
542 lines
15 KiB
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Handles the inventory exchange and general interaction between the player and buildings, vehicles etc.
@author Zapper
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
static const InteractionMenu_Contents = 2;
static const InteractionMenu_Custom = 4;
local current_objects;
current_menus is an array with two fields
each field contain a proplist with the attributes:
target: the target object, needs to be in current_objects
menu_object: target of the menu (usually a dummy object)
sidebar: proplist with the following attributes
menus: array with more proplists with the following attributes:
type: flag (needed for content-menus f.e.)
decoration: ID of a menu decoration definition
priority: priority of the menu (Y position)
callback: function called when an entry is selected, the function is passed the symbol of an entry and the user data
callback_target: object to which the callback is made, ususally the target object (except for contents menus)
menu_object: MenuStyle_Grid object, used to add/remove entries later
entry_index_count: used to generate unique IDs for the entries
entries: array of entries shown in the menu, the entries are proplists with the following attributes
extra_data: custom user data
text: text shown on the object
unique_index: generated from entry_index_count (not set by user)
local current_menus;
// this is the ID of the root window that contains the other subwindows (i.e. the menus which contain the sidebars and the interaction-menu)
local current_main_menu_id;
local cursor;
public func Close() { return RemoveObject(); }
public func IsContentMenu() { return true; }
public func Show() { this.Visibility = VIS_Owner; return true; }
public func Hide() { this.Visibility = VIS_None; return true; }
func Construction()
current_objects = [];
current_menus = [];
func Destruction()
// we need only to remove the top-level menu target of the open menus, since the submenus close due to a clever use of OnClose!
for (var menu in current_menus)
if (menu.menu_object)
// used as a static function
func CreateFor(object cursor)
var obj = CreateObject(GUI_ObjectInteractionMenu, AbsX(0), AbsY(0), cursor->GetOwner());
obj.Visibility = VIS_Owner;
return obj;
func Init(object cursor)
AddEffect("IntCheckObjects", cursor, 1, 10, this);
func FxIntCheckObjectsStart(target, effect, temp)
if (temp) return;
EffectCall(target, effect, "Timer");
func FxIntCheckObjectsTimer(target, effect, timer)
var new_objects = FindObjects(Find_AtPoint(target->GetX(), target->GetY()), Find_Or(Find_Category(C4D_Vehicle), Find_Category(C4D_Structure), Find_Func("IsContainer"), Find_Func("IsClonk")));
if (new_objects == current_objects) return;
// updates the objects shown in the side bar
// if an object which is in the menu on the left or on the right is not in the side bar anymore, another object is selected
func UpdateObjects(array new_objects)
// need to close a menu?
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(current_menus); ++i)
var target = current_menus[i].target;
var found = false;
for (var obj in new_objects)
if (target != obj) continue;
found = true;
if (found) continue;
// not found? close!
// sub menus close automatically (and remove their dummy) due to a clever usage of OnClose
current_menus[i] = nil;
current_objects = new_objects;
// need to fill an empty menu slot?
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if (current_menus[i] != nil) continue;
// look for next object to fill slot
for (var obj in current_objects)
// but only if the object's menu is not already open
var is_already_open = false;
for (var menu in current_menus)
if ( != obj) continue;
is_already_open = true;
if (is_already_open) continue;
// use object to create a new menu at that slot
OpenMenuForObject(obj, i);
func FxIntCheckObjectsStop(target, effect, reason, temp)
if (temp) return;
if (this)
// obj has to be in current_objects
func OpenMenuForObject(object obj, int slot)
// clean up old menu
var old_menu = current_menus[slot];
if (old_menu)
current_menus[slot] = nil;
// before creating the sidebar, we have to create a new entry in current_menus, even if it contains not all information
current_menus[slot] = {target = obj};
// create a menu with all interaction possibilities for an object
// always recreate the side bar
var sidebar = CreateSideBar(slot);
var main = CreateMainMenu(obj, slot);
// to close the part_menu automatically when the main menu is closed
current_menus[slot].menu_object = main.Target;
for (var key in GetProperties(sidebar))
var item = sidebar[key];
var obj;
if ((GetType(item) == C4V_PropList) && (obj = item.obj_symbol.Symbol))
Log("sidebar %s entry [%s] %s", sidebar.Target->GetName(), key, obj->GetName());
Log("sidebar for %s: %v", obj->GetName(), sidebar);
var part_menu =
Style = GUI_NoCrop,
X = 0, Wdt = [500, -25],
sidebar = sidebar, main = main,
Target = current_menus[slot].menu_object
if (slot == 1)
part_menu.X = [500, + 25];
part_menu.Wdt = 1000;
// need to open a completely new menu?
if (!current_main_menu_id)
var root_menu =
one_part = part_menu,
Target = this
current_main_menu_id = CustomGuiOpen(root_menu);
else // menu already exists and only one part has to be added
CustomGuiUpdate({update = part_menu}, current_main_menu_id, nil, nil);
// todo: create main menu
// description menu?
