
1662 lines
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2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
2010-01-04 02:24:40 +00:00
#include "C4Include.h"
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
#include <StdMeshMaterial.h>
#include <StdMeshUpdate.h>
#include <C4DrawGL.h>
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
#include <cctype>
#include <memory>
// MSVC doesn't define M_PI in math.h unless requested
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
#include <math.h>
#ifdef WITH_GLIB
#include <glib.h>
#include <sstream>
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
// String <-> Enum assocation
template<typename EnumType>
struct Enumerator
const char* Name;
EnumType Value;
// Define a name for a sequence of enums
template<int Num, typename EnumType>
struct EnumeratorShortcut
const char* Name;
EnumType Values[Num];
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::Auto> ShaderParameterAutoEnumerators[] =
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::Auto>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::TexAddressModeType> TexAddressModeEnumerators[] =
{ "wrap", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Wrap },
{ "clamp", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Clamp },
{ "mirror", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Mirror },
{ "border", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::AM_Border },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::TexAddressModeType>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::FilteringType> FilteringEnumerators[] =
{ "none", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_None },
{ "point", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point },
{ "linear", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear },
{ "anisotropic", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Anisotropic },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::FilteringType>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const EnumeratorShortcut<3, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::FilteringType> FilteringShortcuts[] =
{ "none", { StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_None } },
{ "bilinear", { StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Point } },
{ "trilinear", { StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear } },
{ "anisotropic", { StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Anisotropic, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Anisotropic, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::F_Linear } },
{ NULL, { static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::FilteringType>(0), static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::FilteringType>(0), static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::FilteringType>(0) } }
2010-01-05 16:20:55 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpType> BlendOpEnumerators[] =
{ "replace", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BO_Replace },
{ "add", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BO_Add },
{ "modulate", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BO_Modulate },
{ "alpha_blend", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BO_AlphaBlend },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpType>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpExType> BlendOpExEnumerators[] =
{ "source1", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Source1 },
{ "source2", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Source2 },
{ "modulate", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Modulate },
{ "modulate_x2", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_ModulateX2 },
{ "modulate_x4", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_ModulateX4 },
{ "add", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Add },
{ "add_signed", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_AddSigned },
{ "add_smooth", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_AddSmooth },
{ "subtract", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Subtract },
{ "blend_diffuse_alpha", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendDiffuseAlpha },
{ "blend_texture_alpha", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendTextureAlpha },
{ "blend_current_alpha", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendCurrentAlpha },
{ "blend_manual", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendManual },
{ "dotproduct", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_Dotproduct },
{ "blend_diffuse_colour", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOX_BlendDiffuseColor },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpExType>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpSourceType> BlendOpSourceEnumerators[] =
{ "src_current", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Current },
{ "src_texture", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Texture },
{ "src_diffuse", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Diffuse },
{ "src_specular", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Specular },
{ "src_player_color", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_PlayerColor },
{ "src_player_colour", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_PlayerColor },
{ "src_manual", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BOS_Manual },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::BlendOpSourceType>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XFormType> XFormTypeEnumerators[] =
{ "scroll_x", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_X },
{ "scroll_y", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCROLL_Y },
{ "rotate", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_ROTATE },
{ "scale_x", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_X },
{ "scale_y", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XF_SCALE_Y },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::XFormType>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::WaveType> WaveTypeEnumerators[] =
{ "sine", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::W_SINE },
{ "triangle", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::W_TRIANGLE },
{ "square", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::W_SQUARE },
{ "sawtooth", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::W_SAWTOOTH },
{ "inverse_sawtooth", StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::W_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::WaveType>(0) }
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialPass::CullHardwareType> CullHardwareEnumerators[] =
{ "clockwise", StdMeshMaterialPass::CH_Clockwise },
{ "anticlockwise", StdMeshMaterialPass::CH_CounterClockwise },
{ "none", StdMeshMaterialPass::CH_None },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialPass::CullHardwareType>(0) }
const Enumerator<StdMeshMaterialPass::SceneBlendType> SceneBlendEnumerators[] =
{ "one", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_One },
