Fix array slice setting

Julius Michaelis 2012-04-08 12:44:17 +02:00
parent dcf59a4d61
commit 939f4c69ca
1 changed files with 44 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -132,8 +132,10 @@ void C4ValueArray::SetItem(int32_t iElem, const C4Value &Value)
void C4ValueArray::SetSize(int32_t inSize)
if(inSize == iSize) return;
// array made smaller? Well, just ignore the additional allocated mem then
if (inSize<=iSize)
if (inSize < iSize)
// free values in undefined area
for (int i=inSize; i<iSize; i++) pData[i].Set0();
@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ C4ValueArray * C4ValueArray::GetSlice(int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex)
else if (startIndex < -iSize) throw new C4AulExecError(NULL, "array slice: start index out of range");
else if (startIndex < 0) startIndex += iSize;
if (endIndex > iSize) endIndex = iSize;
if (endIndex > iSize) endIndex = iSize; // this also processes the MAX_INT default if no parameter is given in script
else if (endIndex < -iSize) throw new C4AulExecError(NULL, "array slice: end index out of range");
else if (endIndex < 0) endIndex += iSize;
@ -218,6 +220,14 @@ C4ValueArray * C4ValueArray::GetSlice(int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex)
void C4ValueArray::SetSlice(int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex, const C4Value &Val)
// maximum bounds
if(startIndex > MaxSize) throw new C4AulExecError(NULL, "array slice: start index exceeds maximum range");
if(endIndex > MaxSize)
if(endIndex == INT_MAX) endIndex = iSize;
else throw new C4AulExecError(NULL, "array slice: end index exceeds maximum range");
// index from back
if(startIndex < 0) startIndex += iSize;
if(endIndex < 0) endIndex += iSize;
@ -231,32 +241,48 @@ void C4ValueArray::SetSlice(int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex, const C4Value
// setting an array?
if(Val.GetType() == C4V_Array)
const C4ValueArray &Other = *Val._getArray();
const C4ValueArray &Other = *Val._getArray(); // Remember that &Other could be equal to this, carefull with modifying pData
// Calculcate new size
int32_t iNewEnd = startIndex + Other.GetSize();
int32_t iNewSize = iNewEnd;
if(endIndex < iSize)
iNewSize += iSize - endIndex;
int32_t iOtherSize = Other.GetSize();
// Pre-resize moving
int32_t i, j;
if(iNewEnd < endIndex)
for(i = iNewEnd, j = endIndex; j < iSize; i++, j++)
pData[i] = pData[j];
if(iNewSize != iSize)
C4Value* pnData = new C4Value [iNewSize];
int32_t i,j;
// Resize (Note: Lots of unneccessary copying here, could be optimized)
int32_t iOldSize = iSize;
// Copy first part of old array
for(i = 0; i < startIndex && i < iSize; ++i)
pnData[i] = pData[i];
// Post-resize moving
if(iNewEnd > endIndex)
for(i = iNewSize, j = iOldSize; j > endIndex; i--, j--)
pData[i-1] = pData[j-1];
// Copy the data
for(i = startIndex, j = 0; j < iOtherSize; i++, j++)
pnData[i] = Other.pData[j];
// Copy the data
for(i = startIndex, j = 0; j < Other.GetSize(); i++, j++)
pData[i] = Other.pData[j];
// Copy the second slice of the new array
for(i = iNewEnd, j = endIndex; j < iSize; ++i, ++j)
assert(i < iNewSize);
pnData[i] = pData[j];
// Other values should have been initialized to 0 by new
// Now replace pData
delete [] pData;
pData = pnData;
iSize = iNewSize;
} else // slice has the same size as inserted array
// Copy the data. changing pData does not break because if &Other == this and iNewSize == iSize, nothing happens at all
for(int32_t i = startIndex, j = 0; j < iOtherSize; i++, j++)
pData[i] = Other.pData[j];
} else /* if(Val.GetType() != C4V_Array) */ {