made the producer library do safe calls (->~) for functions like GetPowerNeed to silence compiler warnings if some parameters are not needed in the inheriting objects

David Dormagen 2014-03-27 00:04:05 +01:00
parent 5c17b48bc2
commit 15316003a4
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ public func OnProductHover(symbol, extra_data, desc_menu_target, menu_id)
var liquid, material;
for (var comp in costs)
cost_msg = Format("%s %s {{%i}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(comp[1], CheckComponent(comp[0], comp[1])), comp[0]);
if (FuelNeed(product_id))
if (this->~FuelNeed(product_id))
cost_msg = Format("%s %s {{Icon_Producer_Fuel}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(1, CheckFuel(product_id)));
if (liquid = LiquidNeed(product_id))
if (liquid = this->~LiquidNeed(product_id))
cost_msg = Format("%s %s {{Icon_Producer_%s}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(liquid[1], CheckLiquids(product_id)), liquid[0]);
if (material = MaterialNeed(product_id))
if (material = this->~MaterialNeed(product_id))
cost_msg = Format("%s %s {{%i}}", cost_msg, GetCostString(material[1], CheckMaterials(product_id)), product_id->~GetMaterialIcon(material[0]));
if (PowerNeed(product_id))
if (this->~PowerNeed(product_id))
cost_msg = Format("%s + {{Library_PowerConsumer}}", cost_msg);
new_box.requirements.Text = cost_msg;
CustomGuiUpdate(new_box, menu_id, 1, desc_menu_target);