Teleglove fixes and improvements:

-lower the mass while the object is dragged (so that you have to throw the objects to deal damage)
-lower the radius of the particles of the glove when object is grabbed
-the glove should not change focus, if you hold object A and the cursor hovers over object B it should not suddenly grab B
Charles Spurrill 2011-02-12 14:47:27 -08:00
parent 32a6b7da52
commit 38d322e79f
1 changed files with 79 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
local reach;
local radius; //actual effect radius to grab objects
local radiusparticle; //radius of particles around object
local aiming;
local anim_spin;
@ -13,9 +16,13 @@ local iAngle;
local aim_anim;
local carry_bone;
local target_object;
protected func Initialize()
reach = 150;
radius = 60;
radiusparticle = 60;
public func GetCarryMode() { return CARRY_HandBack; }
@ -114,8 +121,8 @@ public func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, ix, iy)
UpdateGloveAngle(clonk, ix, iy);
var xs = Sin(Random(359),30);
var ys = -Cos(Random(359),30);
var xs = Sin(Random(359),radiusparticle/2);
var ys = -Cos(Random(359),radiusparticle/2);
var anglep = Angle(0,0,ix,iy);
var distp = Distance(0,0,ix,iy);
@ -124,39 +131,91 @@ public func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, ix, iy)
//Particles moving towards object
for(var i; i < 2; i++)
CreateParticle("Spark1", ix + xs, iy + ys, -xs/15, -ys/15, RandomX(30,90), RGB(185,250,250));
CreateParticle("Spark2", ix + xs, iy + ys, -xs/15, -ys/15, RandomX(30,90), RGB(185,250,250));
CreateParticle("Spark1", ix + xs, iy + ys, -xs/3, -ys/3, RandomX(30,90), RGB(185,250,250));
CreateParticle("Spark2", ix + xs, iy + ys, -xs/3, -ys/3, RandomX(30,90), RGB(185,250,250));
//Particles emitting from clonk
var wp = 1;
if(Random(2)) wp = -1;
var xp = anglep - 90 + (Angle(0,0,distp,30 * wp));
var yp = anglep - 90 + (Angle(0,0,distp,30 * wp));
var xp = anglep - 90 + (Angle(0,0,distp,radiusparticle/2 * wp));
var yp = anglep - 90 + (Angle(0,0,distp,radiusparticle/2 * wp));
CreateParticle("Spark1", Sin(xp, Random(distp)), -Cos(yp, Random(distp)), Sin(xp, 10), -Cos(yp, 10), RandomX(30,90), RGB(185,250,250));
var target = FindObject(Find_Exclude(this),
Find_And(Find_Distance(60, ix, iy),
Find_Distance(reach - 15)),
if(target && !target->Stuck())
var angle = Angle(target->GetX(), target->GetY(), clonk->GetX() + ix, clonk->GetY() + iy);
var dist = Distance(target->GetX(), target->GetY(), clonk->GetX() + ix, clonk->GetY() + iy);
radiusparticle = 30;
if(Distance(target_object->GetX(), target_object->GetY(), clonk->GetX() + ix, clonk->GetY() + iy) > radius ||
Distance(target_object->GetX(), target_object->GetY(), clonk->GetX(), clonk->GetY()) > reach)
target_object = nil;
radiusparticle = 60;
var target = FindObject(Find_Exclude(this),
Find_And(Find_Distance(radius, ix, iy),
Find_Distance(reach - 15)),
target_object = target;
if(target_object && !target_object->Stuck())
var angle = Angle(target_object->GetX(), target_object->GetY(), clonk->GetX() + ix, clonk->GetY() + iy);
var dist = Distance(target_object->GetX(), target_object->GetY(), clonk->GetX() + ix, clonk->GetY() + iy);
var speed = dist;
//Set speed
target->SetSpeed(Sin(angle, speed), -Cos(angle, speed));
target_object->SetSpeed(Sin(angle, speed), -Cos(angle, speed));
//Particles emitting from object
target->CreateParticle("Spark1", 0, 0, xs/10, ys/10, RandomX(20,40), RGB(185,250,250));
target_object->CreateParticle("Spark1", 0, 0, xs/10, ys/10, RandomX(20,40), RGB(185,250,250));
return 1;
public func GainedTargetObject(object target)
if(!GetEffect("TeleGloveWeight", target))
AddEffect("TeleGloveWeight", target, 1, 0, target);
return 1;
return 0;
public func LostTargetObject(object target)
RemoveEffect("TeleGloveWeight", target);
global func FxTeleGloveWeightStart(object target, int num)
global func FxTeleGloveWeightStop(object target, int num, int reason, bool temp)
target->SetMass(target->GetDefCoreVal("Mass", "DefCore"));
protected func ControlUseStop(object clonk, ix, iy)
@ -176,6 +235,9 @@ protected func CancelUse(object clonk)
PlayAnimation("Closing", -5, Anim_Linear(0,0,GetAnimationLength("Closing"), 10, ANIM_Hold), Anim_Const(1000));
aiming = 0;
if(target_object) LostTargetObject(target_object);
target_object = nil;
radiusparticle = 60;
return 1;