 1)){
SetAnimationPosition(animTurn, Anim_Const(MoveTowards(current, target, tickAmount)));
else return -1;
protected func DoFire(object iammo, object clonk, int angle)
//Don't excede possible trajectory
var r = Normalize(angle,-180);
if(r > 90 + GetR()) r = 90 + GetR();
if(r < -90 + GetR()) r = -90 + GetR();
var r = Normalize(angle,-180 * angPrec, angPrec);
if(r > 90 * angPrec + GetR() * angPrec) r = 90 * angPrec + GetR() * angPrec;
if(r < -90 * angPrec + GetR() * angPrec) r = -90 * angPrec + GetR() * angPrec;
//Send ammo flying
iammo->SetR(r / angPrec);
iammo->SetRDir(-4 + Random(9));
iammo->LaunchProjectile(r, 17, Fire_Velocity);
iammo->LaunchProjectile(r, 17, Fire_Velocity, 0,0, angPrec);
var dist = 25;
var px = Cos(r - 90,dist);
var py = Sin(r - 90,dist) - 4;
var px = Cos(r/angPrec - 90,dist);
var py = Sin(r/angPrec - 90,dist) - 4;
for(var i=0; i<15; ++i) //liberated from musket script... I'm horrible at particles :p
var speed = RandomX(0,10);
CreateParticle("MuzzleFlash",px,py,px,py+4,700,RGB(255,255,255)); //muzzle flash uses speed as Rotation... so I negate the -4
@ -256,57 +289,12 @@ protected func DoFire(object iammo, object clonk, int angle)
func Timer()
if(olddir != GetDir())
if(olddir == 0)
turn_anim = PlayAnimation("TurnRight", 5, Anim_Linear(0, 0, GetAnimationLength("TurnRight"), 36, ANIM_Hold), Anim_Const(1000));
var new_dist = GetAnimationLength("TurnRight") - GetAnimationPosition(turn_anim);
var old_effect = 36 - GetEffect("IntTurning",this).Interval;
turn_anim = PlayAnimation("TurnRight", 5, Anim_Linear(new_dist, new_dist, GetAnimationLength("TurnLeft"), old_effect, ANIM_Remove), Anim_Const(1000));
if(olddir == 1)
turn_anim = PlayAnimation("TurnLeft", 5, Anim_Linear(0, 0, GetAnimationLength("TurnLeft"), 36, ANIM_Hold), Anim_Const(1000));
var new_dist = GetAnimationLength("TurnLeft") - GetAnimationPosition(turn_anim);
var old_effect = 36 - GetEffect("IntTurning",this).Interval;
turn_anim = PlayAnimation("TurnLeft", 5, Anim_Linear(new_dist, new_dist, GetAnimationLength("TurnLeft"), old_effect, ANIM_Remove), Anim_Const(1000));
olddir = GetDir();
private func FxIntTurningTimer(object target, effect, int timer)
if(timer > 36) return -1;
local ActMap = {
Roll = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Roll",
Procedure = DFA_NONE,
Directions = 2,
Directions = 1,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 50,
Delay = 2,