Split math functions into StdMeshMath.{h,cpp}

Armin Burgmeier 2011-12-29 15:41:52 +01:00
parent 1f8cd31fa2
commit 7e532c2bd6
6 changed files with 790 additions and 742 deletions

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@ -418,6 +418,8 @@ set(OC_CLONK_SOURCES

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@ -392,6 +392,8 @@ src/lib/StdMeshLoader.h \
src/lib/StdMeshLoaderXml.cpp \
src/lib/StdMeshMaterial.cpp \
src/lib/StdMeshMaterial.h \
src/lib/StdMeshMath.cpp \
src/lib/StdMeshMath.h \
src/lib/StdMeshUpdate.cpp \
src/lib/StdMeshUpdate.h \
src/lib/StdResStr.h \

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@ -20,12 +20,6 @@
#include "C4Include.h"
#include <StdMesh.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
std::vector<StdMeshInstance::SerializableValueProvider::IDBase*>* StdMeshInstance::SerializableValueProvider::IDs = NULL;
@ -95,7 +89,7 @@ namespace
// Seralize a ValueProvider with StdCompiler
// Serialize a ValueProvider with StdCompiler
struct ValueProviderAdapt
ValueProviderAdapt(StdMeshInstance::ValueProvider** Provider):
@ -220,622 +214,6 @@ namespace
/* Boring Math stuff begins here */
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::Zero()
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = 0.0f;
v.y = 0.0f;
v.z = 0.0f;
return v;
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::UnitScale()
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = 1.0f;
v.y = 1.0f;
v.z = 1.0f;
return v;
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = dx;
v.y = dy;
v.z = dz;
return v;
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::Cross(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.y*rhs.z - lhs.z*rhs.y;
v.y = lhs.z*rhs.x - lhs.x*rhs.z;
v.z = lhs.x*rhs.y - lhs.y*rhs.x;
return v;
StdMeshQuaternion StdMeshQuaternion::Zero()
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = 0.0f;
q.x = 0.0f;
q.y = 0.0f;
q.z = 0.0f;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion StdMeshQuaternion::AngleAxis(float theta, const StdMeshVector& axis)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
const float theta2 = theta/2.0f;
const float s = sin(theta2);
q.w = cos(theta2);
q.x = s*axis.x;
q.y = s*axis.y;
q.z = s*axis.z;
return q;
void StdMeshQuaternion::Normalize()
float length = sqrt(LenSqr());
w /= length;
x /= length;
y /= length;
z /= length;
StdMeshQuaternion StdMeshQuaternion::Nlerp(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs, float w)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
float c = lhs.w * rhs.w + lhs.x * rhs.x + lhs.y * rhs.y + lhs.z * rhs.z;
if (c < 0.0f)
q = lhs + w * (-rhs - lhs);
q = lhs + w * ( rhs - lhs);
return q;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Zero()
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::Zero();
t.rotate = StdMeshQuaternion::Zero();
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Identity()
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::UnitScale();
t.rotate.w = 1.0f;
t.rotate.x = t.rotate.y = t.rotate.z = 0.0f;
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Inverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = 1.0f/transform.scale;
t.rotate.w = transform.rotate.w;
//t.rotate.v = -transform.rotate.v; // Someone set us up the union!?!??
t.rotate.x = -transform.rotate.x;
t.rotate.y = -transform.rotate.y;
t.rotate.z = -transform.rotate.z;
t.translate = t.rotate * (t.scale * -transform.translate);
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::UnitScale();
t.rotate.w = 1.0f;
t.rotate.x = t.rotate.y = t.rotate.z = 0.0f;
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Translate(dx, dy, dz);
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::Translate(sx, sy, sz);
t.rotate.w = 1.0f;
t.rotate.x = t.rotate.y = t.rotate.z = 0.0f;
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::UnitScale();
t.rotate = StdMeshQuaternion::AngleAxis(angle, StdMeshVector::Translate(rx, ry, rz));
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Nlerp(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs, float w)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.translate = (1 - w) * lhs.translate + w * rhs.translate;
t.rotate = StdMeshQuaternion::Nlerp(lhs.rotate, rhs.rotate, w);
t.scale = (1 - w) * lhs.scale + w * rhs.scale;
return t;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Zero()
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = 0.0f; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = 0.0f; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = 0.0f; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Identity()
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = 1.0f; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = 1.0f; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = 1.0f; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Inverse(const StdMeshMatrix& mat)
StdMeshMatrix m;
const float det = mat.Determinant();
assert(det != 0.0f);
m.a[0][0] = (mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][2] - mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][1]) / det;
m.a[1][0] = (mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][0] - mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][2]) / det;
m.a[2][0] = (mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][1] - mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][0]) / det;
m.a[0][1] = (mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[2][1] - mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[2][2]) / det;
m.a[1][1] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[2][2] - mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[2][0]) / det;
m.a[2][1] = (mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[2][0] - mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[2][1]) / det;
m.a[0][2] = (mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][2] - mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][1]) / det;
m.a[1][2] = (mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][0] - mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][2]) / det;
m.a[2][2] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][1] - mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][0]) / det;
m.a[0][3] = (mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][2]
+ mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][3]
+ mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][1]
- mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][3]
- mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][1]
- mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][2]) / det;
m.a[1][3] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][3]
+ mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][0]
+ mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][2]
- mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][2]
- mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][3]
- mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][0]) / det;
m.a[2][3] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][1]
+ mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][3]
+ mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][0]
- mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][3]
- mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][0]
- mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][1]) / det;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = 1.0f; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = dx;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = 1.0f; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = dy;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = 1.0f; m.a[2][3] = dz;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = sx; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = sy; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = sz; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz)
StdMeshMatrix m;
// We do normalize the rx,ry,rz vector here: This is only required for
// precalculations anyway, thus not time-critical.