// generates a proplist that can be used as input for CreateCustomMenu and represents a side bar where objects
// to interact with can be selected
func CreateSideBar(int slot)
var s = "";
for (var obj in current_objects)
s = Format("%s, %s", s, obj->GetName());
Log("sidebar for: %s", s);
var dummy = CreateDummy();
var sidebar =
Priority = 10,
Wdt = [0, 64],
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout,
Target = dummy,
OnClose = GuiAction_Call(this, "RemoveDummy", dummy),
if (slot == 1)
sidebar.X = [1000, -64];
sidebar.Wdt = 1000;
// now show the current_objects list as entries
for (var obj in current_objects)
var background_color = nil;
var symbol = {Std = Icon_Menu_RectangleRounded, OnHover = Icon_Menu_RectangleBrightRounded};
// figure out whether the object is already selected
// if so, highlight the entry
if (current_menus[slot].target == obj)
background_color = RGBa(255, 255, 0, 10);
symbol = Icon_Menu_RectangleBrightRounded;
var entry =
Wdt = [0, 64], Hgt = [0, 64],
Symbol = symbol,
Style = GUI_TextBottom | GUI_TextHCenter,
BackgroundColor = background_color,
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag(nil, nil, "OnHover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag(nil, nil, "Std"),
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "OnSidebarEntrySelected", {slot = slot, obj = obj}),
Text = obj->GetName(),
obj_symbol = {Symbol = obj, X = [0, 8], Y = [0, 8], Wdt = [1000, -8], Hgt = [1000, -8]}
Gui_AddSubwindow(entry, sidebar);
return sidebar;
func OnSidebarEntrySelected(data, int player, int ID, int subwindowID, object target)
Log("OnSideBarEntrySelected obj: %s, slot: %d", data.obj->GetName(), data.slot);
if (!data.obj) return;
// can not open object twice!
for (var menu in current_menus)
if ( == data.obj) return;
OpenMenuForObject(data.obj, data.slot);
func CreateMainMenu(object obj, int slot)
var container =
Target = CreateDummy(),
Priority = 5,
Decoration = GUI_MenuDeco,
Wdt = [1000, -64],
Style = GUI_VerticalLayout
if (slot == 0)
container.X = [0, 64];
container.Wdt = 1000;
var menus = [];
// get all interaction info from the object and put it into a menu
// contents first
if (obj->~IsContainer() || obj->~IsClonk())
var info =
flag = InteractionMenu_Contents,
title = "$Contents$",
entries = [],
callback = "OnContentsSelection",
callback_target = this,
decoration = GUI_MenuDecoInventoryHeader,
priority = 10
PushBack(menus, info);
current_menus[slot].menus = menus;
// now generate the actual menus from the information-list
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(menus); ++i)
var menu = menus[i];
menu.menu_object = CreateCustomMenu(MenuStyle_Grid);
if (menu.decoration)
menu.menu_object.BackgroundColor = menu.decoration->FrameDecorationBackClr();
menu.menu_object.Y = [0, 32];
menu.menu_object.Priority = 2;
for (var e = 0; e < GetLength(menu.entries); ++e)
var entry = menu.entries[e];
entry.unique_index = ++menu.entry_index_count;
menu.menu_object->AddItem(entry.symbol, entry.text, entry.unique_index, this, "OnMenuEntrySelected", { slot = slot, index = i });
var all = // menu with title bar
Priority = menu.priority ?? i,
Style = GUI_NoCrop,
title_bar =
Priority = 1,
Hgt = [0, 24],
Text = menu.title,
Decoration = menu.decoration
real_menu = menu.menu_object
Gui_AddSubwindow(all, container);
// add refreshing effects for all of the contents menus
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(menus); ++i)
if (!(menus[i].flag & InteractionMenu_Contents)) continue;
AddEffect("IntRefreshContentsMenu", this, 1, 5, this, nil, obj, slot, i);
return container;
func OnMenuEntrySelected(proplist menu_info, int entry_index, int player)
Log("OnMenuEntrySelected slot: %d, index: %d, entry: %d", menu_info.slot, menu_info.index, entry_index);
if (!current_menus[menu_info.slot]) return;
var menu;
if (!(menu = current_menus[menu_info.slot].menus[menu_info.index])) return;
var entry;
for (var possible in menu.entries)
if (possible.unique_index != entry_index) continue;
entry = possible;
if (!entry) return;
var callback_target;
if (!(callback_target = menu.callback_target)) return;
var result = callback_target->Call(menu.callback, entry.symbol, entry.extra_data);
// todo: trigger refresh for special value of result
func OnContentsSelection(symbol, extra_data)
Log("OnContentsSelection symbol: %s", symbol->GetName());
var target = current_menus[extra_data.slot].target;
if (!target) return;
// no target to swap to?
