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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* OpenGL implementation of Mesh Rendering */
#include "C4Include.h"
#include <C4DrawGL.h>
#include <SHA1.h>
#include "StdMesh.h"
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
// Shader code generation
// This translates the fixed function instructions in a material script
// to an equivalent fragment shader. The generated code can certainly
// be optimized more.
StdStrBuf TextureUnitSourceToCode(int index, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpSourceType source, const float manualColor[3], float manualAlpha)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Current: return StdStrBuf("currentColor");
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Texture: return FormatString("texture2D(oc_Textures[%d], texcoord)", index);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Diffuse: return StdStrBuf("diffuse");
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Specular: return StdStrBuf("diffuse"); // TODO: Should be specular
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_PlayerColor: return StdStrBuf("vec4(oc_PlayerColor, 1.0)");
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Manual: return FormatString("vec4(%f, %f, %f, %f)", manualColor[0], manualColor[1], manualColor[2], manualAlpha);
default: assert(false); return StdStrBuf("vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)");
StdStrBuf TextureUnitBlendToCode(int index, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpExType blend_type, const char* source1, const char* source2, float manualFactor)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Source1: return StdStrBuf(source1);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Source2: return StdStrBuf(source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Modulate: return FormatString("%s * %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_ModulateX2: return FormatString("2.0 * %s * %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_ModulateX4: return FormatString("4.0 * %s * %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Add: return FormatString("%s + %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_AddSigned: return FormatString("%s + %s - 0.5", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_AddSmooth: return FormatString("%s + %s - %s*%s", source1, source2, source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Subtract: return FormatString("%s - %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendDiffuseAlpha: return FormatString("diffuse.a * %s + (1.0 - diffuse.a) * %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendTextureAlpha: return FormatString("texture2D(oc_Textures[%d], texcoord).a * %s + (1.0 - texture2D(oc_Textures[%d], texcoord).a) * %s", index, source1, index, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendCurrentAlpha: return FormatString("currentColor.a * %s + (1.0 - currentColor.a) * %s", source1, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendManual: return FormatString("%f * %s + (1.0 - %f) * %s", manualFactor, source1, manualFactor, source2);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Dotproduct: return FormatString("vec3(4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5), 4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5), 4.0 * dot(%s - 0.5, %s - 0.5));", source1, source2, source1, source2, source1, source2); // TODO: Needs special handling for the case of alpha
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendDiffuseColor: return FormatString("diffuse.rgb * %s + (1.0 - diffuse.rgb) * %s", source1, source2);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
default: assert(false); return StdStrBuf(source1);
StdStrBuf TextureUnitToCode(int index, const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit& texunit)
StdStrBuf color_source1 = FormatString("%s.rgb", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpSources[0], texunit.ColorOpManualColor1, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha1).getData());
StdStrBuf color_source2 = FormatString("%s.rgb", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpSources[1], texunit.ColorOpManualColor2, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha2).getData());
StdStrBuf alpha_source1 = FormatString("%s.a", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpSources[0], texunit.ColorOpManualColor1, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha1).getData());
StdStrBuf alpha_source2 = FormatString("%s.a", TextureUnitSourceToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpSources[1], texunit.ColorOpManualColor2, texunit.AlphaOpManualAlpha2).getData());
return FormatString("currentColor = clamp(vec4(%s, %s), 0.0, 1.0);", TextureUnitBlendToCode(index, texunit.ColorOpEx, color_source1.getData(), color_source2.getData(), texunit.ColorOpManualFactor).getData(), TextureUnitBlendToCode(index, texunit.AlphaOpEx, alpha_source1.getData(), alpha_source2.getData(), texunit.AlphaOpManualFactor).getData());
// Simple helper function
inline GLenum OgreBlendTypeToGL(StdMeshMaterialPass::SceneBlendType blend)
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_One: return GL_ONE;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_Zero: return GL_ZERO;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_DestColor: return GL_DST_COLOR;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_SrcColor: return GL_SRC_COLOR;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusDestColor: return GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusSrcColor: return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_DestAlpha: return GL_DST_ALPHA;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_SrcAlpha: return GL_SRC_ALPHA;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusDestAlpha: return GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA;
case StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusSrcAlpha: return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
default: assert(false); return GL_ZERO;
// TODO: Functions that generate the below code, to be used in PrepareMaterial...