float abs = sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz);
rx/=abs; ry/=abs; rz/=abs;
float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
m.a[0][0] = rx*rx*(1-c)+c; m.a[0][1] = rx*ry*(1-c)-rz*s; m.a[0][2] = rx*rz*(1-c)+ry*s; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = ry*rx*(1-c)+rz*s; m.a[1][1] = ry*ry*(1-c)+c; m.a[1][2] = ry*rz*(1-c)-rx*s; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = rz*rx*(1-c)-ry*s; m.a[2][1] = ry*rz*(1-c)+rx*s; m.a[2][2] = rz*rz*(1-c)+c; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Transform(const StdMeshTransformation& transform)
StdMeshMatrix m;
float tx = 2*transform.rotate.x;
float ty = 2*transform.rotate.y;
float tz = 2*transform.rotate.z;
float twx = tx*transform.rotate.w;
float twy = ty*transform.rotate.w;
float twz = tz*transform.rotate.w;
float txx = tx*transform.rotate.x;
float txy = ty*transform.rotate.x;
float txz = tz*transform.rotate.x;
float tyy = ty*transform.rotate.y;
float tyz = tz*transform.rotate.y;
float tzz = tz*transform.rotate.z;
m.a[0][0] = (1.0f - (tyy + tzz) ) * transform.scale.x;
m.a[0][1] = (txy - twz) * transform.scale.y;
m.a[0][2] = (txz + twy) * transform.scale.z;
m.a[1][0] = (txy + twz) * transform.scale.x;
m.a[1][1] = (1.0f - (txx + tzz) ) * transform.scale.y;
m.a[1][2] = (tyz - twx) * transform.scale.z;
m.a[2][0] = (txz - twy) * transform.scale.x;
m.a[2][1] = (tyz + twx) * transform.scale.y;
m.a[2][2] = (1.0f - (txx + tyy) ) * transform.scale.z;
m.a[0][3] = transform.translate.x;
m.a[1][3] = transform.translate.y;
m.a[2][3] = transform.translate.z;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::TransformInverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform)
StdMeshMatrix m;
float tx = 2*transform.rotate.x;
float ty = 2*transform.rotate.y;
float tz = 2*transform.rotate.z;
float twx = -tx*transform.rotate.w;
float twy = -ty*transform.rotate.w;
float twz = -tz*transform.rotate.w;
float txx = tx*transform.rotate.x;
float txy = ty*transform.rotate.x;
float txz = tz*transform.rotate.x;
float tyy = ty*transform.rotate.y;
float tyz = tz*transform.rotate.y;
float tzz = tz*transform.rotate.z;
m.a[0][0] = (1.0f - (tyy + tzz) ) / transform.scale.x;
m.a[0][1] = (txy - twz) / transform.scale.x;
m.a[0][2] = (txz + twy) / transform.scale.x;
m.a[1][0] = (txy + twz) / transform.scale.y;
m.a[1][1] = (1.0f - (txx + tzz) ) / transform.scale.y;
m.a[1][2] = (tyz - twx) / transform.scale.y;
m.a[2][0] = (txz - twy) / transform.scale.z;
m.a[2][1] = (tyz + twx) / transform.scale.z;
m.a[2][2] = (1.0f - (txx + tyy) ) / transform.scale.z;
// Signs do not cancel!
