Experimental: Enemy AI

Sven Eberhardt 2013-01-19 17:46:53 +01:00
parent 9bcf7ca725
commit 68e445aa2e
7 changed files with 512 additions and 0 deletions

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/*-- Debug dusplay line --*/
// definition call: create line
func Create(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int clr)
var obj = CreateObject(DebugLine);
return obj;
func Set(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int clr)
SetVertexXY(0, x1,y1);
SetVertexXY(1, x2,y2);
this.LineColors = [clr, clr];
local ActMap = {
Connect = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Connect",
Procedure = DFA_CONNECT,
NextAction = "Connect"

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Category=C4D_Vehicle | C4D_MouseIgnore

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static const S2AI_DefMaxAggroDistance = 200, // lose sight to target if it is this far away (unles we're ranged - then always guard the range rect)
S2AI_DefGuardRangeX = 300, // search targets this far away in either direction (searching in rectangle)
S2AI_DefGuardRangeY = 150; // search targets this far away in either direction (searching in rectangle)
/* Public interface */
// Add AI execution timer to target Clonk
func AddAI(object clonk)
var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
if (!fx) fx = AddEffect("S2AI", clonk, 1, 10, nil, S2AI);
if (!fx || !clonk) return nil;
clonk.ExecuteS2AI = S2AI.Execute;
if (clonk->GetProcedure() == "PUSH") fx.vehicle = clonk->GetActionTarget();
SetGuardRange(clonk, fx.home_x-S2AI_DefGuardRangeX, fx.home_y-S2AI_DefGuardRangeY, S2AI_DefGuardRangeX*2, S2AI_DefGuardRangeY*2);
SetMaxAggroDistance(clonk, S2AI_DefMaxAggroDistance);
return fx;
func GetAI(object clonk) { return GetEffect("S2AI", clonk); }
// Set the current inventory to be removed when the clonk dies. Only works if clonk has an AI.
func BindInventory(object clonk)
var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
if (!fx || !clonk) return false;
var cnt = clonk->ContentsCount();
fx.bound_weapons = CreateArray(cnt);
for (var i=0; i<cnt; ++i) fx.bound_weapons[i] = clonk->Contents(i);
clonk->Call(S2AI.UpdateDebugDisplay, fx);
return true;
// Set the home position the Clonk returns to if he has no target
func SetHome(object clonk, int x, int y, int dir)
var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
if (!fx || !clonk) return false;
// nil/nil defaults to current position
if (!GetType(x)) x=clonk->GetX();
if (!GetType(y)) y=clonk->GetY();
if (!GetType(dir)) dir=clonk->GetDir();
fx.home_x = x; fx.home_y = y;
fx.home_dir = dir;
return true;
// Set the guard range to the provided rectangle
func SetGuardRange(object clonk, int x, int y, int wdt, int hgt)
var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
if (!fx || !clonk) return false;
fx.guard_range_check = Find_AtRect(x-GetX(),y-GetY(),wdt,hgt);
fx.guard_range = {x=x, y=y, wdt=wdt, hgt=hgt};
clonk->Call(S2AI.UpdateDebugDisplay, fx);
return true;
// Set the maximum distance the enemy will follow an attacking Clonk
func SetMaxAggroDistance(object clonk, int max_dist)
var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
if (!fx || !clonk) return false;
fx.max_aggro_distance = max_dist;
return true;
/* Internal functions */
func FxS2AITimer(clonk, fx, int time) { clonk->ExecuteS2AI(fx, time); return FX_OK; }
func FxS2AIStop(clonk, fx, int reason)
// remove debug display
if (fx.debug) clonk->Call(S2AI.EditCursorDeselection, fx);
// remove weapons on death
if (reason == FX_Call_RemoveDeath)
if (fx.bound_weapons) for (var obj in fx.bound_weapons) if (obj && obj->Contained()==clonk) obj->RemoveObject();
return FX_OK;
// called in context of the Clonk that is being controlled
func Execute(proplist fx, int time)
fx.time = time;
// Find something to fight with
if (!fx.weapon) { CancelAiming(fx); if (!ExecuteArm(fx)) return ExecuteIdle(fx); else if (!fx.weapon) return true; }
// Weapon out of ammo?