StdStrBuf GetVertexShaderCodeForPass(const StdMeshMaterialPass& pass)
StdStrBuf buf;
"varying vec4 diffuse;"
"varying vec2 texcoord;"
"void main()"
" vec3 normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);" // TODO: Do we need to normalize? I think we enable GL_NORMALIZE in cases we have to...
" vec3 lightDir = normalize(gl_LightSource[0];" // TODO: Do we need to normalize?
" diffuse = clamp(gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor + gl_FrontLightProduct[0].ambient + gl_FrontLightProduct[0].diffuse * max(0.0, dot(normal, lightDir)), 0.0, 1.0);"
" texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;"
" gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;"
return buf;
StdStrBuf GetFragmentShaderCodeForPass(const StdMeshMaterialPass& pass)
StdStrBuf buf;
// Produce the fragment shader... first we create one code fragment for each
// texture unit, and we count the number of active textures, i.e. texture
// units that actually use a texture.
unsigned int texIndex = 0;
StdStrBuf textureUnitCode("");
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pass.TextureUnits.size(); ++i)
const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit& texunit = pass.TextureUnits[i];
textureUnitCode.Append(TextureUnitToCode(texIndex, texunit));
return FormatString(
"varying vec4 diffuse;"
"varying vec2 texcoord;"
"%s" // Texture units with active textures, only if >0 texture units
"uniform vec3 oc_PlayerColor;"
"uniform vec4 oc_ColorModulation;"
"uniform int oc_Mod2;"
"void main()"
" vec4 currentColor = diffuse;"
" %s"
" if(oc_Mod2 != 0)"
" gl_FragColor = clamp(2.0 * currentColor * oc_ColorModulation - 0.5, 0.0, 1.0);"
" else"
" gl_FragColor = currentColor * oc_ColorModulation;"
((texIndex > 0) ? FormatString("uniform sampler2D oc_Textures[%d];", texIndex).getData() : ""),
StdStrBuf GetSHA1HexDigest(const char* text, std::size_t len)
sha1 ctx;
ctx.process_bytes(text, len);
unsigned int digest[5];
return FormatString("%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest[0], digest[1], digest[2], digest[3], digest[4]);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
} // anonymous namespace
2014-10-07 19:57:02 +00:00
class C4DrawMeshGLProgram: public C4DrawGLProgram
2014-10-07 19:57:02 +00:00
C4DrawMeshGLProgram(const C4DrawGLShader* fragment_shader, const C4DrawGLShader* vertex_shader, const C4DrawGLShader* geometry_shader);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
GLint TexturesLocation;
GLint PlayerColorLocation;
GLint ColorModulationLocation;
GLint Mod2Location;
2014-10-07 19:57:02 +00:00
C4DrawMeshGLProgram::C4DrawMeshGLProgram(const C4DrawGLShader* fragment_shader, const C4DrawGLShader* vertex_shader, const C4DrawGLShader* geometry_shader):
C4DrawGLProgram(fragment_shader, vertex_shader, geometry_shader)
// TODO: Specify this as an addition to the OGRE params section
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
TexturesLocation = glGetUniformLocationARB(Program, "oc_Textures");
PlayerColorLocation = glGetUniformLocationARB(Program, "oc_PlayerColor");
ColorModulationLocation = glGetUniformLocationARB(Program, "oc_ColorModulation");
Mod2Location = glGetUniformLocationARB(Program, "oc_Mod2");
std::unique_ptr<StdMeshMaterialShader> CStdGL::CompileShader(const char* language, StdMeshMaterialShader::Type type, const char* text)
if(strcmp(language, "glsl") != 0)
2014-10-07 19:57:02 +00:00
throw C4DrawGLError(StdStrBuf("Not a GLSL shader"));
2014-10-07 19:57:02 +00:00
std::unique_ptr<C4DrawGLShader> shader(new C4DrawGLShader(type));
return std::move(shader);
bool CStdGL::PrepareMaterial(StdMeshMatManager& mat_manager, StdMeshMaterial& mat)
// TODO: If a technique is not available, show an error message what the problem is
// select context, if not already done
if (!pCurrCtx) return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat.Techniques.size(); ++i)
StdMeshMaterialTechnique& technique = mat.Techniques[i];
technique.Available = true;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < technique.Passes.size(); ++j)
StdMeshMaterialPass& pass = technique.Passes[j];
GLint max_texture_units;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS, &max_texture_units);