StdMeshVector invtranslate = (-transform.rotate) * (-transform.translate/transform.scale);
m.a[0][3] = invtranslate.x;
m.a[1][3] = invtranslate.y;
m.a[2][3] = invtranslate.z;
return m;
float StdMeshMatrix::Determinant() const
return a[0][0]*a[1][1]*a[2][2] + a[0][1]*a[1][2]*a[2][0] + a[0][2]*a[1][0]*a[2][1]
- a[0][0]*a[1][2]*a[2][1] - a[0][1]*a[1][0]*a[2][2] - a[0][2]*a[1][1]*a[2][0];
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m(0,0) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,0) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,0) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,0);
m(1,0) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,0) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,0) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,0);
m(2,0) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,0) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,0) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,0);
m(0,1) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,1) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,1) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,1);
m(1,1) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,1) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,1) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,1);
m(2,1) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,1) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,1) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,1);
m(0,2) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,2) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,2) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,2);
m(1,2) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,2) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,2) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,2);
m(2,2) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,2) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,2) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,2);
m(0,3) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,3) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,3) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,3) + lhs(0,3);
m(1,3) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,3) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,3) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,3) + lhs(1,3);
m(2,3) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,3) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,3) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,3) + lhs(2,3);
return m;
StdMeshMatrix operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m(0,0) = lhs * rhs(0,0);
m(1,0) = lhs * rhs(1,0);
m(2,0) = lhs * rhs(2,0);
m(0,1) = lhs * rhs(0,1);
m(1,1) = lhs * rhs(1,1);
m(2,1) = lhs * rhs(2,1);
m(0,2) = lhs * rhs(0,2);
m(1,2) = lhs * rhs(1,2);
m(2,2) = lhs * rhs(2,2);
m(0,3) = lhs * rhs(0,3);
m(1,3) = lhs * rhs(1,3);
m(2,3) = lhs * rhs(2,3);
return m;
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, float rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshMatrix& operator*=(StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
lhs = lhs * rhs;
return lhs;
StdMeshMatrix operator+(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m(0,0) = lhs(0,0) + rhs(0,0);
m(1,0) = lhs(1,0) + rhs(1,0);
m(2,0) = lhs(2,0) + rhs(2,0);
m(0,1) = lhs(0,1) + rhs(0,1);
m(1,1) = lhs(1,1) + rhs(1,1);
m(2,1) = lhs(2,1) + rhs(2,1);
m(0,2) = lhs(0,2) + rhs(0,2);
m(1,2) = lhs(1,2) + rhs(1,2);
m(2,2) = lhs(2,2) + rhs(2,2);
m(0,3) = lhs(0,3) + rhs(0,3);
m(1,3) = lhs(1,3) + rhs(1,3);
m(2,3) = lhs(2,3) + rhs(2,3);
return m;
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = -rhs.w;
q.x = -rhs.x;
q.y = -rhs.y;
q.z = -rhs.z;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = lhs.w*rhs.w - lhs.x*rhs.x - lhs.y*rhs.y - lhs.z*rhs.z;
q.x = lhs.w*rhs.x + lhs.x*rhs.w + lhs.y*rhs.z - lhs.z*rhs.y;
q.y = lhs.w*rhs.y + lhs.y*rhs.w + lhs.z*rhs.x - lhs.x*rhs.z;
q.z = lhs.w*rhs.z + lhs.z*rhs.w + lhs.x*rhs.y - lhs.y*rhs.x;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion& operator*=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs)
lhs.w *= rhs;
lhs.x *= rhs;
lhs.y *= rhs;
lhs.z *= rhs;
return lhs;
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q(lhs);
q *= rhs;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshQuaternion& operator+=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
lhs.w += rhs.w;
lhs.x += rhs.x;
lhs.y += rhs.y;
lhs.z += rhs.z;
return lhs;
StdMeshQuaternion operator+(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q(lhs);
q += rhs;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = lhs.w - rhs.w;
q.x = lhs.x - rhs.x;
q.y = lhs.y - rhs.y;
q.z = lhs.z - rhs.z;
return q;
StdMeshTransformation operator*(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.rotate = lhs.rotate * rhs.rotate;
t.scale = lhs.scale * rhs.scale;
t.translate = lhs.translate + lhs.rotate * (lhs.scale * rhs.translate);
return t;
StdMeshVector operator-(const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = -rhs.x;
v.y = -rhs.y;
v.z = -rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector& operator+=(StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
lhs.x += rhs.x;
lhs.y += rhs.y;
lhs.z += rhs.z;
return lhs;
StdMeshVector operator+(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v(lhs);
v += rhs;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.x * rhs.x;
v.y = lhs.y * rhs.y;
v.z = lhs.z * rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector& operator*=(StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs)
lhs.x *= rhs;
lhs.y *= rhs;
lhs.z *= rhs;
return lhs;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs)
StdMeshVector v(lhs);
v *= rhs;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.x/rhs.x;
v.y = lhs.y/rhs.y;
v.z = lhs.z/rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator/(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs/rhs.x;
v.y = lhs/rhs.y;
v.z = lhs/rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.x/rhs;
v.y = lhs.y/rhs;
v.z = lhs.z/rhs;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs) // does not apply translation part
