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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Editor windows using Qt - internal state */
#ifndef INC_C4ConsoleQtState
#define INC_C4ConsoleQtState
#include <C4Include.h> // needed for automoc
#include <C4ConsoleGUI.h>
#include <C4ToolsDlg.h>
#include <C4ConsoleQt.h>
#include <ui_C4ConsoleQtMainWindow.h>
/* Forward string translation to GetResStr */
class C4ConsoleQtTranslator : public QTranslator
bool isEmpty() const { return false; }
QString translate(const char * context, const char * sourceText, const char * disambiguation = 0, int n = -1) const;
extern C4ConsoleQtTranslator qt_translator;
class C4ConsoleClientAction : public QAction
int32_t client_id;
C4ConsoleClientAction(int32_t client_id, const char *text, QObject *parent);
int32_t GetClientID() const { return client_id; }
private slots:
void Execute();
class C4ConsoleRemovePlayerAction : public QAction
int32_t player_num;
C4ConsoleRemovePlayerAction(int32_t player_num, const char *text, QObject *parent);
int32_t GetPlayerNum() const { return player_num; }
private slots:
void Execute();
class C4ConsoleOpenViewportAction : public QAction
int32_t player_num;
C4ConsoleOpenViewportAction(int32_t player_num, const char *text, QObject *parent);
int32_t GetPlayerNum() const { return player_num; }
private slots:
void Execute();
class C4ConsoleQtMainWindow : public QMainWindow
class C4ConsoleGUIState *state;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event) override;
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent * event) override;
C4ConsoleQtMainWindow(class C4AbstractApp *app, class C4ConsoleGUIState *state);
void closeEvent(class QCloseEvent *event) override;
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public slots:
// Toolbar items
void PlayPressed(bool down);
void PausePressed(bool down);
void CursorGamePressed(bool down);
void CursorSelectPressed(bool down);
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void CursorCreateObjPressed(bool down);
void CursorDrawPenPressed(bool down);
void CursorDrawLinePressed(bool down);
void CursorDrawRectPressed(bool down);
void CursorFillPressed(bool down);
void CursorPickerPressed(bool down);
void DynamicLandscapePressed(bool down);
void StaticLandscapePressed(bool down);
void ExactLandscapePressed(bool down);
void DrawSizeChanged(int newval);
// File menu
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void FileNew();
void FileOpen();
void FileOpenWithPlayers();
void FileRecord();
void FileSave();
void FileSaveAs();
void FileSaveGameAs();
void FileClose();
void FileQuit();
// Player menu
void PlayerJoin();
// Window menu
void ViewportNew();
// Help menu
void HelpAbout();
// Console edits enter pressed events
void MainConsoleEditEnter(); // console edit below log
void PropertyConsoleEditEnter(); // console edit of property window
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// View selection changes
void OnCreatorSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected);
void OnCreatorCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous);
void OnObjectListSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected);
// Global editor key processing
bool HandleEditorKeyDown(QKeyEvent *event);
bool HandleEditorKeyUp(QKeyEvent *event);
// Material changed in landscape drawing mode
void ForegroundMaterialChanged(const QString &new_selection);
void BackgroundMaterialChanged(const QString &new_selection);
/* Main Qt editor class controlled through ControlGUI */
class C4ConsoleGUIState // Avoid direct declaration of C4ConsoleGUI::State because qmake doesn't like some declarations in the nested class
std::unique_ptr<QApplication> application;
std::unique_ptr<C4ConsoleQtMainWindow> window;
std::unique_ptr<class C4ConsoleQtPropListModel> property_model;
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std::unique_ptr<class C4ConsoleQtObjectListModel> object_list_model;
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std::unique_ptr<class C4ConsoleQtDefinitionListModel> definition_list_model;
std::list<class C4ConsoleQtViewportDockWidget *> viewports;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<C4ConsoleClientAction> > client_actions;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<C4ConsoleRemovePlayerAction> > player_actions;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<C4ConsoleOpenViewportAction> > viewport_actions;
Ui::MainWindow ui;
// ptrs owned by window
QMainWindow *viewport_area;
QLabel *status_cursor, *status_framecounter, *status_timefps;
QAction *window_menu_separator;
// Current editor/tool states
// Cannot use direct members in C4EditorCursor because callbacks into the GUI happen before the values change.
// If other C4Console implementations are removed, the state could be merged and these members removed.
bool enabled, recording, net_enabled;
int32_t landscape_mode, editcursor_mode, drawing_tool;
StdCopyStrBuf material, texture, back_material, back_texture;
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// Updating states to prevent callbacks on internal selection updates
int32_t is_object_selection_updating;
C4ConsoleGUIState(C4ConsoleGUI *console);
void AddToolbarSpacer(int space);
bool CreateConsoleWindow(C4AbstractApp *app);
void Execute(bool redraw_only=false);
void Redraw() { Execute(true); }
void UpdateActionStates();
void UpdateMatTex();
void UpdateBackMatTex();
// Set modes and tools
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void SetEnabled(bool to_enabled) { enabled = to_enabled; UpdateActionStates(); if (enabled) ReInitDefinitions(); }
void SetLandscapeMode(int32_t to_landscape_mode) { landscape_mode = to_landscape_mode; UpdateActionStates(); }
void SetEditCursorMode(int32_t to_editcursor_mode) { editcursor_mode = to_editcursor_mode; UpdateActionStates(); }
void SetDrawingTool(int32_t to_drawing_tool) { drawing_tool = to_drawing_tool; UpdateActionStates(); }
void SetMaterial(const char *new_material) { material.Copy(new_material); UpdateMatTex(); }
void SetTexture(const char *new_texture) { texture.Copy(new_texture); UpdateMatTex(); }
void SetBackMaterial(const char *new_material) { back_material.Copy(new_material); UpdateBackMatTex(); }
void SetBackTexture(const char *new_texture) { back_texture.Copy(new_texture); UpdateBackMatTex(); }
void SetRecording(bool to_recording) { recording = to_recording; UpdateActionStates(); }
void SetNetEnabled(bool enabled) { net_enabled = enabled; UpdateActionStates(); }
void AddNetMenuItem(int32_t index, const char *text);
void ClearNetMenu();
void AddKickPlayerMenuItem(int32_t plr, const char *text, bool item_enabled);
void ClearPlayerMenu();
void AddPlayerViewportMenuItem(int32_t plr, const char *text);
void ClearViewportMenu();
void AddViewport(class C4ViewportWindow *cvp);
void SetInputFunctions(std::list<const char*> &functions);
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void PropertyDlgUpdate(C4EditCursorSelection &rSelection, bool force_function_update);
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void ReInitDefinitions();
void OnCreatorSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected);
void SetObjectSelection(class C4EditCursorSelection &rSelection);
void OnObjectListSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected);
void OnCreatorCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous);
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bool CreateNewScenario(StdStrBuf *out_filename); // show "new scenario" dialogue; return true if new scenario is created
bool HandleWin32KeyboardMessage(MSG *msg);
class C4ConsoleGUI::State : public C4ConsoleGUIState
State(C4ConsoleGUI *console) : C4ConsoleGUIState(console) {}
class C4ToolsDlg::State : C4ConsoleGUI::InternalState<class C4ToolsDlg>
State(C4ToolsDlg *toolsDlg) : C4ConsoleGUI::InternalState<class C4ToolsDlg>(toolsDlg) {}
~State() {}
void Clear() {}
void Default() {}
#endif // WITH_QT_EDITOR
#endif // INC_C4ConsoleQtState