if (fx.ammo_check && !Call(fx.ammo_check, fx.weapon)) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
// Find an enemy
if (fx.target) if (!fx.target->GetAlive() || (!fx.ranged && ObjectDistance(fx.target) >= fx.max_aggro_distance)) fx.target = nil;
if (!fx.target) { CancelAiming(fx); if (!(fx.target = FindTarget(fx))) return ExecuteIdle(fx); }
// Attack it!
return Call(fx.strategy, fx);
func CheckTargetInGuardRange(fx)
// if target is not in guard range, reset it and return false
if (!Inside(fx.target->GetX()-fx.guard_range.x, -10, fx.guard_range.wdt+9)
||!Inside(fx.target->GetY()-fx.guard_range.y, -10, fx.guard_range.hgt+9))
{ fx.target=nil; return false; }
return true;
func ExecuteVehicle(fx)
// only knows how to use catapult
if (!fx.vehicle || fx.vehicle->GetID() != Catapult) { fx.vehicle = nil; return false; }
// still pushing it?
if (GetProcedure() != "PUSH" || GetActionTarget() != fx.vehicle)
if (!GetCommand() || !Random(4)) SetCommand("Grab", fx.vehicle);
return true;
// Target still in guard range?
if (!CheckTargetInGuardRange(fx)) return false;
// turn in correct direction
var x=GetX(), y=GetY(), tx=fx.target->GetX(), ty=fx.target->GetY()-4;
if (tx>x && !fx.vehicle.dir) { fx.vehicle->ControlRight(this); return true; }
if (tx<x && fx.vehicle.dir) { fx.vehicle->ControlLeft (this); return true; }
// make sure we're aiming
if (!fx.aim_weapon)
if (!fx.vehicle->~ControlUseStart(this)) return false;
fx.aim_weapon = fx.vehicle;
fx.aim_time = fx.time;
return true;
// update catapult animation
fx.vehicle->~ControlUseHolding(this, tx-x, ty-y);
// project target position
var d = Distance(x,y,tx,ty);
fx.projectile_speed = fx.vehicle->DefinePower(tx-x, ty-y);
var dt = d * 10 / fx.projectile_speed; // projected travel time of the object
tx += fx.target->GetXDir(dt);
ty += fx.target->GetYDir(dt);
if (!fx.target->GetContact(-1)) ty += GetGravity()*dt*dt/200;
// Can shoot now?
if (fx.time >= fx.aim_time + fx.aim_wait) if (PathFree(x,y,tx,ty))
fx.aim_weapon->~ControlUseStop(this, tx-x,ty-y);
fx.aim_weapon = nil;
return true;
func CancelAiming(fx)
if (fx.aim_weapon)
fx.aim_weapon = nil;
return true;
func IsAimingOrLoading() { return !!GetEffect("IntAim*", this); }
func ExecuteRanged(fx)
// Still carrying the bow?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != this) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
// Target still in guard range?
if (!CheckTargetInGuardRange(fx)) return false;
// Make sure we can shoot
if (!IsAimingOrLoading() || !fx.aim_weapon)
if (!CheckHandsAction(fx)) return true;
// Start aiming
if (!fx.weapon->ControlUseStart(this, fx.target->GetX()-GetX(), ty=fx.target->GetY()-GetY())) return false; // something's broken :(
fx.aim_weapon = fx.weapon;
fx.aim_time = fx.time;
// Enough for now
// Calculate offset to target. Take movement into account
// Also aim for the head (y-4) so it's harder to evade by jumping
var x=GetX(), y=GetY(), tx=fx.target->GetX(), ty=fx.target->GetY()-4;
var d = Distance(x,y,tx,ty);
var dt = d * 10 / fx.projectile_speed; // projected travel time of the arrow
tx += fx.target->GetXDir(dt);
ty += fx.target->GetYDir(dt);
if (!fx.target->GetContact(-1)) ty += GetGravity()*dt*dt/200;
// Path to target free?
if (PathFree(x,y,tx,ty))
// Get shooting angle
var shooting_angle = GetBallisticAngle(tx-x, ty-y, fx.projectile_speed, 160);
if (GetType(shooting_angle) != C4V_Nil)
//Message("Bow @ %d!!!", shooting_angle);
// Aim/Shoot there
x = Sin(shooting_angle,100);
y = -Cos(shooting_angle,100);
fx.aim_weapon->ControlUseHolding(this, x,y);
if (this->IsAiming() && fx.time >= fx.aim_time + fx.aim_wait)
//Log("Throw angle %v speed %v to reach %d %d", shooting_angle, fx.projectile_speed, tx-GetX(), ty-GetY());
fx.aim_weapon->ControlUseStop(this, x,y);
fx.aim_weapon = nil;
return true;
// Path not free or out of range. Just wait for enemy to come...