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs(0,0)*rhs.x + lhs(0,1)*rhs.y + lhs(0,2)*rhs.z;
v.y = lhs(1,0)*rhs.x + lhs(1,1)*rhs.y + lhs(1,2)*rhs.z;
v.z = lhs(2,0)*rhs.x + lhs(2,1)*rhs.y + lhs(2,2)*rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v = { lhs.x, lhs.y, lhs.z };
StdMeshVector uv = 2.0f * StdMeshVector::Cross(v, rhs);
StdMeshVector uuv = StdMeshVector::Cross(v, uv);
return rhs + lhs.w * uv + uuv;
StdMeshVertex& operator+=(StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
lhs.nx += rhs.nx;
lhs.ny += rhs.ny;
lhs.nz += rhs.nz;
lhs.x += rhs.x;
lhs.y += rhs.y;
lhs.z += rhs.z;
return lhs;
StdMeshVertex operator+(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
StdMeshVertex vtx(lhs);
vtx += rhs;
return vtx;
StdMeshVertex operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
StdMeshVertex vtx;
vtx.nx = lhs*rhs.nx;
vtx.ny = lhs*rhs.ny;
vtx.nz = lhs*rhs.nz;
vtx.x = lhs*rhs.x;
vtx.y = lhs*rhs.y;
vtx.z = lhs*rhs.z;
return vtx;
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, float rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
StdMeshVertex vtx;
vtx.nx = lhs(0,0)*rhs.nx + lhs(0,1)*rhs.ny + lhs(0,2)*rhs.nz;
vtx.ny = lhs(1,0)*rhs.nx + lhs(1,1)*rhs.ny + lhs(0,2)*rhs.nz;
vtx.nz = lhs(2,0)*rhs.nx + lhs(2,1)*rhs.ny + lhs(2,2)*rhs.nz;
vtx.x = lhs(0,0)*rhs.x + lhs(0,1)*rhs.y + lhs(0,2)*rhs.z + lhs(0,3);
vtx.y = lhs(1,0)*rhs.x + lhs(1,1)*rhs.y + lhs(1,2)*rhs.z + lhs(1,3);
vtx.z = lhs(2,0)*rhs.x + lhs(2,1)*rhs.y + lhs(2,2)*rhs.z + lhs(2,3);
vtx.u = rhs.u; vtx.v = rhs.v;
return vtx;
/* Boring math stuff ends here */
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTrack::GetTransformAt(float time) const
std::map<float, StdMeshKeyFrame>::const_iterator iter = Frames.lower_bound(time);
@ -1900,8 +1278,8 @@ bool StdMeshInstance::ExecuteAnimationNode(AnimationNode* node)
max = itofix(1);
const C4Real old_value = provider->Value;
if (!provider->Execute())
if (node->GetType() == AnimationNode::LeafNode) return false;

View File

@ -22,127 +22,11 @@
#ifndef INC_StdMesh
#define INC_StdMesh
#include <StdMeshMath.h>
#include <StdMeshMaterial.h>
class StdCompiler;
// OGRE mesh
struct StdMeshVector
float x, y, z;
static StdMeshVector Zero();
static StdMeshVector UnitScale();
static StdMeshVector Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdMeshVector Cross(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
struct StdMeshVertex
// Match GL_T2F_N3F_V3F
float u, v;
float nx, ny, nz;
float x, y, z;
//void Normalize();
struct StdMeshQuaternion
float w;
// union
// {
// struct { float x, y, z; };
// StdMeshVector v;
// };
float x, y, z;
static StdMeshQuaternion Zero();
static StdMeshQuaternion AngleAxis(float theta, const StdMeshVector& axis);
float LenSqr() const { return w*w+x*x+y*y+z*z; }
void Normalize();
static StdMeshQuaternion Nlerp(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs, float w);
//static StdMeshQuaternion Slerp(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs, float w);
struct StdMeshTransformation
StdMeshVector scale;
StdMeshQuaternion rotate;
StdMeshVector translate;
static StdMeshTransformation Zero();
static StdMeshTransformation Identity();
static StdMeshTransformation Inverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
static StdMeshTransformation Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdMeshTransformation Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
static StdMeshTransformation Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz);
// TODO: Might add path parameter if necessary
static StdMeshTransformation Nlerp(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs, float w);
//static StdMeshQuaternion Slerp(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs, float w);
class StdMeshMatrix
static StdMeshMatrix Zero();
static StdMeshMatrix Identity();
static StdMeshMatrix Inverse(const StdMeshMatrix& mat);
static StdMeshMatrix Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdMeshMatrix Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
static StdMeshMatrix Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz);
static StdMeshMatrix Transform(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
static StdMeshMatrix TransformInverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
float& operator()(int i, int j) { return a[i][j]; }
float operator()(int i, int j) const { return a[i][j]; }
float Determinant() const;
// 3x3 orthogonal + translation in last column
float a[3][4];
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshMatrix operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshMatrix& operator*=(StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshMatrix operator+(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion& operator*=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion& operator+=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator+(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshTransformation operator*(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator-(const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector& operator+=(StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator+(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector& operator*=(StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator/(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs); // does not apply translation part
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVertex& operator+=(StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator+(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);
class StdMeshBone
friend class StdMesh;
@ -344,7 +228,7 @@ protected:
// a) recompute Vertex positions each frame or
// b) compute them on the GPU
std::vector<StdMeshVertex> Vertices;
std::vector<StdMeshFace> Faces;
std::vector<StdMeshFace> Faces; // TODO: Indices could also be stored on GPU in a vbo (element index array). Should be done in a next step if at all.
const StdMeshMaterial* Material;
@ -367,6 +251,9 @@ protected:
std::vector<Pass> PassData;
FaceOrdering CurrentFaceOrdering; // NoSave
// TODO: GLuint texenv_list; // NoSave, texture environment setup could be stored in a display list (w/ and w/o ClrMod). What about PlayerColor?
