Maze: Fix possible spray line to last position or (0,0) landscape corner #1624

Sven Eberhardt 2016-01-16 22:35:46 -05:00
parent afab6ef464
commit 234d4b365c
1 changed files with 28 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -23,43 +23,36 @@ func SetPaintCol(int idx)
// Impact sound
func Hit()
public func Hit()
// Item activation
func ControlUseStart(object clonk, int x, int y)
public func ControlUseStart(object clonk, int x, int y)
if (Distance(0,0,x,y) > max_dist) return true;
x += GetX(); y += GetY();
last_x = x; last_y = y;
var r = Random(90), wdt = 2;
var ldx = Sin(r, wdt), ldy = Cos(r, wdt);
DrawMaterialQuad(paint_col, x-ldx,y-ldy, x-ldy,y+ldx, x+ldx,y+ldy, x+ldy,y-ldx, DMQ_Bridge);
return true;
return ControlUseHolding(clonk, x, y);
func HoldingEnabled() { return true; }
public func HoldingEnabled() { return true; }
func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, int new_x, int new_y)
new_x += GetX(); new_y += GetY();
if (new_x==last_x && new_y == last_y) return true;
if (Distance(GetX(),GetY(),new_x,new_y) > max_dist)
public func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, int new_x, int new_y)
// Out of reach? Stop spraying.
if (Distance(0,0,new_x,new_y) > max_dist)
last_x = new_x;
last_y = new_y;
return true;
if (GetAction() != "Spraying") SetAction("Spraying");
// Work in global coordinates
new_x += GetX(); new_y += GetY();
// (re-)start spraying
if (GetAction() != "Spraying") StartSpraying(clonk, new_x, new_y);
// Spray paint if position moved
if (new_x==last_x && new_y == last_y) return true;
var wdt = 2;
var dx=new_x-last_x, dy=new_y-last_y;
var d = Distance(dx,dy);
@ -83,6 +76,19 @@ public func ControlUseCancel(object clonk, int x, int y)
return true;
private func StartSpraying(object clonk, int x, int y)
// Go into spray mode and place an initial blob
last_x = x; last_y = y;
var r = Random(90), wdt = 2;
var ldx = Sin(r, wdt), ldy = Cos(r, wdt);
DrawMaterialQuad(paint_col, x-ldx,y-ldy, x-ldy,y+ldx, x+ldx,y+ldy, x+ldy,y-ldx, DMQ_Bridge);
return true;
local ActMap = {
Spraying = {
Prototype = Action,