docs/Makefile: clean removes generated sdk/content.xml

Günther Brammer 2012-05-05 22:48:27 +02:00
parent 958af2df73
commit 562501aee3
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ stylesheet = clonk.xsl
# find all directories neither beginning nor contained within a directory beginning with a dot
sdk-dirs := $(shell find sdk -name '.*' -prune -o -type d -print)
# find all *.xml files recursively in sdk/
xmlfiles := $(sort $(shell find sdk -name '.*' -prune -o -name 'content.xml' -prune -o -name \*.xml -print))
# misc
extra-files := $(sort $(wildcard *.css *.php *.js images/*.*))
extra-files-chm := $(sort $(wildcard *.css *.js images/*.*))
# find all *.xml files recursively in sdk/
xmlfiles := $(sort $(shell find sdk -name '.*' -prune -o -name 'content.xml' -prune -o -name \*.xml -print))
# Targets:
# strip from all files the .xml, and add a .html
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ htmlfiles := $(addsuffix .html, $(basename $(xmlfiles)))
sdk-de-dirs := $(subst sdk, sdk-de, $(sdk-dirs))
# For
online-sdk-files := $(foreach lang, en de, $(addprefix online/$(lang)/, $(htmlfiles) sdk/content.html))
online-dirs := $(foreach lang, en de, $(addprefix online/$(lang)/, $(sdk-dirs) images))
online-sdk-files := $(foreach lang, en de, $(addprefix online/$(lang)/, $(htmlfiles) sdk/content.html))
online-extra-files := $(foreach lang, en de, $(addprefix online/$(lang)/, $(extra-files)))
# For Entwickler.chm
@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ chm-dirs := $(foreach lang, en de, $(addprefix chm/$(lang)/, . $(sdk-dirs) image
.PHONY: all online-en chm install check clean
all: $(online-dirs) $(sdk-de-dirs) $(online-extra-files) $(online-sdk-files)
all: $(sdk-de-dirs) $(online-dirs) $(online-sdk-files) $(online-extra-files)
online-en: $(addprefix online/en/, $(sdk-dirs) images $(htmlfiles) sdk/content.html $(extra-files))
chm: $(chm-dirs) $(sdk-de-dirs) chm/en/Developer.chm chm/de/Entwickler.chm
chm: $(sdk-de-dirs) $(chm-dirs) chm/en/Developer.chm chm/de/Entwickler.chm
install: all
$(MKDIR_P) $(prefix)
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ check:
xmllint --noblanks --noout --valid $(xmlfiles)
rm -f *.mo Entwickler.chm Developer.chm doku.pot
rm -f *.mo Entwickler.chm Developer.chm doku.pot sdk/content.xml
rm -rf online sdk-de chm
sdk/content.xml: sdk/ $(xmlfiles)