if (!current_menus[1 - extra_data.slot]) return;
var other_target = current_menus[1 - extra_data.slot].target;
if (!other_target) return;
var obj = FindObject(Find_Container(target), Find_ID(symbol));
if (!obj) return;
if (other_target->Collect(obj, nil, nil, true))
Sound("SoftTouch*", true, nil, GetOwner());
return true;
Sound("BalloonPop", true, nil, GetOwner());
return false;
func FxIntRefreshContentsMenuStart(object target, proplist effect, temp, object obj, int slot, int menu_index)
if (temp) return;
effect.obj = obj;
effect.slot = slot;
effect.menu_index = menu_index;
effect.last_inventory = [];
func FxIntRefreshContentsMenuTimer(target, effect, time)
if (!effect.obj) return -1;
var inventory = [];
var obj, i = 0;
while (obj = effect.obj->Contents(i++))
var symbol = obj->GetID();
var extra_data = {slot = effect.slot, menu_index = effect.menu_index};
// check if already exists (and then stack!)
var found = false;
for (var inv in inventory)
if (inv.symbol != symbol) continue;
if (inv.count) ++inv.count;
else inv.count = 2;
inv.text = Format("%dx", inv.count);
found = true;
if (!found)
PushBack(inventory, {symbol = symbol, extra_data = extra_data});
/*for(var i = 0; i < Max(GetLength(effect.last_inventory), GetLength(inventory)); ++i)
var ls = "left: /"; if (i < GetLength(inventory))
ls = Format("left: %s", inventory[i].symbol->GetName());
var rs = "right: /"; if (i < GetLength(effect.last_inventory))
rs = Format("right: %s", effect.last_inventory[i].symbol->GetName());
Log("%s %s", ls, rs);
if (GetLength(inventory) == GetLength(effect.last_inventory))
var same = true;
for (var i = GetLength(inventory)-1; i >= 0; --i)
if (inventory[i].symbol == effect.last_inventory[i].symbol
&& inventory[i].text == effect.last_inventory[i].text) continue;
same = false;
if (same) return 1;
effect.last_inventory = inventory;
DoMenuRefresh(effect.slot, effect.menu_index, inventory);
return 1;
// this function is supposed to be called when the menu already exists (is open) and some sub-menu needs an update
func DoMenuRefresh(int slot, int menu_index, array new_entries)
// go through new_entries and look for differences to currently open menu
// then try to only adjust the existing menu when possible
// the assumption is that ususally only few entries change
var menu = current_menus[slot].menus[menu_index];
var current_entries = menu.entries;
// step 1: remove (close) all current entries that have been removed
for (var c = 0; c < GetLength(current_entries); ++c)
// check for removal
var removed = true;
for (var new_entry in new_entries)
if (!EntriesEqual(new_entry, current_entries[c])) continue;
removed = false;
if (removed)
menu.menu_object->RemoveItem(current_entries[c].unique_index, current_main_menu_id);
current_entries[c] = nil;
// step 2: add new entries
var debug = "new entries: ";
for (var c = 0; c < GetLength(new_entries); ++c)
var new_entry = new_entries[c];
debug = Format("%s, %s", debug, new_entry.symbol->GetName());
var existing = false;
for (var old_entry in current_entries)
if (old_entry == nil) // might be nil as a result of step 1
if (!EntriesEqual(new_entry, old_entry)) continue;
existing = true;
// fix unique indices for the new array
new_entry.unique_index = old_entry.unique_index;
if (existing) continue;
new_entry.unique_index = ++menu.entry_index_count;
menu.menu_object->AddItem(new_entry.symbol, new_entry.text, new_entry.unique_index, this, "OnMenuEntrySelected", { slot = slot, index = menu_index }, nil, current_main_menu_id);
menu.entries = new_entries;
func EntriesEqual(proplist entry_a, proplist entry_b)
return entry_a.symbol == entry_b.symbol
&& entry_a.text == entry_b.text
&& entry_a.extra_data == entry_b.extra_data;
func CreateDummy()
var dummy = CreateContents(Dummy);
dummy.Visibility = VIS_Owner;
return dummy;
func RemoveDummy(object dummy, int player, int ID, int subwindowID, object target)
Log("removing dummy!");
if (dummy)