//Message("Bow @ %s!!!", fx.target->GetName());
return true;
func ExecuteThrow(fx)
// Still carrying the weapon to throw?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != this) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
// Path to target free?
var x=GetX(), y=GetY(), tx=fx.target->GetX(), ty=fx.target->GetY();
if (PathFree(x,y,tx,ty))
var throw_speed = this.ThrowSpeed;
if (fx.weapon->GetID() == Javelin) throw_speed *= 2;
var rx = (throw_speed*throw_speed)/(100*GetGravity()); // horizontal range for 45 degree throw if enemy is on same height as we are
var ry = throw_speed*7/(GetGravity()*10); // vertical range of 45 degree throw
var dx = tx-x, dy = ty-y+15*GetCon()/100; // distance to target. Reduce vertical distance a bit because throwing exit point is not at center
// Check range
// Could calculate the optimal parabulum here, but that's actually not very reliable on moving targets
// It's usually better to throw straight at the target and only throw upwards a bit if the target stands on high ground or is far away
// Also ignoring speed added by own velocity, etc...
if (Abs(dx)*ry-Min(dy)*rx <= rx*ry)
// We're in range. Can throw?
if (!CheckHandsAction(fx)) return true;
// OK. Calc throwing direction
dy -= dx*dx/rx; // big math!
// And throw!
SetCommand("None"); SetComDir(COMD_Stop);
return this->ControlThrow(fx.weapon, dx, dy);
// Can't reach target yet. Walk towards it.
if (!GetCommand() || !Random(3)) SetCommand("MoveTo", fx.target);
//Message("Throw %s @ %s!!!", fx.weapon->GetName(), fx.target->GetName());
return true;
func CheckHandsAction(fx)
// can use hands?
if (this->~HasHandAction()) return true;
// Can't throw: Is it because e.g. we're scaling?
if (!this->HasActionProcedure()) { ExecuteStand(fx); return false; }
// Probably hands busy. Just wait.
return false;
func ExecuteStand(fx)
if (GetProcedure() == "SCALE")
if (GetDir()==DIR_Left) SetComDir(COMD_Right); else SetComDir(COMD_Left);
else if (GetProcedure() == "HANGLE")
// Hm. What could it be? Let's just hope it resolves itself somehow...
return true;
func ExecuteMelee(fx)
// Still carrying the melee weapon?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != this) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
// Are we in range?
var x=GetX(), y=GetY(), tx=fx.target->GetX(), ty=fx.target->GetY();
var dx = tx-x, dy = ty-y;
if (Abs(dx) <= 10 && PathFree(x,y,tx,ty))
if (dy >= -15)
// target is under us - sword slash downwards!
if (!CheckHandsAction(fx)) return true;
// Stop here
SetCommand("None"); SetComDir(COMD_None);
// cooldown?
if (!fx.weapon->CanStrikeWithWeapon(this))
//Message("MeleeWAIT %s @ %s!!!", fx.weapon->GetName(), fx.target->GetName());
// While waiting for the cooldown, we try to evade...
return true;
// OK, slash!
//Message("MeleeSLASH %s @ %s!!!", fx.weapon->GetName(), fx.target->GetName());
return fx.weapon->ControlUse(this, tx,ty);
// Clonk is above us - jump there
//Message("MeleeJump %s @ %s!!!", fx.weapon->GetName(), fx.target->GetName());
if (dx<-5) SetComDir(COMD_Left); else if (dx>5) SetComDir(COMD_Right); else SetComDir(COMD_None);
// Not in range. Walk there.
