Gyro name change due to copyright considerations.

Also commit missing dialogue file.
Sven Eberhardt 2015-02-03 21:18:01 +01:00
parent d7b9027a32
commit a9ba6a3eb3
4 changed files with 55 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func InitializeObjects()
var Clonk001 = CreateObjectAbove(Clonk, 556, 546);
Clonk001->SetName("Gyro Gearloose");
Clonk001->SetDialogue("Gyro", true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// NPC Gyro: Someone talking about catapult usage
#appendto Dialogue
func Dlg_Gyro_1(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro1$", clonk, clonk); // That's a weird spot for a clonk to stand in.
return true;
func Dlg_Gyro_2(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro2$", clonk); // Yeah, I know! I'm here at this weird place because one of my experiments went horribly wrong...
return true;
func Dlg_Gyro_3(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro3$", clonk, clonk); // What happend?
return true;
func Dlg_Gyro_4(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro4$", clonk); // You see, fuel has gotten pretty rare and expensive in the last days. To save me some money, I tried to reach remote places by launching myself off with a catapult!
return true;
func Dlg_Gyro_5(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro5$", clonk, clonk); // That sounds pretty dangerous.
return true;
func Dlg_Gyro_6(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro6$", clonk); // Bah, if your aim is good, you can just hop into a catapult and and off you go! It's a really good way to quickly reach distant locations. Only few people seem to know this secret! And even less actually do it!
return true;
func Dlg_Gyro_7(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro7$", clonk, clonk); // I wonder why...
return true;
func Dlg_Gyro_8(object clonk)
MessageBox("$Gyro8$", clonk); // Well, to be fair... it is pretty dangerous. I almost flung myself into the lava lake because I couldn't find my glasses. Fortunately I missed it by just a few inches and landed here. Stubbed my toe pretty bad though. Should have put on my safety-sandals...
return StopDialogue();

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ MerchantACatapult1=Ein Katapult hat viele Anwendungen. Man kann Dinge wie Leitun
MerchantACatapult2=Das...klingt gefährlich. Das gefällt mir!
# Gyro Gearloose
# Gyro
Gyro1=Du hast dir ja einen seltsamen Ort zum Rumstehen ausgesucht.
Gyro2=Ja, ich weiß! Ich bin hier weil eines meiner Experimente furchtbar fehlgeschlagen ist...
Gyro3=Was ist passiert?

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ MerchantACatapult1=A catapult has many uses. You can fling things like pipe ends
MerchantACatapult2=That...sounds scary. I like it!
# Gyro Gearloose
# Gyro
Gyro1=That's a weird spot for a clonk to stand in.
Gyro2=Yeah, I know! I'm here at this weird place because one of my experiments went horribly wrong...
Gyro3=What happend?