// TODO: GLuint vbo; // NoSave, replacing vertices list -- can be mapped into memory for writing. Should be moved to StdMesh once we apply skeletal transformation on the GPU.
StdSubMeshInstance(const StdSubMeshInstance& other); // noncopyable
StdSubMeshInstance& operator=(const StdSubMeshInstance& other); // noncopyable

View File

@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
* OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org
* Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Armin Burgmeier
* Copyright (c) 2009 Mark Haßelbusch
* Copyright (c) 2010 Nicolas Hake
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
#include <C4Include.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <math.h>
#include <StdMeshMath.h>
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::Zero()
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = 0.0f;
v.y = 0.0f;
v.z = 0.0f;
return v;
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::UnitScale()
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = 1.0f;
v.y = 1.0f;
v.z = 1.0f;
return v;
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = dx;
v.y = dy;
v.z = dz;
return v;
StdMeshVector StdMeshVector::Cross(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.y*rhs.z - lhs.z*rhs.y;
v.y = lhs.z*rhs.x - lhs.x*rhs.z;
v.z = lhs.x*rhs.y - lhs.y*rhs.x;
return v;
StdMeshQuaternion StdMeshQuaternion::Zero()
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = 0.0f;
q.x = 0.0f;
q.y = 0.0f;
q.z = 0.0f;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion StdMeshQuaternion::AngleAxis(float theta, const StdMeshVector& axis)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
const float theta2 = theta/2.0f;
const float s = sin(theta2);
q.w = cos(theta2);
q.x = s*axis.x;
q.y = s*axis.y;
q.z = s*axis.z;
return q;
void StdMeshQuaternion::Normalize()
float length = sqrt(LenSqr());
w /= length;
x /= length;
y /= length;
z /= length;
StdMeshQuaternion StdMeshQuaternion::Nlerp(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs, float w)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
float c = lhs.w * rhs.w + lhs.x * rhs.x + lhs.y * rhs.y + lhs.z * rhs.z;
if (c < 0.0f)
q = lhs + w * (-rhs - lhs);
q = lhs + w * ( rhs - lhs);
return q;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Zero()
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::Zero();
t.rotate = StdMeshQuaternion::Zero();
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Identity()
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::UnitScale();
t.rotate.w = 1.0f;
t.rotate.x = t.rotate.y = t.rotate.z = 0.0f;
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Inverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = 1.0f/transform.scale;
t.rotate.w = transform.rotate.w;
//t.rotate.v = -transform.rotate.v; // Someone set us up the union!?!??
t.rotate.x = -transform.rotate.x;
t.rotate.y = -transform.rotate.y;
t.rotate.z = -transform.rotate.z;
t.translate = t.rotate * (t.scale * -transform.translate);
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::UnitScale();
t.rotate.w = 1.0f;
t.rotate.x = t.rotate.y = t.rotate.z = 0.0f;
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Translate(dx, dy, dz);
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::Translate(sx, sy, sz);
t.rotate.w = 1.0f;
t.rotate.x = t.rotate.y = t.rotate.z = 0.0f;
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.scale = StdMeshVector::UnitScale();
t.rotate = StdMeshQuaternion::AngleAxis(angle, StdMeshVector::Translate(rx, ry, rz));
t.translate = StdMeshVector::Zero();
return t;
StdMeshTransformation StdMeshTransformation::Nlerp(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs, float w)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.translate = (1 - w) * lhs.translate + w * rhs.translate;
t.rotate = StdMeshQuaternion::Nlerp(lhs.rotate, rhs.rotate, w);
t.scale = (1 - w) * lhs.scale + w * rhs.scale;
return t;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Zero()
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = 0.0f; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = 0.0f; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = 0.0f; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Identity()
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = 1.0f; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = 1.0f; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = 1.0f; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Inverse(const StdMeshMatrix& mat)
StdMeshMatrix m;
const float det = mat.Determinant();
assert(det != 0.0f);
m.a[0][0] = (mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][2] - mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][1]) / det;
m.a[1][0] = (mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][0] - mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][2]) / det;
m.a[2][0] = (mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][1] - mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][0]) / det;
m.a[0][1] = (mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[2][1] - mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[2][2]) / det;
m.a[1][1] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[2][2] - mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[2][0]) / det;
m.a[2][1] = (mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[2][0] - mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[2][1]) / det;
m.a[0][2] = (mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][2] - mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][1]) / det;
m.a[1][2] = (mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][0] - mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][2]) / det;
m.a[2][2] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][1] - mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][0]) / det;
m.a[0][3] = (mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][2]
+ mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][3]
+ mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][1]
- mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][3]
- mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][1]
- mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][2]) / det;
m.a[1][3] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][3]
+ mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][0]
+ mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][2]
- mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][2]
- mat.a[0][2]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][3]
- mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][2]*mat.a[2][0]) / det;
m.a[2][3] = (mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][1]
+ mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][3]
+ mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][0]
- mat.a[0][0]*mat.a[1][1]*mat.a[2][3]
- mat.a[0][1]*mat.a[1][3]*mat.a[2][0]
- mat.a[0][3]*mat.a[1][0]*mat.a[2][1]) / det;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = 1.0f; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = dx;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = 1.0f; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = dy;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = 1.0f; m.a[2][3] = dz;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m.a[0][0] = sx; m.a[0][1] = 0.0f; m.a[0][2] = 0.0f; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = 0.0f; m.a[1][1] = sy; m.a[1][2] = 0.0f; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = 0.0f; m.a[2][1] = 0.0f; m.a[2][2] = sz; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz)
StdMeshMatrix m;
// We do normalize the rx,ry,rz vector here: This is only required for
// precalculations anyway, thus not time-critical.
