Simplify the C4Script tokenizer a bit

This shouldn't change any user-visible behaviour.
Günther Brammer 2012-01-24 18:35:21 +01:00
parent d07cc0c168
commit 24031a94bd
1 changed files with 154 additions and 224 deletions

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@ -304,42 +304,37 @@ C4AulParseError::C4AulParseError(C4AulScript *pScript, const char *pMsg, const c
bool C4AulParseState::AdvanceSpaces()
char C, C2 = (char) 0;
// defaultly, not in comment
int InComment = 0; // 0/1/2 = no comment/line comment/multi line comment
// don't go past end
while ((C = *SPos))
// loop until out of comment and non-whitespace is found
switch (InComment)
if (*SPos == '/')
case 0:
if (C == '/')
// // comment
if (SPos[1] == '/')
switch (*SPos)
case '/': InComment = 1; break;
case '*': InComment = 2; break;
default: SPos--; return true;
// Skip those stupid "zero width no-break spaces" (also known as Byte Order Marks)
else if (C == '\xEF' && *(SPos + 1) == '\xBB' && *(SPos + 2) == '\xBF')
SPos += 2;
else if ((BYTE) C > 32) return true;
case 1:
if (((BYTE) C == 13) || ((BYTE) C == 10)) InComment = 0;
case 2:
if ((C == '/') && (C2 == '*')) InComment = 0;
while (*SPos && *SPos != 13 && *SPos != 10)
// /* comment */
else if (SPos[1] == '*')
SPos += 2;
while (*SPos && (*SPos != '*' || SPos[1] != '/'))
SPos += 2;
return true;
// next char; store prev
SPos++; C2 = C;
// Skip any "zero width no-break spaces" (also known as Byte Order Marks)
else if (*SPos == '\xEF' && SPos[1] == '\xBB' && SPos[2] == '\xBF')
SPos += 3;
else if ((unsigned)*SPos > 32)
return true;
// end of script reached; return false
// end of script reached
return false;
@ -459,217 +454,152 @@ C4AulTokenType C4AulParseState::GetNextToken(OperatorPolicy Operator)
if (!AdvanceSpaces()) return ATT_EOF;
// store offset
const char *SPos0 = SPos;
int Len = 0;
// token get state
enum TokenGetState
// get char
char C = *(SPos++);
// Mostly sorted by frequency, except that tokens that have
// other tokens as prefixes need to be checked for first.
if (Inside(C, 'a', 'z') || Inside(C, 'A', 'Z') || C == '_' || C == '#')
TGS_None, // just started
TGS_Ident, // getting identifier
TGS_Int, // getting integer
TGS_IntHex, // getting hexadecimal integer
TGS_String, // getting string
TGS_Dir // getting directive
TokenGetState State = TGS_None;
std::string strbuf;
// loop until finished
while (true)
// get char
char C = *SPos;
switch (State)
// identifier or directive
bool dir = C == '#';
int Len = 1;
C = *SPos;
while (Inside(C, '0', '9') || Inside(C, 'a', 'z') || Inside(C, 'A', 'Z') || C == '_')
case TGS_None:
int iOpID;
// Mostly sorted by frequency, except that tokens that have
// other tokens as prefixes need to be checked for first.
if ((C >= 'A' && C <= 'Z') || (C >= 'a' && C <= 'z') || (C == '_'))
// SPos will be increased at the end of the loop
State = TGS_Ident;
else if (C == '(') {SPos++; return ATT_BOPEN; } // "("
else if (C == ')') {SPos++; return ATT_BCLOSE;} // ")"
else if (C == ',') {SPos++; return ATT_COMMA; } // ","
else if (C == ';') {SPos++; return ATT_SCOLON;} // ";"
else if (((C >= '0') && (C <= '9')))
State = TGS_Int; // integer by 0-9
else if (C == '-' && *(SPos + 1) == '>' && *(SPos + 2) == '~')
{ SPos+=3;return ATT_CALLFS;} // "->~"
else if (C == '-' && *(SPos + 1) == '>')
{ SPos+=2;return ATT_CALL; } // "->"
else if (C == '*' && Operator == StarsPlease)
{ SPos++; return ATT_STAR; } // "*"
else if ((iOpID = GetOperator(SPos)) != -1)
SPos += SLen(C4ScriptOpMap[iOpID].Identifier);
cInt = iOpID;
else if (C == '=') {SPos++; return ATT_SET; } // "="
else if (C == '{') {SPos++; return ATT_BLOPEN;} // "{"
else if (C == '}') {SPos++; return ATT_BLCLOSE;}// "}"
else if (C == '"')
State = TGS_String; // string by "
strbuf.reserve(512); // assume most strings to be smaller than this
else if (C == '[') {SPos++; return ATT_BOPEN2;} // "["
else if (C == ']') {SPos++; return ATT_BCLOSE2;}// "]"
else if (C == '.' && *(SPos + 1) == '.' && *(SPos + 2) == '.')