{ "zero", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_Zero },
{ "dest_colour", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_DestColor },
{ "src_colour", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_SrcColor },
{ "one_minus_dest_colour", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusDestColor },
{ "one_minus_src_colour", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusSrcColor },
{ "dest_alpha", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_DestAlpha },
{ "src_alpha", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_SrcAlpha },
{ "one_minus_dest_alpha", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusDestAlpha },
{ "one_minus_src_alpha", StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusSrcAlpha },
{ NULL, static_cast<StdMeshMaterialPass::SceneBlendType>(0) }
const EnumeratorShortcut<2, StdMeshMaterialPass::SceneBlendType> SceneBlendShortcuts[] =
{ "add", { StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_One, StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_One } },
{ "modulate", { StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_DestColor, StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_Zero } },
{ "colour_blend", { StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_SrcColor, StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusSrcColor } },
{ "alpha_blend", { StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_SrcAlpha, StdMeshMaterialPass::SB_OneMinusSrcAlpha } },
{ NULL, { static_cast<StdMeshMaterialPass::SceneBlendType>(0), static_cast<StdMeshMaterialPass::SceneBlendType>(0) } }
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
StdMeshMaterialError::StdMeshMaterialError(const StdStrBuf& message, const char* file, unsigned int line)
Buf.Format("%s:%u: %s", file, line, message.getData());
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
enum Token
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
class StdMeshMaterialParserCtx
StdMeshMaterialParserCtx(StdMeshMatManager& manager, const char* mat_script, const char* filename, StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader);
void SkipWhitespace();
Token Peek(StdStrBuf& name);
Token Advance(StdStrBuf& name);
Token AdvanceNonEOF(StdStrBuf& name);
Token AdvanceRequired(StdStrBuf& name, Token expect);
Token AdvanceRequired(StdStrBuf& name, Token expect1, Token expect2);
int AdvanceInt();
bool AdvanceIntOptional(int& value);
float AdvanceFloat();
bool AdvanceFloatOptional(float& value);
void AdvanceColor(bool with_alpha, float Color[4]);
bool AdvanceBoolean();
template<typename EnumType> EnumType AdvanceEnum(const Enumerator<EnumType>* enumerators);
template<int Num, typename EnumType> void AdvanceEnums(const Enumerator<EnumType>* enumerators, EnumType enums[Num]);
template<int Num, typename EnumType> void AdvanceEnums(const Enumerator<EnumType>* enumerators, const EnumeratorShortcut<Num, EnumType>* shortcuts, EnumType enums[Num]);
void Error(const StdStrBuf& message);
void ErrorUnexpectedIdentifier(const StdStrBuf& identifier);
void WarningNotSupported(const char* identifier);
// Current parsing data
unsigned int Line;
const char* Script;
StdMeshMatManager& Manager;
StdCopyStrBuf FileName;
StdMeshMaterialLoader& Loader;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
class StdMeshMaterialSubLoader
template<typename SubT> void Load(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx, std::vector<SubT>& vec);
unsigned int CurIndex;
StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::StdMeshMaterialParserCtx(StdMeshMatManager& manager, const char* mat_script, const char* filename, StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader):
Line(1), Script(mat_script), Manager(manager), FileName(filename), Loader(loader)
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::SkipWhitespace()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while (isspace(*Script))
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (*Script == '\n') ++Line;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (*Script == '/')
2010-01-03 22:52:09 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (*(Script+1) == '/')
2010-01-03 22:52:09 +00:00
Script += 2;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while (*Script != '\n' && *Script != '\0')
2010-01-03 22:52:09 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (*Script == '*')
2010-01-03 22:52:09 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (Script += 2; *Script != '\0'; ++Script)
if (*Script == '*' && *(Script+1) == '/')
2010-01-03 22:52:09 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (*Script == '*')
2010-01-03 22:52:09 +00:00
Script += 2;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
Token StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::Peek(StdStrBuf& name)
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
const char* before = Script;
Token tok = Advance(name);
Script = before;
return tok;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
Token StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::Advance(StdStrBuf& name)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
switch (*Script)
case '\0':
return TOKEN_EOF;
case '{':
name = "{";
case '}':
name = "}";
case ':':
name = ":";
const char* begin = Script;
// Advance to next whitespace
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
do { ++Script; }
while (!isspace(*Script) && *Script != '{' && *Script != '}' && *Script != ':');
name.Copy(begin, Script - begin);
return TOKEN_IDTF;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
Token StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceNonEOF(StdStrBuf& name)
Token token = Advance(name);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token == TOKEN_EOF) Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Unexpected end of file"));
return token;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
Token StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceRequired(StdStrBuf& name, Token expect)
Token token = AdvanceNonEOF(name);
// TODO: Explain what was actually expected
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token != expect) Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + name + "' unexpected");
return token;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
Token StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceRequired(StdStrBuf& name, Token expect1, Token expect2)
Token token = AdvanceNonEOF(name);
// TODO: Explain what was actually expected
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token != expect1 && token != expect2)
Error(StdStrBuf("'") + name + "' unexpected");
return token;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
int StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceInt()
2009-07-28 12:40:31 +00:00
StdStrBuf buf;
AdvanceRequired(buf, TOKEN_IDTF);
int i;
#ifdef WITH_GLIB
char* end;
i = g_ascii_strtoll(buf.getData(), &end, 10);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (*end != '\0')