float abs = sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz);
rx/=abs; ry/=abs; rz/=abs;
float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
m.a[0][0] = rx*rx*(1-c)+c; m.a[0][1] = rx*ry*(1-c)-rz*s; m.a[0][2] = rx*rz*(1-c)+ry*s; m.a[0][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[1][0] = ry*rx*(1-c)+rz*s; m.a[1][1] = ry*ry*(1-c)+c; m.a[1][2] = ry*rz*(1-c)-rx*s; m.a[1][3] = 0.0f;
m.a[2][0] = rz*rx*(1-c)-ry*s; m.a[2][1] = ry*rz*(1-c)+rx*s; m.a[2][2] = rz*rz*(1-c)+c; m.a[2][3] = 0.0f;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::Transform(const StdMeshTransformation& transform)
StdMeshMatrix m;
float tx = 2*transform.rotate.x;
float ty = 2*transform.rotate.y;
float tz = 2*transform.rotate.z;
float twx = tx*transform.rotate.w;
float twy = ty*transform.rotate.w;
float twz = tz*transform.rotate.w;
float txx = tx*transform.rotate.x;
float txy = ty*transform.rotate.x;
float txz = tz*transform.rotate.x;
float tyy = ty*transform.rotate.y;
float tyz = tz*transform.rotate.y;
float tzz = tz*transform.rotate.z;
m.a[0][0] = (1.0f - (tyy + tzz) ) * transform.scale.x;
m.a[0][1] = (txy - twz) * transform.scale.y;
m.a[0][2] = (txz + twy) * transform.scale.z;
m.a[1][0] = (txy + twz) * transform.scale.x;
m.a[1][1] = (1.0f - (txx + tzz) ) * transform.scale.y;
m.a[1][2] = (tyz - twx) * transform.scale.z;
m.a[2][0] = (txz - twy) * transform.scale.x;
m.a[2][1] = (tyz + twx) * transform.scale.y;
m.a[2][2] = (1.0f - (txx + tyy) ) * transform.scale.z;
m.a[0][3] = transform.translate.x;
m.a[1][3] = transform.translate.y;
m.a[2][3] = transform.translate.z;
return m;
StdMeshMatrix StdMeshMatrix::TransformInverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform)
StdMeshMatrix m;
float tx = 2*transform.rotate.x;
float ty = 2*transform.rotate.y;
float tz = 2*transform.rotate.z;
float twx = -tx*transform.rotate.w;
float twy = -ty*transform.rotate.w;
float twz = -tz*transform.rotate.w;
float txx = tx*transform.rotate.x;
float txy = ty*transform.rotate.x;
float txz = tz*transform.rotate.x;
float tyy = ty*transform.rotate.y;
float tyz = tz*transform.rotate.y;
float tzz = tz*transform.rotate.z;
m.a[0][0] = (1.0f - (tyy + tzz) ) / transform.scale.x;
m.a[0][1] = (txy - twz) / transform.scale.x;
m.a[0][2] = (txz + twy) / transform.scale.x;
m.a[1][0] = (txy + twz) / transform.scale.y;
m.a[1][1] = (1.0f - (txx + tzz) ) / transform.scale.y;
m.a[1][2] = (tyz - twx) / transform.scale.y;
m.a[2][0] = (txz - twy) / transform.scale.z;
m.a[2][1] = (tyz + twx) / transform.scale.z;
m.a[2][2] = (1.0f - (txx + tyy) ) / transform.scale.z;
// Signs do not cancel!
