Experimental: Lots of small improvements on EvilCastle and EnemyAI.

* Try to avoid shooting allies standing between AI and target. Jump to get free path.
* Fix some cases of AI stuck in wall scaling action
* Ranged enemies face their targets when they shoot
* Catapult handling: If catapult is empty, let go and attack with melee weapon
* Change ranged targets if current is unreachable
* Encounter callbacks to game script and ally wakeup

* Lock player view (Prohibit mouse scrolling)
* Encounter messages for some enemies
* Enemy aggro ranges tweaked
* Some landscape reworks
* Icon changed
Sven Eberhardt 2013-01-26 17:24:14 +01:00
parent 990b8efc90
commit 63a34ab9ba
14 changed files with 782 additions and 558 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
static const S2AI_DefMaxAggroDistance = 200, // lose sight to target if it is this far away (unles we're ranged - then always guard the range rect)
S2AI_DefGuardRangeX = 300, // search targets this far away in either direction (searching in rectangle)
S2AI_DefGuardRangeY = 150; // search targets this far away in either direction (searching in rectangle)
S2AI_DefGuardRangeY = 150, // search targets this far away in either direction (searching in rectangle)
S2AI_AlertTime = 800; // number of frames after alert after which AI no longer checks for projectiles
/* Public interface */
@ -67,11 +68,34 @@ func SetMaxAggroDistance(object clonk, int max_dist)
return true;
/* Internal functions */
// Set range in which, on first encounter, allied AI Clonks get the same aggro target set
func SetAllyAlertRange(object clonk, int new_range)
var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
if (!fx || !clonk) return false;
fx.ally_alert_range = new_range;
clonk->Call(S2AI.UpdateDebugDisplay, fx);
return true;
func FxS2AITimer(clonk, fx, int time) { clonk->ExecuteS2AI(fx, time); return FX_OK; }
// Set callback function name to be called in game script when this AI is first encountered
// Callback function first parameter is (this) AI clonk, second parameter is player clonk.
// The callback should return true to be cleared and not called again. Otherwise, it will be called every time a new target is found.
func SetEncounterCB(object clonk, string cb_fn)
var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
if (!fx || !clonk) return false;
fx.encounter_cb = cb_fn;
clonk->Call(S2AI.UpdateDebugDisplay, fx);
return true;
func FxS2AIStop(clonk, fx, int reason)
/* AI effect callback functions */
protected func FxS2AITimer(clonk, fx, int time) { clonk->ExecuteS2AI(fx, time); return FX_OK; }
protected func FxS2AIStop(clonk, fx, int reason)
// remove debug display
if (fx.debug) clonk->Call(S2AI.EditCursorDeselection, fx);
@ -83,23 +107,67 @@ func FxS2AIStop(clonk, fx, int reason)
return FX_OK;
protected func FxS2AIDamage(clonk, fx, int dmg, int cause)
// AI takes damage: Make sure we're alert so evasion and healing scripts are executed!
// It might also be feasible to execute encounter callbacks here (in case an AI is shot from a position it cannot see).
// However, the attacking Clonk is not known and the callback might be triggered e.g. by an unfortunate meteorite or lightning blast.
// So let's just keep it at alert state for now.
if (dmg<0) fx.alert=fx.time;
return dmg;
/* AI execution timer functions */
// called in context of the Clonk that is being controlled
func Execute(proplist fx, int time)
private func Execute(proplist fx, int time)
fx.time = time;
// Evasion, healing etc. if alert
if (fx.alert) if (ExecuteProtection(fx)) return true;
// Find something to fight with
if (!fx.weapon) { CancelAiming(fx); if (!ExecuteArm(fx)) return ExecuteIdle(fx); else if (!fx.weapon) return true; }
// Weapon out of ammo?
if (fx.ammo_check && !Call(fx.ammo_check, fx.weapon)) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
if (fx.ammo_check && !Call(fx.ammo_check, fx, fx.weapon)) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
// Find an enemy
if (fx.target) if (!fx.target->GetAlive() || (!fx.ranged && ObjectDistance(fx.target) >= fx.max_aggro_distance)) fx.target = nil;
if (!fx.target) { CancelAiming(fx); if (!(fx.target = FindTarget(fx))) return ExecuteIdle(fx); }
if (!fx.target)
if (!(fx.target = FindTarget(fx))) return ExecuteIdle(fx);
// first encounter callback. might display a message.
if (fx.encounter_cb) if (GameCall(fx.encounter_cb, this, fx.target)) fx.encounter_cb = nil;
// wake up nearby allies
if (fx.ally_alert_range)
var ally_fx;
for (var ally in FindObjects(Find_Distance(fx.ally_alert_range), Find_Exclude(this), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_Owner(GetOwner())))
if (ally_fx = S2AI->GetAI(ally))
if (!ally_fx.target)
ally_fx.target = fx.target;
ally_fx.alert = ally_fx.time;
if (ally_fx.encounter_cb) if (GameCall(ally_fx.encounter_cb, ally, fx.target)) ally_fx.encounter_cb = nil;