assert(max_texture_units >= 1);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
unsigned int active_texture_units = 0;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < pass.TextureUnits.size(); ++k)
if (active_texture_units > static_cast<unsigned int>(max_texture_units))
technique.Available = false;
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < pass.TextureUnits.size(); ++k)
StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit& texunit = pass.TextureUnits[k];
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < texunit.GetNumTextures(); ++l)
const C4TexRef& texture = texunit.GetTexture(l);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.texName);
switch (texunit.TexAddressMode)
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Wrap:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Border:
glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, texunit.TexBorderColor);
// fallthrough
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Clamp:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Mirror:
if (texunit.Filtering[2] == StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point ||
texunit.Filtering[2] == StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear)
// If mipmapping is enabled, then autogenerate mipmap data.
// In OGRE this is deactivated for several OS/graphics card
// combinations because of known bugs...
// This does work for me, but requires re-upload of texture data...
// so the proper way would be to set this prior to the initial
// upload, which would be the same place where we could also use
// gluBuild2DMipmaps. GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP is probably still more
// efficient though.
// Disabled for now, until we find a better place for this (C4TexRef?)
#if 0
{ glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_TRUE); const_cast<C4TexRef*>(&texunit.GetTexture())->Lock(); const_cast<C4TexRef*>(&texunit.GetTexture())->Unlock(); }
technique.Available = false;
// Disable mipmap for now as a workaround.
texunit.Filtering[2] = StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_None;
switch (texunit.Filtering[0]) // min
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_None:
technique.Available = false;
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point:
switch (texunit.Filtering[2]) // mip
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_None:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Anisotropic:
technique.Available = false; // invalid
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear:
switch (texunit.Filtering[2]) // mip
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_None:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Anisotropic:
technique.Available = false; // invalid
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Anisotropic:
// unsupported
technique.Available = false;
switch (texunit.Filtering[1]) // max
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_None:
technique.Available = false; // invalid
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Anisotropic:
// unsupported
technique.Available = false;
for (unsigned int m = 0; m < texunit.Transformations.size(); ++m)
StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation& trans = texunit.Transformations[m];
if (trans.TransformType == StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_TRANSFORM)
// transpose so we can directly pass it to glMultMatrixf
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 1], trans.Transform.M[ 4]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 2], trans.Transform.M[ 8]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 3], trans.Transform.M[12]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 6], trans.Transform.M[ 9]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[ 7], trans.Transform.M[13]);
std::swap(trans.Transform.M[11], trans.Transform.M[14]);
} // loop over textures
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
} // loop over texture units
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
// Create fragment and/or vertex shader
// if a custom shader is not provided.
// Re-use existing programs if the generated
// code is the same (determined by SHA1 hash).