{ SPos+=3;return ATT_LDOTS; } // "..."
else if (C == '.') {SPos++; return ATT_DOT; } // "."
else if (C == '#') State = TGS_Dir; // directive by "#"
else if (C == ':') {SPos++; return ATT_COLON; } // ":"
// unrecognized char
// make sure to skip the invalid char so the error won't be output forever
// show appropriate error message
if (C >= '!' && C <= '~')
throw new C4AulParseError(this, FormatString("unexpected character '%c' found", C).getData());
throw new C4AulParseError(this, FormatString("unexpected character 0x%x found", (int)(unsigned char) C).getData());
C = *(++SPos);
case TGS_Ident: // ident and directive: parse until non ident-char is found
case TGS_Dir:
if ( !Inside(C, '0', '9')
&& !Inside(C, 'a', 'z')
&& !Inside(C, 'A', 'Z')
&& C != '_')
// return ident/directive
Len = Min(Len, C4AUL_MAX_Identifier);
SCopy(SPos0, Idtf, Len);
// directive?
if (State == TGS_Dir) return ATT_DIR;
// everything else is an identifier
return ATT_IDTF;
case TGS_Int: // integer: parse until non-number is found
case TGS_IntHex:
if ((C < '0') || (C > '9'))
int base;
if (State == TGS_Int)
Len = Min(Len, C4AUL_MAX_Identifier);
SCopy(SPos0, Idtf, Len);
return dir ? ATT_DIR : ATT_IDTF;
else if (C == '(') return ATT_BOPEN; // "("
else if (C == ')') return ATT_BCLOSE; // ")"
else if (C == ',') return ATT_COMMA; // ","
else if (C == ';') return ATT_SCOLON; // ";"
else if (Inside(C, '0', '9'))
// integer
if (C == '0' && *SPos == 'x')
// hexadecimal
cInt = StrToI32(SPos + 1, 16, &SPos);
return ATT_INT;
// decimal
cInt = StrToI32(SPos0, 10, &SPos);
return ATT_INT;
else if (C == '-' && *SPos == '>' && *(SPos + 1) == '~')
{ SPos+=2; return ATT_CALLFS;}// "->~"
else if (C == '-' && *SPos == '>')
{ ++SPos; return ATT_CALL; } // "->"
else if (C == '*' && Operator == StarsPlease)
return ATT_STAR; // "*"
else if ((cInt = GetOperator(SPos - 1)) != -1)
SPos += SLen(C4ScriptOpMap[cInt].Identifier) - 1;
else if (C == '=') return ATT_SET; // "="
else if (C == '{') return ATT_BLOPEN; // "{"
else if (C == '}') return ATT_BLCLOSE;// "}"
else if (C == '"')
// string
std::string strbuf;
strbuf.reserve(512); // assume most strings to be smaller than this
// string end
while (*SPos != '"')
C = *SPos;
if (C == '\\') // escape
switch (*SPos)
// turn to hex mode?
