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2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Editable shapes in the viewports (like e.g. AI guard range rectangles) */
#ifndef INC_C4ConsoleQtShapes
#define INC_C4ConsoleQtShapes
#include "editor/C4ConsoleGUI.h" // for glew.h
#include "editor/C4ConsoleQt.h"
#include "script/C4Value.h"
// Shape base class
class C4ConsoleQtShape : public QObject
C4Value rel_obj; // Object relative to which shape is defined
C4Value properties;
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bool is_relative;
int32_t dragging_border, selected_border;
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uint32_t border_color;
const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate;
class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list;
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// Return shape color, or dragged border color if index is the border currently being dragged
uint32_t GetBorderColor(int32_t border_index, bool dragging_border_is_bitmask, uint32_t default_color = 0u) const;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
C4ConsoleQtShape(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate, class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list);
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virtual bool IsHit(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, int32_t *drag_border, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) = 0;
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virtual void Draw(class C4TargetFacet &cgo, float line_width) = 0;
// Coordinate transform: Add object
int32_t AbsX(int32_t rel_x=0) const;
int32_t AbsY(int32_t rel_y=0) const;
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// Start/stop dragging
virtual bool StartDragging(int32_t *border, int32_t x, int32_t y, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) { dragging_border = *border; return true; }
virtual void StopDragging();
virtual void Drag(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor) = 0;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
bool IsDragging() const { return dragging_border != -1; }
virtual void SetValue(const C4Value &val) = 0;
virtual C4Value GetValue() const = 0; // Return current shape as C4Value to be stored back to property
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const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *GetParentDelegate() const { return parent_delegate; }
const C4PropList *GetProperties() const { return properties.getPropList(); }
virtual bool IsSelectionAllowed(int32_t border) const { return false; }
bool Select(int32_t border);
void ResetSelection();
virtual bool GetSelectedData(const C4Value &shape_val, const class C4PropertyPath &shape_property_path, C4PropList **shape_item_editorprops, C4PropList **shape_item_value, C4String **shape_item_name, class C4PropertyPath *shape_item_target_path) const
return false;
// Specialization
virtual class C4ConsoleQtGraph *GetGraphShape() { return nullptr; }
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void ShapeDragged();
void BorderSelectionChanged();
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
// Rectangular shape
class C4ConsoleQtRect : public C4ConsoleQtShape
int32_t left, top, right, bottom;
2016-05-23 23:22:05 +00:00
bool store_as_proplist;
bool properties_lowercase;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
C4ConsoleQtRect(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate, class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list);
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bool IsHit(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, int32_t *drag_border, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) override;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
void Draw(class C4TargetFacet &cgo, float line_width) override;
void Drag(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor) override;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
void SetValue(const C4Value &val) override;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
C4Value GetValue() const override;
// Circular shape
class C4ConsoleQtCircle : public C4ConsoleQtShape
int32_t radius;
int32_t cx, cy;
bool can_move_center;
C4ConsoleQtCircle(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate, class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list);
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
bool IsHit(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, int32_t *drag_border, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) override;
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void Draw(class C4TargetFacet &cgo, float line_width) override;
void Drag(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor) override;
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void SetValue(const C4Value &val) override;
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C4Value GetValue() const override;
2016-07-30 05:05:12 +00:00
// Single position shape
class C4ConsoleQtPoint : public C4ConsoleQtShape
int32_t cx, cy;
C4ConsoleQtPoint(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate, class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list);
2016-07-30 05:05:12 +00:00
bool IsHit(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, int32_t *drag_border, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) override;
2016-07-30 05:05:12 +00:00
void Draw(class C4TargetFacet &cgo, float line_width) override;
void Drag(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor) override;
2016-07-30 05:05:12 +00:00
void SetValue(const C4Value &val) override;
2016-07-30 05:05:12 +00:00
C4Value GetValue() const override;
// Vertices and edges
class C4ConsoleQtGraph : public C4ConsoleQtShape
struct Vertex
int32_t x, y;
uint32_t color; // 0 = default color
Vertex() : x(0), y(0), color(0u) {}
struct Edge
int32_t vertex_indices[2]; // index into vertices array
uint32_t color; // 0 = default color
uint32_t line_thickness;
Edge() : color(0u), line_thickness(1) { vertex_indices[0] = vertex_indices[1] = -1; }
bool connects_to(int32_t vertex_index) const;
bool connects_to(int32_t vertex_index, int32_t *idx) const;
// Actual vertex and edge data
struct GraphData
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
std::vector<Edge> edges;
// Convert elements to/from C4Value
C4ValueArray *GetVerticesValue() const;
C4ValueArray *GetEdgesValue() const;
void SetVerticesValue(const C4ValueArray *vvertices);
void SetEdgesValue(const C4ValueArray *vedges);
int32_t GetEdgeCountForVertex(int32_t vertex_index) const;
// Graph modification. Called from C4ConsoleQtGraph::EditGraph only, which propagates the change to the value via the queue
void SetVertexPos(int32_t vertex_index, int32_t new_x, int32_t new_y);
void EditEdge(int32_t edge_index, int32_t change_vertex_index, int32_t new_vertex_index);
void InsertEdgeBefore(int32_t insert_edge_index, int32_t vertex1, int32_t vertex2);
void InsertVertexBefore(int32_t insert_vertex_index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
void RemoveEdge(int32_t edge_index);
void RemoveVertex(int32_t vertex_index);
// Graph modification on internal C4Value script data. Called from C4ConsoleQtGraph::EditGraphValue.
