ai: airship gets new pilot if old one is lost

Maikel de Vries 2017-01-30 21:30:19 +01:00
parent 7b26e1fa13
commit 0dbfa2dd91
3 changed files with 62 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
Functionality that helps the AI use vehicles. Handles:
* Catapult
@author Sven2, Maikel
@author Sven2, Clonkonaut, Maikel
// AI Settings.
local AirshipBoardDistance = 100; // How near must an airship be to the target to dispatch its troops.
local AirshipLostDistance = 50; // How far the pilot must be away from an airship for it to find a new pilot.
/*-- General Vehicle --*/
private func ExecuteVehicle(effect fx)
@ -52,7 +57,7 @@ private func ExecuteCatapult(effect fx)
// Still pushing it?
if (fx.Target->GetProcedure() != "PUSH" || fx.Target->GetActionTarget() != fx.vehicle)
if (!fx.Target->GetCommand() || !Random(4))
fx.Target->SetCommand("Grab", fx.vehicle);
return true;
@ -117,6 +122,15 @@ public func ExecuteAirship(effect fx)
// Still steering the airship?
if (fx.Target->GetProcedure() != "PUSH" || fx.Target->GetActionTarget() != fx.vehicle)
// Try to find a new pilot if the current pilot lost the airship.
if (fx.Target->ObjectDistance(fx.vehicle) > fx.control.AirshipLostDistance)
fx.strategy = nil;
fx.weapon = nil;
fx.vehicle = nil;
return true;
if (!fx.Target->GetCommand())
fx.Target->SetCommand("Grab", fx.vehicle);
return true;
@ -125,14 +139,16 @@ public func ExecuteAirship(effect fx)
// Move the airship to the target. Check if no command or is making contact, this means a new control needs to be issued.
if (!fx.vehicle->GetCommand() || fx.vehicle->GetContact(-1))
// If close enough (also in y-coordinates) release the crew.
if (fx.vehicle->ObjectDistance( < 100 && Inside(fx.vehicle->GetY() ->GetY(), -40, 0))
// If close enough (also in y-coordinates, must be above target) release the crew.
if (fx.vehicle->ObjectDistance( < fx.control.AirshipBoardDistance && Inside(fx.vehicle->GetY() ->GetY(), -fx.control.AirshipBoardDistance / 2, 0))
// Unboard the crew and let go of airship.
for (var clonk in this->GetAirshipCrew(fx))
for (var clonk in this->GetCommanderCrew(fx))
var clonk_ai = clonk->GetAI();
clonk_ai.commander = nil;
if (clonk->GetProcedure() == "PUSH")
clonk->SetAction("Walk"); =;
fx.vehicle = nil;
@ -200,15 +216,29 @@ public func GetAirshipBoardingPoint(effect fx)
public func PromoteNewAirshipCaptain(effect fx)
var crew = RandomElement(this->GetAirshipCrew(fx));
if (!crew)
var crew_members = fx.vehicle->GetCrewMembers();
if (!GetLength(crew_members))
return false;
var new_pilot = RandomElement(crew_members);
var fx_ai = new_pilot->~GetAI();
if (!fx_ai)
return false;
// Make this crew the new pilot.
fx_ai.commander = nil;
fx_ai.weapon = fx.vehicle;
fx_ai.vehicle = fx.vehicle;
fx_ai.strategy = this.ExecuteVehicle;
// Set new commander for remaining crew members.
for (var crew in crew_members)
if (crew != new_pilot)
if (crew->~GetAI())
crew->~GetAI().commander = new_pilot;
return true;
public func GetAirshipCrew(effect fx)
// Find all crew members with this AI as their commander.
public func GetCommanderCrew(effect fx)
// Find all crew members with this commander.
var crew = [];
for (var clonk in fx.Target->FindObjects(Find_OCF(OCF_CrewMember), Find_Owner(fx.Target->GetOwner())))
if (clonk->~GetAI() && clonk->GetAI().commander == fx.Target)

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public func GetTurnAngle()
public func FxIntAirshipMovementTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
// Is the engine running?
if (GetComDir() != COMD_Stop && AirshipPilot())
if (GetComDir() != COMD_Stop && HasAirshipPilot())
//Turn the propeller
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public func FxIntAirshipMovementTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
/* TODO: Implement */;
// Fall down if there no pilot and ground.
if (!AirshipPilot())
if (!HasAirshipPilot())
if (GetContact(-1) & CNAT_Bottom)
@ -282,12 +282,28 @@ func ControlStop(object clonk, int control)
return true;
private func AirshipPilot()
/*-- Pilot & Crew --*/
private func HasAirshipPilot()
// Looks for a clonk within the gondola.
return FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_InRect(gondola[0], gondola[1], gondola[2], gondola[3]));
return !!FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_InRect(gondola[0], gondola[1], gondola[2], gondola[3]));
public func IsInsideGondola(object clonk)
if (!clonk)
return false;
return Inside(clonk->GetX() - GetX(), this.gondola[0], this.gondola[2]) && Inside(clonk->GetY() - GetY(), this.gondola[1], this.gondola[3]);
public func GetCrewMembers()
return FindObjects(Find_InRect(this.gondola[0], this.gondola[1], this.gondola[2], this.gondola[3]), Find_Owner(GetOwner()), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive));
/*-- Projectile Target --*/
// Only is a projectile target if the projectile hits the balloon part of the airship.

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#appendto Airship
private func AirshipPilot()
private func HasAirshipPilot()
// Looks for a clonk within the gondola.
return FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_InRect(gondola[0], gondola[1], gondola[2], gondola[3]), Find_AnyLayer());
return !!FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_InRect(gondola[0], gondola[1], gondola[2], gondola[3]), Find_AnyLayer());