StdMeshVector invtranslate = (-transform.rotate) * (-transform.translate/transform.scale);
m.a[0][3] = invtranslate.x;
m.a[1][3] = invtranslate.y;
m.a[2][3] = invtranslate.z;
return m;
float StdMeshMatrix::Determinant() const
return a[0][0]*a[1][1]*a[2][2] + a[0][1]*a[1][2]*a[2][0] + a[0][2]*a[1][0]*a[2][1]
- a[0][0]*a[1][2]*a[2][1] - a[0][1]*a[1][0]*a[2][2] - a[0][2]*a[1][1]*a[2][0];
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m(0,0) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,0) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,0) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,0);
m(1,0) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,0) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,0) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,0);
m(2,0) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,0) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,0) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,0);
m(0,1) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,1) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,1) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,1);
m(1,1) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,1) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,1) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,1);
m(2,1) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,1) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,1) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,1);
m(0,2) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,2) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,2) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,2);
m(1,2) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,2) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,2) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,2);
m(2,2) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,2) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,2) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,2);
m(0,3) = lhs(0,0)*rhs(0,3) + lhs(0,1)*rhs(1,3) + lhs(0,2)*rhs(2,3) + lhs(0,3);
m(1,3) = lhs(1,0)*rhs(0,3) + lhs(1,1)*rhs(1,3) + lhs(1,2)*rhs(2,3) + lhs(1,3);
m(2,3) = lhs(2,0)*rhs(0,3) + lhs(2,1)*rhs(1,3) + lhs(2,2)*rhs(2,3) + lhs(2,3);
return m;
StdMeshMatrix operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m(0,0) = lhs * rhs(0,0);
m(1,0) = lhs * rhs(1,0);
m(2,0) = lhs * rhs(2,0);
m(0,1) = lhs * rhs(0,1);
m(1,1) = lhs * rhs(1,1);
m(2,1) = lhs * rhs(2,1);
m(0,2) = lhs * rhs(0,2);
m(1,2) = lhs * rhs(1,2);
m(2,2) = lhs * rhs(2,2);
m(0,3) = lhs * rhs(0,3);
m(1,3) = lhs * rhs(1,3);
m(2,3) = lhs * rhs(2,3);
return m;
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, float rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshMatrix& operator*=(StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
lhs = lhs * rhs;
return lhs;
StdMeshMatrix operator+(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs)
StdMeshMatrix m;
m(0,0) = lhs(0,0) + rhs(0,0);
m(1,0) = lhs(1,0) + rhs(1,0);
m(2,0) = lhs(2,0) + rhs(2,0);
m(0,1) = lhs(0,1) + rhs(0,1);
m(1,1) = lhs(1,1) + rhs(1,1);
m(2,1) = lhs(2,1) + rhs(2,1);
m(0,2) = lhs(0,2) + rhs(0,2);
m(1,2) = lhs(1,2) + rhs(1,2);
m(2,2) = lhs(2,2) + rhs(2,2);
m(0,3) = lhs(0,3) + rhs(0,3);
m(1,3) = lhs(1,3) + rhs(1,3);
m(2,3) = lhs(2,3) + rhs(2,3);
return m;
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = -rhs.w;
q.x = -rhs.x;
q.y = -rhs.y;
q.z = -rhs.z;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = lhs.w*rhs.w - lhs.x*rhs.x - lhs.y*rhs.y - lhs.z*rhs.z;
q.x = lhs.w*rhs.x + lhs.x*rhs.w + lhs.y*rhs.z - lhs.z*rhs.y;
q.y = lhs.w*rhs.y + lhs.y*rhs.w + lhs.z*rhs.x - lhs.x*rhs.z;
q.z = lhs.w*rhs.z + lhs.z*rhs.w + lhs.x*rhs.y - lhs.y*rhs.x;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion& operator*=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs)
lhs.w *= rhs;
lhs.x *= rhs;
lhs.y *= rhs;
lhs.z *= rhs;
return lhs;
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q(lhs);
q *= rhs;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshQuaternion& operator+=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
lhs.w += rhs.w;
lhs.x += rhs.x;
lhs.y += rhs.y;
lhs.z += rhs.z;
return lhs;
StdMeshQuaternion operator+(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q(lhs);
q += rhs;
return q;
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs)
StdMeshQuaternion q;
q.w = lhs.w - rhs.w;
q.x = lhs.x - rhs.x;
q.y = lhs.y - rhs.y;
q.z = lhs.z - rhs.z;
return q;
StdMeshTransformation operator*(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs)
StdMeshTransformation t;
t.rotate = lhs.rotate * rhs.rotate;
t.scale = lhs.scale * rhs.scale;
t.translate = lhs.translate + lhs.rotate * (lhs.scale * rhs.translate);
return t;
StdMeshVector operator-(const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = -rhs.x;
v.y = -rhs.y;
v.z = -rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector& operator+=(StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
lhs.x += rhs.x;
lhs.y += rhs.y;
lhs.z += rhs.z;
return lhs;
StdMeshVector operator+(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v(lhs);
v += rhs;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.x * rhs.x;
v.y = lhs.y * rhs.y;
v.z = lhs.z * rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector& operator*=(StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs)
lhs.x *= rhs;
lhs.y *= rhs;
lhs.z *= rhs;
return lhs;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs)
StdMeshVector v(lhs);
v *= rhs;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.x/rhs.x;
v.y = lhs.y/rhs.y;
v.z = lhs.z/rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator/(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs/rhs.x;
v.y = lhs/rhs.y;
v.z = lhs/rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs)
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs.x/rhs;
v.y = lhs.y/rhs;
