SaveScenario: Correctly save object pointers within proplist

Sven Eberhardt 2016-07-13 01:45:29 -04:00
parent dfb709df6b
commit 279d89393c
1 changed files with 17 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -422,9 +422,9 @@ global func FxFireSaveScen(object obj, proplist fx, proplist props)
// Helper function to turn values of several types into a strings to be written to Objects.c
global func SaveScenarioValue2String(v, string constant_prefix, bool allow_bitmask)
var rval;
if (GetType(v) == C4V_C4Object) return v->MakeScenarioSaveName();
if (GetType(v) == C4V_Array) // save procedure for arrays: recurse into contents (cannot save arrays pointing into itself that way)
var rval, vt = GetType(v);
if (vt == C4V_C4Object) return v->MakeScenarioSaveName();
if (vt == C4V_Array) // save procedure for arrays: recurse into contents (cannot save arrays pointing into itself that way)
for (var el in v)
@ -435,10 +435,23 @@ global func SaveScenarioValue2String(v, string constant_prefix, bool allow_bitma
if (rval) rval = Format("[%s]", rval); else rval = "[]";
return rval;
if (GetType(v) == C4V_PropList || GetType(v) == C4V_Def) // custom save procedure for some prop lists or definitions
// custom save procedure for some prop lists or definitions
if (vt == C4V_PropList || vt == C4V_Def)
rval = v->~ToString();
if (rval) return rval;
// proplist saving
if (vt == C4V_PropList)
var props = GetProperties(v);
for (var el in props)
if (rval) rval = Format("%s,%s=%s", rval, el, SaveScenarioValue2String(v[el]));
else rval = Format("%s=%s", el, SaveScenarioValue2String(v[el]));
if (rval) rval = Format("{%s}", rval); else rval = "{}";
return rval;
// int as constant? (treat nil as 0 in this case)
if (constant_prefix)