StdStrBuf buf = GetVertexShaderCodeForPass(pass);
StdStrBuf hash = GetSHA1HexDigest(buf.getData(), buf.getLength());
pass.VertexShader = mat_manager.AddShader(hash.getData(), "glsl", StdMeshMaterialShader::VERTEX, buf.getData(), true);
StdStrBuf buf = GetFragmentShaderCodeForPass(pass);
StdStrBuf hash = GetSHA1HexDigest(buf.getData(), buf.getLength());
pass.FragmentShader = mat_manager.AddShader(hash.getData(), "glsl", StdMeshMaterialShader::FRAGMENT, buf.getData(), true);
// Then, link the program.
2014-10-07 19:57:02 +00:00
std::unique_ptr<C4DrawMeshGLProgram> program(new C4DrawMeshGLProgram(static_cast<const C4DrawGLShader*>(pass.FragmentShader), static_cast<const C4DrawGLShader*>(pass.VertexShader), static_cast<const C4DrawGLShader*>(pass.GeometryShader)));
pass.Program = &mat_manager.AddProgram(pass.FragmentShader, pass.VertexShader, pass.GeometryShader, std::move(program));
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
2014-10-07 19:57:02 +00:00
catch(const C4DrawGLError& error)
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
technique.Available = false;
LogF("Failed to compile shader: %s\n", error.what());
if (technique.Available && mat.BestTechniqueIndex == -1)
mat.BestTechniqueIndex = i;
return mat.BestTechniqueIndex != -1;
void RenderSubMeshImpl(const StdMeshInstance& mesh_instance, const StdSubMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, bool parity)
const StdMeshMaterial& material = instance.GetMaterial();
assert(material.BestTechniqueIndex != -1);
const StdMeshMaterialTechnique& technique = material.Techniques[material.BestTechniqueIndex];
const StdMeshVertex* vertices = instance.GetVertices().empty() ? &mesh_instance.GetSharedVertices()[0] : &instance.GetVertices()[0];
// Render each pass
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < technique.Passes.size(); ++i)
const StdMeshMaterialPass& pass = technique.Passes[i];
glDepthMask(pass.DepthWrite ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
// Set material properties
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, pass.Ambient);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, pass.Diffuse);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, pass.Specular);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, pass.Emissive);
glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, pass.Shininess);
// Use two-sided light model so that vertex normals are inverted for lighting calculation on back-facing polygons
glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, 1);
glFrontFace(parity ? GL_CW : GL_CCW);
if(mesh_instance.GetCompletion() < 1.0f)
// Backfaces might be visible when completion is < 1.0f since front
// faces might be omitted.
switch (pass.CullHardware)
case StdMeshMaterialPass::CH_Clockwise:
case StdMeshMaterialPass::CH_CounterClockwise:
case StdMeshMaterialPass::CH_None:
// Overwrite blend mode with default alpha blending when alpha in clrmod
// is <255. This makes sure that normal non-blended meshes can have
// blending disabled in their material script (which disables expensive
// face ordering) but when they are made translucent via clrmod
if(!(dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_ADDITIVE))
if( ((dwModClr >> 24) & 0xff) < 0xff) // && (!(dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_MOD2)) )
if( ((dwModClr >> 24) & 0xff) < 0xff) // && (!(dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_MOD2)) )
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
glBlendFunc(OgreBlendTypeToGL(pass.SceneBlendFactors[0]), GL_ONE);
// TODO: Use vbo if available.
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(StdMeshVertex), &vertices->x);
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(StdMeshVertex), &vertices->nx);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
std::vector<GLint> textures;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pass.TextureUnits.size(); ++j)
const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit& texunit = pass.TextureUnits[j];
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
const unsigned int texIndex = textures.size();
if (texunit.HasTexture())
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
// Array with texture indices set for passing the textures to the
// shader -- shader cannot use fixed texture image units before OGL 4.2.