v.z = lhs.z/rhs;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs) // does not apply translation part
StdMeshVector v;
v.x = lhs(0,0)*rhs.x + lhs(0,1)*rhs.y + lhs(0,2)*rhs.z;
v.y = lhs(1,0)*rhs.x + lhs(1,1)*rhs.y + lhs(1,2)*rhs.z;
v.z = lhs(2,0)*rhs.x + lhs(2,1)*rhs.y + lhs(2,2)*rhs.z;
return v;
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs)
StdMeshVector v = { lhs.x, lhs.y, lhs.z };
StdMeshVector uv = 2.0f * StdMeshVector::Cross(v, rhs);
StdMeshVector uuv = StdMeshVector::Cross(v, uv);
return rhs + lhs.w * uv + uuv;
StdMeshVertex& operator+=(StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
lhs.nx += rhs.nx;
lhs.ny += rhs.ny;
lhs.nz += rhs.nz;
lhs.x += rhs.x;
lhs.y += rhs.y;
lhs.z += rhs.z;
return lhs;
StdMeshVertex operator+(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
StdMeshVertex vtx(lhs);
vtx += rhs;
return vtx;
StdMeshVertex operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
StdMeshVertex vtx;
vtx.nx = lhs*rhs.nx;
vtx.ny = lhs*rhs.ny;
vtx.nz = lhs*rhs.nz;
vtx.x = lhs*rhs.x;
vtx.y = lhs*rhs.y;
vtx.z = lhs*rhs.z;
return vtx;
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, float rhs)
return rhs * lhs;
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs)
StdMeshVertex vtx;
vtx.nx = lhs(0,0)*rhs.nx + lhs(0,1)*rhs.ny + lhs(0,2)*rhs.nz;
vtx.ny = lhs(1,0)*rhs.nx + lhs(1,1)*rhs.ny + lhs(0,2)*rhs.nz;
vtx.nz = lhs(2,0)*rhs.nx + lhs(2,1)*rhs.ny + lhs(2,2)*rhs.nz;
vtx.x = lhs(0,0)*rhs.x + lhs(0,1)*rhs.y + lhs(0,2)*rhs.z + lhs(0,3);
vtx.y = lhs(1,0)*rhs.x + lhs(1,1)*rhs.y + lhs(1,2)*rhs.z + lhs(1,3);
vtx.z = lhs(2,0)*rhs.x + lhs(2,1)*rhs.y + lhs(2,2)*rhs.z + lhs(2,3);
vtx.u = rhs.u; vtx.v = rhs.v;
return vtx;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
* OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org
* Copyright (c) 2011 Armin Burgmeier
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
#ifndef INC_StdMeshMath
#define INC_StdMeshMath
// OGRE mesh
struct StdMeshVector
float x, y, z;
static StdMeshVector Zero();
static StdMeshVector UnitScale();
static StdMeshVector Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdMeshVector Cross(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
struct StdMeshVertex
// Match GL_T2F_N3F_V3F
float u, v;
float nx, ny, nz;
float x, y, z;
//void Normalize();
struct StdMeshQuaternion
float w;
// union
// {
// struct { float x, y, z; };
// StdMeshVector v;
// };
float x, y, z;
static StdMeshQuaternion Zero();
static StdMeshQuaternion AngleAxis(float theta, const StdMeshVector& axis);
float LenSqr() const { return w*w+x*x+y*y+z*z; }
void Normalize();
static StdMeshQuaternion Nlerp(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs, float w);
//static StdMeshQuaternion Slerp(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs, float w);
struct StdMeshTransformation
StdMeshVector scale;
StdMeshQuaternion rotate;
StdMeshVector translate;
static StdMeshTransformation Zero();
static StdMeshTransformation Identity();
static StdMeshTransformation Inverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
static StdMeshTransformation Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdMeshTransformation Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
static StdMeshTransformation Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz);
// TODO: Might add path parameter if necessary
static StdMeshTransformation Nlerp(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs, float w);
//static StdMeshQuaternion Slerp(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs, float w);
class StdMeshMatrix
static StdMeshMatrix Zero();
static StdMeshMatrix Identity();
static StdMeshMatrix Inverse(const StdMeshMatrix& mat);
static StdMeshMatrix Translate(float dx, float dy, float dz);
static StdMeshMatrix Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
static StdMeshMatrix Rotate(float angle, float rx, float ry, float rz);
static StdMeshMatrix Transform(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
static StdMeshMatrix TransformInverse(const StdMeshTransformation& transform);
float& operator()(int i, int j) { return a[i][j]; }
float operator()(int i, int j) const { return a[i][j]; }
float Determinant() const;
// 3x3 orthogonal + translation in last column
float a[3][4];
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshMatrix operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshMatrix operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshMatrix& operator*=(StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshMatrix operator+(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshMatrix& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion& operator*=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion& operator+=(StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator+(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshQuaternion operator-(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshQuaternion& rhs);
StdMeshTransformation operator*(const StdMeshTransformation& lhs, const StdMeshTransformation& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator-(const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector& operator+=(StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator+(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector& operator*=(StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator/(float lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVector operator/(const StdMeshVector& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs); // does not apply translation part
StdMeshVector operator*(const StdMeshQuaternion& lhs, const StdMeshVector& rhs);
StdMeshVertex& operator+=(StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator+(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator*(float lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshVertex& lhs, float rhs);
StdMeshVertex operator*(const StdMeshMatrix& lhs, const StdMeshVertex& rhs);