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (!(std::istringstream(buf.getData()) >> i))
2009-07-28 12:40:31 +00:00
Error(StdStrBuf("Integer value expected"));
return i;
bool StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceIntOptional(int& value)
StdStrBuf buf;
Token tok = Peek(buf);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (tok == TOKEN_IDTF && isdigit(buf[0]))
value = AdvanceInt();
return true;
return false;
2009-07-28 12:40:31 +00:00
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
float StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceFloat()
StdStrBuf buf;
AdvanceRequired(buf, TOKEN_IDTF);
float f;
#ifdef WITH_GLIB
char* end;
f = g_ascii_strtod(buf.getData(), &end);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (*end != '\0')
if (!(std::istringstream(buf.getData()) >> f))
Error(StdStrBuf("Floating point value expected"));
return f;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
bool StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceFloatOptional(float& value)
StdStrBuf buf;
Token tok = Peek(buf);
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (tok == TOKEN_IDTF && isdigit(buf[0]))
value = AdvanceFloat();
return true;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
return false;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceColor(bool with_alpha, float Color[4])
Color[0] = AdvanceFloat();
Color[1] = AdvanceFloat();
Color[2] = AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (with_alpha) AdvanceFloatOptional(Color[3]);
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
bool StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceBoolean()
StdCopyStrBuf buf;
AdvanceRequired(buf, TOKEN_IDTF);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (buf == "on") return true;
if (buf == "off") return false;
Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Expected either 'on' or 'off', but not '") + buf + "'");
return false; // Never reached
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
template<typename EnumType>
EnumType StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceEnum(const Enumerator<EnumType>* enumerators)
StdCopyStrBuf buf;
AdvanceRequired(buf, TOKEN_IDTF);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (const Enumerator<EnumType>* cur = enumerators; cur->Name; ++cur)
if (buf == cur->Name)
return cur->Value;
return EnumType(); // avoid compiler warning
template<int Num, typename EnumType>
void StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceEnums(const Enumerator<EnumType>* enumerators, EnumType enums[Num])
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
enums[i] = AdvanceEnum(enumerators);
template<int Num, typename EnumType>
void StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::AdvanceEnums(const Enumerator<EnumType>* enumerators, const EnumeratorShortcut<Num, EnumType>* shortcuts, EnumType enums[Num])
StdCopyStrBuf buf;
AdvanceRequired(buf, TOKEN_IDTF);
const Enumerator<EnumType>* cenum;
const EnumeratorShortcut<Num, EnumType>* cshort;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (cenum = enumerators; cenum->Name; ++cenum)
if (buf == cenum->Name)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (cshort = shortcuts; cshort->Name; ++cshort)
if (buf == cshort->Name)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (!cenum->Name && !cshort->Name)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (!cenum->Name && cshort->Name)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
enums[i] = cshort->Values[i];
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (cenum->Name && (!cshort->Name || Num == 1))
enums[0] = cenum->Value;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (int i = 1; i < Num; ++i)
enums[i] = AdvanceEnum(enumerators);
// Both enumerator and shortcut are possible, determine by look-ahead
const Enumerator<EnumType>* cenum2 = NULL;
Token tok = Peek(buf);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (tok == TOKEN_IDTF)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (cenum2 = enumerators; cenum2->Name; ++cenum2)
if (buf == cenum2->Name)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (cenum2 && cenum2->Name)
// The next item is an enumerator, so load as enumerators
enums[0] = cenum->Value;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (int i = 1; i < Num; ++i)
enums[i] = AdvanceEnum(enumerators);
// The next item is something else, so load the shortcut
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
enums[i] = cshort->Values[i];
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::Error(const StdStrBuf& message)
throw StdMeshMaterialError(message, FileName.getData(), Line);
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::ErrorUnexpectedIdentifier(const StdStrBuf& identifier)
Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Unexpected identifier: '") + identifier + "'");
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialParserCtx::WarningNotSupported(const char* identifier)
DebugLogF("%s:%d: Warning: \"%s\" is not supported!", FileName.getData(), Line, identifier);
: CurIndex(0)
template<typename SubT>
void StdMeshMaterialSubLoader::Load(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx, std::vector<SubT>& vec)
std::vector<unsigned int> indices;
StdCopyStrBuf token_name;
Token tok = ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_IDTF, TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN);
// Unnamed section, name by running index
assert(CurIndex <= vec.size());
if(CurIndex == vec.size())
vec.back().Name.Format("%u", CurIndex);
unsigned int size_before = indices.size();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
if(SWildcardMatchEx(vec[i].Name.getData(), token_name.getData()))
// Only add new SubSection if no wildcard was given
if(indices.size() == size_before)
if(std::strchr(token_name.getData(), '*') == NULL && std::strchr(token_name.getData(), '?') == NULL)
vec.back().Name = token_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN);
// Section is not used, parse anyway to advance script position
// This can happen if there is inheritance by a non-matching wildcard
// Parse section multiple times in case there is more than one match.
// Not particularly elegant but working.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size()-1; ++i)
unsigned int old_line = ctx.Line;
const char* old_pos = ctx.Script;
ctx.Line = old_line;
ctx.Script = old_pos;
void LoadShader(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx, StdMeshMaterialShaderType type)
StdStrBuf token_name;
StdStrBuf name, language;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(name, TOKEN_IDTF);
ctx.AdvanceRequired(language, TOKEN_IDTF);
ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN);
Token token;
StdCopyStrBuf source, code, syntax;
while ((token = ctx.AdvanceNonEOF(token_name)) == TOKEN_IDTF)
if(token_name == "source")
ctx.AdvanceRequired(source, TOKEN_IDTF);
code = ctx.Loader.LoadShaderCode(source.getData());
if(code.getLength() == 0)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Could not load shader code from '") + source + "'");