if (*SPos0 == '0' && C == 'x' && Len == 1)
State = TGS_IntHex;
// parse as decimal int
base = 10;
case '"': ++SPos; strbuf.push_back('"'); break;
case '\\': ++SPos; strbuf.push_back('\\'); break;
case 'n': ++SPos; strbuf.push_back('\n'); break;
case 't': ++SPos; strbuf.push_back('\t'); break;
case 'x':
// parse as hexadecimal int: Also allow 'a' to 'f' and 'A' to 'F'
if ((C>='A' && C<='F') || (C>='a' && C<='f')) break;
base = 16;
// return integer
Len = Min(Len, C4AUL_MAX_Identifier);
SCopy(SPos0, Idtf, Len);
// do not parse 0x prefix for hex
const char * pToken = Idtf;
if (State == TGS_IntHex) pToken += 2;
// it's not, so return the int
cInt = StrToI32(pToken, base, 0);
return ATT_INT;
case TGS_String: // string: parse until '"'; check for eof!
// string end
if (C == '"')
cStr = Strings.RegString(StdStrBuf(,strbuf.size()));
// hold onto string, ClearToken will deref it
return ATT_STRING;
if (C == '\\') // escape
switch (*(SPos + 1))
// hexadecimal escape: \xAD.
// First char must be a hexdigit
if (!std::isxdigit(*SPos))
case '"': SPos ++; strbuf.push_back('"'); break;
case '\\': SPos ++; strbuf.push_back('\\'); break;
case 'n': SPos ++; strbuf.push_back('\n'); break;
case 't': SPos ++; strbuf.push_back('\t'); break;
case 'x':
// hexadecimal escape: \xAD.
// First char must be a hexdigit
if (!std::isxdigit(SPos[1]))
Warn("\\x used with no following hex digits");
strbuf.push_back('\\'); strbuf.push_back('x');
char ch = 0;
while (std::isxdigit(SPos[1]))
ch *= 16;
if (*SPos >= '0' && *SPos <= '9')
ch += *SPos - '0';
else if (*SPos >= 'a' && *SPos <= 'f')
ch += *SPos - 'a' + 10;
else if (*SPos >= 'A' && *SPos <= 'F')
ch += *SPos - 'A' + 10;
Warn("\\x used with no following hex digits");
strbuf.push_back('\\'); strbuf.push_back('x');
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
// Octal escape: \142
char ch = 0;
while (SPos[1] >= '0' && SPos[1] <= '7')
while (std::isxdigit(*SPos))
ch *= 8;
ch += *++SPos -'0';
ch *= 16;
if (*SPos >= '0' && *SPos <= '9')
ch += *SPos - '0';
else if (*SPos >= 'a' && *SPos <= 'f')
ch += *SPos - 'a' + 10;
else if (*SPos >= 'A' && *SPos <= 'F')
ch += *SPos - 'A' + 10;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
// Octal escape: \142
char ch = 0;
while (SPos[1] >= '0' && SPos[1] <= '7')
// just insert "\"
// show warning
char strEscape[2] = { *(SPos + 1), 0 };
Warn("unknown escape: ", strEscape);
ch *= 8;
ch += *++SPos -'0';
else if (C == 0 || C == 10 || C == 13) // line break / feed
throw new C4AulParseError(this, "string not closed");
// copy character
// just insert "\"
// show warning
char strEscape[2] = { *(SPos + 1), 0 };
Warn("unknown escape: ", strEscape);
else if (C == 0 || C == 10 || C == 13) // line break / feed
throw new C4AulParseError(this, "string not closed");
// copy character
// next char
SPos++; Len++;
cStr = Strings.RegString(StdStrBuf(,strbuf.size()));
// hold onto string, ClearToken will deref it
return ATT_STRING;
else if (C == '[') return ATT_BOPEN2; // "["
else if (C == ']') return ATT_BCLOSE2;// "]"
else if (C == '.' && *SPos == '.' && *(SPos + 1) == '.')
{ SPos+=2; return ATT_LDOTS; } // "..."
else if (C == '.') return ATT_DOT; // "."
else if (C == ':') return ATT_COLON; // ":"
// show appropriate error message
if (C >= '!' && C <= '~')
throw new C4AulParseError(this, FormatString("unexpected character '%c' found", C).getData());
throw new C4AulParseError(this, FormatString("unexpected character 0x%x found", (int)(unsigned char) C).getData());