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2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Editable shapes in the viewports (like e.g. AI guard range rectangles) */
#include "C4Include.h"
#include "editor/C4Console.h"
#include "editor/C4ConsoleQtState.h"
#include "editor/C4ConsoleQtShapes.h"
#include "graphics/C4FacetEx.h"
#include "object/C4Object.h"
/* Generic shape */
C4ConsoleQtShape::C4ConsoleQtShape(C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props)
: is_relative(true), dragging_border(-1), border_color(0xffff0000)
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
if (props)
2016-06-18 14:43:00 +00:00
is_relative = props->GetPropertyBool(P_Relative, is_relative);
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
border_color = props->GetPropertyInt(P_Color) | 0xff000000;
uint32_t C4ConsoleQtShape::GetBorderColor(int32_t border_index, bool dragging_border_is_bitmask) const
// Return shape color, or dragged border color if index is the border currently being dragged
if (IsDragging())
if ((dragging_border == border_index) || (dragging_border_is_bitmask && (dragging_border & border_index)))
return 0xffffffff;
return border_color;
int32_t C4ConsoleQtShape::AbsX(int32_t rel_x) const
if (is_relative)
C4Object *obj = rel_obj.getObj();
if (obj) rel_x += obj->GetX();
return rel_x;
int32_t C4ConsoleQtShape::AbsY(int32_t rel_y) const
if (is_relative)
C4Object *obj = rel_obj.getObj();
if (obj) rel_y += obj->GetY();
return rel_y;
/* Rectangular shape*/
C4ConsoleQtRect::C4ConsoleQtRect(C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const C4Value &val)
: C4ConsoleQtShape(for_obj, props), left(0), top(0), right(10), bottom(10), store_as_proplist(false), properties_lowercase(false)
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
// Def props
if (props)
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
C4String *storage = props->GetPropertyStr(P_Storage);
if (storage)
if (storage->GetData() == "proplist")
properties_lowercase = store_as_proplist = true;
else if (storage->GetData() == "Proplist")
store_as_proplist = true;
// Expect rect to be given as proplist with properties X, Y, Wdt, Hgt or array with elements [left,top,width,height]
if (store_as_proplist)
C4PropList *vprops = val.getPropList();
if (vprops)
left = vprops->GetPropertyInt(properties_lowercase ? P_x : P_X);
top = vprops->GetPropertyInt(properties_lowercase ? P_y : P_Y);
right = left + vprops->GetPropertyInt(properties_lowercase ? P_wdt : P_Wdt) - 1;
bottom = top + vprops->GetPropertyInt(properties_lowercase ? P_hgt : P_Hgt) - 1;
C4ValueArray *varr = val.getArray();
if (varr && varr->GetSize() >= 4)
left = varr->GetItem(0).getInt();
top = varr->GetItem(1).getInt();
right = left + varr->GetItem(2).getInt() - 1; // right/bottom borders are drawn inclusively
bottom = top + varr->GetItem(3).getInt() - 1;
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
bool C4ConsoleQtRect::IsHit(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, int32_t *drag_border)
// Current border pos
int32_t left = AbsX(this->left), top = AbsY(this->top);
int32_t right = AbsX(this->right), bottom = AbsY(this->bottom);
// Distance to each border
int32_t dleft = Abs<int32_t>(left - x);
int32_t dtop = Abs<int32_t>(top - y);
int32_t dright = Abs<int32_t>(right - x);
int32_t dbottom = Abs<int32_t>(bottom - y);
// In box at all?
if (x < left - hit_range || y < top - hit_range || x > right + hit_range || y > bottom + hit_range)
return false;
// Border hit?