else if(token_name == "syntax")
ctx.AdvanceRequired(syntax, TOKEN_IDTF);
if (token != TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + token_name.getData() + "' unexpected");
ctx.Manager.AddShader(source.getData(), name.getData(), language.getData(), type, code.getData(), false);
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter(Type type):
if(type == MATRIX_4X4)
matrix = new float[16];
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter(const StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter& other)
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter RREF other)
if(type == MATRIX_4X4)
delete[] matrix;
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter& StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::operator=(const StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter& other)
if(this == &other) return *this;
if(type == MATRIX_4X4)
delete[] matrix;
return *this;
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter& StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::operator=(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter RREF other)
if(this == &other) return *this;
if(type == MATRIX_4X4)
delete[] matrix;
return *this;
void StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::SetType(Type type)
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter other(type);
void StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::CopyShallow(const StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter& other)
type = other.type;
case AUTO:
a = other.a;
case INT:
i = other.i;
case FLOAT4:
f[3] = other.f[3];
case FLOAT3:
f[2] = other.f[2];
case FLOAT2:
f[1] = other.f[1];
case FLOAT:
f[0] = other.f[0];
case MATRIX_4X4:
matrix = other.matrix;
void StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::CopyDeep(const StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter& other)
if(type == MATRIX_4X4)
matrix = new float[16];
for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
matrix[i] = other.matrix[i];
void StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::Move(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter RREF other)
other.type = FLOAT;
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter StdMeshMaterialShaderParameters::LoadConstParameter(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx)
StdStrBuf type_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(type_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
if(type_name == "int")
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter param(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::INT);
param.GetInt() = ctx.AdvanceInt();
return param;
else if(type_name == "float")
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter param(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::FLOAT);
param.GetFloat() = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
return param;
else if(type_name == "float2")
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter param(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::FLOAT2);
param.GetFloatv()[0] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
param.GetFloatv()[1] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
return param;
else if(type_name == "float3")
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter param(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::FLOAT2);
param.GetFloatv()[0] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
param.GetFloatv()[1] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
param.GetFloatv()[2] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
return param;
else if(type_name == "float4")
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter param(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::FLOAT2);
param.GetFloatv()[0] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
param.GetFloatv()[1] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
param.GetFloatv()[2] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
param.GetFloatv()[3] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
return param;
ctx.Error(FormatString("Invalid type: \"%s\"", type_name.getData()));
return StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter();
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter StdMeshMaterialShaderParameters::LoadAutoParameter(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx)
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter param(StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::AUTO);
param.GetAuto() = ctx.AdvanceEnum(ShaderParameterAutoEnumerators);
return param;
void StdMeshMaterialShaderParameters::Load(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx)
StdStrBuf token_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN);
Token token;
while ((token = ctx.AdvanceNonEOF(token_name)) == TOKEN_IDTF)
if(token_name == "param_named")
StdStrBuf param_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(param_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
NamedParameters.push_back(std::make_pair(StdCopyStrBuf(param_name), LoadConstParameter(ctx)));
else if(token_name == "param_named_auto")
StdStrBuf param_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(param_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
NamedParameters.push_back(std::make_pair(StdCopyStrBuf(param_name), LoadAutoParameter(ctx)));
if (token != TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + token_name.getData() + "' unexpected");
StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter& StdMeshMaterialShaderParameters::AddParameter(const char* name, StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter::Type type)
NamedParameters.push_back(std::make_pair(StdCopyStrBuf(name), StdMeshMaterialShaderParameter(type)));
return NamedParameters.back().second;
StdMeshMaterialProgram::StdMeshMaterialProgram(const char* name, const StdMeshMaterialShader* fragment_shader, const StdMeshMaterialShader* vertex_shader, const StdMeshMaterialShader* geometry_shader):
Name(name), FragmentShader(fragment_shader), VertexShader(vertex_shader), GeometryShader(geometry_shader)
assert(FragmentShader != NULL);
assert(VertexShader != NULL);
// Geometry shader is optional (and not even implemented at the moment!)
bool StdMeshMaterialProgram::AddParameterNames(const StdMeshMaterialShaderParameters& parameters)
// TODO: This is O(n^2) -- not optimal!
bool added = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.NamedParameters.size(); ++i)
const std::vector<StdCopyStrBuf>::const_iterator iter = std::find(ParameterNames.begin(), ParameterNames.end(), parameters.NamedParameters[i].first);
if (iter == ParameterNames.end())
added = true;
return added;
bool StdMeshMaterialProgram::CompileShader(StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader, C4Shader& shader, int ssc)
// Add standard slices
shader.AddFragmentSlice(-1, "#define MESH");
loader.AddShaderSlices(shader, ssc);
// Add our slices
shader.AddVertexSlice(-1, "varying vec2 texcoord;");
