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2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
A chine with a large waterfall and lots of vegetation.
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
@author Maikel
2014-09-26 20:08:19 +00:00
// Whether the intro has been initialized.
static intro_init;
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
protected func Initialize()
// Rules: team account and buying at flagpole.
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
// Goal: transport the cannon to the top of the chine.
var cannon = CreateObjectAbove(Cannon, 96 + RandomX(-12, 12), LandscapeHeight() - 92);
var keg = cannon->CreateContents(PowderKeg);
// Infinite ammo for this cannon.
var cannon_goal = CreateObjectAbove(Goal_Script);
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
cannon_goal.Name = "$GoalName$";
cannon_goal.Description = "$GoalDesc$";
// Add an effect to check whether the goal is fulfilled.
AddEffect("GoalCheck", nil, 100, 2, nil);
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
// Initialize different parts of the scenario.
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
InitEnvironment(SCENPAR_MapSize, SCENPAR_Difficulty);
InitVegetation(SCENPAR_MapSize, SCENPAR_Difficulty);
2014-09-26 17:32:43 +00:00
InitMaterial(4 - SCENPAR_Difficulty);
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-26 17:32:43 +00:00
protected func OnGoalsFulfilled()
// Give the remaining players their achievement.
GainScenarioAchievement("Done", BoundBy(SCENPAR_Difficulty, 1, 3));
return false;
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
/*-- Player Initialization --*/
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
// Harsh zoom range.
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, LandscapeWidth(), nil, PLRZOOM_Direct | PLRZOOM_LimitMax);
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
SetPlayerViewLock(plr, true);
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
// Move clonks to location and give them a shovel.
var index = 0, crew;
while (crew = GetCrew(plr, index))
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
crew->SetPosition(96 + RandomX(-12, 12), LandscapeHeight() - 92);
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
// First clonk can construct, others can chop.
if (index == 0)
// Give the player basic knowledge.
GivePlayerSpecificKnowledge(plr, [InventorsLab, Ropeladder, MetalBarrel, PowderKeg, GrappleBow]);
// Give the player the elementary base materials and some tools.
2014-09-26 20:08:19 +00:00
// Set player wealth.
SetWealth(plr, 75 - 25 * SCENPAR_Difficulty);
// Initialize the intro sequence if not yet started.
if (!intro_init)
StartSequence("Intro", 0);
intro_init = true;
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
/*-- Goal Check --*/
global func FxGoalCheckTimer(object target, proplist effect)
var cannon = FindObject(Find_ID(Cannon));
if (!cannon)
2014-09-26 17:32:43 +00:00
// Start elimination sequence due to lost cannon.
// TODO: determine clonk which was responsible and let him take the blame in the sequence.
StartSequence("Failure", 0);
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
return -1;
if (cannon->GetY() < 100)
var goal = FindObject(Find_ID(Goal_Script));
if (goal)
return -1;
return 1;
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
/*-- Scenario Initialization --*/
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
private func InitEnvironment(int map_size, int difficulty)
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
// Adjust the sky a bit.
SetSkyParallax(0, 20, 20);
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
SetSkyAdjust(RGBa(225, 255, 205, 191), RGB(63, 200, 0));
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
// Waterfalls dominate the landscape, they are place at the top left of the chine.
var waterfall_x = 0;
while (!GBackSky(waterfall_x, 0) && waterfall_x < LandscapeWidth() / 2)
2014-09-26 20:08:19 +00:00
for (var i = 0; i < 16 + 4 * difficulty; i++)
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
var fall = CreateWaterfall(waterfall_x + 2, 0, RandomX(3, 4), "Water");
fall->SetDirection(RandomX(10, 12), 8, 8, 8);
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
fall->SetSoundLocation(LandscapeWidth() / 2, Random(LandscapeHeight()));
var trunk = CreateObjectAbove(Trunk, waterfall_x + 2, 20);
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
trunk->SetR(-30); trunk.Plane = 550;
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
// Cast some additional PXS at the start at random locations.
