
267 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Textures used by the landscape */
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4TextureShape.h>
#include <C4Group.h>
#include <C4Landscape.h>
#include <C4Log.h>
#include <StdPNG.h>
// -------------------------------------- C4TextureShape
void C4TextureShape::Clear()
num_shapes = 0;
bool C4TextureShape::Load(C4Group &group, const char *filename, int32_t base_tex_wdt, int32_t base_tex_hgt)
// Material shapes loading
StdBuf png_data;
if (!group.LoadEntry(filename, &png_data)) return false;
CPNGFile png;
if (!png.Load(static_cast<BYTE *>(png_data.getMData()), png_data.getSize())) return false;
int32_t zoom = png.iWdt / base_tex_wdt;
if (base_tex_wdt * zoom != static_cast<int32_t>(png.iWdt) || base_tex_hgt * zoom != static_cast<int32_t>(png.iHgt))
LogF("ERROR: Material shape texture %s size (%d,%d) not a multiple of associated texture size (%d,%d). Not loading.", filename, int(png.iWdt), int(png.iHgt), int(base_tex_wdt), int(base_tex_hgt));
return false;
// Prepare wrap info
shape_border_x.resize(255, false);
shape_border_y.resize(255, false);
// Create shape data surface as downscaled version where equal pixel colors are assigned the same index
std::map<uint32_t, uint8_t> clr2shape;
if (!data.Create(base_tex_wdt, base_tex_hgt)) return false;
for (int32_t y = 0; y < data.Hgt; ++y)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < data.Wdt; ++x)
uint32_t px = png.GetPix(x * zoom, y * zoom);
uint8_t px_data;
if ((px & 0xff000000u) == 0u)
// Fully transparent pixels are not part of a shape
px_data = Shape_None;
// Otherwise, ignore alpha and lookup
px &= 0xffffff;
auto shape_idx = clr2shape.find(px);
if (shape_idx == clr2shape.end())
// New shape
px_data = num_shapes;
clr2shape[px] = num_shapes;
if (num_shapes >= 255)
LogF("Material shape texture %s invalid: Too many shape colors (>=255).", filename);
return false;
// Another pixel of previous shape
px_data = shape_idx->second;
// Remember wrapping
if (!x || x == data.Wdt - 1) shape_border_x[px_data] = true;
if (!y || y == data.Hgt - 1) shape_border_y[px_data] = true;
data._SetPix(x, y, px_data);
return true;
// Activation map: Temp storage for whether shapes are activated in each covered block
// Contains Act_None if not active and background pixel color to be used otherwise
class C4TextureShapeActivationMap
std::vector<int32_t> activation; // number of pixels covered
std::vector<uint8_t> back_pix; // last encountered background pixel
int32_t block_x0, block_y0;
int32_t n_blocks_x, n_blocks_y;
int32_t num_shapes;
int32_t Idx(int32_t block_x, int32_t block_y, int32_t shape_idx, int32_t xpart, int32_t ypart) const; // get index into 5D activation and back_pix arrays
C4TextureShapeActivationMap(int32_t block_x0, int32_t block_y0, int32_t n_blocks_x, int32_t n_blocks_y, int32_t num_shapes) : block_x0(block_x0), block_y0(block_y0), n_blocks_x(n_blocks_x), n_blocks_y(n_blocks_y), num_shapes(num_shapes)
activation.resize(n_blocks_x * n_blocks_y * num_shapes * 4, 0);
back_pix.resize(n_blocks_x * n_blocks_y * num_shapes * 4, 0u);
int32_t Get(int32_t block_x, int32_t block_y, int32_t shape_idx, int32_t xpart, int32_t ypart, uint8_t *bg_pix) const;
void Add(int32_t block_x, int32_t block_y, int32_t shape_idx, int32_t xpart, int32_t ypart, uint8_t back_pix);
int32_t C4TextureShapeActivationMap::Idx(int32_t block_x, int32_t block_y, int32_t shape_idx, int32_t xpart, int32_t ypart) const
// return index from 5D coords. -1 for out of bounds.
block_x -= block_x0; block_y -= block_y0;
if (!Inside(block_x, 0, n_blocks_x - 1) || !Inside(block_y, 0, n_blocks_y - 1)) return -1;
return ypart + 2 * (xpart + 2 * (shape_idx + num_shapes * (block_x + n_blocks_x * block_y)));
int32_t C4TextureShapeActivationMap::Get(int32_t block_x, int32_t block_y, int32_t shape_idx, int32_t xpart, int32_t ypart, uint8_t *bg_pix) const
// activation map access
int32_t idx = Idx(block_x, block_y, shape_idx, xpart, ypart);
assert(idx >= 0);
if (idx < 0) return 0;
*bg_pix = back_pix[idx];
return activation[idx];
void C4TextureShapeActivationMap::Add(int32_t block_x, int32_t block_y, int32_t shape_idx, int32_t xpart, int32_t ypart, uint8_t bg_pix)
// activation map access
int32_t idx = Idx(block_x, block_y, shape_idx, xpart, ypart);
if (idx < 0)
// This can happen for maps in which the shape is too large or simply at landscape borders. So ignore.