bool hit_left = (dleft <= hit_range && dleft < dright);
bool hit_top = (dtop <= hit_range && dtop < dbottom);
bool hit_right = (!hit_left && dright <= hit_range);
bool hit_bottom = (!hit_top && dbottom <= hit_range);
// Compose cursor and drag border
int32_t idrag_border = (hit_left * CNAT_Left) + (hit_top * CNAT_Top) + (hit_right * CNAT_Right) + (hit_bottom * CNAT_Bottom);
if (idrag_border) *drag_border = idrag_border;
if (hit_left || hit_right)
if (hit_top || hit_bottom)
*drag_cursor = (hit_left == hit_top) ? Qt::SizeFDiagCursor : Qt::SizeBDiagCursor;
*drag_cursor = Qt::SizeHorCursor;
else if (hit_top || hit_bottom)
*drag_cursor = Qt::SizeVerCursor;
return !!idrag_border;
void C4ConsoleQtRect::Draw(class C4TargetFacet &cgo, float line_width)
float left = float(AbsX(this->left)) + cgo.X - cgo.TargetX;
float top = float(AbsY(this->top)) + cgo.Y - cgo.TargetY;
float right = float(AbsX(this->right)) + cgo.X - cgo.TargetX;
float bottom = float(AbsY(this->bottom)) + cgo.Y - cgo.TargetY;
pDraw->DrawLineDw(cgo.Surface, left, top, right, top, GetBorderColor(CNAT_Top, true), line_width);
pDraw->DrawLineDw(cgo.Surface, right, top, right, bottom, GetBorderColor(CNAT_Right, true), line_width);
pDraw->DrawLineDw(cgo.Surface, right, bottom, left, bottom, GetBorderColor(CNAT_Bottom, true), line_width);
pDraw->DrawLineDw(cgo.Surface, left, bottom, left, top, GetBorderColor(CNAT_Left, true), line_width);
void C4ConsoleQtRect::Drag(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dx, int32_t dy)
if (dragging_border & CNAT_Left) left += dx;
if (dragging_border & CNAT_Top) top += dy;
if (dragging_border & CNAT_Right) right += dx;
if (dragging_border & CNAT_Bottom) bottom += dy;
if (left > right) std::swap(left, right);
if (top > bottom) std::swap(top, bottom);
C4Value C4ConsoleQtRect::GetValue() const
// Return array or proplist: Convert left/top/right/bottom (inclusive) to left/top/width/height
if (store_as_proplist)
C4PropList *pos_proplist = new C4PropListScript();
pos_proplist->SetProperty(properties_lowercase ? P_x : P_X, C4VInt(left));
pos_proplist->SetProperty(properties_lowercase ? P_y : P_Y, C4VInt(top));
pos_proplist->SetProperty(properties_lowercase ? P_wdt : P_Wdt, C4VInt(right - left + 1));
pos_proplist->SetProperty(properties_lowercase ? P_hgt : P_Hgt, C4VInt(bottom - top + 1));
return C4VPropList(pos_proplist);
C4ValueArray *pos_array = new C4ValueArray(4);
pos_array->SetItem(0, C4VInt(left));
pos_array->SetItem(1, C4VInt(top));
pos_array->SetItem(2, C4VInt(right - left + 1));
pos_array->SetItem(3, C4VInt(bottom - top + 1));
return C4VArray(pos_array);
2016-04-25 20:17:10 +00:00
/* Circle shape */
C4ConsoleQtCircle::C4ConsoleQtCircle(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const C4Value &val)
: C4ConsoleQtShape(for_obj, props), radius(10), cx(0), cy(0), can_move_center(false)
if (props)
can_move_center = props->GetPropertyBool(P_CanMoveCenter);
// If center is moveable, expect value as [radius, center_x, center_y]
// Otherwise just radius
if (can_move_center)
C4ValueArray *aval = val.getArray();
if (aval && aval->GetSize() == 3)
radius = aval->GetItem(0).getInt();
cx = aval->GetItem(1).getInt();
cy = aval->GetItem(2).getInt();
radius = val.getInt();
bool C4ConsoleQtCircle::IsHit(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t hit_range, Qt::CursorShape *drag_cursor, int32_t *drag_border)
// Get relative circle center pos
x -= AbsX(cx);
y -= AbsY(cy);
int32_t r = x*x + y*y;
// Is on circle border? (Higher priority than center to allow resizing circle from 0 radius)
if (Inside<int32_t>(r, (radius - hit_range)*(radius - hit_range), (radius + hit_range)*(radius + hit_range)))
// Cursor by position on 60 deg circle segments
if (x * 58 / 100 / (y+!y)) // tan(30) ~= 0.58
*drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::SizeHorCursor;
else if (y * 58 / 100 / (x+!x))
*drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::SizeVerCursor;
else if (x*y > 0)
*drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::SizeFDiagCursor;
*drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::SizeBDiagCursor;
*drag_border = 0;
return true;
// Circle center?