// waking up works only once. after that, AI might have moved and wake up Clonks it shouldn't
fx.ally_alert_range = nil;
// Attack it!
return Call(fx.strategy, fx);
func CheckTargetInGuardRange(fx)
private func ExecuteProtection(fx)
// TODO: Projectile and enemy evasion. Reset fx.alert=fx.time if evasion has happened.
// stay alert if there's a target. Otherwise alert state may wear off
if (fx.target) fx.alert=fx.time; else if (fx.time-fx.alert > S2AI_AlertTime) fx.alert=nil;
// nothing to do
return false;
private func CheckTargetInGuardRange(fx)
// if target is not in guard range, reset it and return false
if (!Inside(fx.target->GetX()-fx.guard_range.x, -10, fx.guard_range.wdt+9)
@ -108,7 +176,7 @@ func CheckTargetInGuardRange(fx)
return true;
func ExecuteVehicle(fx)
private func ExecuteVehicle(fx)
// only knows how to use catapult
if (!fx.vehicle || fx.vehicle->GetID() != Catapult) { fx.vehicle = nil; return false; }
@ -150,7 +218,7 @@ func ExecuteVehicle(fx)
return true;
func CancelAiming(fx)
private func CancelAiming(fx)
if (fx.aim_weapon)
@ -160,14 +228,16 @@ func CancelAiming(fx)
return true;
func IsAimingOrLoading() { return !!GetEffect("IntAim*", this); }
private func IsAimingOrLoading() { return !!GetEffect("IntAim*", this); }
func ExecuteRanged(fx)
private func ExecuteRanged(fx)
// Still carrying the bow?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != this) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
// Target still in guard range?
if (!CheckTargetInGuardRange(fx)) return false;
// Look at target
// Make sure we can shoot
if (!IsAimingOrLoading() || !fx.aim_weapon)
@ -180,6 +250,8 @@ func ExecuteRanged(fx)
// Enough for now
// Stuck in aim procedure check?
if (GetEffect("IntAimCheckProcedure", this) && !this->ReadyToAction()) return ExecuteStand(fx);
// Calculate offset to target. Take movement into account
// Also aim for the head (y-4) so it's harder to evade by jumping
var x=GetX(), y=GetY(), tx=fx.target->GetX(), ty=fx.target->GetY()-4;
@ -195,27 +267,49 @@ func ExecuteRanged(fx)
var shooting_angle = GetBallisticAngle(tx-x, ty-y, fx.projectile_speed, 160);
if (GetType(shooting_angle) != C4V_Nil)
//Message("Bow @ %d!!!", shooting_angle);
// Aim/Shoot there
x = Sin(shooting_angle,100);
y = -Cos(shooting_angle,100);
fx.aim_weapon->ControlUseHolding(this, x,y);
if (this->IsAiming() && fx.time >= fx.aim_time + fx.aim_wait)
// No ally on path?
var ally = FindObject(Find_OnLine(0,0,tx-x,ty-y), Find_Exclude(this), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_Owner(GetOwner()));
if (ally)
//Log("Throw angle %v speed %v to reach %d %d", shooting_angle, fx.projectile_speed, tx-GetX(), ty-GetY());
fx.aim_weapon->ControlUseStop(this, x,y);
fx.aim_weapon = nil;
if (ExecuteJump()) return true;
// can't jump and ally is in the way. just wait.
//Message("Bow @ %d!!!", shooting_angle);
// Aim/Shoot there
x = Sin(shooting_angle,100);
y = -Cos(shooting_angle,100);
fx.aim_weapon->ControlUseHolding(this, x,y);
if (this->IsAiming() && fx.time >= fx.aim_time + fx.aim_wait)
//Log("Throw angle %v speed %v to reach %d %d", shooting_angle, fx.projectile_speed, tx-GetX(), ty-GetY());
fx.aim_weapon->ControlUseStop(this, x,y);
fx.aim_weapon = nil;
return true;
return true;
// Path not free or out of range. Just wait for enemy to come...
//Message("Bow @ %s!!!", fx.target->GetName());
// Might also change target if current is unreachable
var new_target;
if (!Random(3)) if (new_target = FindTarget(fx)) fx.target = new_target;
return true;
func ExecuteThrow(fx)
private func ExecuteLookAtTarget(fx)
// set direction to look at target. can assume this is instantanuous
var dir;
if (fx.target->GetX() > GetX()) dir = DIR_Right; else dir = DIR_Left;
return true;
private func ExecuteThrow(fx)
// Still carrying the weapon to throw?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != this) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
@ -250,7 +344,7 @@ func ExecuteThrow(fx)
return true;
func CheckHandsAction(fx)
private func CheckHandsAction(fx)
// can use hands?
if (this->~HasHandAction()) return true;
@ -261,13 +355,16 @@ func CheckHandsAction(fx)
return false;
func ExecuteStand(fx)
private func ExecuteStand(fx)
if (GetProcedure() == "SCALE")
if (GetDir()==DIR_Left) SetComDir(COMD_Right); else SetComDir(COMD_Left);
if (GetDir()==DIR_Left)
ObjectControlMovement(GetOwner(), CON_Right, 100);
ObjectControlMovement(GetOwner(), CON_Left, 100);
else if (GetProcedure() == "HANGLE")
@ -282,7 +379,7 @@ func ExecuteStand(fx)
return true;
func ExecuteMelee(fx)
private func ExecuteMelee(fx)
// Still carrying the melee weapon?
if (fx.weapon->Contained() != this) { fx.weapon=nil; return false; }
@ -320,26 +417,35 @@ func ExecuteMelee(fx)
return true;
func ExecuteEvade(fx,int threat_dx,int threat_dy)