shader.AddFragmentSlice(-1, "varying vec2 texcoord;");
shader.AddVertexSlices(VertexShader->GetFilename(), VertexShader->GetCode(), VertexShader->GetFilename());
shader.AddFragmentSlices(FragmentShader->GetFilename(), FragmentShader->GetCode(), FragmentShader->GetFilename());
// Construct the list of uniforms
std::vector<const char*> uniformNames;
uniformNames.resize(C4SSU_Count + ParameterNames.size() + 1);
uniformNames[C4SSU_ClrMod] = "clrMod";
uniformNames[C4SSU_BaseTex] = "baseTex"; // unused
uniformNames[C4SSU_OverlayTex] = "overlayTex"; // unused
uniformNames[C4SSU_OverlayClr] = "oc_PlayerColor";
uniformNames[C4SSU_LightTex] = "lightTex";
uniformNames[C4SSU_LightTransform] = "lightTransform";
uniformNames[C4SSU_NormalTex] = "normalTex"; // unused
uniformNames[C4SSU_AmbientTex] = "ambientTex";
uniformNames[C4SSU_AmbientTransform] = "ambientTransform";
uniformNames[C4SSU_AmbientBrightness] = "ambientBrightness";
uniformNames[C4SSU_Bones] = "bones";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ParameterNames.size(); ++i)
uniformNames[C4SSU_Count + i] = ParameterNames[i].getData();
uniformNames[C4SSU_Count + ParameterNames.size()] = NULL;
// Compile the shader
StdCopyStrBuf name(Name);
if (ssc != 0) name.Append(":");
if (ssc & C4SSC_LIGHT) name.Append("Light");
if (ssc & C4SSC_MOD2) name.Append("Mod2");
return shader.Init(name.getData(), &uniformNames[0]);
bool StdMeshMaterialProgram::Compile(StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader)
if (!CompileShader(loader, Shader, 0)) return false;
if (!CompileShader(loader, ShaderMod2, C4SSC_MOD2)) return false;
if (!CompileShader(loader, ShaderLight, C4SSC_LIGHT)) return false;
if (!CompileShader(loader, ShaderLightMod2, C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_MOD2)) return false;
return true;
const C4Shader* StdMeshMaterialProgram::GetShader(int ssc) const
const C4Shader* shaders[4] = {
int index = 0;
if(ssc & C4SSC_MOD2) index += 1;
if(ssc & C4SSC_LIGHT) index += 2;
assert(index < 4);
return shaders[index];
return NULL;
int StdMeshMaterialProgram::GetParameterIndex(const char* name) const
std::vector<StdCopyStrBuf>::const_iterator iter = std::find(ParameterNames.begin(), ParameterNames.end(), name);
if(iter == ParameterNames.end()) return -1;
return C4SSU_Count + std::distance(ParameterNames.begin(), iter);
return -1;
double StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::GetWaveXForm(double t) const
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
assert(TransformType == T_WAVE_XFORM);
2010-03-17 23:52:48 +00:00
const double val = fmod(WaveXForm.Frequency * t + WaveXForm.Phase, 1.0);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
switch (WaveXForm.Wave)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case W_SINE: return WaveXForm.Base + WaveXForm.Amplitude*0.5*(1.0 + sin(val * 2.0 * M_PI));
case W_TRIANGLE: if (val < 0.5) return WaveXForm.Base + WaveXForm.Amplitude*2.0*val; else return WaveXForm.Base + WaveXForm.Amplitude*2.0*(1.0 - val);
case W_SQUARE: if (val < 0.5) return WaveXForm.Base; else return WaveXForm.Base + WaveXForm.Amplitude;
case W_SAWTOOTH: return WaveXForm.Base + WaveXForm.Amplitude*val;
case W_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH: return WaveXForm.Base + WaveXForm.Amplitude*(1.0-val);
default: assert(false); return 0.0;
StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Tex::Tex(C4Surface* Surface)
: RefCount(1), Surf(Surface), Texture(Surface->textures[0])
assert(RefCount == 0);
delete Surf;
StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::TexPtr::TexPtr(C4Surface* Surface)
: pTex(new Tex(Surface))
StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::TexPtr::TexPtr(const TexPtr& other)
: pTex(other.pTex)
delete pTex;
StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::TexPtr& StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::TexPtr::operator=(const TexPtr& other)
if(&other == this) return *this;
delete pTex;
pTex = other.pTex;
return *this;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
Duration(0.0f), TexAddressMode(AM_Wrap), ColorOpEx(BOX_Modulate), ColorOpManualFactor(0.0f),
AlphaOpEx(BOX_Modulate), AlphaOpManualFactor(0.0f)
TexBorderColor[0] = TexBorderColor[1] = TexBorderColor[2] = 0.0f; TexBorderColor[3] = 1.0f;
Filtering[0] = Filtering[1] = F_Linear; Filtering[2] = F_Point;
ColorOpSources[0] = BOS_Current; ColorOpSources[1] = BOS_Texture;
AlphaOpSources[0] = BOS_Current; AlphaOpSources[1] = BOS_Texture;
ColorOpManualColor1[0] = ColorOpManualColor1[1] = ColorOpManualColor1[2] = AlphaOpManualAlpha1 = 0.0f;
ColorOpManualColor2[0] = ColorOpManualColor2[1] = ColorOpManualColor2[2] = AlphaOpManualAlpha2 = 0.0f;
void StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::LoadTexture(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx, const char* texname)
std::unique_ptr<C4Surface> surface(ctx.Loader.LoadTexture(texname)); // be exception-safe
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (!surface.get())
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Could not load texture '") + texname + "'");
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (surface->Wdt != surface->Hgt)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Texture '") + texname + "' is not quadratic");
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (surface->iTexX > 1 || surface->iTexY > 1)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Texture '") + texname + "' is too large");
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Load(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx)
Token token;
StdCopyStrBuf token_name;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while ((token = ctx.AdvanceNonEOF(token_name)) == TOKEN_IDTF)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token_name == "texture")
ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
LoadTexture(ctx, token_name.getData());
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "anim_texture")
StdCopyStrBuf base_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(base_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
int num_frames;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (ctx.AdvanceIntOptional(num_frames))
const char* data = base_name.getData();
const char* sep = strrchr(data, '.');
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i)
StdCopyStrBuf buf;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (sep)
buf.Format("%.*s_%d.%s", (int)(sep - data), data, i, sep+1);
buf.Format("%s_%d", data, i);
LoadTexture(ctx, buf.getData());
Duration = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
LoadTexture(ctx, base_name.getData());
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while (!ctx.AdvanceFloatOptional(Duration))
ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
LoadTexture(ctx, token_name.getData());
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "tex_address_mode")
TexAddressMode = ctx.AdvanceEnum(TexAddressModeEnumerators);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "tex_border_colour")
