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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\cf1\lang1033\kerning1\b\f0\fs20 Deep sea mine\cf0\lang1043\b0\f1\fs24\par
\lang1031 You are stranded on a lonely island amidst the vast ocean. Your only hope is to build a long range communication device and call for help. But the device needs precious materials to construct which won't be easy to obtain.\lang1033\f1\par
\lang1031\f0 Goal: Finish construction of the crystal communicator.\cf0\lang1043\f1\fs24\par
\lang1031 Hints\lang1033\f1 :\par
\lang1031\f0 -The crystal communicator needs gems for its construction. Try to find them on islands in the ocean and beneath the ocean floor.\par
-The ocean is deep. You need to create breating space on your way down.\par
-Red fish are evil!\cf0\lang1043\f1\fs24\par
\cf1\lang1031\f0\fs16 -If coal is getting scarce, use wood to burn metal. Trees will regrow.\lang1033\par