static void EditGraphValue_SetVertexPos(C4ValueArray *vvertices, int32_t vertex_index, int32_t new_x, int32_t new_y);
static void EditGraphValue_EditEdge(C4ValueArray *vvertices, C4ValueArray *vedges, int32_t edge_index, int32_t change_vertex_index, int32_t new_vertex_index);
static void EditGraphValue_InsertEdgeBefore(C4ValueArray *vvertices, C4ValueArray *vedges, int32_t insert_edge_index, int32_t vertex1, int32_t vertex2);
static void EditGraphValue_InsertVertexBefore(C4ValueArray *vvertices, C4ValueArray *vedges, int32_t insert_vertex_index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
static void EditGraphValue_RemoveEdge(C4ValueArray *vvertices, C4ValueArray *vedges, int32_t edge_index);
static void EditGraphValue_RemoveVertex(C4ValueArray *vvertices, C4ValueArray *vedges, int32_t vertex_index);
static bool EditGraphValue_EdgeConnectsTo(C4PropList *edge, int32_t vertex_index);
} graph;
bool allow_vertex_selection = false; // If vertices on the graph can be selected
bool allow_edge_selection = false; // If edges on the graph can be selected
bool horizontal_fix = false; // If edges are locked horizontally
bool vertical_fix = false; // If edges are locked vertically
bool structure_fix = false; // If edge+vertex insertion/deletion is blocked
C4Value vertex_delegate, edge_delegate;
// Drag snap to other vertices
int32_t drag_snap_offset_x = 0, drag_snap_offset_y = 0;
bool drag_snapped = false;
int32_t drag_snap_vertex = -1, drag_source_vertex_index = -1;
// Resolve border_index to vertices/edges: Use negative indices for edges and zero/positive indices for vertices
static bool IsVertexDrag(int32_t border) { return border >= 0; }
static bool IsEdgeDrag(int32_t border) { return border < -1; }
static int32_t DragBorderToVertex(int32_t border) { return border; }
static int32_t DragBorderToEdge(int32_t border) { return -2 - border; }
static int32_t VertexToDragBorder(int32_t vertex) { return vertex; }
static int32_t EdgeToDragBorder(int32_t edge) { return -edge - 2; }
C4ConsoleQtGraph(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate, class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list);
bool IsHit(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, int32_t *drag_border, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) override;
void Draw(class C4TargetFacet &cgo, float line_width) override;
void Drag(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor) override;
bool StartDragging(int32_t *border, int32_t x, int32_t y, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) override;
void StopDragging() override;
void SetValue(const C4Value &val) override;
C4Value GetValue() const override;
bool IsSelectionAllowed(int32_t border) const override;
bool GetSelectedData(const C4Value &shape_val, const class C4PropertyPath &shape_property_path, C4PropList **shape_item_editorprops, C4PropList **shape_item_value, C4String **shape_item_name, class C4PropertyPath *shape_item_target_path) const override;
void EditGraph(bool signal_change, C4ControlEditGraph::Action action, int32_t index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
static void EditGraphValue(C4Value &val, C4ControlEditGraph::Action action, int32_t index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
class C4ConsoleQtGraph *GetGraphShape() override { return this; }
void EditEdge(int32_t edge_index, int32_t change_vertex_index, int32_t new_vertex);
int32_t AddVertex(int32_t new_x, int32_t new_y);
int32_t AddEdge(int32_t connect_vertex_index_1, int32_t connect_vertex_index_2);
void InsertVertexBefore(int32_t insert_vertex_index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
void InsertEdgeBefore(int32_t insert_edge_index, int32_t connect_vertex_index_1, int32_t connect_vertex_index_2);
virtual int32_t InsertVertexOnEdge(int32_t split_edge_index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
virtual int32_t InsertVertexOnVertex(int32_t target_vertex_index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
virtual void RemoveEdge(int32_t edge_index);
virtual void RemoveVertex(int32_t vertex_index, bool create_skip_connection);
virtual bool IsPolyline() const { return false; }
// Check if given vertex/edge can be modified under given shift state
virtual bool IsVertexHit(int32_t vertex_index, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down);
virtual bool IsEdgeHit(int32_t edge_index, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down);
void GraphEdit(C4ControlEditGraph::Action action, int32_t index, int32_t x, int32_t y);
