Add PlayerStart object.

This is an easy-to-use object for the editor which replaces Scenario.txt [PlayerX] settings.
Sven Eberhardt 2016-06-08 22:15:56 -04:00
parent 0bb910814d
commit 923789ec49
8 changed files with 323 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Category=C4D_StaticBack | C4D_Environment

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.8 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
Player start
Controls start position and modalities
@author Sven2
/* Definition */
local starting_players = { Option="all" };
local starting_knowledge = { Option="all" };
local starting_crew; // const arrays not supported yet
local starting_material;
local starting_wealth = 0;
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local Visibility = VIS_Editor;
local Plane = 311;
public func Definition(def)
def.starting_crew = GetDefaultCrew();
def.starting_material = GetDefaultMaterial();
def.EditorProp_starting_players = EditorBase.PlayerMask;
def.EditorProp_starting_knowledge = { Name="$Knowledge$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Option", Options = [
{ Name="$None$" },
{ Name="$All$", Value={ Option="all" } },
{ Name="$AllExcept$", Value={ Option="allexcept", Data=[] }, ValueKey="Data", Delegate=EditorBase.IDSet },
{ Name="$Specific$", Value={ Option="idlist", Data=[] }, ValueKey="Data", Delegate=EditorBase.IDSet },
] };
def.EditorProp_starting_crew = EditorBase->GetConditionalIDList("IsClonk", "$Crew$", Clonk);
def.EditorProp_starting_material = EditorBase->GetConditionalIDList("Collectible", "$StartingMaterial$", nil);
def.EditorProp_starting_wealth = { Name="$Wealth$", Type="int", Min=0 };
return true;
public func GetDefaultCrew() { return [{id=Clonk, count=2}]; }
public func GetDefaultMaterial() { return [{id=Shovel, count=2}, {id=Hammer, count=1}, {id=Axe, count=1}]; }
public func Initialize()
// Re-init default
starting_crew = GetDefaultCrew();
starting_material = GetDefaultMaterial();
return true;
/* Interface */
public func SetStartingPlayers(string setting, param)
if (setting)
starting_players = { Option=setting, Data=param };
starting_players = nil; // None
return true;
public func SetStartingKnowledge(string setting, param)
if (setting)
starting_knowledge = { Option=setting, Data=param };
starting_knowledge = nil; // None
return true;
public func SetStartingCrew(array new_crew)
starting_crew = new_crew;
return true;
public func SetStartingMaterial(array new_material)
starting_material = new_material;
return true;
public func SetStartingWealth(int new_wealth)
starting_wealth = new_wealth;
return true;
/* Player initialization checks */
public func InitializePlayer(int plr, x, y, base, team, script_id)
// Find which one to evaluate
var possible_startpoints = FindObjects(Find_ID(PlayerStart), Find_Func("IsStartFor", plr));
var n = GetLength(possible_startpoints);
if (!n) return false;
// This callback will be done for every start point (unfortunately)
// So ensure initialization happens only once
// (Could speed up things by setting a variable in the other start points to avoid the redundant search. Meh it's just initialization anyway.)
// Note that this method assumes that starting points are returned in a predictable order
if (this != possible_startpoints[0]) return false;
// Pick best starting point: Away from other players, especially enemies
for (var startpoint in possible_startpoints)
var other_clonks = startpoint->FindObjects(Find_Distance(50), Find_OCF(OCF_CrewMember));
var hostile = 0;
for (var c in other_clonks) if (Hostile(c->GetOwner(), plr)) ++hostile;
startpoint.penalty = GetLength(other_clonks) + hostile*1000;
SortArrayByProperty(possible_startpoints, "penalty");
var n_best = 1, best_penalty = possible_startpoints[0].penalty;
if (n>1) while (possible_startpoints[n_best].penalty == best_penalty) if (++n_best == n) break;
// Launch there
return true;
public func IsStartFor(int plr)
return EditorBase->EvaluatePlayerMask(starting_players , plr);
/* Actual player initialization */
public func DoPlayerStart(int plr)
// Player launch controlled by this object!
// Give wealth
SetWealth(plr, starting_wealth);
// Create requested crew
// Put contents into crew
// Give knowledge
return true;
private func InitializeCrew(int plr)
// Collect IDs of crew to create
var requested_crew = [], n=0, i, obj, idx, def;
for (var idlist_entry in starting_crew)
for (i=0; i<idlist_entry.count; ++i)
requested_crew[n++] =;
// Match them to existing crew
for (i = GetCrewCount()-1; i>=0; --i)
if (obj = GetCrew(plr, i))
if ((idx = GetIndexOf(requested_crew, obj->GetID())) >= 0)
obj->SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() + GetDefHeight()/2 - obj->GetDefHeight()/2);
requested_crew[idx] = nil;
obj->RemoveObject(); // not in list: Kill
// Create any missing crew
for (def in requested_crew)
if (def)
if (obj = CreateObjectAbove(def, 0, GetDefHeight()/2, plr))
// Done!
return true;
private func InitializeMaterial(int plr)
// Spread material across clonks. Try to fill them evenly and avoid giving the same item twice to the same clonk
// So e.g. each clonk can get one shovel
for (var idlist_entry in starting_material)
for (var i=0; i<idlist_entry.count; ++i)
var best_target = nil, target_score, id =, clonk;
var obj = CreateObjectAbove(id, 0,GetDefHeight()/2, plr);
if (!obj || !obj.Collectible) continue;
for (var j=0; j<GetCrewCount(plr); ++j)
if (clonk = GetCrew(plr, j))
var clonk_score = 0;
// High penalty: Already has item of same type
clonk_score += clonk->ContentsCount(id)*1000;
// Low penalty: Already has items
clonk_score += clonk->ContentsCount();
if (!best_target || clonk_score < target_score)
best_target = clonk;
target_score = clonk_score;
if (best_target) best_target->Collect(obj); // May fail due to contents full
return true;
private func InitializeKnowledge(int plr)
var def;
if (!starting_knowledge) return true; // No knowledge
if (starting_knowledge.Option == "all" || starting_knowledge.Option == "allexcept")
var i=0, exceptlist = [];
if (starting_knowledge.Option == "allexcept") exceptlist = starting_knowledge.Data;
while (def = GetDefinition(i++))
if (!(def->GetCategory() & (C4D_Rule | C4D_Goal | C4D_Environment)))
if (GetIndexOf(exceptlist, def) == -1)
SetPlrKnowledge(plr, def);
else if (starting_knowledge.Option == "idlist")
for (def in starting_knowledge.Data)
SetPlrKnowledge(plr, def);
// Unknown option
return false;
return true;
/* Scenario saving */
public func SaveScenarioObject(props, ...)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
if (!DeepEqual(starting_players, GetID().starting_players))
if (starting_players)
props->AddCall("Players", this, "SetStartingPlayers", Format("%v", starting_players.Option), starting_players.Data);
props->AddCall("Players", this, "SetStartingPlayers", nil);
if (!DeepEqual(starting_knowledge, GetID().starting_knowledge))
if (starting_knowledge)
props->AddCall("Knowledge", this, "SetStartingKnowledge", Format("%v", starting_knowledge.Option), starting_knowledge.Data);
props->AddCall("Knowledge", this, "SetStartingKnowledge", nil);
if (!DeepEqual(starting_crew, GetID().starting_crew)) props->AddCall("Crew", this, "SetStartingCrew", starting_crew);
if (!DeepEqual(starting_material, GetID().starting_material)) props->AddCall("Material", this, "SetStartingMaterial", starting_material);
if (starting_wealth != GetID().starting_wealth) props->AddCall("Wealth", this, "SetStartingWealth", starting_wealth);
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Description=Setzt fuer neu beitretende Spieler Position, Clonks, Bauplaene und Material fest.
AllExcept=Alles ausser...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Name=Player start
Description=Determines position, construction plans and materials for newly launching players.
Knowledge=Construction plans
AllExcept=Everything except...
StartingMaterial=Start material
Wealth=Start wealth