// Note that it is guaranteed that the GL_TEXTUREn
// constants are contiguous.
const unsigned int Phase = instance.GetTexturePhase(i, j);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texunit.GetTexture(Phase).texName);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(StdMeshVertex), &vertices->u);
// Setup texture coordinate transform
const double Position = instance.GetTexturePosition(i, j);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < texunit.Transformations.size(); ++k)
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
const StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation& trans = texunit.Transformations[k];
switch (trans.TransformType)
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCROLL:
glTranslatef(trans.Scroll.X, trans.Scroll.Y, 0.0f);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCROLL_ANIM:
glTranslatef(trans.GetScrollX(Position), trans.GetScrollY(Position), 0.0f);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_ROTATE:
glRotatef(trans.Rotate.Angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_ROTATE_ANIM:
glRotatef(trans.GetRotate(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_SCALE:
glScalef(trans.Scale.X, trans.Scale.Y, 1.0f);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_TRANSFORM:
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::T_WAVE_XFORM:
switch (trans.WaveXForm.XForm)
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_X:
glTranslatef(trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_Y:
glTranslatef(0.0f, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_ROTATE:
glRotatef(trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_X:
glScalef(trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 1.0f, 1.0f);
case StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_Y:
glScalef(1.0f, trans.GetWaveXForm(Position), 1.0f);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
const float dwMod[4] = {
((dwModClr >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f,
((dwModClr >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f,
((dwModClr ) & 0xff) / 255.0f,
((dwModClr >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0f
const float dwPlrClr[3] = {
((dwPlayerColor >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f,
((dwPlayerColor >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f,
((dwPlayerColor ) & 0xff) / 255.0f
const int fMod2 = (dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_MOD2) != 0;
assert(pass.Program != NULL);
const C4DrawMeshGLProgram& program = static_cast<const C4DrawMeshGLProgram&>(*pass.Program);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
if(program.TexturesLocation != -1 && !textures.empty()) glUniform1ivARB(program.TexturesLocation, textures.size(), &textures[0]);
if(program.PlayerColorLocation != -1) glUniform3fvARB(program.PlayerColorLocation, 1, dwPlrClr);
if(program.ColorModulationLocation != -1) glUniform4fvARB(program.ColorModulationLocation, 1, dwMod);
if(program.Mod2Location != -1) glUniform1iARB(program.Mod2Location, fMod2);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, instance.GetNumFaces()*3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, instance.GetFaces());
// Clean-up, re-set default state
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < textures.size(); ++j)
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
void RenderMeshImpl(StdMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, bool parity); // Needed by RenderAttachedMesh
void RenderAttachedMesh(StdMeshInstance::AttachedMesh* attach, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, bool parity)
const StdMeshMatrix& FinalTrans = attach->GetFinalTransformation();
// Convert matrix to column-major order, add fourth row
const float attach_trans_gl[16] =
FinalTrans(0,0), FinalTrans(1,0), FinalTrans(2,0), 0,
