add power information to interaction menu for flagpole (#1579)

Maikel de Vries 2016-01-20 13:21:02 +01:00
parent d23328f2c7
commit 4114738b45
5 changed files with 172 additions and 0 deletions

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Power Display
Include this library into a structure that should display
the status of the power network in the interaction menu.
@author Maikel
// This object is a power display.
public func IsPowerDisplay() { return true; }
/*-- Interaction Menu --*/
public func HasInteractionMenu() { return true; }
public func GetInteractionMenus(object clonk)
var menus = _inherited() ?? [];
// Only add a power menu if the structure is a flagpole (Library_Flag).
if (this->~IsFlagpole())
var power_menu =
title = "$MsgPowerOverview$",
entries_callback = this.GetPowerDisplayMenuEntries,
callback_hover = "OnPowerDisplayHover",
callback_target = this,
BackgroundColor = RGB(0, 50, 50),
Priority = 20
PushBack(menus, power_menu);
return menus;
public func GetPowerDisplayMenuEntries(object clonk)
var menu_entries = [];
// Get the power network for this object.
var power_network = this->GetPowerHelper();
if (!power_network)
return menu_entries;
// Get all the power data.
var power_production_current = power_network->GetActivePowerAvailable(true) / 10;
var power_production_capacity = power_network->GetBarePowerAvailable() / 10;
var power_consumption_current = power_network->GetPowerConsumption(true) / 10;
var power_consumption_need = power_network->GetPowerConsumptionNeed() / 10;
var power_stored = power_network->GetStoredPower();
var power_stored_capacity = power_network->GetStoredPowerCapacity();
// Show power production.
var entry =
Bottom = "1.1em",
BackgroundColor = {Std = 0, OnHover = 0x50ff0000},
Priority = 0,
text =
Style = GUI_TextVCenter | GUI_TextLeft,
Text = Format("$MsgPowerProduction$ %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} ($MsgPowerProductionCapacity$ %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}})", power_production_current, power_production_capacity)
PushBack(menu_entries, {symbol = Icon_Lightbulb, extra_data = "production", custom = entry});
// Show power consumption.
var entry =
Bottom = "1.1em",
BackgroundColor = {Std = 0, OnHover = 0x50ff0000},
Priority = 1,
text =
Style = GUI_TextVCenter | GUI_TextLeft,
Text = Format("$MsgPowerConsumption$ %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} ($MsgPowerConsumptionDemand$ %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}})", power_consumption_current, power_consumption_need)
PushBack(menu_entries, {symbol = Icon_Lightbulb, extra_data = "consumption", custom = entry});
// Show power storage.
var entry =
Bottom = "1.1em",
BackgroundColor = {Std = 0, OnHover = 0x50ff0000},
Priority = 2,
text =
Style = GUI_TextVCenter | GUI_TextLeft,
Text = Format("$MsgPowerStored$ %s {{Icon_Lightbulb}} ($MsgPowerStoredCapacity$ %s {{Icon_Lightbulb}})", GetStoredPowerString(power_stored), GetStoredPowerString(power_stored_capacity))
PushBack(menu_entries, {symbol = Icon_Lightbulb, extra_data = "storage", custom = entry});
return menu_entries;
// Update the hover info display of the interaction menu.
public func OnPowerDisplayHover(id symbol, string extra_data, desc_menu_target, menu_id)
var text = "";
// Get the power network for this object.
var power_network = this->GetPowerHelper();
if (power_network)
// Display the info dependent on which items is hovered.
if (extra_data == "production")
var power_production_current = power_network->GetActivePowerAvailable(true) / 10;
var power_production_capacity = power_network->GetBarePowerAvailable() / 10;
text = Format("$DescPowerProduction$", power_production_capacity, power_production_current);
else if (extra_data == "consumption")
var power_consumption_current = power_network->GetPowerConsumption(true) / 10;
var power_consumption_need = power_network->GetPowerConsumptionNeed() / 10;
text = Format("$DescPowerConsumption$", power_consumption_need, power_consumption_current);
else if (extra_data == "storage")
var power_stored = GetStoredPowerString(power_network->GetStoredPower());
var power_stored_capacity = GetStoredPowerString(power_network->GetStoredPowerCapacity());
text = Format("$DescPowerStored$", power_stored, power_stored_capacity, power_stored);
GuiUpdateText(text, menu_id, 1, desc_menu_target);
private func GetStoredPowerString(int stored_power)
// Show power per bulb per minute.
stored_power /= (36 * 60);
var unit = stored_power / 10;
var decimal = stored_power % 10;
return Format("%d.%d", unit, decimal);
// Called when the power balance of this network changed.
public func OnPowerBalanceChange(object network)
// Update the interaction menus.

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MsgPowerProductionCapacity=gesamte Kapazität
MsgPowerConsumptionDemand=gesamte Nachfrage
MsgPowerStored=Gespeicherter Strom:
MsgPowerStoredCapacity=gesamte Kapazität
DescPowerProduction=All the power producers in this network together have a capacity of producing %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}}, currently %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} is being produced.
DescPowerConsumption=Currently the consumers in this network demand %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} in total to operate, %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} is currently being supplied.
DescPowerStored=Power storages are currently holding %s {{Icon_Lightbulb}} out of their total capacity of %s {{Icon_Lightbulb}}. This is equivalent of powering a consumer using up one {{Icon_Lightbulb}} for %s minutes.

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MsgPowerOverview=Power Overview
MsgPowerProduction=Power production:
MsgPowerProductionCapacity=total capacity
MsgPowerConsumption=Power consumption:
MsgPowerConsumptionDemand=total demand
MsgPowerStored=Stored power:
MsgPowerStoredCapacity=total capacity
DescPowerProduction=All the power producers in this network together have a capacity of producing %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}}, currently %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} is being produced.
DescPowerConsumption=Currently the consumers in this network demand %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} in total to operate, %d {{Icon_Lightbulb}} is currently being supplied.
DescPowerStored=Power storages are currently holding %s {{Icon_Lightbulb}} out of their total capacity of %s {{Icon_Lightbulb}}. This is equivalent of powering a consumer using up one {{Icon_Lightbulb}} for %s minutes.

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#include Library_Structure
#include Library_Flag
#include Library_Base // Needed for DoBuy...
#include Library_PowerDisplay
local ActMap = {
Fly = {