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
/* Global editor props for all objects */
local Name = "EditorBase";
// Do not create
public func Construction() { RemoveObject(); }
@ -13,9 +15,45 @@ func Definition(def)
// Property delegate types
def.CountedID = { Type = "proplist", Display = "{{count}}x{{id}}", DefaultValue = { count=1, id=nil }, Elements = {
Name = "ID list entry",
Name = "$IDListEntry$",
EditorProp_count = { Type = "int", Min = 1 },
EditorProp_id = { Type = "def" } } };
def.IDList = { Name = "ID list", Type = "array", Display = 3, Elements = def.CountedID };
def.AnyDef = { Type = "def" };
def.IDSet = { Name = "ID set", Type = "array", Display = 5, Elements = def.AnyDef };
def.PlayerNumber = { Type="int" };
def.TeamID = { Type="int" };
def.PlayerMask = { Name="$PlayerMask$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Option", Options = [
{ Name="$None$" },
{ Name="$All$", Value={ Option="all" } },
{ Name="$Specific$", Value={ Option="number" }, ValueKey="Data", Delegate=def.PlayerNumber },
{ Name="$Team$", Value={ Option="team" }, ValueKey="Data", Delegate=def.TeamID },
] };
return true;
// Check if given player is in mask
public func EvaluatePlayerMask(proplist mask, int player)
if (!mask) return false;
var option = mask.Option;
if (option == "all") return true;
if (option == "number") return player == mask.Data;
if (option == "team") return GetPlayerTeam(player) == mask.Data;
// Unknown player mask option
return false;
// Return an ID-List EditorProp with only IDs available that meet the condition
public func GetConditionalIDList(string condition, string name, proplist default_id)
var counted_id = { Type = "proplist", Display = "{{count}}x{{id}}", DefaultValue = { count=1, id=default_id }, Elements = {
Name = Format("$Entry$", name),
EditorProp_count = { Type = "int", Min = 1 },
EditorProp_id = { Type = "def", Filter=condition } } };
return { Name = name, Type = "array", Display = 3, Elements = counted_id };
// TODO: Implement a true VIS_Editor in the engine
static const VIS_Editor = VIS_God;

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
All=Alle Spieler
Entry=%s Eintrag

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
IDListEntry=ID list entry
All=All players
Specific=Player number
Team=Team number
Entry=%s entry