if (!GetCommand() || !Random(3)) SetCommand("MoveTo", fx.target);
//Message("Melee %s @ %s!!!", fx.weapon->GetName(), fx.target->GetName());
return true;
func ExecuteEvade(fx,int threat_dx,int threat_dy)
// Evade from threat at position delta threat_*
if (threat_dx < 0) SetComDir(COMD_Left); else SetComDir(COMD_Right);
if (threat_dy >= -5 && !Random(2)) this->ControlJump();
// shield? todo
return true;
func ExecuteArm(fx)
fx.ammo_check = nil; fx.ranged = false;
// Find a weapon. For now, just search own inventory
if (fx.weapon = fx.vehicle)
if (CheckVehicleAmmo(fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteVehicle; fx.ranged=true; fx.aim_wait = 20; fx.ammo_check = S2AI.CheckVehicleAmmo; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Bow))
if (HasArrows(fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = 100; fx.aim_wait = 0; fx.ammo_check = S2AI.HasArrows; fx.ranged=true; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Javelin)) { fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = this.ThrowSpeed*21/100; fx.aim_wait = 16; fx.ranged=true; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Firestone)) { fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteThrow; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Sword)) { fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteMelee; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = Contents(0)) { fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteThrow; return true; }
// no weapon :(
return false;
func HasArrows(object weapon)
if (weapon->Contents(0)) return true;
if (FindObject(Find_Container(this), Find_Func("IsArrow"))) return true;
return false;
func CheckVehicleAmmo(object catapult)
return catapult->ContentsCount();
func ExecuteIdle(fx)
if (!Inside(GetX()-fx.home_x, -5,5) || !Inside(GetY()-fx.home_y, -15,15))
SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, fx.home_x, fx.home_y);
SetCommand("None"); SetComDir(COMD_Stop); SetDir(fx.home_dir);
return true;
func FindTarget(fx)
// could search for hostile...for now, just search for all other players
for (var target in FindObjects(fx.guard_range_check, Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_Not(Find_Owner(GetOwner())), Sort_Random()))
if (PathFree(GetX(),GetY(),target->GetX(),target->GetY()))
return target;
// nothing found
return nil;
// Helper function: Convert target cordinates and bow out speed to desired shooting angle
// Because http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trajectory_of_a_projectile says so
// No SimFlight checks to check upper angle (as that is really easy to evade anyway)
// just always shoot the lower angle if sight is free
private func GetBallisticAngle(int dx, int dy, int v, int max_angle)
// v is in 1/10 pix/frame
// gravity is in 1/100 pix/frame^2
var g = GetGravity();
// correct vertical distance to account for integration error
// engine adds gravity after movement, so targets fly higher than they should
// thus, we aim lower. we don't know the travel time yet, so we assume some 90% of v is horizontal
// (it's ~2px correction for 200px shooting distance)
dy += Abs(dx)*q*10/(v*180);
//Log("Correction: Aiming %d lower!", Abs(dx)*q*10/(v*180));
// q is in 1/10000 (pix/frame)^4
var q = v**4 - g*(g*dx*dx-2*dy*v*v); // dy is negative up
if (q<0) return nil; // out of range
var a = (Angle(0,0,g*dx,Sqrt(q)-v*v)+180)%360-180;
// Check bounds
if(!Inside(a, -max_angle, max_angle)) return nil;
return a;
/* Editor display */
// called in clonk context
func UpdateDebugDisplay(fx)
if (fx.debug) { EditCursorDeselection(fx); EditCursorSelection(fx); }
return true;
// called in clonk context
func EditCursorSelection(fx)
if (fx.debug) EditCursorDeselection(fx);
var msg = "";
for (var i=0; i<ContentsCount(); ++i)
msg = Format("%s{{%i}}", msg, Contents(i)->GetID());
Message("@AI %s", msg);
fx.debug = {};
var clr = 0xffff0000;
fx.debug.r1 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y,fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y,clr);
fx.debug.r2 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y,fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,clr);
fx.debug.r3 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,clr);
fx.debug.r4 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y,clr);
return true;
// called in clonk context
func EditCursorDeselection(fx)
if (fx.debug)
if (fx.debug.r1) fx.debug.r1->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.r2) fx.debug.r2->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.r3) fx.debug.r3->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.r4) fx.debug.r4->RemoveObject();
fx.debug = nil;
return true;

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// Editor tweak
#appendto Clonk
func EditCursorSelection()
var ai = S2AI->GetAI(this);
if (ai) Call(S2AI.EditCursorSelection, ai);
return _inherited(...);
func EditCursorDeselection()
var ai = S2AI->GetAI(this);
if (ai) Call(S2AI.EditCursorDeselection, ai);
return _inherited(...);