private func ExecuteEvade(fx,int threat_dx,int threat_dy)
// Evade from threat at position delta threat_*
if (threat_dx < 0) SetComDir(COMD_Left); else SetComDir(COMD_Right);
if (threat_dy >= -5 && !Random(2)) this->ControlJump();
if (threat_dy >= -5 && !Random(2)) if (ExecuteJump(fx)) return true;
// shield? todo
return true;
func ExecuteArm(fx)
private func ExecuteJump(fx)
// Jump if standing on floor
if (GetProcedure() == "WALK")
//if (GetContact(-1, CNAT_Bottom)) - implied by walk
return this->ControlJump();
return false;
private func ExecuteArm(fx)
fx.ammo_check = nil; fx.ranged = false;
// Find a weapon. For now, just search own inventory
if (fx.weapon = fx.vehicle)
if (CheckVehicleAmmo(fx.weapon))
if (CheckVehicleAmmo(fx, fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteVehicle; fx.ranged=true; fx.aim_wait = 20; fx.ammo_check = S2AI.CheckVehicleAmmo; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Bow))
if (HasArrows(fx.weapon))
if (HasArrows(fx, fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = S2AI.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = 100; fx.aim_wait = 0; fx.ammo_check = S2AI.HasArrows; fx.ranged=true; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
@ -351,19 +457,23 @@ func ExecuteArm(fx)
return false;
func HasArrows(object weapon)
private func HasArrows(fx, object weapon)
if (weapon->Contents(0)) return true;
if (FindObject(Find_Container(this), Find_Func("IsArrow"))) return true;
return false;
func CheckVehicleAmmo(object catapult)
private func CheckVehicleAmmo(fx, object catapult)
return catapult->ContentsCount();
if (catapult->ContentsCount()) return true;
// Vehicle out of ammo: Can't really be refilled. Stop using that weapon.
fx.vehicle = nil;
return false;
func ExecuteIdle(fx)
private func ExecuteIdle(fx)
if (!Inside(GetX()-fx.home_x, -5,5) || !Inside(GetY()-fx.home_y, -15,15))
@ -377,7 +487,7 @@ func ExecuteIdle(fx)
return true;
func FindTarget(fx)
private func FindTarget(fx)
// could search for hostile...for now, just search for all other players
for (var target in FindObjects(fx.guard_range_check, Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_Not(Find_Owner(GetOwner())), Sort_Random()))
@ -411,6 +521,7 @@ private func GetBallisticAngle(int dx, int dy, int v, int max_angle)
return a;
/* Editor display */
// called in clonk context
@ -423,17 +534,36 @@ func UpdateDebugDisplay(fx)
// called in clonk context
func EditCursorSelection(fx)
// clear previous
if (fx.debug) EditCursorDeselection(fx);
// encounter message
var msg = "";
if (fx.encounter_cb) msg = Format("%s%v", msg, fx.encounter_cb);
// contents message
for (var i=0; i<ContentsCount(); ++i)
msg = Format("%s{{%i}}", msg, Contents(i)->GetID());
Message("@AI %s", msg);
// draw ally alert range. draw as square, although a circle would be more appropriate
fx.debug = {};
var clr = 0xffff0000;
fx.debug.r1 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y,fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y,clr);
fx.debug.r2 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y,fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,clr);
fx.debug.r3 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,clr);
fx.debug.r4 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y,clr);
var clr;
var x=GetX(), y=GetY();
if (fx.ally_alert_range)
clr = 0xffffff00;
fx.debug.a1 = DebugLine->Create(x,y-fx.ally_alert_range,x+fx.ally_alert_range,y,clr);
fx.debug.a2 = DebugLine->Create(x+fx.ally_alert_range,y,x,y+fx.ally_alert_range,clr);
fx.debug.a3 = DebugLine->Create(x,y+fx.ally_alert_range,x-fx.ally_alert_range,y,clr);
fx.debug.a4 = DebugLine->Create(x-fx.ally_alert_range,y,x,y-fx.ally_alert_range,clr);
// draw guard range
if (fx.guard_range.wdt && fx.guard_range.hgt)
clr = 0xffff0000;
fx.debug.r1 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y,fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y,clr);
fx.debug.r2 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y,fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,clr);
fx.debug.r3 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x+fx.guard_range.wdt,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,clr);
fx.debug.r4 = DebugLine->Create(fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y+fx.guard_range.hgt,fx.guard_range.x,fx.guard_range.y,clr);
return true;
@ -446,6 +576,10 @@ func EditCursorDeselection(fx)
if (fx.debug.r2) fx.debug.r2->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.r3) fx.debug.r3->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.r4) fx.debug.r4->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.a1) fx.debug.a1->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.a2) fx.debug.a2->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.a3) fx.debug.a3->RemoveObject();
if (fx.debug.a4) fx.debug.a4->RemoveObject();
fx.debug = nil;

