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2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Wortmann
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// game saving functionality
// merely controls what to save when how - actual saving procedures reside in the subclasses
// Game saving is done on the following occasions:
// -scenario saving (C4GameSaveScenario) [SyncStateScenario; KeepFiles]
// -savegames (C4GameSaveSavegame) [SyncStateSavegame; KeepFiles]
// -records (C4GameSaveRecord) [SyncStateSynced; KeepFiles] - initially and while game is running
// -network synchronizations (C4GameSaveNetwork) [SyncStateSynced] - in lobby and runtime mode
// -network references (C4GameSaveNetReference) [SyncStateScenario]
#ifndef INC_C4GameSave
#define INC_C4GameSave
#include <C4Scenario.h>
#include <C4Group.h>
#include <C4Components.h>
class C4GameSave
C4Scenario rC4S; // local scenario core copy
C4Group *pSaveGroup; // group file written to
bool fOwnGroup; // whether group file is owned
// if set, the game is saved at initial (pre-frame0) state
// (lobby-dynamics, initial records and network references)
// no runtime data will be saved for initial-state-saves
// SafeGame/NoInitialize-core-settings will be kept in its current state for initial saves
bool fInitial;
// sync state describes what to save
enum SyncState
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SyncNONE = 0,
SyncScenario = 1, // save (eventually static) landscape and objects only to play as a seperate scenario later
SyncSavegame = 2, // save all runtime data, so the scenario can be continued at a future date
SyncSynchronized = 3 // save exact runtime data to be network- or replay-save
} Sync; // sync is set by ctor
// query functions
virtual bool GetSaveRuntimeData() { return !fInitial; } // save exact landscape, players, etc.
virtual bool GetKeepTitle() { return !IsExact(); } // whether original, localized title with image and icon shall be deleted
virtual bool GetSaveDesc() { return true; } // should WriteDescData be executed in Save()-call?
virtual bool GetCopyScenario() { return true; } // return whether the savegame depends on the game scenario file
virtual const char *GetSortOrder() { return C4FLS_Scenario; } // return NULL to prevent sorting
virtual bool GetCreateSmallFile() { return false; } // return whether file size should be minimized
virtual bool GetForceExactLandscape() { return GetSaveRuntimeData() && IsExact(); } // whether exact landscape shall be saved
virtual bool GetSaveOrigin() { return false; } // return whether C4S.Head.Origin shall be set
virtual bool GetClearOrigin() { return !GetSaveOrigin(); } // return whether C4S.Head.Origin shall be cleared if it's set
virtual bool GetSaveUserPlayers() { return IsExact(); } // return whether joined user players shall be saved into SavePlayerInfos
virtual bool GetSaveScriptPlayers() { return IsExact(); } // return whether joined script players shall be saved into SavePlayerInfos
virtual bool GetSaveUserPlayerFiles() { return IsExact(); } // return whether .c4p files of joined user players shall be put into the scenario
virtual bool GetSaveScriptPlayerFiles() { return IsExact(); } // return whether .c4p files of joined script players shall be put into the scenario
// savegame specializations
virtual void AdjustCore(C4Scenario &rC4S) {} // set specific C4S values
virtual bool WriteDesc(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { return true; } // write desc (contents only)
virtual bool SaveComponents() { return true; } // save (or remove) custom components for specialization
virtual bool OnSaving() { return true; } // callback for special actions to be performed when saving (like, add sync)
// query sync level
bool IsExact() { return Sync>=SyncSavegame; } // exact save (players, always exact landscape, etc.)
bool IsSynced() { return Sync>=SyncSynchronized; } // synchronized
// protected constructor
C4GameSave(bool fAInitial, SyncState ASync) : pSaveGroup(NULL), fOwnGroup(false), fInitial(fAInitial), Sync(ASync) { }
// some desc writing helpers
void WriteDescLineFeed(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // append a line break to desc
void WriteDescDate(StdStrBuf &sBuf, bool fRecord = false); // append current date to desc buffer
void WriteDescGameTime(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // append game time to desc buffer, if it's >0
void WriteDescDefinitions(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // append used definition filenames to desc buffer
void WriteDescNetworkClients(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // append current network client list to desc buffer
void WriteDescPlayers(StdStrBuf &sBuf, bool fByTeam, int32_t idTeam); // helper func used by WriteDescPlayers: Write all players matching team
void WriteDescPlayers(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // append currently participating players to desc buffer
void WriteDescLeague(StdStrBuf &sBuf, bool fLeague, const char *strLeagueName); // append league status
void WriteDescEngine(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // append engine build
// saving subcalls
bool SaveCreateGroup(const char *szFilename, C4Group &hUseGroup); // create/copy group at target filename
bool SaveCore(); // save C4S core
bool SaveScenarioSections(); // save scenario sections
bool SaveLandscape(); // save current landscape
bool SaveRuntimeData(); // save any runtime data
virtual ~C4GameSave() { Close(); } // dtor: close group
bool Save(const char *szFilename); // create group at filename and do actual saving; group is kept open until dtor or Close()-call!