if (can_move_center && r <= hit_range*hit_range)
*drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::SizeAllCursor;
*drag_border = 1;
return true;
return false;
void C4ConsoleQtCircle::Draw(class C4TargetFacet &cgo, float line_width)
// Circle
pDraw->DrawCircleDw(cgo.Surface, AbsX(cx) + cgo.X - cgo.TargetX, AbsY(cy) + cgo.Y - cgo.TargetY, radius, GetBorderColor(0, false), line_width);
// Center if moveable
if (can_move_center)
pDraw->DrawCircleDw(cgo.Surface, AbsX(cx) + cgo.X - cgo.TargetX, AbsY(cy) + cgo.Y - cgo.TargetY, line_width*3, GetBorderColor(1, false), line_width);
void C4ConsoleQtCircle::C4ConsoleQtCircle::Drag(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dx, int32_t dy)
if (dragging_border == 0)
x -= AbsX(cx);
y -= AbsY(cy);
radius = int32_t(sqrt(double(x*x + y*y)));
else if (dragging_border == 1)
cx += dx;
cy += dy;
C4Value C4ConsoleQtCircle::GetValue() const
// Return single value for non-center-adjustable circles; return [radius, cx, cy] otherwise
if (can_move_center)
C4ValueArray *pos_array = new C4ValueArray(3);
pos_array->SetItem(0, C4VInt(radius));
pos_array->SetItem(1, C4VInt(cx));
pos_array->SetItem(2, C4VInt(cy));
return C4VArray(pos_array);
return C4VInt(radius);
/* Shape list */
C4ConsoleQtShape *C4ConsoleQtShapes::CreateShape(class C4Object *for_obj, C4PropList *props, const C4Value &val)
C4String *type = props->GetPropertyStr(P_Type);
if (!type) return nullptr;
C4ConsoleQtShape *shape = nullptr;
if (type->GetData() == "rect") shape = new C4ConsoleQtRect(for_obj, props, val);
else if (type->GetData() == "circle") shape = new C4ConsoleQtCircle(for_obj, props, val);
return shape;
void C4ConsoleQtShapes::AddShape(C4ConsoleQtShape *shape)
if (shape) shapes.emplace_back(shape);
void C4ConsoleQtShapes::RemoveShape(C4ConsoleQtShape *shape)
// Remove from list and currently moving shape
shapes.remove_if([shape](auto &it) { return it.get() == shape; });
if (dragging_shape == shape) dragging_shape = NULL;
void C4ConsoleQtShapes::ClearShapes()
dragging_shape = NULL;
drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::ArrowCursor;
void C4ConsoleQtShapes::Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo)
// Draw all shapes with at least 1px line width
ZoomDataStackItem zdsi(cgo.X, cgo.Y, cgo.Zoom);
float line_width = std::max<float>(1.0f, 1.0f / cgo.Zoom);
for (auto &shape : shapes) shape->Draw(cgo, line_width);
bool C4ConsoleQtShapes::MouseDown(float x, float y, float hit_range)
// Check for shape hit and start dragging if a shape is in hit range
int32_t hit_range_int = std::max(int32_t(hit_range + 0.5f), 1); // Using integer hit ranges for now
// Ensure no leftover other shape
if (dragging_shape) MouseUp(x, y);
int32_t drag_border=-1;
for (auto &shape : shapes)
if (shape->IsHit(x, y, hit_range_int, &drag_cursor, &drag_border))
dragging_shape = shape.get();
drag_x = x;
drag_y = y;
return true;
return false;
void C4ConsoleQtShapes::MouseMove(float x, float y, bool left_down, float hit_range)
// Check for shape hit and start dragging if a shape is in hit range
int32_t hit_range_int = std::max(int32_t(hit_range + 0.5f), 1); // Using integer hit ranges for now
// move down move: Execute shape dragging (full pixels only)
if (dragging_shape && left_down)
int32_t dx = int32_t(round(x - drag_x)),
dy = int32_t(round(y - drag_y));
if (dx || dy)
drag_x += dx;
drag_y += dy;
dragging_shape->Drag(drag_x, drag_y, dx, dy);
else if (!left_down)
// Just moving around: Update cursor
drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::ArrowCursor;
int32_t ignored;
for (auto &shape : shapes) if (shape->IsHit(x, y, hit_range_int, &drag_cursor, &ignored)) break;
// Regular move: Reset drag cursor
drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::ArrowCursor;
void C4ConsoleQtShapes::MouseUp(float x, float y)
// Stop dragging
if (dragging_shape)
dragging_shape->emit ShapeDragged();
dragging_shape = NULL;
drag_cursor = Qt::CursorShape::ArrowCursor;
/* Shape pointer holder class */
void C4ConsoleQtShapeHolder::Clear()
if (shape)
shape = nullptr;
void C4ConsoleQtShapeHolder::Set(C4ConsoleQtShape *new_shape)
shape = new_shape;
if (shape) ::Console.EditCursor.GetShapes()->AddShape(shape);