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Functions generally applicable to objects; not enough to be worth distinct scripts though.
@author Maikel, boni, Ringwaul, Sven2, flgr, Clonkonaut, Günther, Randrian
// Does not set the speed of an object. But you can set two components of the velocity vector with this function.
// documented in /docs/sdk/script/fn
global func SetSpeed(int x_dir, int y_dir, int prec)
SetXDir(x_dir, prec);
SetYDir(y_dir, prec);
2016-02-03 13:48:30 +00:00
// Returns the speed of an object.
global func GetSpeed(int prec)
return Sqrt(GetXDir(prec)**2 + GetYDir(prec)**2);
// You can add to the two components of the velocity vector individually with this function.
global func AddSpeed(int x_dir, int y_dir, int prec)
SetXDir(GetXDir(prec) + x_dir, prec);
SetYDir(GetYDir(prec) + y_dir, prec);
// Sets an objects's speed and its direction, doesn't it?
// Can set either speed or angle of velocity, or both
global func SetVelocity(int angle, int speed, int precAng, int precSpd)
if (!precSpd) precSpd = 10;
if (!precAng) precAng = 1;
speed = speed ?? Distance(0, 0, GetXDir(precSpd), GetYDir(precSpd));
angle = angle ?? Angle(0, 0, GetXDir(precSpd), GetYDir(precSpd), precAng);
var x_dir = Sin(angle, speed, precAng);
var y_dir = -Cos(angle, speed, precAng);
SetXDir(x_dir, precSpd);
SetYDir(y_dir, precSpd);
// Adds to an objects's speed and its direction:
// Can set either speed or angle of velocity, or both
global func AddVelocity(int angle, int speed, int precision_angle, int precision_speed)
precision_speed = precision_speed ?? 10;
precision_angle = precision_angle ?? 1;
speed = speed ?? 0;
angle = angle ?? 0;
var current_x_dir = GetXDir(precision_speed);
var current_y_dir = GetYDir(precision_speed);
var x_dir = +Sin(angle, speed, precision_angle);
var y_dir = -Cos(angle, speed, precision_angle);
SetXDir(current_x_dir + x_dir, precision_speed);
SetYDir(current_y_dir + y_dir, precision_speed);
// Sets the completion of this to new_con.
// documented in /docs/sdk/script/fn
global func SetCon(int new_con, int precision, bool grow_from_center)
return DoCon(new_con - GetCon(), precision, grow_from_center);
global func GetObjAlpha()
return (GetClrModulation() >> 24) & 0xFF;
// Sets the object's transparency.
global func SetObjAlpha(int by_alpha)
var clr_mod = GetClrModulation();
if (!clr_mod)
clr_mod = by_alpha << 24;
clr_mod = clr_mod & 16777215 | by_alpha << 24;
return SetClrModulation(clr_mod);
global func MakeInvincible(bool allow_fire)
if (!this) return false;
var fx = GetEffect("IntInvincible", this);
if (!fx) fx = AddEffect("IntInvincible", this, 300, 0);
if (!fx) return false;
fx.allow_fire = allow_fire;
if (!allow_fire && this->OnFire()) this->Extinguish();
fx.OnShockwaveHit = this.OnShockwaveHit;
fx.RejectWindbagForce = this.RejectWindbagForce;
fx.QueryCatchBlow = this.QueryCatchBlow;
this.OnShockwaveHit = Global.Invincibility_OnShockwaveHit;
this.RejectWindbagForce = Global.Invincibility_RejectWindbagForce;
this.QueryCatchBlow = Global.Invincibility_QueryCatchBlow;
return true;
global func IsInvincible()
return !!GetEffect("IntInvincible", this);
global func SetInvincibility(bool to_val)
// Turn invincibility on or off
if (to_val)
return MakeInvincible(false);
return ClearInvincible();
global func FxIntInvincibleDamage(target)
// avert all damage
return 0;
global func FxIntInvincibleEffect(string new_name, object target, proplist fx)
// Block fire effects.
if (WildcardMatch(new_name, "*Fire*") && !fx.allow_fire)
return FX_Effect_Deny;
// All other effects are okay.