bool Save(C4Group &hToGroup, bool fKeepGroup); // save game directly to target group
bool SaveDesc(C4Group &hToGroup); // save scenario desc to file
bool Close(); // close scenario group
C4Group *GetGroup() { return pSaveGroup; } // get scenario saving group; only open between calls to Save() and Close()
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class C4GameSaveScenario : public C4GameSave
C4GameSaveScenario(bool fForceExactLandscape, bool fSaveOrigin) : C4GameSave(false, SyncScenario), fForceExactLandscape(fForceExactLandscape), fSaveOrigin(fSaveOrigin) {} // ctor
bool fForceExactLandscape;
bool fSaveOrigin;
virtual bool GetSaveOrigin() { return fSaveOrigin; }
virtual bool GetClearOrigin() { return false; } // always keep existing origin
virtual bool GetSaveDesc() { return false; } // should WriteDescData be executed in Save()-call?
virtual bool GetForceExactLandscape() { return C4GameSave::GetForceExactLandscape() || fForceExactLandscape; }
virtual bool GetSaveScriptPlayers() { return true; } // script players are also saved; but user players aren't!
virtual bool GetSaveScriptPlayerFiles() { return true; } // script players are also saved; but user players aren't!
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class C4GameSaveSavegame : public C4GameSave
C4GameSaveSavegame() : C4GameSave(false, SyncSavegame) {}
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// savegame specializations
virtual bool GetSaveOrigin() { return true; } // origin must be saved in savegames
virtual bool GetSaveUserPlayerFiles() { return false; } // user player files are not needed in savegames, because they will be replaced by player files of resuming playerss
virtual void AdjustCore(C4Scenario &rC4S); // set specific C4S values
virtual bool WriteDesc(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // write savegame desc (contents only)
virtual bool SaveComponents(); // custom savegame components (title)
virtual bool OnSaving(); // add sync when saving
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2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
class C4GameSaveRecord : public C4GameSave
int iNum; // record number
bool fLeague; // recording of a league game?
bool fCopyScenario; // copy scenario?
C4GameSaveRecord(bool fAInitial, int iANum, bool fLeague, bool fCopyScenario = true)
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: C4GameSave(fAInitial, SyncSynchronized), iNum(iANum), fLeague(fLeague), fCopyScenario(fCopyScenario)
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// query functions
virtual bool GetSaveDesc() { return false; } // desc is saved by external call when the record is finished
virtual bool GetCreateSmallFile() { return true; } // no need to save players complete with portraits
virtual bool GetSaveOrigin() { return true; } // origin must be saved to trace language packs, folder local material, etc. for records
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virtual bool GetCopyScenario() { return fCopyScenario; } // records without copied scenario are a lot smaller can be reconstructed later (used for streaming)
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// savegame specializations
virtual void AdjustCore(C4Scenario &rC4S); // set specific C4S values
virtual bool WriteDesc(StdStrBuf &sBuf); // write desc (contents only) - using old-style unchecked string buffers here...
virtual bool SaveComponents(); // custom components: PlayerInfos even if fInitial
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2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
class C4GameSaveNetwork : public C4GameSave
C4GameSaveNetwork(bool fAInitial) : C4GameSave(fAInitial, SyncSynchronized) {}
// query functions
virtual bool GetSaveOrigin() { return true; } // clients must know where to get music and localization
virtual bool GetKeepTitle() { return false; } // always delete title files (not used in dynamics)
virtual bool GetSaveDesc() { return false; } // no desc in dynamics
virtual bool GetCreateSmallFile() { return true; }// return whether file size should be minimized
virtual bool GetCopyScenario() { return false; } // network dynamics do not base on normal scenario
// savegame specializations
virtual void AdjustCore(C4Scenario &rC4S); // set specific C4S values
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#endif // INC_C4GameSave