simplify network power balancing

Maikel de Vries 2015-01-31 17:30:00 +01:00
parent c5e36d8f1f
commit 7f15d8646b
1 changed files with 120 additions and 145 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
* Check the flag library for network merging.
* Check the power balance, also with merging.
* Fix the compensator.
* Fix the elevator.
* Fix the pump.
@author Zapper, Maikel
@ -366,178 +365,149 @@ public func RemovePowerConsumer(object consumer)
// Checks the power balance after a change to this network: i.e. removal or addition
// of a consumer or producer. The producers and consumers will be refreshed such that
// the ones with highest priority will be active.
private func CheckPowerBalance()
// First get the possible power surplus in the network from idle producers.
var surplus = GetPowerSurplus();
// First refresh the consumers based on the total power capacity of the network.
var available_power = GetPowerAvailable();
// Debugging logs.
LogState("balance start");
LogState(Format("balance_start av_power = %d", available_power));
// If the surplus is non-positive it implies that first all possible idle producers
// need to be activated and then some consumers need to be deactivated.
if (surplus <= 0 && lib_power.power_balance < 0)
// Activate all idle producers.
ActivateProducers(surplus - lib_power.power_balance);
// The power balance may have changed but can't be positive, so disable sufficient consumers.
// All producers are running and the maximum amount of consumers as well.
LogState("balance_end s < 0");
// Otherwise if the surplus is positive one or some idle consumers may be activated.
else if (surplus > 0)
// Activate waiting consumers according to the surplus and their priorities.
// These newly activated consumers and the already maybe negative power balance must then
// finally be counteracted by activating idle producers according to the new balance.
// It is also possible that some producers may be deactivated.
if (lib_power.power_balance > 0)
else if (lib_power.power_balance < 0)
LogState("balance_end s > 0");
// TODO: what about the third case? Should we really do nothing there?
// TODO: what about swapping consumers with different priority?
LogState("balance_end s == 0");
// Then calculate the need for power production and refresh the producers.
var power_production_need = GetPowerProductionNeed();
// Debugging logs.
LogState(Format("balance_end needed_power = %d", power_production_need));
// Returns the possible power production from idle producers combined with the current power balance.
private func GetPowerSurplus()
// Returns the total power available in the network: idle + active producers.
private func GetPowerAvailable()
// This is just the sum of the balance and possible power from all idle producers.
var surplus = lib_power.power_balance;
for (var index = GetLength(lib_power.idle_producers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var total = 0;
var all_producers = Concatenate(lib_power.idle_producers, lib_power.active_producers);
for (var index = GetLength(all_producers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var link = lib_power.idle_producers[index];
var link = all_producers[index];
if (!link)
surplus += link.prod_amount;
total += link.prod_amount;
return surplus;
return total;
// Activates idle producers according to priority until power need is satisfied.
private func ActivateProducers(int power_need)
// Activates consumers according to priotrity from all consumers in the network until available power is used.
// This function automatically deactivates consumer which had a lower priority over newly activated ones.
private func RefreshConsumers(int power_available)
// Debugging logs.
Log("POWR - ActivateProducers(): network = %v, frame = %d, power_need = %d", this, FrameCounter(), power_need);
var power_found = 0;
// Sort the idle producers according to priority and then activate producers until balance is restored.
if (GetLength(lib_power.idle_producers) > 1) // TODO: this check should not be necessary.
SortArrayByProperty(lib_power.idle_producers, "priority");
for (var index = GetLength(lib_power.idle_producers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var link = lib_power.idle_producers[index];
if (!link)
power_found += link.prod_amount;
PushBack(lib_power.active_producers, link);
lib_power.power_balance += link.prod_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.idle_producers, index);
// On production start callback to the activated producer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, 0, link.prod_amount, false);
// Stop activatng producers if power need is satisfied.
if (power_found >= power_need)
return true;
return false;
// Deactivates idle producers according to priority until power surplus is gone.
private func DeactivateProducers(int power_surplus)
// Debugging logs.
Log("POWR - DeactivateProducers(): network = %v, frame = %d, power_surplus = %d", this, FrameCounter(), power_surplus);
var power_killed = 0;
// Sort the active producers according to priority and deactivate them until balance is restored.
if (GetLength(lib_power.active_producers) > 1) // TODO: this check should not be necessary.
SortArrayByProperty(lib_power.active_producers, "priority", true);
for (var index = GetLength(lib_power.active_producers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var link = lib_power.active_producers[index];
if (!link)
// It is not possible to deactivate a steady power producer.
if (link.obj->IsSteadyPowerProducer())
power_killed += link.prod_amount;
// Stop deactivating producers if power surplus has been reached.
if (power_killed > power_surplus)
// Move active producer to idle producers.
PushBack(lib_power.idle_producers, link);
lib_power.power_balance -= link.prod_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.active_producers, index);
// On production stop callback to the deactivated producer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, link.prod_amount, 0, false);
// Activates waiting consumers according to priotrity until available power is used.
private func ActivateConsumers(int power_available)
// Debugging logs.
Log("POWR - ActivateConsumers(): network = %v, frame = %d, power_available = %d", this, FrameCounter(), power_available);
Log("POWR - RefreshConsumers(): network = %v, frame = %d, power_available = %d", this, FrameCounter(), power_available);
var power_used = 0;
// Sort the waiting consumers according to priority and then activate consumers until available power is used.
if (GetLength(lib_power.waiting_consumers) > 1) // TODO: this check should not be necessary.
SortArrayByProperty(lib_power.waiting_consumers, "priority");
for (var index = GetLength(lib_power.waiting_consumers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var all_consumers = Concatenate(lib_power.waiting_consumers, lib_power.active_consumers);
if (GetLength(all_consumers) > 1) // TODO: this check should not be necessary.