// Specialization of graph: One line of connected vertices
class C4ConsoleQtPolyline : public C4ConsoleQtGraph
C4ConsoleQtPolyline(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate, class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list)
: C4ConsoleQtGraph(for_obj, props, parent_delegate, shape_list) {}
void SetValue(const C4Value &val) override;
C4Value GetValue() const override;
int32_t InsertVertexOnEdge(int32_t split_edge_index, int32_t x, int32_t y) override;
int32_t InsertVertexOnVertex(int32_t target_vertex_index, int32_t x, int32_t y) override;
void RemoveEdge(int32_t edge_index) override;
bool IsVertexHit(int32_t vertex_index, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) override;
bool IsPolyline() const override { return true; }
// Specialization of graph: One closed line of connected vertices
class C4ConsoleQtPolygon : public C4ConsoleQtPolyline
C4ConsoleQtPolygon(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate, class C4ConsoleQtShapes *shape_list)
: C4ConsoleQtPolyline(for_obj, props, parent_delegate, shape_list) {}
void SetValue(const C4Value &val) override;
int32_t InsertVertexOnEdge(int32_t split_edge_index, int32_t x, int32_t y) override;
int32_t InsertVertexOnVertex(int32_t target_vertex_index, int32_t x, int32_t y) override;
void RemoveEdge(int32_t edge_index) override;
bool IsVertexHit(int32_t vertex_index, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down) override;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
/* List of all current editable Qt shapes */
class C4ConsoleQtShapes
typedef std::list<std::unique_ptr<C4ConsoleQtShape> > ShapeList;
ShapeList shapes;
C4ConsoleQtShape *dragging_shape, *selected_shape;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
Qt::CursorShape drag_cursor;
float drag_x, drag_y;
C4ConsoleQtShapes() : dragging_shape(nullptr), selected_shape(nullptr), drag_x(0), drag_y(0), drag_cursor(Qt::CursorShape::ArrowCursor) { }
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C4ConsoleQtShape *CreateShape(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const C4Value &val, const class C4PropertyDelegateShape *parent_delegate);
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void AddShape(C4ConsoleQtShape *shape);
void RemoveShape(C4ConsoleQtShape *shape);
void ClearShapes();
// Mouse callbacks from viewports to execute shape dragging
bool MouseDown(float x, float y, float hit_range, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down); // return true if a shape was hit
void MouseMove(float x, float y, bool left_down, float hit_range, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down); // move move: Execute shape dragging
void MouseUp(float x, float y, bool shift_down, bool ctrl_down);
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void Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo);
// Dragging info
bool HasDragCursor() const { return drag_cursor != Qt::CursorShape::ArrowCursor; }
Qt::CursorShape GetDragCursor() const { return drag_cursor; }
bool IsDragging() const { return !!dragging_shape; }
// Selected shapes
void SetSelectedShape(C4ConsoleQtShape *new_selection, int32_t selected_border);
C4ConsoleQtShape *GetSelectedShape() const { return selected_shape; }
bool GetSelectedShapeData(const C4Value &shape_val, const class C4PropertyPath &shape_property_path, C4PropList **shape_item_editorprops, C4PropList **shape_item_value, C4String **shape_item_name, class C4PropertyPath *shape_item_target_path) const;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
/* Shape holder class: Handles adding/removal of shape to shapes list */
class C4ConsoleQtShapeHolder
C4ConsoleQtShape *shape;
bool last_visit;
C4Value last_value;
static bool last_visit_flag;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
C4ConsoleQtShapeHolder() : shape(nullptr) {}
~C4ConsoleQtShapeHolder() { Clear(); }
void Clear();
void Set(C4ConsoleQtShape *new_shape);
C4ConsoleQtShape *Get() const { return shape; }
// Check counter to determine unused shapes
void visit() { last_visit = last_visit_flag; }
bool was_visited() const { return last_visit == last_visit_flag; }
static void begin_visit() { last_visit_flag = !last_visit_flag; }
// Remember pointer to last proplist or array set in value to reflect scripted updates
const C4Value &GetLastValue() const { return last_value; }
void SetLastValue(const C4Value &new_val) { last_value = new_val; }
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
#endif // WITH_QT_EDITOR
#endif // INC_C4ConsoleQtShapes