Deleted outdated Library_BarrelFiller

Barrels get filled by liquid objects now, you just have to insert liquid objects into the container.
Mark 2016-03-25 20:01:38 +01:00
parent ab5d92117a
commit 96c84a5bcd
2 changed files with 0 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
/* --- BarrelFiller --- */
Author: ST-DDT
Import this to allow the structures to
-fill liquids which has been pumped into the building into barrels
-extract liquids from barrels and pump it somewhere else
Extract liquid from this
@param sznMaterial: Material to extract
@param inMaxAmount: Max Amount of Material being extracted
@param pnPump: Object which extracts the liquid
@param pnPipe: Pipe which extracts the liquid (connected to pnPump)
@param bnWildcard: Usefull to extract random liquids; use '*' for sznMaterial for all Materials
@return [irMaterial,irAmount]
-irMaterial: Material being extracted
-irAmount: Amount being extracted
public func LiquidOutput(string sznMaterial, int inMaxAmount, object pnPump, object pnPipe, bool bnWildcard)
//Search liquid to pump
if (bnWildcard)
var ptBarrel = FindObject(Find_Container(this), Find_Func("IsBarrel"), Find_Func("IsLiquidContainerForMaterial", sznMaterial), Find_Not(Find_Func("LiquidContainerIsEmpty")));
var sztMaterial="";
if (ptBarrel)
sztMaterial = ptBarrel->GetLiquidType();
//Nothing to pump
if (sztMaterial == "")
return ["", 0];
sznMaterial = sztMaterial;
var itFound = 0;
for (var ptBarrel in FindObjects(Find_Container(this), Find_Func("IsBarrel"), Find_Func("IsLiquidContainerForMaterial", sznMaterial), Find_Not(Find_Func("LiquidContainerIsEmpty"))))
var atFound = ptBarrel->GetLiquid(sznMaterial, inMaxAmount - itFound, this);
//Crazy stuff happend?
itFound += BoundBy(atFound[1], 0, inMaxAmount - itFound);
if (itFound == inMaxAmount)
return [sznMaterial, itFound];
Insert liquid to this
@param sznMaterial: Material to insert
@param inMaxAmount: Max Amount of Material being inserted
@param pnPump: Object which inserts the liquid
@param pnPipe: Pipe which inserts the liquid (connected to pnPump)
@return irAmount: The inserted amount
public func LiquidInput(string sznMaterial, int inMaxAmount, object pnPump, object pnPipe)
var itAmount = inMaxAmount;
//Fill liquids into already existing barrels
for (var ptBarrel in FindObjects(Find_Container(this), Find_Func("IsBarrel"), Find_Func("IsContainerForMaterial", sznMaterial), Find_Not(Find_Func("LiquidContainerIsEmpty")), Find_Not(Find_Func("LiquidContainerIsFull"))))
itAmount -= BoundBy(ptBarrel->PutLiquid(sznMaterial, itAmount, this), 0, itAmount);
if (!itAmount)
return inMaxAmount;
//Fill liquids into empty barrels
for (var ptBarrel in FindObjects(Find_Container(this), Find_Func("IsBarrel"), Find_Func("IsContainerForMaterial", sznMaterial), Find_Func("LiquidContainerIsEmpty")))
itAmount -= BoundBy(ptBarrel->PutLiquid(sznMaterial, itAmount, this), 0, itAmount);
if (!itAmount)
return inMaxAmount;
return inMaxAmount - itAmount;