ctx.AdvanceColor(true, TexBorderColor);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "filtering")
2010-01-02 18:40:32 +00:00
ctx.AdvanceEnums<3, StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::FilteringType>(FilteringEnumerators, FilteringShortcuts, Filtering);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (Filtering[0] == F_None || Filtering[1] == F_None)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'none' is only valid for the mip filter"));
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (Filtering[2] == F_Anisotropic)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'anisotropic' is not a valid mip filter"));
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "colour_op")
BlendOpType ColorOp = ctx.AdvanceEnum(BlendOpEnumerators);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
switch (ColorOp)
case BO_Replace:
ColorOpEx = BOX_Source1;
case BO_Add:
ColorOpEx = BOX_Add;
case BO_Modulate:
ColorOpEx = BOX_Modulate;
case BO_AlphaBlend:
ColorOpEx = BOX_BlendTextureAlpha;
ColorOpSources[0] = BOS_Texture;
ColorOpSources[1] = BOS_Current;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "colour_op_ex")
ColorOpEx = ctx.AdvanceEnum(BlendOpExEnumerators);
ColorOpSources[0] = ctx.AdvanceEnum(BlendOpSourceEnumerators);
ColorOpSources[1] = ctx.AdvanceEnum(BlendOpSourceEnumerators);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (ColorOpEx == BOX_BlendManual) ColorOpManualFactor = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
if (ColorOpSources[0] == BOS_Manual) ctx.AdvanceColor(false, ColorOpManualColor1);
if (ColorOpSources[1] == BOS_Manual) ctx.AdvanceColor(false, ColorOpManualColor2);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "alpha_op_ex")
AlphaOpEx = ctx.AdvanceEnum(BlendOpExEnumerators);
AlphaOpSources[0] = ctx.AdvanceEnum(BlendOpSourceEnumerators);
AlphaOpSources[1] = ctx.AdvanceEnum(BlendOpSourceEnumerators);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (AlphaOpEx == BOX_BlendManual) AlphaOpManualFactor = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
if (AlphaOpSources[0] == BOS_Manual) AlphaOpManualAlpha1 = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
if (AlphaOpSources[1] == BOS_Manual) AlphaOpManualAlpha2 = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "scroll")
Transformation trans;
trans.TransformType = Transformation::T_SCROLL;
trans.Scroll.X = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
trans.Scroll.Y = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "scroll_anim")
Transformation trans;
trans.TransformType = Transformation::T_SCROLL_ANIM;
trans.ScrollAnim.XSpeed = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
trans.ScrollAnim.YSpeed = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "rotate")
Transformation trans;
trans.TransformType = Transformation::T_ROTATE;
trans.Rotate.Angle = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "rotate_anim")
Transformation trans;
trans.TransformType = Transformation::T_ROTATE_ANIM;
trans.RotateAnim.RevsPerSec = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "scale")
Transformation trans;
trans.TransformType = Transformation::T_SCALE;
trans.Scale.X = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
trans.Scale.Y = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "transform")
Transformation trans;
trans.TransformType = Transformation::T_TRANSFORM;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
trans.Transform.M[i] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "wave_xform")
Transformation trans;
trans.TransformType = Transformation::T_WAVE_XFORM;
trans.WaveXForm.XForm = ctx.AdvanceEnum(XFormTypeEnumerators);
trans.WaveXForm.Wave = ctx.AdvanceEnum(WaveTypeEnumerators);
trans.WaveXForm.Base = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
trans.WaveXForm.Frequency = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
trans.WaveXForm.Phase = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
trans.WaveXForm.Amplitude = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token != TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + token_name.getData() + "' unexpected");
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
StdMeshMaterialPass::ProgramInstance::ProgramInstance(const StdMeshMaterialProgram* program, const ShaderInstance* fragment_instance, const ShaderInstance* vertex_instance, const ShaderInstance* geometry_instance):
// Consistency check
assert(Program->GetFragmentShader() == fragment_instance->Shader);
assert(Program->GetVertexShader() == vertex_instance->Shader);
assert(Program->GetGeometryShader() == geometry_instance->Shader);
// Load instance parameters, i.e. connect parameter values with uniform index
void StdMeshMaterialPass::ProgramInstance::LoadParameterRefs(const ShaderInstance* instance)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < instance->Parameters.NamedParameters.size(); ++i)
const int index = Program->GetParameterIndex(instance->Parameters.NamedParameters[i].first.getData());
assert(index != -1);
const std::vector<ParameterRef>::const_iterator parameter_iter =
std::find_if(Parameters.begin(), Parameters.end(), [index](const ParameterRef& ref) { return ref.UniformIndex == index; });
if(parameter_iter != Parameters.end())
// TODO: Check that the current parameter has the same value as the found one
ParameterRef ref;
ref.Parameter = &instance->Parameters.NamedParameters[i].second;
ref.UniformIndex = index;
DepthCheck(true), DepthWrite(true), CullHardware(CH_Clockwise)
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
Ambient[0] = Ambient[1] = Ambient[2] = 1.0f; Ambient[3] = 1.0f;
Diffuse[0] = Diffuse[1] = Diffuse[2] = 1.0f; Diffuse[3] = 1.0f;
2009-08-28 01:52:10 +00:00
Specular[0] = Specular[1] = Specular[2] = 0.0f; Specular[3] = 0.0f;
Emissive[0] = Emissive[1] = Emissive[2] = 0.0f; Emissive[3] = 0.0f;
Shininess = 0.0f;
SceneBlendFactors[0] = SB_One; SceneBlendFactors[1] = SB_Zero;
AlphaToCoverage = false;
VertexShader.Shader = FragmentShader.Shader = GeometryShader.Shader = NULL;
void StdMeshMaterialPass::LoadShaderRef(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx, StdMeshMaterialShaderType type)
StdStrBuf program_name, token;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(program_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
ShaderInstance* cur_shader;
const StdMeshMaterialShader* shader;
const char* shader_type_name;
cur_shader = &FragmentShader;
shader = ctx.Manager.GetFragmentShader(program_name.getData());
shader_type_name = "fragment";
cur_shader = &VertexShader;
shader = ctx.Manager.GetVertexShader(program_name.getData());
shader_type_name = "vertex";
cur_shader = &GeometryShader;
shader = ctx.Manager.GetGeometryShader(program_name.getData());
shader_type_name = "geometry";
2015-01-25 15:43:51 +00:00
default: // can't happen
if(cur_shader->Shader != NULL)
ctx.Error(FormatString("There is already a %s shader in this pass", shader_type_name));
ctx.Error(FormatString("There is no such %s shader with name %s", shader_type_name, program_name.getData()));
