Add generic A* implementation for path finding in graphs

Lukas Werling 2016-09-26 16:30:47 +02:00
parent 679eedaf50
commit 10622a9b61
1 changed files with 194 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
/* Configurable pathfinder for graphs */
// Generic A* implementation.
static const AStar = new Global {
/* Overwrite these functions */
/* ========================= */
// Distance heuristic for selecting nodes. A good heuristic will speed up
// A*, a bad heuristic can lead to non-optimal paths.
distance = func(node, goal) { FatalError("todo"); },
// Cost between two neighboring nodes. You'll need a different
// implementation if your goal isn't a regular node.
cost = func() { return this->distance(...); },
// Returns an array of neighboring nodes.
successors = func(a) { FatalError("todo"); },
// Equality function for nodes. DeepEqual works well for for objects as
// well as state proplists, but you may be able to supply a more efficient
// implementation.
node_equal = DeepEqual,
// Goal identification. You'll need a different implementation if your goal
// isn't a regular node.
goal_equal = func(node, goal) { return this->node_equal(node, goal); },
/* Use these functions */
/* =================== */
// Find a path from start to goal. Valid types for both are defined by the
// functions above.
FindPath = func(start, goal)
var state = {
open = [[this->distance(start, goal), 0, start]],
closed = [],
goal = goal,
var current;
while (GetLength(
current = MinHeap->Extract(;
if (this->goal_equal(current[2], goal))
// Reconstruct the path.
var path = [current[2]];
while (current = current[3])
PushFront(path, current[2]);
return path;
PushBack(state.closed, current[2]);
_Expand(state, current);
return nil;
/* Internal functions */
/* ================== */
_Expand = func(proplist state, array current)
/* Log("open: %v, closed: %v",, state.closed); */
/* Log("current: %v", current); */
for (var successor in this->successors(current[2]))
/* Log(" - successor: %v", successor); */
// Skip successor if it's in the closed list.
var i = 0, el;
while ((el = state.closed[i++]) && !this->node_equal(el, successor));
if (el)
var cost = current[1] + this->cost(current[2], successor);
// Find successor in the open list.
i = 0;
while ((el =[i++]) && !this->node_equal(el[2], successor));
if (el && el[1] <= cost)
successor = [cost + this->distance(successor, state.goal), cost, successor, current];
if (el)
el[:] = successor;
MinHeap->DecreaseKey(, i-1);
MinHeap->Insert(, successor);
// Sample implementation for searching paths on the map, i.e. "intelligent PathFree()".
// Graph nodes are a regular grid over the landscape with a configurable size
// (step). Nodes are represented as {x, y} proplists.
static const AStarMap = new AStar {
// This function is used both as heuristic (node to the goal) and as cost
// function (two neighboring nodes).
distance = func(proplist a, proplist b)
// Manhattan distance
return Abs(a.x - b.x) + Abs(a.y - b.y);
// Returns all neighboring nodes (right/down/left/up) with a free path.
successors = func(proplist a)
var successors = [], pt;
if (pathfree(a, (pt = {x = a.x + this.step, y = a.y}))) PushBack(successors, pt);
if (pathfree(a, (pt = {x = a.x, y = a.y + this.step}))) PushBack(successors, pt);
if (pathfree(a, (pt = {x = a.x - this.step, y = a.y}))) PushBack(successors, pt);
if (pathfree(a, (pt = {x = a.x, y = a.y - this.step}))) PushBack(successors, pt);
return successors;
// Helper functions for successors()
pathfree = func(proplist a, proplist b)
return PathFree(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y);
// Start and goal may not be a multiple of `step` apart.
goal_equal = func(proplist node, proplist goal)
var nx = node.x / step, ny = node.y / step;
var gx = goal.x / step, gy = goal.y / step;
return (nx == gx || nx == gx + 1) && (ny == gy || ny == gy + 1) && pathfree(node, goal);
step = 10
/* Binary Min-Heap */
static const MinHeap = new Global {
// A heap is an array of [key, value] array-tuples.
Heapify = func(array heap, int i)
var min = i, size = GetLength(heap);
var left = 2*i+1, right = 2*i+2;
if (left < size && heap[left][0] < heap[min][0])
min = left;
if (right < size && heap[right][0] < heap[min][0])
min = right;
if (min != i)
ArraySwap(heap, min, i);
Heapify(heap, min);
BuildHeap = func(array a)
for (var i = GetLength(a)/2-1; i >= 0; --i)
Heapify(a, i);
DecreaseKey = func(array heap, int i)
var parent;
while (i > 0 && heap[i][0] < heap[(parent = (i-1)/2)][0])
ArraySwap(heap, i, parent);
i = parent;
Insert = func(array heap, array kv)
var i = GetLength(heap);
heap[i] = kv;
DecreaseKey(heap, i);
Extract = func(array heap)
var item = heap[0], last = PopBack(heap);
if (GetLength(heap))
heap[0] = last;
Heapify(heap, 0);
return item;
ArraySwap = func(array a, int i, int j)
var tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = tmp;