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@ -2,8 +2,9 @@

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@ -4,5 +4,39 @@ func MessageBoxAll(string message, object talker, bool permanent)
if (permanent) permanent = "@"; else permanent = "";
message = Format("%s<c %x>%s:</c> %s", permanent, talker->GetColor(), talker->GetName(), message);
CustomMessage(message, nil, NO_OWNER, 150,150, nil, GUI_MenuDeco, Dialogue);
CustomMessage(message, nil, NO_OWNER, 150,150, nil, GUI_MenuDeco, GetPortraitDef(talker));
func GetPortraitDef(object talker)
var portrait = talker.portrait;
// Default definition has Clonk portrait
// (Can't get default from skin, because there's no function GetSkin D:)
if (!portrait || portrait == "" || portrait == "Clonk") return Dialogue;
// Otherwise, bind portrait to an invisible object
// (note: invisible object is leaked. can't really know when the message will be gone.)
if (!talker.portrait_obj)
talker.portrait_obj = CreateObject(Dialogue);
talker.portrait_obj->SetAction("Attach", talker);
talker.portrait_obj.Visibility = VIS_None;
return talker.portrait_obj;
func AttachTargetLost() { return RemoveObject(); }
local ActMap=
Attach =
Prototype = Action,
AbortCall = "AttachTargetLost"

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Harsh zoom range
for (var flag in [PLRZOOM_LimitMax, PLRZOOM_Direct])
SetPlayerViewLock(plr, true);
// Initial join
return true;
@ -83,3 +84,25 @@ func JoinPlayer(int plr)
return true;
/* Enemy encounter messages */
func EncounterCave(object enemy, object player)
Dialogue->MessageBoxAll("$MsgEncounterCave$", enemy);
return true;
func EncounterOutpost(object enemy, object player)
Dialogue->MessageBoxAll("$MsgEncounterOutpost$", enemy);
return true;
func EncounterKing(object enemy, object player)
if (!player) player = enemy; // Leads to a funny message, but better than a null pointer.
Dialogue->MessageBoxAll(Format("$MsgEncounterKing$", player->GetName()), enemy);
return true;

View File

@ -1 +1,4 @@
MsgIntro1=Hilfe! King Horax hat unser Dorf zerstoert und wir sind alle zu feige, ihn anzugreifen. Koennt Ihr ihm Einhalt gebieten?
MsgEncounterCave=Ein Eindringling klaut unser Gold! Schnappt ihn!
MsgEncounterOutpost=Halt, im Namen des Koenigs!
MsgEncounterKing=Ah, %s. Ich habe Euch bereits erwartet.

View File

@ -1 +1,4 @@
MsgIntro1=Help! Tyrant Horax has destroyed our village, drank all our beer and taken our women. We are too chicken to face him ourselves; can you please stop him?
MsgEncounterCave=An intruder tries to steal out gold. Catch him!
MsgEncounterOutpost=Stop, in the name of the king!
MsgEncounterKing=Ah, %s. I have been awaiting you.