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntInvincibleSaveScen(object obj, proplist fx, proplist props)
// this is invincible. Save to scenario.
props->AddCall("Invincible", obj, "MakeInvincible", fx.allow_fire);
return true;
// Removes invincibility from object
global func ClearInvincible()
if (!this) return nil;
var fx = GetEffect("IntInvincible", this);
if (fx)
this.OnShockwaveHit = fx.OnShockwaveHit;
this.RejectWindbagForce = fx.RejectWindbagForce;
this.QueryCatchBlow = fx.QueryCatchBlow;
} else { // just to be sure
this.OnShockwaveHit = this->GetID().OnShockwaveHit;
this.RejectWindbagForce = this->GetID().RejectWindbagForce;
this.QueryCatchBlow = this->GetID().QueryCatchBlow;
return RemoveEffect("IntInvincible", this);
global func Invincibility_OnShockwaveHit()
return true;
global func Invincibility_RejectWindbagForce()
return true;
global func Invincibility_QueryCatchBlow()
return true;
// Move an object by the given parameters relative to its position.
global func MovePosition(int x, int y, int prec)
SetPosition(GetX(prec) + x, GetY(prec) + y, nil, prec);
2012-04-15 14:14:29 +00:00
// Returns the position as an array
2012-05-06 16:10:36 +00:00
global func GetPosition(int prec)
2012-04-15 14:14:29 +00:00
return [GetX(prec), GetY(prec)];
// Speed the calling object into the given direction (angle)
global func LaunchProjectile(int angle, int dist, int speed, int x, int y, int precAng, int precSpd, bool rel_x)
// dist: Distance object travels on angle. Offset from calling object.
// x: X offset from container's center
// y: Y offset from container's center
// rel_x: if true, makes the X offset relative to container direction. (x=+30 will become x=-30 when Clonk turns left. This way offset always stays in front of a Clonk.)
var x_offset = x ?? Sin(angle, dist, precAng);
var y_offset = y ?? -Cos(angle, dist, precAng);
if(!precAng) precAng = 1;
if(!precSpd) precSpd = 10;
if (Contained() != nil && rel_x == true)
if (Contained()->GetDir() == 0)
x = -x;
if (Contained() != nil)
Exit(x_offset, y_offset, angle / precAng);
SetVelocity(angle, speed, precAng, precSpd);
return true;
if (Contained() == nil)
SetPosition(GetX() + x_offset, GetY() + y_offset);
SetVelocity(angle, speed, precAng, precSpd);
return true;
return false;
// Sets the MaxEnergy value of an object and does the necessary callbacks.
global func SetMaxEnergy(int value)
if (!this)
value *= 1000;
var old_maxenergy = this.MaxEnergy;
this.MaxEnergy = value;
// Change current energy percentage wise and implicit callback.
DoEnergy(GetEnergy() * (value - old_maxenergy) / old_maxenergy);
// Returns the MaxEnergy value of an object.
global func GetMaxEnergy()
if (!this)
return this.MaxEnergy / 1000;
// Returns whether an object is at full energy, that is if its energy is >= its MaxEnergy
global func HasMaxEnergy()
if (!this)
return false;
return GetEnergy() >= GetMaxEnergy();
// Sets the MaxBreath value of an object and does the necessary callbacks.
global func SetMaxBreath(int value)
if (!this)
var old_maxbreath = this.MaxBreath;
this.MaxBreath = value;
// Change current breath percentage wise and implicit callback.
DoBreath(GetBreath() * (value - old_maxbreath) / old_maxbreath);
// Returns the MaxBreath value of an object.
global func GetMaxBreath()
if (!this)
return this.MaxBreath;
2016-05-08 09:28:51 +00:00
// Makes an object gain Con until it is FullCon.
// value: the object grows approx. every second, in tenths of percent.
