German strings for tutorial 1

Tobias Zwick 2010-09-20 01:08:54 +02:00
parent 8d7d4ca3dc
commit 18473bc7e3
5 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
# Dialogue options
MsgNextTutorial=&Nächste Lernrunde
MsgNextTutorialDesc=Die nächste Lernrunde starten.
MsgRepeatRound=&Runde wiederholen
MsgRepeatRoundDesc=Diese Runde wiederholen.
MsgRepeatRound=&Lernrunde wiederholen
MsgRepeatRoundDesc=Diese Lernrunde wiederholen.
MsgIntro0=Willkommen bei OpenClonk!
MsgIntro1=Dies ist dein Clonk.
MsgIntro2=Travel through the cave to the east to complete the tutorial, the goal of a scenario is always shown in the upper right corner of the screen.
MsgIntro3=If at any time you need help, click on my icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Once you're done reading, click again on the icon to hide the message.
MsgIntro1=Dies ist Dein Clonk.
MsgIntro2=Das Ziel der Lernrunde ist, mit deinem Clonk durch die Höhle an den rechten Kartenrand zu kommen. Das Spielziel wird in jeder Runde in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms angezeigt.
MsgIntro3=Wenn Du an einer Stelle einen Tipp brauchst, klicke auf mein Bildchen in der oberen linken Ecke des Bildschirms. Klicke nochmal, um den Tipp wieder zu schließen.
GuideMsgMovement=Clonks are controlled with the WASD keys. Press 'A' or 'D' to make the clonk walk left or right. Pressing 'W' will make the clonk jump.
GuideMsgScale=Here you will need to scale the wall to advance. To scale, walk towards the wall until your clonk grabs on. Once you have grabbed on, you may scale up or down the wall by holding 'W' or 'S'.
GuideMsgHangle=To hangle, jump towards the roof. When your clonk grabs on, you will be able to move left or right. To release, press 'S'.
GuideMsgSwim=Swimming is controlled simply by pressing in the direction you wish your clonk to move. While underwater make certain you resurface before your breath runs out, otherwise you will drown!
GuideMsgDig=You'll need a shovel to dig through here. What's that under the water?
GuideMsgTools=Tools are controlled by clicking, and sometimes holding, the mouse buttons. If it is in your primary hand, you click the left mouse button. If it it in your secondary hand, you click the right mouse button. || Right click on the shovel in your hand slot to get a brief description on how it works.
GuideMsgChest=You'll need to make a loam bridge to cross this obstacle. When you are in front of the chest, you will notice an icon appears on the HUD. Pressing the number key displayed on the icon, or simply clicking the icon, will open the chest. Once the chest's contents appear, you can click the left or right mouse button to swap/collect items. ||By clicking the left or right mouse button, the item from the chest will be swapped with whatever is in your primary or secondary hand.
GuideMsgLoam=Hold down the mouse to build a loam bridge; your clonk will build it in the direction of the mouse. If you have built a loam bridge in the wrong place, you can dig it out with your shovel.
GuideMsgFlint=Oh, what's this? The cave's exit has been blocked. Collect firestones from the chest to blow a hole in the wall (throw with mouse click). To collect both, you'll want to put your shovel into your backpack. ||To access your backpack, press 'Q'. From this menu, you can store, swap, or collect items from the backpack.
GuideMsgMovement=Clonks werden durch die WASD Tasten gesteuert. Drücke 'A' oder 'D', um nach links oder rechts zu gehen. Mit 'W' springst Du.
GuideMsgScale=Hier musst Du an der Wand hochklettern, um weiterzukommen. Dein Clonk fängt automatisch an zu klettern, wenn Du gegen eine Wand läufst oder springst. Dann kannst Du mit 'W' hoch- und 'S' runterklettern.
GuideMsgHangle=Um zu hangeln, springe einfach an die Decke. Dann kannst Du normal nach links oder rechts hangeln. Um schließlich loszulassen, drücke 'S'.
GuideMsgSwim=Im Wasser kannst Du in jede Richtung schwimmen. Wenn Du untertauchst, hält dein Clonk den Atem an. Pass auf, rechtzeitig wieder aufzutauchen, sonst ertringt er.
GuideMsgDig=Hier brauchst Du eine Schaufel um hindurchzugraben. Was ist das da unter Wasser?
GuideMsgTools=Das Inventar deines Clonks in der unteren linken Bildschirmecke zeigt nun die Schaufel. Ist sie in der linken Hand (linker Slot), benutzt du sie mit der linken Maustaste. Ist sie in der rechten Hand (rechter Slot), mit der rechten Maustaste.||Ein Klick mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Schaufel im Inventar zeigt eine kurze Beschreibung an, wie sie funktioniert.