cur_shader->Shader = shader;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialPass::Load(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx)
Token token;
StdCopyStrBuf token_name;
StdMeshMaterialSubLoader texture_unit_loader;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while ((token = ctx.AdvanceNonEOF(token_name)) == TOKEN_IDTF)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token_name == "texture_unit")
texture_unit_loader.Load(ctx, TextureUnits);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "ambient")
ctx.AdvanceColor(true, Ambient);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "diffuse")
ctx.AdvanceColor(true, Diffuse);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "specular")
Specular[0] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
Specular[1] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
Specular[2] = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
// The fourth argument is optional, not the fifth:
float specular3 = ctx.AdvanceFloat();
float shininess;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (ctx.AdvanceFloatOptional(shininess))
2009-08-28 01:52:10 +00:00
Specular[3] = specular3;
Shininess = shininess;
Shininess = specular3;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "emissive")
ctx.AdvanceColor(true, Emissive);
else if (token_name == "depth_check")
DepthCheck = ctx.AdvanceBoolean();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "depth_write")
DepthWrite = ctx.AdvanceBoolean();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "cull_hardware")
CullHardware = ctx.AdvanceEnum(CullHardwareEnumerators);
else if (token_name == "scene_blend")
ctx.AdvanceEnums<2, StdMeshMaterialPass::SceneBlendType>(SceneBlendEnumerators, SceneBlendShortcuts, SceneBlendFactors);
else if (token_name == "scene_blend_op")
StdStrBuf op;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(op, TOKEN_IDTF);
else if (token_name == "alpha_to_coverage")
AlphaToCoverage = ctx.AdvanceBoolean();
else if (token_name == "colour_write")
else if (token_name == "depth_func")
StdStrBuf func;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(func, TOKEN_IDTF);
else if (token_name == "illumination_stage")
else if (token_name == "light_clip_planes")
else if (token_name == "light_scissor")
else if (token_name == "lighting")
else if (token_name == "normalise_normals" || token_name == "normalize_normals")
else if (token_name == "polygon_mode")
StdStrBuf mode;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(mode, TOKEN_IDTF);
else if (token_name == "shading")
StdStrBuf shading;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(shading, TOKEN_IDTF);
else if (token_name == "transparent_sorting")
else if (token_name == "vertex_program_ref")
LoadShaderRef(ctx, SMMS_VERTEX);
else if (token_name == "fragment_program_ref")
LoadShaderRef(ctx, SMMS_FRAGMENT);
else if (token_name == "geometry_program_ref")
LoadShaderRef(ctx, SMMS_GEOMETRY);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token != TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + token_name.getData() + "' unexpected");
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterialTechnique::Load(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx)
Token token;
StdCopyStrBuf token_name;
StdMeshMaterialSubLoader pass_loader;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while ((token = ctx.AdvanceNonEOF(token_name)) == TOKEN_IDTF)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token_name == "pass")
pass_loader.Load(ctx, Passes);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token != TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + token_name.getData() + "' unexpected");
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
bool StdMeshMaterialTechnique::IsOpaque() const
// Technique is opaque if one of the passes is opaque (subsequent
// non-opaque passes will just depend on the opaque value drawn in
// the previous pass; total result will not depend on original
// frame buffer value).
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Passes.size(); ++i)
return true;
return false;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
Line(0), ReceiveShadows(true), BestTechniqueIndex(-1)
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
void StdMeshMaterial::Load(StdMeshMaterialParserCtx& ctx)
Token token;
StdCopyStrBuf token_name;
StdMeshMaterialSubLoader technique_loader;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while ((token = ctx.AdvanceNonEOF(token_name)) == TOKEN_IDTF)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token_name == "technique")
technique_loader.Load(ctx, Techniques);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "receive_shadows")
ReceiveShadows = ctx.AdvanceBoolean();
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token != TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + token_name.getData() + "' unexpected");
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
2009-07-10 23:09:48 +00:00
void StdMeshMatManager::Clear()
2009-07-10 23:09:48 +00:00
void StdMeshMatManager::Parse(const char* mat_script, const char* filename, StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader)
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
StdMeshMaterialParserCtx ctx(*this, mat_script, filename, loader);
Token token;
StdCopyStrBuf token_name;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
while ((token = ctx.Advance(token_name)) == TOKEN_IDTF)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token_name == "material")
// Read name
StdCopyStrBuf material_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(material_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
// Check for uniqueness
std::map<StdCopyStrBuf, StdMeshMaterial>::iterator iter = Materials.find(material_name);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (iter != Materials.end())
ctx.Error(FormatString("Material with name '%s' is already defined in %s:%u", material_name.getData(), iter->second.FileName.getData(), iter->second.Line));
// Check if there is a parent given
Token next = ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN, TOKEN_COLON);
// Read parent name, if any
StdMeshMaterial* parent = NULL;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (next == TOKEN_COLON)
// Note that if there is a parent, then it needs to be loaded
// already. This currently makes only sense when its defined above
// in the same material script file or in a parent definition.
2011-03-13 15:16:45 +00:00
// We could later support material scripts in the System.ocg.
StdCopyStrBuf parent_name;
ctx.AdvanceRequired(parent_name, TOKEN_IDTF);
ctx.AdvanceRequired(token_name, TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN);
iter = Materials.find(parent_name);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (iter == Materials.end())
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Parent material '") + parent_name + "' does not exist (or is not yet loaded)");
parent = &iter->second;
// Copy properties from parent if one is given, otherwise
// default-construct the material.