// max_size = the maximum object size in tenths of percent.
global func StartGrowth(int value, int max_size)
if (value <= 0) return nil;
2016-05-08 09:28:51 +00:00
// Ensure max size is set and does not conflict with Oversize.
max_size = max_size ?? 1000;
if (!GetDefCoreVal("Oversize", "DefCore"))
max_size = Min(max_size, 1000);
var fx = AddEffect("IntGrowth", this, 1, 35, this, nil, value, max_size);
fx.Time = Random(35);
return fx;
global func StopGrowth()
return RemoveEffect("IntGrowth", this);
global func GetGrowthValue()
2016-05-08 09:28:51 +00:00
var fx = GetEffect("IntGrowth", this);
if (!fx)
return 0;
return fx.growth;
2016-05-08 09:28:51 +00:00
global func GetGrowthMaxSize()
2016-05-08 09:28:51 +00:00
var fx = GetEffect("IntGrowth", this);
if (!fx)
return 0;
return fx.max_size;
2016-05-08 09:28:51 +00:00
global func FxIntGrowthStart(object obj, effect fx, int temporary, int value, int max_size)
2016-05-08 09:28:51 +00:00
if (!temporary)
fx.growth = value;
fx.max_size = max_size;
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntGrowthTimer(object obj, effect fx)
if (obj->OnFire())
return FX_OK;
obj->DoCon(fx.growth, 1000);
// Negative growth might have removed the object.
if (!obj)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
var done = obj->GetCon(1000) >= fx.max_size;
return -done;
// Plays hit sounds for an average object made of stone or stone-like material.
// x and y need to be the parameters passed to Hit() from the engine.
global func StonyObjectHit(int x, int y)
// Failsafe
if (!this) return false;
var xdir = GetXDir(), ydir = GetYDir();
if (x) x = x / Abs(x);
if (y) y = y / Abs(y);
// Check for solid in hit direction
var i = 0;
var average_obj_size = Distance(0,0, GetObjWidth(), GetObjHeight()) / 2 + 2;
while (!GBackSolid(x * i, y * i) && i < average_obj_size)
// To catch some high speed cases: if no solid found, check directly beneath
if (!GBackSolid(x * i, y * i))
while (!GBackSolid(x * i, y * i) && i < average_obj_size)
// Check if digfree
if (!GetMaterialVal("DigFree", "Material", GetMaterial(x*i, y*i)) && GBackSolid(x*i, y*i))
return Sound("Hits::Materials::Rock::RockHit?");
// Else play standard sound
if (Distance(0,0,xdir,ydir) > 10)
return Sound("Hits::SoftTouch?");
return Sound("Hits::SoftHit?");
// Removes all objects of the given type.
// documented in /docs/sdk/script/fn
global func RemoveAll(p, ...)
var cnt;
if (GetType(p) == C4V_PropList) p = Find_ID(p); // RemoveAll(ID) shortcut
for (var obj in FindObjects(p, ...))
if (obj)
return cnt;
// Pulls an object above ground if it was buried (e.g. by PlaceVegetation), mainly used by plants.
// The object must have 'Bottom' and 'Center' CNAT to use this.
// (bottom is the point which should be buried, center the lowest point that must not be buried)
global func RootSurface(int max_movement)
max_movement = max_movement ?? GetObjHeight() / 2;
if (HasCNAT(CNAT_Center))
var i = 0;
// Move up if too far underground.
while (GetContact(-1) & CNAT_Center && i < max_movement)
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() - 1);
if (HasCNAT(CNAT_Bottom))
var i = 0;
// Move down if in midair.
while (!(GetContact(-1) & CNAT_Bottom) && i < max_movement)
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() + 1);
// Try to make the plant stuck.
if (!Stuck())
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() + 1);
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
// Buys an object. Returns the object if it could be bought.
// documented in /docs/sdk/script/fn
global func Buy(id buy_def, int for_plr, int pay_plr, object from_vendor, bool show_errors)
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
// if no vendor is given try this
if (!from_vendor)
from_vendor = this;
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
// not a vendor?
if (!from_vendor->~IsVendor())
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
return nil;
return from_vendor->DoBuy(buy_def, for_plr, pay_plr, nil, false, show_errors);
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
// Sells an object. Returns true if it could be sold.
