let AI handle the musket and fix tracking riding clonks

Maikel de Vries 2015-08-19 08:10:25 +02:00
parent 0cdafc278b
commit 49effe4622
3 changed files with 91 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
AI Helper Functions
Functionality that helps the AI.
@author Maikel
// Returns the object that determines the movement of the target.
// For example the object the target is attached to or contained in.
private func GetTargetMovementObject(object target)
// If attached: return the object the target is attached to.
if (target->GetProcedure() == DFA_ATTACH)
if (target->GetActionTarget())
return target->GetActionTarget();
// Default: return the target itself.
return target;
// Returns the x-speed of the target or the object that causes its movement.
private func GetTargetXDir(object target, int prec)
var moving_target = GetTargetMovementObject(target);
return moving_target->GetXDir(prec);
// Returns the y-speed of the target or the object that causes its movement.
private func GetTargetYDir(object target, int prec)
var moving_target = GetTargetMovementObject(target);
return moving_target->GetYDir(prec);

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@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
Enemy AI
Controls enemy behaviour.
@author Sven2
#include AI_HelperFunctions
static const S2AI_DefMaxAggroDistance = 200, // lose sight to target if it is this far away (unles we're ranged - then always guard the range rect)
S2AI_DefGuardRangeX = 300, // search targets this far away in either direction (searching in rectangle)
S2AI_DefGuardRangeY = 150, // search targets this far away in either direction (searching in rectangle)
@ -309,8 +320,8 @@ private func ExecuteVehicle(fx)
var dx = tx-x, dy=ty-y+20;
var power = Sqrt((GetGravity()*dx*dx) / Max(Abs(dx)+dy,1));
var dt = dx * 10 / power;
dx += fx.target->GetXDir(dt);
dy += fx.target->GetYDir(dt);
tx += GetTargetXDir(fx.target, dt);
ty += GetTargetYDir(fx.target, dt);
if (!fx.target->GetContact(-1)) dy += GetGravity()*dt*dt/200;
power = Sqrt((GetGravity()*dx*dx) / Max(Abs(dx)+dy,1));
power = power + Random(11)-5; // some variation
@ -358,20 +369,24 @@ private func ExecuteRanged(fx)
// Stuck in aim procedure check?
if (GetEffect("IntAimCheckProcedure", this) && !this->ReadyToAction()) return ExecuteStand(fx);
if (GetEffect("IntAimCheckProcedure", this) && !this->ReadyToAction())
return ExecuteStand(fx);
// Calculate offset to target. Take movement into account
// Also aim for the head (y-4) so it's harder to evade by jumping
var x=GetX(), y=GetY(), tx=fx.target->GetX(), ty=fx.target->GetY()-4;
var d = Distance(x,y,tx,ty);
var dt = d * 10 / fx.projectile_speed; // projected travel time of the arrow
tx += fx.target->GetXDir(dt);
ty += fx.target->GetYDir(dt);
tx += GetTargetXDir(fx.target, dt);
ty += GetTargetYDir(fx.target, dt);
if (!fx.target->GetContact(-1)) ty += GetGravity()*dt*dt/200;
// Path to target free?
if (PathFree(x,y,tx,ty))
// Get shooting angle
var shooting_angle = GetBallisticAngle(tx-x, ty-y, fx.projectile_speed, 160);
if (fx.ranged_direct)
shooting_angle = Angle(x, y, tx, ty, 10);
//Log("AI: Ranged attack calculated angle %d from coordinates (%d, %d) and (%d, %d)", shooting_angle, x, y, tx, ty);
if (GetType(shooting_angle) != C4V_Nil)
// No ally on path?
@ -385,8 +400,8 @@ private func ExecuteRanged(fx)
//Message("Bow @ %d!!!", shooting_angle);
// Aim/Shoot there
x = Sin(shooting_angle,100);
y = -Cos(shooting_angle,100);
x = Sin(shooting_angle, 1000, 10);
y = -Cos(shooting_angle, 1000, 10);
fx.aim_weapon->ControlUseHolding(this, x,y);
if (this->IsAiming() && fx.time >= fx.aim_time + fx.aim_wait)
@ -561,24 +576,43 @@ private func FindInventoryWeapon(fx)
fx.ammo_check = nil; fx.ranged = false;
// Find weapon in inventory, mark it as equipped and set according strategy, etc.
if (fx.weapon = fx.vehicle)
if (CheckVehicleAmmo(fx, fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteVehicle; fx.ranged=true; fx.aim_wait = 20; fx.ammo_check = fx.ai.CheckVehicleAmmo; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(GrenadeLauncher))
if (HasBombs(fx, fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = 75; fx.aim_wait = 85; fx.ammo_check = fx.ai.HasBombs; fx.ranged=true; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Bow))
if (HasArrows(fx, fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = 100; fx.aim_wait = 0; fx.ammo_check = fx.ai.HasArrows; fx.ranged=true; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Javelin)) { fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = this.ThrowSpeed*21/100; fx.aim_wait = 16; fx.ranged=true; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Firestone)) { fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteThrow; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Rock)) { fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteThrow; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Sword)) { fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteMelee; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Musket))
if (HasAmmo(fx, fx.weapon))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = 200; fx.aim_wait = 85; fx.ammo_check = fx.ai.HasAmmo; fx.ranged=true; fx.ranged_direct = true; return true; }
fx.weapon = nil;
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Javelin))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteRanged; fx.projectile_speed = this.ThrowSpeed*21/100; fx.aim_wait = 16; fx.ranged=true; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Firestone))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteThrow; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Rock))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteThrow; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Lantern))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteThrow; return true; }
if (fx.weapon = FindContents(Sword))
{ fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteMelee; return true; }
//if (fx.weapon = Contents(0)) { fx.strategy = fx.ai.ExecuteThrow; return true; } - don't throw empty bow, etc.
// no weapon :(
return false;
@ -591,6 +625,13 @@ private func HasArrows(fx, object weapon)
return false;
private func HasAmmo(fx, object weapon)
if (weapon->Contents(0)) return true;
if (FindObject(Find_Container(this), Find_Func("IsMusketAmmo"))) return true;
return false;
private func HasBombs(fx, object weapon)
if (weapon->Contents(0)) return true;
@ -660,9 +701,9 @@ private func GetBallisticAngle(int dx, int dy, int v, int max_angle)
// q is in 1/10000 (pix/frame)^4
var q = v**4 - g*(g*dx*dx-2*dy*v*v); // dy is negative up
if (q<0) return nil; // out of range
var a = (Angle(0,0,g*dx,Sqrt(q)-v*v)+180)%360-180;
var a = (Angle(0, 0, g * dx, Sqrt(q) - v * v, 10) + 1800) % 3600 - 1800;
// Check bounds
if(!Inside(a, -max_angle, max_angle)) return nil;
if(!Inside(a, -10 * max_angle, 10 * max_angle)) return nil;
return a;