Mac: Fix ClonkAppDelegate so installing scenarios etc by opening them with the Clonk app works again

Martin Plicht 2010-02-27 01:31:32 +01:00
parent 4902679b56
commit 8620eba816
2 changed files with 25 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -7,17 +7,21 @@
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
enum ClonkAppDelegateGameState {
@interface ClonkAppDelegate: NSObject
NSMutableArray* gatheredArguments;
NSString* clonkDirectory;
NSString* addonSupplied;
BOOL doNotLaunch;
BOOL terminateRequested;
BOOL gameLoopFinished;
ClonkAppDelegateGameState gameState;
- (NSString*) clonkDirectory;
- (BOOL) argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation:(char**)argv argc:(int)argc;
- (BOOL) argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation;
- (void)makeFakeArgs:(char***)argv argc:(int*)argc;
- (BOOL)installAddOn;
- (void)terminate:(NSApplication*)sender;

View File

@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
- (id) init
if (self = [super init]) {
gatheredArguments = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10] retain];
[gatheredArguments addObject:[[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath]];
NSArray* args = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
gatheredArguments = [args copy];
gameState = GS_NotYetStarted;
return self;
@ -23,13 +24,6 @@
forEventClass:kInternetEventClass andEventID:kAEGetURL];
- (void) release
if (terminateRequested)
[NSApp replyToApplicationShouldTerminate:YES];
[super release];
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename
NSString* pathExtension = [[filename pathExtension] lowercaseString];
@ -39,19 +33,12 @@
// later decide whether to install or run
addonSupplied = filename;
if (YES)
if (gameState == GS_Running)
// if application is already running install immediately
[self installAddOn];
return YES;
// still add to gatheredArguments
// return YES;
// Key/Update files or simply arguments: Just pass to engine, will install
[gatheredArguments addObject:filename];
return YES;
@ -66,40 +53,31 @@
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] changeCurrentDirectoryPath:[self clonkDirectory]];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
/*if ([self argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation:argv argc:argc]) {
if ([self installAddOn])
return 0;
// Hand off to Clonk code
char** newArgv;
int newArgc;
[self makeFakeArgs:&newArgv argc:&newArgc];
int status = SDL_main(newArgc, newArgv);
for (int i = newArgc-1; i >= 0; i--)
free (newArgv[i]);
for (int i = newArgc-1; i >= 0; i--) {free (newArgv[i]);}
/* Called when the internal event loop has just started running */
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) note
/* NSDictionary* args = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] volatileDomainForName:NSArgumentDomain];
for (NSString* key in args) {
[gatheredArguments addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@:%@", key, [args valueForKey:key]]];
[self gameLoop];
gameLoopFinished = YES;
if (!([self argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation] && [self installAddOn]))
gameState = GS_Running;
[self gameLoop];
gameState = GS_Finished;
[NSApp terminate:self];
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)application
if (!gameLoopFinished)
if (gameState == GS_Running)
[self terminate:application];
return NSTerminateCancel; // cancels logoff but it's the only way that does not interrupt the lifecycle of the application
@ -131,13 +109,15 @@
// Look for -psn argument which generally is a clue that the application should open a file (double-clicking, calling /usr/bin/open and such)
- (BOOL) argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation:(char**)argv argc:(int)argc
- (BOOL) argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation
// not having this check leads to deletion of Clonk folder -.-
if (!addonSupplied)
return NO;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if ([[NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[i]] hasPrefix:@"-psn"])
for (int i = 0; i < [gatheredArguments count]; i++)
NSString* arg = [gatheredArguments objectAtIndex:i];
if ([arg hasPrefix:@"-psn"])
return YES;
return NO;