// documented in /docs/sdk/script/fn
global func Sell(int plr, object obj, object to_vendor)
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
// if no vendor is given try this
if (!to_vendor)
to_vendor = this;
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
// not a vendor?
if (!to_vendor->~IsVendor())
Vendor Library Extracted the buy menu of the flagpole to a library, so that other objects can implement a buy menu without having to duplicate the code. An overview of the changes follows: Library_Base: - Moved auto-sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Moved buy and sell functionality to Library_Vendor - Removed the old engine menu for buying and selling Library_Vendor: - Added proplist for accessing local variables, avoiding variable clashes - Added interfaces GetBuyValue, GetBuyableItems, GetBuyableAmount, ChangeBuyableAmount, GetSellValue - Changed DoBuy: it uses the interface functions, instead of hardcoded base material - Changed / merged the existing sell functionality and the flagpole sell functionality in DoSell: * does not sell items if QueryOnSell returns true * sell sound only audible to seller * the sold object tries selling its contents first (for example a bow, if it ever were sellable. This may not hold in the settlement games, but adventures would allow it) * the sold object ejects any contents before it is removed. These are usually unsellable objects. Previously they would just be removed together with the object. It has to be tested whether this places the items on the ground or at the center of the sold object * removed the "sell all" functionality on right-click for the moment. - Still has some functions from the old base selling: CanStack and GetSellableContents, for the auto-sell functionality - Fixed a logical error in AllowBuyMenuEntries - Distinguish between buyer/seller and payer more, so that the logic can easily be changed in one line later - Allow for runtime overloads of interface functions - Changed inconsistent variable naming to a more consistent one - Added namespaces to all sounds, the "UnCash" sound still does not exist - Added localization strings for insufficient wealth - Fixed property name error (missing 'e') - Buy menu is active by default Flagpole: - Replaced the custom sell functionality (how many of these do we have actually??) with the sell functionality from Library_Vendor - Buying menu is allowed if the rule is active System.ocg/Object.c - global functions Buy and Sell ask the target if it is a vendor, instead of whether it is a base, and do the callback there. - renamed the argument so that it is no longer called "base", but "vendor"
2016-01-22 23:07:17 +00:00
return false;
return to_vendor->DoSell(obj, plr);
// GetXEdge returns the position of the objects top/bottom/left/right edge.
global func GetLeftEdge()
return GetX() - GetObjWidth() / 2;
global func GetRightEdge()
return GetX() + GetObjWidth() / 2;
global func GetTopEdge()
return GetY() - GetObjHeight() / 2;
global func GetBottomEdge()
return GetY() + GetObjHeight() / 2;
// Returns if the object is standing in front of the back-object
global func InFrontOf(object back)
var front = this;
if (!front)
return front->FindObject(front->Find_AtPoint(), Find_Not(Find_Exclude(back))) != nil;
// Returns the current left of the object relative to its current position.
global func GetLeft()
var offset_x = GetObjectVal("Offset", nil, 0);
if (offset_x == nil)
offset_x = GetDefCoreVal("Offset", nil, 0);
return offset_x;
// Returns the current right of the object relative to its current position.
global func GetRight()
var offset_x = GetObjectVal("Offset", nil, 0);
if (offset_x == nil)
offset_x = GetDefCoreVal("Offset", nil, 0);
var width = GetObjectVal("Width");
return offset_x + width;
// Returns the current top of the object relative to its current position.
global func GetTop()
var offset_y = GetObjectVal("Offset", nil, 1);
if (offset_y == nil)
offset_y = GetDefCoreVal("Offset", nil, 1);
return offset_y;
// Returns the current bottom of the object relative to its current position.
global func GetBottom()
var offset_y = GetObjectVal("Offset", nil, 1);
if (offset_y == nil)
offset_y = GetDefCoreVal("Offset", nil, 1);
var height = GetObjectVal("Height");
return offset_y + height;
// Returns the current shape as an array [offset_x, offset_y, width, height].
global func GetShape()
var offset_x = GetObjectVal("Offset", nil, 0);
if (offset_x == nil)
offset_x= GetDefCoreVal("Offset", nil, 0);
var offset_y = GetObjectVal("Offset", nil, 1);
if (offset_y == nil)
offset_y = GetDefCoreVal("Offset", nil, 1);
var width = GetObjectVal("Width");
var height = GetObjectVal("Height");
return [offset_x, offset_y, width, height];
global func GetEntranceRectangle()
var entrance_x = GetDefCoreVal("Entrance", "DefCore", 0);
var entrance_y = GetDefCoreVal("Entrance", "DefCore", 1);
var entrance_wdt = GetDefCoreVal("Entrance", "DefCore", 2);
var entrance_hgt = GetDefCoreVal("Entrance", "DefCore", 3);
return [entrance_x, entrance_y, entrance_wdt, entrance_hgt];