GuideMsgChest=Um hier weiterzukommen, musst Du eine Lehmbrücke bauen. In der Truhe ist ein Lehmklumpen. Stell dich vor die Truhe und drücke die Leertaste, um die Truhe zu öffnen. Sobald der Inhalt der Truhe angezeigt wird, kannst Du ihn in die Hand nehmen. || Wählst Du den Lehmklumpen mit der linken Maustaste aus, nimmst Du ihn in die linke Hand. Wählst Du ihn mit der rechten Maustaste aus, nimmst Du ihn in die rechte Hand.
GuideMsgLoam=Um eine Lehmbrücke zu bauen, halte die Maustaste gedrückt. Die Konstruktion funktioniert wie das Graben, nur statt einem Tunnel wird eine Lehmbrücke gebaut.
GuideMsgFlint=Oh, was ist das? Der Höhlenausgang ist durch solides Gestein versperrt. Mit der Schaufel kommst Du da nicht durch.|In der Truhe sind Feuersteine, die bei Aufprall explodieren. Hole sie dir und wirf sie auf die Felswand, um Dir einen Weg freizusprengen (ziele und werfe mit der Maus). Wenn Du beide einsammeln willst, könntest Du die Schaufel vorher in deinen Rucksack tun.||Drücke 'Q', um Deinen Rucksack zu öffnen. In diesem Menü kannst Du Gegenstände im Rucksack verstauen oder in die Hand nehmen.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ MsgRepeatRoundDesc=Restart this scenario.
MsgIntro0=Welcome to OpenClonk!
MsgIntro1=This is your clonk.
MsgIntro2=Travel through the cave to the east to complete the tutorial, the goal of a scenario is always shown in the upper right corner of the screen.
MsgIntro2=Travel through the cave to the right to complete the tutorial, your current goal is always shown in the upper right corner of the screen.
MsgIntro3=If at any time you need help, click on my icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Once you're done reading, click again on the icon to hide the message.
GuideMsgMovement=Clonks are controlled with the WASD keys. Press 'A' or 'D' to make the clonk walk left or right. Pressing 'W' will make the clonk jump.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ GuideMsgScale=Here you will need to scale the wall to advance. To scale, walk to
GuideMsgHangle=To hangle, jump towards the roof. When your clonk grabs on, you will be able to move left or right. To release, press 'S'.
GuideMsgSwim=Swimming is controlled simply by pressing in the direction you wish your clonk to move. While underwater make certain you resurface before your breath runs out, otherwise you will drown!
GuideMsgDig=You'll need a shovel to dig through here. What's that under the water?
GuideMsgTools=The shovel is now shown in your clonk's inventory on the lower left of the screen. You can use it with the left mouse button if it is in your left hand and with the right mouse button if it is in your right hand. || Right click on the shovel in your inventory slot to get a brief description on how it works.
GuideMsgTools=The shovel is now shown in your clonk's inventory on the lower left of the screen. You can use it with the left mouse button if it is in your left hand (left slot) and with the right mouse button if it is in your right hand (right slot). || Right click on the shovel in your inventory slot to get a brief description on how it works.
GuideMsgChest=You'll need to make a loam bridge to cross this obstacle. In the chest there is a chunk of loam. Go in front of the chest and press 'SPACE' to open the chest. Once the chest's contents appear, you can click the left or right mouse button to collect items into your inventory. ||By clicking the left or right mouse button, the item from the chest will be swapped with whatever is in that hand.
GuideMsgLoam=Hold down the mouse button to build a loam bridge. Building a loam bridge works like digging with the shovel, only that you don't dig a tunnel but build a bridge out of loam.
GuideMsgFlint=Oh, what's this? The cave's exit has been blocked with solid rock. You can't dig through solid rock with the shovel. Collect firestones from the chest to blow a hole in the wall (throw with mouse click). To collect both, you'll want to put your shovel into your backpack. ||To access your backpack, press 'Q'. From this menu, you can store, swap, or collect items from the backpack.
GuideMsgFlint=Oh, what's this? The cave's exit has been blocked with solid rock. You can't dig through solid rock with the shovel. In the chest are firestones which explode on impact. Collect them and throw them onto the wall to blow a hole into it (aim and throw with the mouse). To collect both, you'll want to put your shovel into your backpack. ||To access your backpack, press 'Q'. From this menu, you can store and swap items in the backpack.

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
DE:Clonk Control
US:Clonk Control