back_pix[idx] = bg_pix;
void C4TextureShape::Draw(CSurface8 * sfcMap, CSurface8* sfcMapBkg, int32_t iMapX, int32_t iMapY, int32_t iMapWdt, int32_t iMapHgt, uint8_t iTexture, int32_t iOffX, int32_t iOffY, int32_t MapZoom, int32_t min_overlap_ratio)
// Safety
if (!num_shapes) return;
// Get affected range of shapes in pixels
// Add max polygon size because polygons may extent far onto outside pixels
int32_t x0 = std::max<int32_t>(0, iMapX*MapZoom + iOffX - GetMaxPolyWidth()),
y0 = std::max<int32_t>(0, iMapY*MapZoom + iOffY - GetMaxPolyHeight());
int32_t x1 = std::min<int32_t>(::Landscape.Width, x0 + iMapWdt*MapZoom + GetMaxPolyWidth() * 2),
y1 = std::min<int32_t>(::Landscape.Height, y0 + iMapHgt*MapZoom + GetMaxPolyHeight() * 2);
// Range in shape blocks.
// A shape block is the coverage of the size of one loaded shape data surface
int32_t rblock_x0 = x0 / data.Wdt;
int32_t rblock_y0 = y0 / data.Hgt;
int32_t rblock_x1 = (x1 - 1) / data.Wdt + 1;
int32_t rblock_y1 = (y1 - 1) / data.Hgt + 1;
int32_t n_blocks_x = rblock_x1 - rblock_x0 + 1;
int32_t n_blocks_y = rblock_y1 - rblock_y0 + 1;
// Step 1: Find all active shapes and store them in activation map
// The activation map covers all repeated shape blocks in the updated areas and tiles each block into 2x2 sub-blocks.
// Sub-blocks handle the case where shapes wrap out of the side of a block into the next block.
C4TextureShapeActivationMap activation(rblock_x0, rblock_y0, n_blocks_x, n_blocks_y, num_shapes);
for (int32_t map_y = iMapY; map_y < iMapY + iMapHgt; ++map_y)
for (int32_t map_x = iMapX; map_x < iMapX + iMapWdt; ++map_x)
if (sfcMap->GetPix(map_x, map_y) == iTexture)
// Here we have a pixel of the texture drawn in this shape
// Find all shapes covered by this map pixel and remember background pixel for them
const BYTE pixBkg = sfcMapBkg->GetPix(map_x, map_y);
// Find all shape blocks to be checked
int32_t px_check_rate = 1; // sample rate to check coverage, in pixels. Could also increase this if it turns out to be a bottleneck
for (int32_t pxo_y = 0; pxo_y < MapZoom; pxo_y += px_check_rate)
int32_t px_y = map_y * MapZoom + pxo_y + iOffY;
int32_t spx_y = px_y % data.Hgt;
int32_t block_y = px_y / data.Hgt;
for (int32_t pxo_x = 0; pxo_x < MapZoom; pxo_x += px_check_rate)
int32_t px_x = map_x * MapZoom + pxo_x + iOffX;
int32_t spx_x = px_x % data.Wdt;
int32_t block_x = px_x / data.Wdt;
BYTE shape_idx = data._GetPix(spx_x, spx_y);
// No shape here or already handled?
if (shape_idx == Shape_None) continue;
// We touched a new shape! Activate it in the proper activation vectors
int32_t block_x1 = block_x, block_x2 = block_x;
// Is this shape wrapping along x?
if (shape_border_x[shape_idx])
// It is! Are we on the left or right side of the shape block?
if (spx_x < data.Wdt / 2)
// Left side. Activate left sub-block of current block and right sub-block of block left to that
// Right side. Activate right sub-block of current block and left sub-block of block right to that
// Same checks for vertical
int32_t block_y1 = block_y, block_y2 = block_y;
if (shape_border_y[shape_idx]) { if (spx_y < data.Hgt / 2) --block_y2; else ++block_y1; }
// Store activation (performs additional border checks)
// This may overwrite the previous pixBkg when multiple chunks are covered
// So effectively, it will always have the background of the bottom right map coverage
// Could manage priorities here and ensure the center determines the background
// - but it's just for the corner case of map designers switching background material within a single path.
activation.Add(block_x1, block_y1, shape_idx, 0, 0, pixBkg);
activation.Add(block_x2, block_y1, shape_idx, 1, 0, pixBkg);
activation.Add(block_x1, block_y2, shape_idx, 0, 1, pixBkg);
activation.Add(block_x2, block_y2, shape_idx, 1, 1, pixBkg);
// Step 2: Draw texture on all active shapes
for (int32_t y = y0; y < y1; ++y)
int32_t block_y = y / data.Hgt;
int32_t blockpos_y = y % data.Hgt;
int32_t subblock_y = (blockpos_y >= data.Hgt / 2) ? 1 : 0;
for (int32_t x = x0; x < x1; ++x)
int32_t block_x = x / data.Wdt;
int32_t blockpos_x = x % data.Wdt;
int32_t subblock_x = (blockpos_x >= data.Wdt / 2) ? 1 : 0;
int32_t shape_idx = data._GetPix(blockpos_x, blockpos_y);
if (shape_idx == Shape_None) continue;
uint8_t pixBg = 0;
int32_t act = activation.Get(block_x, block_y, shape_idx, subblock_x, subblock_y, &pixBg);
if (!act || act < shape_pixnum[shape_idx] * min_overlap_ratio / 100) continue;
// Shape active at this pixel. Draw it.
::Landscape._SetPix2(x, y, iTexture, pixBg);