FinalTrans(0,1), FinalTrans(1,1), FinalTrans(2,1), 0,
FinalTrans(0,2), FinalTrans(1,2), FinalTrans(2,2), 0,
FinalTrans(0,3), FinalTrans(1,3), FinalTrans(2,3), 1
// TODO: Take attach transform's parity into account
RenderMeshImpl(*attach->Child, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, parity);
#if 0
const StdMeshMatrix& own_trans = attach->Parent->GetBoneTransform(attach->ParentBone)
* StdMeshMatrix::Transform(attach->Parent->GetMesh().GetBone(attach->ParentBone).Transformation);
// Draw attached bone
glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
GLUquadric* quad = gluNewQuadric();
glTranslatef(own_trans(0,3), own_trans(1,3), own_trans(2,3));
gluSphere(quad, 1.0f, 4, 4);
void RenderMeshImpl(StdMeshInstance& instance, DWORD dwModClr, DWORD dwBlitMode, DWORD dwPlayerColor, bool parity)
const StdMesh& mesh = instance.GetMesh();
// Render AM_DrawBefore attached meshes
StdMeshInstance::AttachedMeshIter attach_iter = instance.AttachedMeshesBegin();
for (; attach_iter != instance.AttachedMeshesEnd() && ((*attach_iter)->GetFlags() & StdMeshInstance::AM_DrawBefore); ++attach_iter)
RenderAttachedMesh(*attach_iter, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, parity);
GLint modes[2];
// Check if we should draw in wireframe or normal mode
// save old mode
glGetIntegerv(GL_POLYGON_MODE, modes);
// Render each submesh
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
RenderSubMeshImpl(instance, instance.GetSubMeshOrdered(i), dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, parity);
// reset old mode to prevent rendering errors
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, modes[0]);
glPolygonMode(GL_BACK, modes[1]);
#if 0
// Draw attached bone
if (instance.GetAttachParent())
const StdMeshInstance::AttachedMesh* attached = instance.GetAttachParent();
const StdMeshMatrix& own_trans = instance.GetBoneTransform(attached->ChildBone) * StdMeshMatrix::Transform(instance.GetMesh().GetBone(attached->ChildBone).Transformation);
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
GLUquadric* quad = gluNewQuadric();
glTranslatef(own_trans(0,3), own_trans(1,3), own_trans(2,3));
gluSphere(quad, 1.0f, 4, 4);
// Render non-AM_DrawBefore attached meshes
for (; attach_iter != instance.AttachedMeshesEnd(); ++attach_iter)
RenderAttachedMesh(*attach_iter, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, parity);
// Apply Zoom and Transformation to the current matrix stack. Return
// parity of the transformation.
bool ApplyZoomAndTransform(float ZoomX, float ZoomY, float Zoom, C4BltTransform* pTransform)
// Apply zoom
glTranslatef(ZoomX, ZoomY, 0.0f);
glScalef(Zoom, Zoom, 1.0f);
glTranslatef(-ZoomX, -ZoomY, 0.0f);
// Apply transformation
if (pTransform)
const GLfloat transform[16] = { pTransform->mat[0], pTransform->mat[3], 0, pTransform->mat[6], pTransform->mat[1], pTransform->mat[4], 0, pTransform->mat[7], 0, 0, 1, 0, pTransform->mat[2], pTransform->mat[5], 0, pTransform->mat[8] };
// Compute parity of the transformation matrix - if parity is swapped then
// we need to cull front faces instead of back faces.
const float det = transform[0]*transform[5]*transform[15]
+ transform[4]*transform[13]*transform[3]
+ transform[12]*transform[1]*transform[7]
- transform[0]*transform[13]*transform[7]
- transform[4]*transform[1]*transform[15]
- transform[12]*transform[5]*transform[3];
return det > 0;
return true;
void CStdGL::PerformMesh(StdMeshInstance &instance, float tx, float ty, float twdt, float thgt, DWORD dwPlayerColor, C4BltTransform* pTransform)
// Field of View for perspective projection, in degrees
static const float FOV = 60.0f;
static const float TAN_FOV = tan(FOV / 2.0f / 180.0f * M_PI);
// Convert OgreToClonk matrix to column-major order
// TODO: This must be executed after C4Draw::OgreToClonk was
// initialized - is this guaranteed at this position?
