Stackable: Fixed remaining unit tests

Mark 2016-03-10 17:29:42 +01:00
parent 2e8ed77f56
commit 0759c59bf1
1 changed files with 28 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1040,6 +1040,8 @@ global func Test13_Execute()
return passed;
@ -1340,9 +1342,13 @@ global func Test18_Execute()
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
var passed = doTest("Arrow object is not filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
passed &= doTest("Infinite object is not removed. Got %v, expected %v.", !!infinite, true);
if (infinite) passed &= doTest("Infinite object is in the clonk. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), crew);
// TODO: This was an old idea
//var passed = doTest("Arrow object is not filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
//passed &= doTest("Infinite object is not removed. Got %v, expected %v.", !!infinite, true);
//if (infinite) passed &= doTest("Infinite object is in the clonk. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), crew);
var passed = doTest("Arrow object is infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Infinite object is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);
if (infinite) infinite->RemoveObject();
@ -1358,7 +1364,7 @@ global func Test18_Execute()
arrows->SetStackCount(arrows->InitialStackCount() - diff);
var passed = doTest("Infinite stack stays infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Infinite stack stays infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("Arrow object is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows, nil);
@ -1394,18 +1400,25 @@ global func Test19_Execute()
var passed = doTest("Prerequisites: Ammo is in the bow. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->Contained(), bow);
passed &= doTest("Prerequisites: Arrows are in the crew member. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->Contained(), crew);
// TODO: this was the old idea - infinite object fills the contents, but stays where it is. Sort of like an infinite ammo dispenser
// crew->Collect(infinite);
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->MaxStackCount());
// if (infinite)
// {
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected has the correct count. Got %d, expected %d.", infinite->GetStackCount(), remaining);
// passed &= doTest("The arrow stack is in the crew member inventory. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), crew);
// }
// else
// {
// passed = false; Log("[Fail] The infinite stack was removed, but should not be removed");
// }
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", ammo->GetStackCount(), ammo->MaxStackCount());
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), arrows->MaxStackCount());
if (infinite)
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected has the correct count. Got %d, expected %d.", infinite->GetStackCount(), remaining);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack is in the crew member inventory. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite->Contained(), crew);
passed = false; Log("[Failed] The infinite stack was removed, but should not be removed");
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the bow is infinite. Got %v, expected %v.", ammo->IsInfiniteStackCount(), true);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is not filled. Got %d, expected %d.", arrows->GetStackCount(), 13);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack in the inventory is finite. Got %v, expected %v.", arrows->IsInfiniteStackCount(), false);
passed &= doTest("The arrow stack that was collected is removed. Got %v, expected %v.", infinite, nil);