Remove adjusting texture sizes to next power of two

This code was basically never used anyway, since the
ARB_non_power_of_two extension is always available since OpenGL 2.0.
The GLEW check for the extension fails however as soon as we select
a OpenGL 3 core profile, and the texture sizes will be unnecessarily
adjusted again.
Armin Burgmeier 2016-01-12 22:35:17 -08:00
parent aef7538aa1
commit 442241dc3e
1 changed files with 3 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -211,30 +211,11 @@ bool C4Surface::Copy(C4Surface &fromSfc)
return true;
int GetNeedTexSize(int Size)
int iNeedSize = Size;
if (!pGL || !GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two)
int n=0;
while ((1<<++n) < iNeedSize) {}
iNeedSize = 1<<n;
return iNeedSize;
bool C4Surface::CreateTextures(int MaxTextureSize, int Flags)
// free previous
iTexSize=std::min(GetNeedTexSize(std::max(Wdt, Hgt)), pDraw->MaxTexSize);
iTexSize=std::min(std::max(Wdt, Hgt), pDraw->MaxTexSize);
if (MaxTextureSize)
iTexSize=std::min(iTexSize, MaxTextureSize);
// get the number of textures needed for this size
@ -251,8 +232,8 @@ bool C4Surface::CreateTextures(int MaxTextureSize, int Flags)
int sizeX = iTexSize;
int sizeY = iTexSize;
if(x == iTexX-1) sizeX = GetNeedTexSize( (Wdt - 1) % iTexSize + 1);
if(y == iTexY-1) sizeY = GetNeedTexSize( (Hgt - 1) % iTexSize + 1);
if(x == iTexX-1) sizeX = (Wdt - 1) % iTexSize + 1;
if(y == iTexY-1) sizeY = (Hgt - 1) % iTexSize + 1;
textures.emplace_back(sizeX, sizeY, Flags);