static const float OgreToClonkGL[16] =
C4Draw::OgreToClonk(0,0), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(1,0), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(2,0), 0,
C4Draw::OgreToClonk(0,1), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(1,1), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(2,1), 0,
C4Draw::OgreToClonk(0,2), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(1,2), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(2,2), 0,
C4Draw::OgreToClonk(0,3), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(1,3), C4Draw::OgreToClonk(2,3), 1
static const bool OgreToClonkParity = C4Draw::OgreToClonk.Determinant() > 0.0f;
const StdMesh& mesh = instance.GetMesh();
bool parity = OgreToClonkParity;
// Convert bounding box to clonk coordinate system
// (TODO: We should cache this, not sure where though)
// TODO: Note that this does not generally work with an arbitrary transformation this way
const StdMeshBox& box = mesh.GetBoundingBox();
StdMeshVector v1, v2;
v1.x = box.x1; v1.y = box.y1; v1.z = box.z1;
v2.x = box.x2; v2.y = box.y2; v2.z = box.z2;
v1 = OgreToClonk * v1; // TODO: Include translation
v2 = OgreToClonk * v2; // TODO: Include translation
// Vector from origin of mesh to center of mesh
const StdMeshVector MeshCenter = (v1 + v2)/2.0f;
glEnable(GL_BLEND); // TODO: Shouldn't this always be enabled? - blending does not work for meshes without this though.
glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); // might still be active from a previous (non-mesh-rendering) GL operation
glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); // same -- we enable this individually for every texture unit in RenderSubMeshImpl
// TODO: We ignore the additive drawing flag for meshes but instead
// set the blending mode of the corresponding material. I'm not sure
// how the two could be combined.
// TODO: Maybe they can be combined using a pixel shader which does
// ftransform() and then applies colormod, additive and mod2
// on the result (with alpha blending).
//int iAdditive = dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_ADDITIVE;
//glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, iAdditive ? GL_ONE : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
// Set up projection matrix first. We do transform and Zoom with the
// projection matrix, so that lighting is applied to the untransformed/unzoomed
// mesh.
// Mesh extents
const float b = fabs(v2.x - v1.x)/2.0f;
const float h = fabs(v2.y - v1.y)/2.0f;
const float l = fabs(v2.z - v1.z)/2.0f;
if (!fUsePerspective)
// Orthographic projection. The orthographic projection matrix
// is already loaded in the GL matrix stack.
if (!ApplyZoomAndTransform(ZoomX, ZoomY, Zoom, pTransform))
parity = !parity;
// Scale so that the mesh fits in (tx,ty,twdt,thgt)
const float rx = -std::min(v1.x,v2.x) / fabs(v2.x - v1.x);
const float ry = -std::min(v1.y,v2.y) / fabs(v2.y - v1.y);
const float dx = tx + rx*twdt;
const float dy = ty + ry*thgt;
// Scale so that Z coordinate is between -1 and 1, otherwise parts of
// the mesh could be clipped away by the near or far clipping plane.
// Note that this only works for the projection matrix, otherwise
// lighting is screwed up.
// This technique might also enable us not to clear the depth buffer
// after every mesh rendering - we could simply scale the first mesh
// of the scene so that it's Z coordinate is between 0 and 1, scale
// the second mesh that it is between 1 and 2, and so on.
// This of course requires an orthogonal projection so that the
// meshes don't look distorted - if we should ever decide to use
// a perspective projection we need to think of something different.
// Take also into account that the depth is not linear but linear
// in the logarithm (if I am not mistaken), so goes as 1/z
// Don't scale by Z extents since mesh might be transformed
// by MeshTransformation, so use GetBoundingRadius to be safe.
// Note this still fails if mesh is scaled in Z direction or
// there are attached meshes.
const float scz = 1.0/(mesh.GetBoundingRadius());
glTranslatef(dx, dy, 0.0f);
glScalef(1.0f, 1.0f, scz);
// Perspective projection. We need current viewport size.
