clean up the animal library

Maikel de Vries 2015-02-09 21:36:36 +01:00
parent 8825b2c2fb
commit 45a8c02cd0
1 changed files with 74 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -1,87 +1,101 @@
/*-- Animal reproduction --*/
Animal Library
Handles reproduction for animals.
@author Maikel
// Status
// This object is an animal.
public func IsAnimal() { return true; }
// Population control
private func ReproductionAreaSize() { return 800; } // The area, in which new animals of this kind can appear
private func ReproductionRate() { return 4000; } // The chane that reproduction takes place in one timer intervall
private func MaxAnimalCount() { return 10; } // The maximal animalcount in the area
// Special reproduction (e.g. with egg)
private func SpecialRepr()
protected func Construction()
// Add a reproduction timer.
AddTimer("Reproduction", 72);
// Special Conditions (e.g. a fish should have Swim action)
private func SpecialReprodCond()
/*-- Reproduction --*/
// Population control is handled through these variables.
// The area, in which new animals of this kind can appear.
private func ReproductionAreaSize() { return 800; }
// The chane that reproduction takes place in one timer interval.
private func ReproductionRate() { return 150; }
// The maximal animal count in the area.
private func MaxAnimalCount() { return 10; }
// Special reproduction method (e.g. with egg).
private func SpecialReproduction()
return 1;
// You can have a special kind of reproduction implemented here.
// If you do so return true in this function.
return false;
// Count animals
private func CountMe()
// Special conditions which needs to be fulfilled (e.g. a fish should have the swim action).
private func SpecialReproductionCondition()
var ReprodSize = ReproductionAreaSize();
var ReprodSizeHalb = ReprodSize / -2;
return ObjectCount(Find_ID(GetID()), Find_InRect(ReprodSizeHalb, ReprodSizeHalb, ReprodSize , ReprodSize), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive));
// You can implement a special condition for reproduction here.
// Return false if this condition is not satisfied.
return true;
/* Reproduction */
public func Reproduction(bool fRepr)
// Count animals in the reproduction area.
private func CountAnimalsInArea()
// Already dead
if (!GetAlive()) return 0;
// Not full grown up
if (GetCon() < 100) return 0;
// Special conditions not fulfilled
if (!SpecialReprodCond()) return 0;
// Already to much animals of this kind
//if(!FindObject(REPR)) { if (CountMe() >= MaxAnimalCount()) return 0; }
//else if(ObjectCount(Find_ID(GetID()))+1 >= GetComponent(GetID(), 0, FindObject(Find_ID(REPR)))) return 0;
// Reproduction
if (!SpecialRepr())
var reprod_size = ReproductionAreaSize();
var reprod_size_half = reprod_size / -2;
return ObjectCount(Find_ID(GetID()), Find_InRect(reprod_size_half, reprod_size_half, reprod_size , reprod_size), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive));
public func Reproduction()
// Already dead or not full grown? Don't do anything.
if (!GetAlive() || GetCon() < 100)
// Special conditions not fulfilled? Don't do anything either.
if (!SpecialReproductionCondition())
// Check whether there are already enough animals of this kind.
if (CountAnimalsInArea() > MaxAnimalCount())
// Then apply the reproduction rate.
if (Random(ReproductionRate()))
// Reproduction: first try special reproduction, otherwise normal.
if (!SpecialReproduction())
// Normal reproduction
var pChild = CreateConstruction(GetID(), 0, 0, -1, 40);
var child = CreateConstruction(GetID(), 0, 0, -1, 40);
// Success
return 1;
/* Birth */
public func Birth()
if (Random(2)) SetComDir(COMD_Left);
else SetComDir(COMD_Right);
return 1;
if (Random(2))
/* Collection of animals */
local fForceEnter;
/*-- Collection --*/
// Force collection
public func ForceEnter(object pContainer)
protected func RejectEntrance(object container)
fForceEnter = 1;
fForceEnter = 0;
return 1;
protected func RejectEntrance(object pContainer)
// Handing over (z.B. Clonk->Lore) is always ok
if (Contained()) return;
// Dead? OK too
if (!GetAlive()) return;
// Forced? Well ok.
if (fForceEnter) return;
// All other cases depend on the global settings (game rule)
return 1;// !Library_Animal_IsCollectible(pContainer); TODO create this rule :-)
// From one container to another is not blocked by this library.
if (Contained())
return _inherited(container, ...);
// Neither are dead animals.
if (!GetAlive())
return _inherited(container, ...);
// For all other cases the entrance is blocked.
return true;