StdMeshMaterial mat = parent ? StdMeshMaterial(*parent) : StdMeshMaterial();
// Set/Overwrite source and name
mat.Name = material_name;
mat.FileName = ctx.FileName;
mat.Line = ctx.Line;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
Materials[material_name] = mat;
// To Gfxspecific setup of the material; choose working techniques
if (!pDraw->PrepareMaterial(*this, loader, Materials[material_name]))
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("No working technique for material '") + material_name + "'");
Implement texture unit blending in material scripts with a shader This might make the rendering a bit quicker, since the whole texture environment setup that we do every frame is no longer required -- instead only the shader is bound and a few variables uploaded. However, this was not the main motivation behind this change. It also simplifies the code a bit. The texture environment setup is replaced by GLSL code generation. Another small benefit is that for texture units in material scripts that do not use an actual texture image no hardware TIU is being used. This reduces the number of hardware TIUs required for rendering the Clonk from 3 to 2. The main benefit of this change, however, is that material specific and clonk specific color variations can be applied correctly. This mainly concerns ClrModulation and MOD2 drawing. Before, the ClrModulation was mixed with the material color, which could lead to incorrect results depending on what the texture units were doing. Now it is being applied by the shader after all texture units in the material scripts have been processed. Another motivation of this change is to implement support for custom shaders, which is already foreseen by OGRE material scripts. The specification has only to be implemented. With this change in place, both custom shaders and "fixed" processing can share the same code in the engine, since both end up using a shader for the mesh rendering. The shader currently works only for directional lights, but should be easy to extend to also support point lights.
2013-02-03 15:26:01 +00:00
else if (token_name == "vertex_program")
LoadShader(ctx, SMMS_VERTEX);
else if (token_name == "fragment_program")
LoadShader(ctx, SMMS_FRAGMENT);
else if (token_name == "geometry_program")
LoadShader(ctx, SMMS_GEOMETRY);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (token != TOKEN_EOF)
ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("'") + token_name.getData() + "' unexpected");
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
const StdMeshMaterial* StdMeshMatManager::GetMaterial(const char* material_name) const
std::map<StdCopyStrBuf, StdMeshMaterial>::const_iterator iter = Materials.find(StdCopyStrBuf(material_name));
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (iter == Materials.end()) return NULL;
return &iter->second;
2009-07-06 21:45:44 +00:00
StdMeshMatManager::Iterator StdMeshMatManager::Remove(const Iterator& iter, StdMeshMaterialUpdate* update)
if(update) update->Add(&*iter);
Iterator next_iter = iter;
return next_iter;
const StdMeshMaterialShader* StdMeshMatManager::GetFragmentShader(const char* name) const
ShaderMap::const_iterator iter = FragmentShaders.find(StdCopyStrBuf(name));
if(iter == FragmentShaders.end()) return NULL;
return iter->second.get();
const StdMeshMaterialShader* StdMeshMatManager::GetVertexShader(const char* name) const
ShaderMap::const_iterator iter = VertexShaders.find(StdCopyStrBuf(name));
if(iter == VertexShaders.end()) return NULL;
return iter->second.get();
const StdMeshMaterialShader* StdMeshMatManager::GetGeometryShader(const char* name) const
ShaderMap::const_iterator iter = GeometryShaders.find(StdCopyStrBuf(name));
if(iter == GeometryShaders.end()) return NULL;
return iter->second.get();
const StdMeshMaterialShader* StdMeshMatManager::AddShader(const char* filename, const char* name, const char* language, StdMeshMaterialShaderType type, const char* text, bool success_if_exists)
ShaderMap* map = NULL;
map = &FragmentShaders;
map = &VertexShaders;
map = &GeometryShaders;
StdCopyStrBuf name_buf(name);
ShaderMap::iterator iter = map->find(name_buf);
if(iter != map->end())
// Shader exists
return iter->second.get();
return NULL;
std::unique_ptr<StdMeshMaterialShader> shader(new StdMeshMaterialShader(filename, name, language, type, text));
std::pair<ShaderMap::iterator, bool> inserted = map->insert(std::make_pair(name_buf, std::move(shader)));
assert(inserted.second == true);
iter = inserted.first;
return iter->second.get();
const StdMeshMaterialProgram* StdMeshMatManager::AddProgram(const char* name, StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader, const StdMeshMaterialPass::ShaderInstance& fragment_shader, const StdMeshMaterialPass::ShaderInstance& vertex_shader, const StdMeshMaterialPass::ShaderInstance& geometry_shader)
std::tuple<const StdMeshMaterialShader*, const StdMeshMaterialShader*, const StdMeshMaterialShader*> key = std::make_tuple(fragment_shader.Shader, vertex_shader.Shader, geometry_shader.Shader);
ProgramMap::iterator iter = Programs.find(key);
if(iter == Programs.end())
std::unique_ptr<StdMeshMaterialProgram> program(new StdMeshMaterialProgram(name, fragment_shader.Shader, vertex_shader.Shader, geometry_shader.Shader));
iter = Programs.insert(std::make_pair(key, std::move(program))).first;
StdMeshMaterialProgram& inserted_program = *iter->second;
const bool fragment_added = inserted_program.AddParameterNames(fragment_shader.Parameters);
const bool vertex_added = inserted_program.AddParameterNames(vertex_shader.Parameters);
const bool geometry_added = inserted_program.AddParameterNames(geometry_shader.Parameters);
// Re-compile the program (and assign new uniform locations if new
// parameters were encountered).
if(!inserted_program.IsCompiled() || fragment_added || vertex_added || geometry_added)
return NULL;
return &inserted_program;
StdMeshMatManager MeshMaterialManager;