const int iWdt=Min(iClipX2, RenderTarget->Wdt-1)-iClipX1+1;
const int iHgt=Min(iClipY2, RenderTarget->Hgt-1)-iClipY1+1;
// Get away with orthographic projection matrix currently loaded
// Back to GL device coordinates
glTranslatef(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glScalef(2.0f/iWdt, -2.0f/iHgt, 1.0f);
glTranslatef(-iClipX1, -iClipY1, 0.0f);
if (!ApplyZoomAndTransform(ZoomX, ZoomY, Zoom, pTransform))
parity = !parity;
// Move to target location and compensate for 1.0f aspect
float ttx = tx, tty = ty, ttwdt = twdt, tthgt = thgt;
if(twdt > thgt)
tty += (thgt-twdt)/2.0;
tthgt = twdt;
ttx += (twdt-thgt)/2.0;
ttwdt = thgt;
glTranslatef(ttx, tty, 0.0f);
glScalef(((float)ttwdt)/iWdt, ((float)tthgt)/iHgt, 1.0f);
// Return to Clonk coordinate frame
glScalef(iWdt/2.0, -iHgt/2.0, 1.0f);
glTranslatef(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
// Fix for the case when we have a non-square target
const float ta = twdt / thgt;
const float ma = b / h;
if(ta <= 1 && ta/ma <= 1)
glScalef(std::max(ta, ta/ma), std::max(ta, ta/ma), 1.0f);
else if(ta >= 1 && ta/ma >= 1)
glScalef(std::max(1.0f/ta, ma/ta), std::max(1.0f/ta, ma/ta), 1.0f);
// Apply perspective projection. After this, x and y range from
// -1 to 1, and this is mapped into tx/ty/twdt/thgt by the above code.
// Aspect is 1.0f which is accounted for above.
gluPerspective(FOV, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
// Now set up modelview matrix
if (!fUsePerspective)
// Put a light source in front of the object
const GLfloat light_position[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);
// Setup camera position so that the mesh with uniform transformation
// fits well into a square target (without distortion).
const float EyeR = l + std::max(b/TAN_FOV, h/TAN_FOV);
const float EyeX = MeshCenter.x;
const float EyeY = MeshCenter.y;
const float EyeZ = MeshCenter.z + EyeR;
// Up vector is unit vector in theta direction
const float UpX = 0;//-sinEyePhi * sinEyeTheta;
const float UpY = -1;//-cosEyeTheta;
const float UpZ = 0;//-cosEyePhi * sinEyeTheta;
// Apply lighting (light source at camera position)
const GLfloat light_position[] = { EyeX, EyeY, EyeZ, 1.0f };
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);
// Fix X axis (???)
glScalef(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// center on mesh's bounding box, so that the mesh is really in the center of the viewport
gluLookAt(EyeX, EyeY, EyeZ, MeshCenter.x, MeshCenter.y, MeshCenter.z, UpX, UpY, UpZ);
// Apply mesh transformation matrix
if (MeshTransform)
// Convert to column-major order
const float Matrix[16] =
(*MeshTransform)(0,0), (*MeshTransform)(1,0), (*MeshTransform)(2,0), 0,
(*MeshTransform)(0,1), (*MeshTransform)(1,1), (*MeshTransform)(2,1), 0,
(*MeshTransform)(0,2), (*MeshTransform)(1,2), (*MeshTransform)(2,2), 0,
(*MeshTransform)(0,3), (*MeshTransform)(1,3), (*MeshTransform)(2,3), 1
const float det = MeshTransform->Determinant();
if (det < 0) parity = !parity;
// Renormalize if transformation resizes the mesh
// for lighting to be correct.
// TODO: Also needs to check for orthonormality to be correct
if (det != 1 && det != -1)
// Apply MeshTransformation (in the Mesh's coordinate system)
// Convert from Ogre to Clonk coordinate system
DWORD dwModClr = BlitModulated ? BlitModulateClr : 0xffffffff;
float x = tx + twdt/2.0f;
float y = ty + thgt/2.0f;
ApplyZoom(x, y);
DWORD c = pClrModMap->GetModAt(int(x), int(y));
ModulateClr(dwModClr, c);
RenderMeshImpl(instance, dwModClr, dwBlitMode, dwPlayerColor, parity);
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // switch back to default
glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // switch back to default
// TODO: glScissor, so that we only clear the area the mesh covered.
#endif // USE_CONSOLE