SortArrayByProperty(all_consumers, "priority");
for (var index = GetLength(all_consumers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var link = lib_power.waiting_consumers[index];
var link = all_consumers[index];
if (!link)
// If this consumer requires to much power try one of lower priority.
// Too much power has been used, check if this link was active, if so remove from active.
if (power_used + link.cons_amount > power_available)
power_used += link.cons_amount;
PushBack(lib_power.active_consumers, link);
lib_power.power_balance -= link.cons_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.waiting_consumers, index);
// On enough power callback to the activated consumer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, 0, link.cons_amount, false);
var idx = GetIndexOf(lib_power.active_consumers, link);
if (idx != -1)
PushBack(lib_power.waiting_consumers, link);
lib_power.power_balance += link.cons_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.active_consumers, idx);
// On not enough power callback to the deactivated consumer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, link.cons_amount, 0, true);
// In the other case see if consumer is not yet active, if so activate.
power_used += link.cons_amount;
var idx = GetIndexOf(lib_power.waiting_consumers, link);
if (idx != -1)
PushBack(lib_power.active_consumers, link);
lib_power.power_balance -= link.cons_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.waiting_consumers, idx);
// On enough power callback to the activated consumer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, 0, link.cons_amount, false);
// Deactivates active consumers according to priority until power need is satisfied.
private func DeactivateConsumers(int power_need)
// Returns the amount of power the currently active power consumers need.
private func GetPowerProductionNeed()
// Debugging logs.
Log("POWR - DeactivateConsumers(): network = %v, frame = %d, power_need = %d", this, FrameCounter(), power_need);
var power_restored = 0;
// Sort the active consumers according to priority and then deactivate consumers until balance is restored.
if (GetLength(lib_power.active_consumers) > 1) // TODO: this check should not be necessary.
SortArrayByProperty(lib_power.active_consumers, "priority", true);
var total = 0;
for (var index = GetLength(lib_power.active_consumers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var link = lib_power.active_consumers[index];
if (!link)
power_restored += link.cons_amount;
PushBack(lib_power.waiting_consumers, link);
lib_power.power_balance += link.cons_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.active_consumers, index);
// On not enough power callback to the deactivated consumer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, link.cons_amount, 0, true);
// Stop deactivating consumers if enough power has been freed.
if (power_restored >= power_need)
return true;
total += link.cons_amount;
// This should not ever happen, so put a log here.
Log("Not enough power consumers to deactivate for restoring the power balance. How could this happen?");
return false;
return total;
// Activates producers according to priotrity from all producers in the network until needed power is met.
// This function automatically deactivates producers which had a lower priority over newly activated ones.
private func RefreshProducers(int power_need)
// Debugging logs.
Log("POWR - RefreshProducers(): network = %v, frame = %d, power_need = %d", this, FrameCounter(), power_need);
var power_found = 0;
var all_producers = Concatenate(lib_power.idle_producers, lib_power.active_producers);
if (GetLength(all_producers) > 1) // TODO: this check should not be necessary.
SortArrayByProperty(all_producers, "priority");
for (var index = GetLength(all_producers) - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var link = all_producers[index];
if (!link)
// Still need for a new producer, check is the link was not already active, if so activate.
if (power_found < power_need)
power_found += link.prod_amount;
var idx = GetIndexOf(lib_power.idle_producers, link);
if (idx != -1)
PushBack(lib_power.active_producers, link);
lib_power.power_balance += link.prod_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.idle_producers, idx);
// On production start callback to the activated producer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, 0, link.prod_amount, false);
// No need to activate producers anymore, check if producer is active, if so deactivate.
var idx = GetIndexOf(lib_power.active_producers, link);
// It is not possible to deactivate a steady power producer.
if (idx != -1 && !link.obj->IsSteadyPowerProducer())
PushBack(lib_power.idle_producers, link);
lib_power.power_balance -= link.prod_amount;
RemoveArrayIndex(lib_power.active_producers, idx);
// On production stop callback to the deactivated producer.
VisualizePowerChange(link.obj, link.prod_amount, 0, false);
@ -566,7 +536,6 @@ private func LogState(string tag)
Log("POWR - lib_power.waiting_consumers: %v", lib_power.waiting_consumers);
Log("POWR - lib_power.active_consumers: %v", lib_power.active_consumers);
Log("POWR - lib_power.power_balance = %d", lib_power.power_balance);
Log("POWR - surplus: %d", GetPowerSurplus());
@ -631,10 +600,16 @@ protected func FxVisualPowerChangeRefresh(object target, proplist effect)
var off_x = -(target->GetDefCoreVal("Width", "DefCore") * 3) / 8;
var off_y = target->GetDefCoreVal("Height", "DefCore") / 2 - 10;
var bar_properties = {
size = 1000,
bars = effect.max / 25,
graphics_name = effect.graphics_name,
back_graphics_name = effect.back_graphics_name,
image = Icon_Lightbulb,
fade_speed = 1
}; = target->CreateProgressBar(GUI_BarProgressBar, effect.max, effect.current, 35
, controller, {x = off_x, y = off_y}, vis
, {size = 1000, bars = effect.max / 25, graphics_name = effect.graphics_name, back_graphics_name = effect.back_graphics_name, image = Icon_Lightbulb, fade_speed = 1}); = target->CreateProgressBar(GUI_BarProgressBar, effect.max, effect.current, 35, controller, {x = off_x, y = off_y}, vis, bar_properties);
// Appear on a GUI level in front of other objects, e.g. trees.>SetPlane(1010);