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
for (var i = 0; i < 20000 + 10000 * map_size; i++)
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
InsertMaterial(Material("Water"), Random(LandscapeWidth()), Random(5 * LandscapeHeight() / 6), RandomX(-5, 5), RandomX(3, 6));
// Some natural disasters.
Earthquake->SetChance(2 + 2 * difficulty);
2014-10-03 12:37:27 +00:00
if (difficulty >= 2)
if (difficulty >= 3)
Rockfall->SetArea(Rectangle(128, 0, 128, LandscapeHeight() - 300));
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
private func InitVegetation(int map_size, int difficulty)
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
// Define parts of the map for even distribution.
var top = Rectangle(0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight() / 3);
var middle = Rectangle(0, LandscapeHeight() / 3, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight() / 3);
var bottom = Rectangle(0, 2 * LandscapeHeight() / 3, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight() / 3);
// Place gras wherever possible.
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
// Place some cocont trees and cave mushrooms for wood.
for (var i = 0; i < 16 + Random(4); i++)
PlaceVegetation(Tree_Coconut, top.x, top.y, top.w, top.h, 1000 * (61 + Random(40)));
PlaceVegetation(Tree_Coconut, middle.x, middle.y, middle.w, middle.h, 1000 * (61 + Random(40)));
PlaceVegetation(Tree_Coconut, bottom.x, bottom.y, bottom.w, bottom.h, 1000 * (61 + Random(40)));
LargeCaveMushroom->Place(4, middle, { terraform = false });
LargeCaveMushroom->Place(4, bottom, { terraform = false });
// Place some bushes, ferns and mushrooms.
SproutBerryBush->Place(2, top);
SproutBerryBush->Place(2, middle);
SproutBerryBush->Place(2, bottom);
Fern->Place(20, top);
Fern->Place(20, middle);
Fern->Place(20, bottom);
Mushroom->Place(14, top);
Mushroom->Place(14, middle);
Mushroom->Place(14, bottom);
2015-01-06 23:04:30 +00:00
// Some branches and trunks.
Branch->Place(30 + Random(16));
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
for (var i = 0; i < 4 + Random(3); i++)
PlaceVegetation(Trunk, top.x, top.y, top.w, top.h, 1000 * (61 + Random(40)));
PlaceVegetation(Trunk, middle.x, middle.y, middle.w, middle.h, 1000 * (61 + Random(40)));
PlaceVegetation(Trunk, bottom.x, bottom.y, bottom.w, bottom.h, 1000 * (61 + Random(40)));
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
// Some objects in the earth.
2014-09-22 17:20:15 +00:00
PlaceObjects(Rock, 25 + 10 * map_size + Random(10),"Earth");
PlaceObjects(Firestone, 20 + 10 * map_size + Random(5), "Earth");
PlaceObjects(Loam, (6 + 2 * map_size) * (4 - difficulty) + Random(5), "Earth");
if (difficulty == 1)
PlaceObjects(Loam, 12, "Earth");
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
private func InitAnimals(int difficulty)
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
2014-09-28 08:56:32 +00:00
// Place some fish or piranhas on the basin.
var fish = Fish;
if (difficulty >= 3)
fish = Piranha;
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
private func InitMaterial(int amount)
// No extra materials for little materials.
if (amount <= 1)
// For medium amount of materials provide a lorry with resources.
if (amount >= 2)
var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, 72 + RandomX(-12, 12), LandscapeHeight() - 92);
2014-09-21 16:37:48 +00:00
lorry->CreateContents(Wood, 6);
lorry->CreateContents(Metal, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Rock, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Dynamite, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Loam, 4);
// For large amount of materials provide some buildings as well.
if (amount >= 3)
lorry->CreateContents(Wood, 6);
lorry->CreateContents(Metal, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Rock, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(DynamiteBox, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Ropeladder, 4);